
Living Standards Quotes

There are 356 quotes

"The best way to take a look at this is anytime you get rid of segregation or apartheid, you usually see a general increase in the standard of living."
"Innovation means higher quality and better value for goods, more efficient services both private and public, and higher standards of living."
"Strong productivity gives you faster economic growth, it gives you a faster increase in living standards."
"The minimum wage was designed to create a minimum standard of living to protect the health and well-being of employees."
"What's required is a change in the way that we live. A change in our style of living."
"The basic premise is that a capitalist system combined with democracy and freedom, although it's not perfect, is the most effective system in the history of mankind for raising living standards, proven by history."
"In the 1950s and 1960s, 1970s, all of those 'unskilled' workers were able to afford houses, cars, college for their kids."
"No one can be great by living below their potential."
"In the last 40 years alone, we were able to increase our living standards globally by 250 percent."
"Live like no one else so you can live and give like no one else."
"63% of people in the United States live paycheck to paycheck. So one paycheck could easily change their fucking lives."
"Capitalism is the best way people have yet discovered to improve living standards, to improve quality of life, and generally to make it possible for all of us to do things we want to do in our lives as individual human beings."
"Now that absolute poverty has been ended, now that the infrastructure is incredible, the goal is to make sure that Chinese working people have much better standards of living and there is better equality between them."
"Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you and you can change it, you can influence it."
"In order to live comfortably in 99 of the largest U.S. Metro areas, you need an income of at least $93,933 a year."
"Financial freedom means living in the neighborhood that's safe for your family and beautiful and matches your ideal versus settling."
"When prices are rising by 84%, you need your wages to be rising by 84% just to maintain your standard of living."
"Grow the economy, interesting, now living standards up, achieve political legitimacy on a sustained basis with the Chinese people by continuing to have higher levels of disposable income but also greater national economic power through which to fund other critical national capabilities, most particularly those of the military."
"Most of us are barely maintaining our living standards; the cost of living has become incredibly oppressive."
"It's about what kind of world we want to live in."
"There's a bunch of dead people that made sure I could even be living how I'm living right now, so I don't mind doing a whole bunch of hard work to make sure other people can live a good life."
"Despite our world of perceived horror and chaos, people are living longer, happier, healthier, and freer lives right now more than any other time in human history."
"The nine to five used to allow people to have savings; now, the average salary of a 9-5 worker barely allows them to get by from paycheck to paycheck."
"Things are getting better, not worse, from a living standards point of view."
"It should be something we welcome, actually, a lot of very poor people getting to decent living standards."
"We cannot continue to have a minimum wage in this country of $7.25 an hour, a starvation wage."
"Inflation is the most regressive of all taxes. Nothing changes in our life, but a family of four living from paycheck to paycheck has to start asking the questions: Do I go with meat, or do I go with a substitute?"
"Living below your means and saving for retirement — that's financial advice that pretty much everyone has heard from somewhere at this point in their life but hardly anyone follows anymore."
"Alpharetta carries the title as one of the friendliest towns in America, with excellent housing options, thriving school system, and an entertainment scene that stretches to sprawling shopping concourses."
"A crash in the dollar, which is much worse than a crash in the stock market or a bond market, because that's going to take our entire standard of living down with it."
"You should live as far below your means as possible because the pressure everywhere is to live as far over your means as you possibly can."
"Inflation is a hidden tax; our standard of living is going down."
"What it comes down to is that people will live wherever they can be happy while making enough money to live comfortably."
"Joe Biden is making life worse for American families."
"If you work full-time, you should be able to live in dignity as well." - John Fetterman
"Moscow... Offers the best standards of living and the best opportunities in Russia overall."
"It is possible now to live in this world as we will live in heaven."
"If governments consistently fail... to deliver better living standards... the thing can get very fragile."
"Live like no one else so that later you can live and give like no one else."
"Unlike most other ancient cities, the commoners were quite well off and had personal space and access to luxuries that were unparalleled. No other city in Mesoamerica would have had this high a standard of living. It was truly remarkable."
"You can't live on $7.25, you can't live on $10, you can't live on $12 bucks an hour."
"Live below your means and increase your means, it is both."
"People who are just barely getting by are now able to live comfortably."
"You're not living until you're living on the kingdom economy."
"Should any job regardless of technical skill required pay workers so little that they cannot afford to rent even the smallest place to live? Absolutely not."
"If you work 40 hours per week in America, you should be able to afford a home in the city in which you work, the essentials of everyday life, and be able to put a little bit away in savings."
