
Information Access Quotes

There are 386 quotes

"There's really only two types of paid newsletters that work: You either have timely newsletters, where the benefit is you're saving me time...or you go, I want access to quote-unquote 'Insider information.'"
"I have the world's information at my fingertips right now."
"Access to rich information is crucial, whether you’re exploring a new neighborhood or trying to get things done."
"With the access we have to the rapid spread of information and technology, there is no excuse why this is still a problem today."
"We live in a day and age where everybody is dependent on the internet to get information, but what happens when you no longer have access to your digital personal assistant or Google or Wikipedia or whatever kind of artificial intelligence they roll out next?"
"I believe that people need to have access to the information."
"I used psychedelics as a way to quickly and efficiently access information that would probably take years and years to achieve otherwise."
"We invest so much energy in other people's opinions, i.e., the news. These people are just like you and me, no smarter. They have no more access to information than you or I."
"We live in a time where we have unprecedented access to information, and we have never been lazier."
"The internet is not the end-all be-all, it is just another platform, another place to get information."
"We have all of the world's knowledge at our fingertips 24/7."
"A prerequisite for democracy is information. If you don't have access to information, you don't have democracy."
"This is something that needs to be rectified in the future... free access of information especially when it is of vital importance to people's lives and access to the things they need, this is something of utmost importance and should be allowed to an extent."
"Our purpose is really around facilitation and reference. Getting people to do their search and getting them off of our site and on to where the information exists in its native form as quickly as possible."
"The issue is that you are not allowed right now to assess which expert you choose to believe because these platforms have decided to be the gatekeepers of your medical information."
"The equality of access to information is so radically better today than it was in the past; it's no comparison."
"We have such an incredible global library of information and videos that you can laugh and learn."
"I have the sum total of everything that's known at my fingertips."
"They deserve answers to be able to protect themselves and their families from this pandemic."
"We have access to so many sources of information... reconstructing what happened accurately has gotten so much easier now."
"You're starting to see social media curb their own your ability to access the information you went there to see in the first place."
"I care about knowing the truth and people having the ability to make decisions for themselves based on the best information they can get."
"The democratization of information... gives the populace the ability to rise up."
"I hold in my hand a device that contains a summation of human knowledge."
"We probably do need to find some sort of way of getting better access towards more information so as to make sure that people have a better understanding of the world that we live in."
"The intertwining of those two systems and our inability to receive open transparent information."
"It's so amazing that people don't understand at the tip of their fingers all of this information is available."
"You can't have a democracy unless people know what's happening."
"What we're building is about empowering people to speak freely and to get access to information that they can't get anywhere else."
"We need all the data and we need transparency."
"Open access to information empowers people and changes lives."
"Never before has access to information played such a pivotal role."
"I think every human didn't have access to life-saving information because it was silenced and politicized."
"This is like information that the people in charge don't want you to see and now you can see it."
"Science is a public debate that has access to the full spectrum of information."
"We were safer. Now that we don't have that information, and now that there's this giant looming question..."
"It's important that patients and their families have the information that they need."
"Access to accurate information about the voting process and the security of our elections infrastructure is the lifeblood of our democracy."
"Chat GPT is everywhere... in seconds it can produce an answer for you."
"The main thing is to understand that this is something that they can do, that people have done. It's just a matter of getting the right information and the right support."
"Misinformation is information they want you to miss."
"He was genuinely concerned about his well-being."
"The beauty of the internet is it is an unlimited repository of all of the human knowledge just this compendium of every piece of information for every subject you could want and you can access it for free."
"Use Bixby Vision to identify objects for more info."
"Watch the briefings for yourself, there are all kinds of channels that have them available on YouTube right now."
"The American public has a need to know and a right to know."
"What if we start building infrastructure where people can see bigger perspectives because they get the information they need?"
"The only thing worse than not having access to information is having access to what you believe is legitimate studies."
"The biggest technological explosion... witnessed... more access to more information..."