"You can't raise living standards by just creating money and credit, particularly if you don't raise productivity more than that."
"15 bucks an hour in New York is nothing but 15 bucks an hour in a rural area is substantive."
"A $15 an hour minimum wage is not a radical idea. Making $600 a week in the United States of America, barely given the high cost of rent and all the other living expenses that people have to pay, that's not a lot of money."
"Ultimately, you're the only person who has to live with that."
"If we don't reverse that flow of wealth... living standards will decline aggressively."
"20th century methods involve increasing the wealth of the people by increasing their standard of living."
"80% of the people live on less than $10 a day."
"America first rallying cry makes sense if you actually do things that bring livable conditions to your people, right?"
"No matter your income, it's important to live below your means."
"Phenomenal increase in living standards five times what the prior administration had for eight years and we're proud of that."
"People want to get back to work, they've got to make a living, they have to take care of their family."
"Bhutan is a great example of balancing traditional economic objectives with other variables like living standards, environmental controls, and culture."
"We need to lower costs... housing costs, energy costs, child care costs."
"Shout out to my fellow radicals who believe crazy things like a full-time job should be enough for you to live."
"Let's tie the minimum wage to the cost of living, so that it finally becomes a wage you can live on."
"The story of the post-war era has been real household disposable income going up with occasional dips."
"He needs to take the 10 million and move to Atlanta, start working with Tyler Perry and just live like a damn King."
"Rent controls have a useful place...Vienna is the best place to live in the world."
"The entire differentiator comes down to living within your means."
"You have no business going out to eat when living paycheck to paycheck."
"Democrats don't just support a living wage Democrats support a wage with dignity."
"Guaranteeing adequate incomes, living wages, and general welfare."
"If you work 40 hours a week in this country, you should not be living in poverty."
"Best case scenario for China is probably an 80% reduction in their standard of living."
"The dollar being the reserve currency is actually causing the standard of living in the United States to be artificially supported."
"People need a decent living; they need to be able to support their families."
"We've got to make life more affordable for them."
"Emerging markets will be the bigger beneficiaries of a weaker dollar... resulting in greater increases in living standards."
"High standard of living does not mean high quality of life."
"When standards of living improve, people's expectations then rise, and then you have an even further impetus to make progress."
"Xi Jinping says housing is for living, not speculation."
"Policy should allow you to [live where you want], even if you have a job that you're not making like 250,000 a year."
"It's just so important to not live paycheck to paycheck."
"I want to live in a nation in which all people can have a decent standard of living."
"You live like no one else so that later you can live and give like no one else."
"When it comes to technology, we are living in an amazing time."
"The standard of living increase is unparalleled."
"Imagine people being able to earn, they don't have to work two jobs to be able to put food on their table. They should be able to have health care and a roof over their head and food for their family in the richest country in the world."
"76 percent of Americans live paycheck to paycheck."
"There's an intrinsic value in human beings, and there should be a baseline living standard for everybody."
"It is possible to live a holy life in an evil world."
"Fort Wayne really should be number one on this list."
"You could survive here and live pretty good on a McDonald's income."
"I think if we all want breathable air and drinkable water we need to learn how to live with less."
"You should not be living paycheck to paycheck."
"I live in a nice house in a nice place because it makes me feel like my happiness is important."
"My generation has a lower standard of living than my parents."
"The cost of living for people on moderate wages will be significantly reduced."
"Utopia means high standard of living, high individual liberty, and high social mobility."
"Americans are forced now to use their credit cards to maintain living standards."
"If wages are rising more than prices you're going to see a rising standard of living."
"A total reimagining of the way that we live."
"Live simple basically Bally means live below your means."
"It's like whatever reality you want to live in, you're going to live in the reality of people who follow our recommendations."
"The most powerful thing in the world to build wealth is simply live far below your means."
"Imagine a world in which inflation is basically zero, interest rates are zero to negative, and you've got two percent. That's a spread you can live with."
"We now have the capability to provide a decent standard of living for every man, woman, and child."
"Quit worrying about where you live because you're not concerned about what they're going to think."
"If you're an average person, you'd want to be born in a Scandinavian country."
"Nobody wants a mansion or anything like that, but an honest day's pay for an honest day's labor ought to give you an honest living."
"When it comes to investing, the first thing you have to understand is you gotta know how to live below your means."
"Living below your means is the best protection against inflation."