"The issue these days is not so much access to information, it's your ability to actually learn the information and hopefully do something with it."
"More information is better for the American public."
"Everyone who needed access to the transcript for their official duties always had access to it."
"If we can capture one, we'll have access to the information we need to escape with our lives."
"What's the most disgusting thing in the Sheppard book this again witnesses are unaware of because they don't have access or they're not given access to this publication by the organization."
"The media, our cultural bettors, they have declared that you should not have access to information you like that if you disagree with them you are evil and you should be suppressed."
"Transparency. The American people have a right to know why their government makes decisions."
"People speculate that Soros uses charity to get access to world leaders in order to have better information about the world economy."
"Who needs some Silicon Valley billionaire-funded organization to keep me from information?"
"The internet has brought right into everyone's homes the ability to gain information from outside sources that they never had encountered before."
"We as a people are being starved of information."
"Wikipedia Mobile, all of Wikipedia right in one app."
"Gen Z is more linked into information than any generation before it."
"We're just left in the dark to have to believe second-hand information."
"Internet access, because it's one of the reasons I don't get bored. I have ample opportunity to find something interesting on the internet."
"Really use the internet as your dictionary, too. You'll get a lot of information."
"We need more hard data from China and they're shutting down completely and you know why we don't have more hard data from China? Do you know why? That's why."
"Just keep pressuring and then when enough people do that that's when things start popping up I mean freedom of information act."
"Together we are experts... as the movement towards web 3.0 in communities with open access to information has super empower community decision making."
"The Internet--it contains so much helpful information; it connects us to each other; it allows more people to have a voice in public conversations."
"The truth of the matter is this is really important. We should have access to this data. We're adults, we're grown-ups, we should be able to make our own minds up about this stuff."
"Skillshare is an incredible resource for honing your creative skills."
"With the rise of the internet, access to information for and about homeschooling has skyrocketed."
"The quality of news reporting is really quite poor. We really do need more links so we can check data for ourselves."
"Sac because of its size and how much it trades gets first dibs on that information."
"To get all that extra news, all that extra information for $1 a month is amazing."
"You're challenging the media gatekeepers and the corporate censors to bring the facts straight to the American people."
"The people of China should be able to get access to the very best information."
"Clinical trials.gov lists all FDA-approved clinical trials for anything."
"Welcome to enlightenment 2.0... this is what's happening."
"We have more access to truth and a greater ability to proclaim the truth."
"Freedom of Information is the currency of our democracy."
"We live in the most advanced civilization ever to exist. We have every piece of information at our fingertips. There are no excuses now."
"Young people have access to more information than ever before."
"I would like the news to give me all sides of a situation and let me make up my own mind."
"We live in a time where we have more sources of information than ever in all of human history. It's never been less controlled."
"The more info that we get, the more options we get, the more knowledge we get, and the much higher chance of evolving to a level that perhaps would be unreachable any other way."
"But my goal was to have more information brought to the West so people could make their own decisions."
"Democratizing information is a net good for the world."
"There's one called coronavirus.gov, all the information you want right there."
"Why is it that right now, when it is really easy to get access to facts, and information, where you could just pull up your phone and look up anything in the world... Why is it now that we have the most access to facts, do facts mean the least?"
"Humans have more access to information than at any other time in history."
"Access to information is incredible. You can learn anything for free, and that's amazing."
"There's always been access to information... but you could always change your life based off of information."
"Would it be too much to ask to let people have both sets of information and compare and see what seems to be the most correct?"
"I knew about these things before the news released it... it is documented."
"There's no Gatekeepers, you can get your info out to the people."
"The Silicon Valley companies are foolish to think that they're gonna be the gatekeepers of who's can be able to consume this information."
"Wikipedia has democratized information, a miraculous development."
"People have a right to be wrong, people have a right to take in information, people have a right to read whatever they want."
"Just type in 'Dan Allen interviews' and there's a playlist right there."
"We want to democratize the availability of the information that allows people to maximize future opportunities."
"The illusion of choice: six media giants now control a staggering 90 percent of what we read, watch, and listen to."
"Viewers can only make their own minds up if they're given all the available facts."
"Join up our mailing list. Yeah, absolutely the single best way to make sure that the war between big Tech and the Canadian government doesn't preclude you from seeing True North news is to sign up to our email list."
"The Codex is the hub for quest lines, it's got a ton of information on the different warframes, the different enemies and it's a really cool space where you can read up on all sorts of lore regarding the game."
"I don't think some centralized body should tell everyone what to do without letting people talk about it or have access to all of the information." - Russell Brand
"You're in control. There is the information out there."
"We're just trying to democratize the flow of information around these issues."
"Why is it always the government that has a problem with letting the facts come out? Seriously, I don't get it."
"The Freedom of Information Act allows people to petition their government and ask for the background information as to why they came to a certain decision."
"As we become more educated and we have more resources to certain things and information, we can do great things."
"It's either someone is keeping them out of the information nexus... or there's willful blindness."
"People shouldn't be surprised if in the future there's less information available to them, less edgy, less provocative information available online, and I think that we will be a poorer society. We'll be poorer societies for it."
"What I'm trying to do is help people to access information, understand things that are otherwise confusing to them, and help them make their own decisions."
"I believe that if every American has all the information and honed critical thought processes, their decision-making and theirs alone can be trusted as the governing power of a great country."
"Sometimes someone tells you about a film, you go on Wikipedia, and you accidentally read the whole film plot." - Unknown speaker
"Use logic, free information. What draws people here expanding exponentially. They all claim to be insiders."
"Information is power, and if we don't have the information, in many ways we're powerless."
"I never liked the idea of limited access to information based on one’s economic power."
"If you sign up for the free newsletter, you'll get notified about the latest Disney offers, discounts, big news, and more."
"Google search has put the world's information at the fingertips of over a billion people."
"Twitter gives me access to all of these differing views that are outside of the bubble that social media is trying to push people into."
"Ex-presidents keep access to classified material."
"We're in desperate need of truth, we're in desperate need of a place where we can have conversations and get real information..."
"I think there's desperate need for free information out there."
"People have a right to be wrong, to take in information, to read whatever they want."
"Project Veritas somehow got the phone number for a CNN conference call in which Jeff Zucker was talking to his CNN staff about CNN."
"Excellent feedback and access to everything you need to know."
"The internet... giving unusually large numbers of people for the first time access to information."
"There's so much free information on the internet about how to get in shape it's not very hard."
"The press has ignored a ton... but Just the News filed a Freedom of Information Act to find out what that was all about."
"YouTube is a search engine, and it's actually the second largest search engine in the world."
"Access accurate and unbiased information... that's what we should fight for."
"The state no longer has a monopoly on the narrative and on information."
"Information is our problem and our ability to tap into the resources that are already available."
"You're going to get some of the best commentary and the best information... you are going to be as well informed and as sober about all of this as is humanly possible that I guarantee you."
"There's so much information out here that was not available in the past before. I mean, it's mind-boggling the amount of information that's available all over the Internet."
"Safe information should not be withheld for only those who can afford it."
"Gain new information, access new information."
"It's something invisible, yet, if you access it, you can reach limitless information."
"The mountain will now give players information on where and how they can obtain mounts."
"We live in a time that a lot of people are calling the awakening."
"We are coming to a time in our history in our present known as the awakening. People are just tapping into information, people are tapping into the truth, people are tapping into what has previously been hidden from us."
"Ignorance is a choice in 2022. It really is."
"This is the library. This is the modern-day Alexandria library."
"Reducing the friction between me as an analyst and the information."
"I think what sets us apart is that we support the democratization of this information."
"I've always been a big fan of the democratization of information."
"People tend to be very locked down in the way information comes to them, but the information age has expanded the human mind."
"Nothing's really hidden from us, okay, we're just not told the full truth."
"Don't forget, when you free the data, your mind will follow."
"I think if people just had access to the right information, we'd see a lot more decent people start to use their voices."
"If you don't have access to information, you don't have democracy."
"The power elite have always controlled the information, and today, because of the internet, the average citizen knows more than even most nations knew even 20 years ago."
"The Epoch Times believe the more facts you have at your disposal, the better able you are to preserve your rights."
"Stop trying to submerge people from information. The people want to know."
"It is imperative I think that everybody gets as much information as possible so that each person can make their decisions."
"Make sure you join the free newsletter; it's the TLDR of the week in the AI space."
"I'm going to show you a way that you can download valuable information for free."
"All this stuff that we really want to know or to get an overview is a few clicks away."
"We live in a blessed world where the internet allows us to evaluate source material ourselves."
"Increased visibility is both a blessing and a curse, but one thing that has clearly changed for the better is increased access to information."
"It took multiple freedom of information acts for the family to receive any information at all."
"Social media may now have become the most popular sources for accessing emergency information."
"Unethical to put that up and not give any information out there that I'm able to see to tell people how you can have access to that."
"I wanted to give the intelligence so everyone can look at it."
"I have a fundamental belief in a free people that if they're given access to raw information, they will trust it."
"It's not that hard to figure out, you know what people's new names are if you just have a little bit of information about them."
"If you want to see what we're reporting even when you're not around click right there."
"Isn't it a good thing that people have more information on how to live their lives better?"
"Let's just turn loose the reports, quit with the redacted reports that look like Swiss cheese with everything whited out or blacked out, and just give us all the information and let the American public decide."
"You cannot see what the rest of the world is talking about, Wikipedia is blocked, I mean just think about that."
"Knowledge is power, you've got a lot downloaded and brought to you."
"You cannot say you're for freedom if you're for blocking certain pieces of information."
"The more information you get on the variables inside of an equation, the more sunlight the better, the more sunlight the best disinfectant."
"When you click on this, you will get to every single link, every single source for today's show."
"It’s better to have both, and I think Congress is now entitled to have both."
"What I love about today's media culture: there's a lot not to love about it. The liberal media can't keep this information away from you."
"People don't even need to read the newspapers for the next three or four, even five years. They can just watch this reading."
"So far so good, Arteta and Edu. In my opinion, they've done well." - Turkish
"Google is how you get knowledge now, and they really don't have a competitor."
"More people have more access to more information than any time in human history."
"Working with an open system... you are able to retrieve more specific information from the various aspects and experiences of yourself."
"If you don't have access to this information, it's limiting your understanding."
"Thankfully we now live in an era of kind of information democratization, right? No longer can industry have this kind of stranglehold on the information people get."
"In terms of pure squad, it's potentially the best team."
"Access to information is the enemy of brainwashing."
"There's increased access to information and people talk a lot about inequality but what about the equality of access to information that's incredible."
"The reality that you see on your computer screen what you're allowed to access what you're allowed to watch what you're allowed to hear is not the reality of everyone else it's not what other people are getting."
"All the answers are in your palm with today's technology, all you have to know in life to succeed is how to properly google a question."
"Libraries actually have a lot of valuable information."
"I think people are better served with having all the information."
"The government objective beyond attempting to block us from gaining necessary information they are also engaged in a somewhat successful campaign to delay the disclosure of offending information."
"We are second to none in using the Freedom of Information Act to uncover what the government's been up to."
"I don't care if you run an ad every 15-20 minutes in that interview, going here's an alternative explanation by a government-approved scientist. Fine, give people the information, but why are you suppressing that discussion in the first place?"
"We deserve all this information because it's part of our history."
"The internet has given people access to most information in the world, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it has made people better at spotting untruths."
"That's the proper procedure laid out in order 16 to get information such as this, not to file a discovery request."
"The website is going to be one of the first places they go to find out about what your organization is doing."
"How can you not question things? How can you not look into things on your own? There's so much information available now."