"78% of Americans right now are actually living paycheck to paycheck."
"Live below your means, not at or above your means."
"My goal in life is to make sure that no Morin that comes after me ever has to live in a house without air conditioning."
"Everyone deserved a nice cozy place to live in."
"I don't think anybody in our society should have to live like this."
"Millennial money... it's like living on 88K a year in the Bay Area. Millennial money!"
"But if these jobs are poor quality and employees can barely live off of them, then it's hardly something to be proud of."
"Wages moving up is a great thing, that's how the standard of living rises over time."
"We're content because we have good education, healthcare, and it's a safe place to live."
"Our economy should be about 30% larger. The standard of living should be 30% better."
"Higher real GDP improves the standard of living of Americans."
"Switzerland has the highest quality of life on Earth."
"It wasn't long ago people from everywhere wanted to move to the Golden State to enjoy a better life sadly the standard of living has been dropping in the past decade."
"Practical ways to live: you can live at your means, you can live below your means. If you try to live above your means this is how you end up."
"More and more people are saying, 'Hey, I don't need to live in my dream home. I just don't want to be house poor.'"
"I do believe in paying people that type of wage where somebody could live in their apartment, pay their apartment rent, and be able to have some type of life off a living."
"I was making just enough to afford rent and bills but it wasn't like I just had it sitting in the bank, okay I'm ready, this is effortless."
"A minimum wage is supposed to be a living wage."
"The core problem is the fact that people need a job to live."
"People below the poverty line in America today live better than most of the world."
"Scandinavian countries are consistently ranked as the happiest and greatest places on earth to live every year."
"Raising the minimum wage and tying it to the cost of living of an area literally increases the quality of life of people and all it requires is for CEOs to get paid less money."
"Power cuts would be a drop in the standard of living that people would notice."
"The average wage in this country is now five thousand dollars less than the cost of basic goods of food transportation and housing."
"Paying less than a living wage is not appealing for most individuals."
"You deserve a normal clean hygienic life where you can relax without insects crawling all over you."
"I do not spoil my kids but yes we live in a nice house in a nice neighborhood etc. and I expect my kids to work and get good grades."
"Live within your means. One thing it means, and you are, you're living a little above your means. Absolutely not."
"People who live here and work here should be able to afford to live here but with rents skyrocketing it's becoming less and less of a possibility for most families today."
"If your state didn't make the cut this year that doesn't mean it sucks... At least it's never too late to relocate to one of the top 10 best states to live in for 2021."
"The goal is to live your life where you're always living on less than what you make and you're building up more and more money so that you have more and more freedom."
"Financial independence is basically when the income from your investments exceeds your expenses."
"This is a capitalism that fails to deliver a decent minimum standard of living to the majority of the working class of this country."
"We will no longer accept an economy in which over half of our people live paycheck to paycheck."
"We're talking about having Americans not just have a living wage but a wage with dignity."
"UK households are experiencing the largest collapse in living standards since records began."
"France is among the top 12 countries to live in the world."
"You don't need to be a millionaire to live here."
"Don't live too high above your means."
"People need to be able to live. It's getting ridiculous. People can take a pay cut, these CEOs can take a little pay cut."
"The collapse of the New Deal with the end of Bretton Woods in 1971 saw, for the very first time, a significant diminution of the living standards of the working class."
"Live below your means or at least live within your budget."
"You need to deal with the growing inequality. If you don't, you will not improve living standards."
"The only chance we have is to get ordinary people out there realizing that unless you reverse those increases in inequality, living standards are irreversible."
"You want to give it your best shot to live in someplace nice."
"You don't have to live like a rat."
"Quality of life first, standard of living invariably follows."
"What we seem to have here is evidence of a situation in which, for those who were doing least well in the circumstances of the time, life was too insecure, or living standards were too marginal, for them to be able to marry and establish independent households of their own."
"China's objective: to raise the living standards of 1.4 billion people."
"Your home: 'The cost of living does not equate to the standard of living.'"
"So there are several people out there that would make the argument that standards of living can't continue to increase because at some point we're going to run out of the natural resources that we've got."
"People are willing to pay a premium to live in a place that they have the best climate."
"What determines the standard of living in a country?"
"Why is it that there are some countries that have high standards of living on average and other countries that have very low standards of living?"
"What causes the standard of living in a particular country to change over time?"
"The United States is still one of the greatest countries to live in in the world."
"Real incomes have quadrupled within just a few generations. That's fairly remarkable in terms of how much the standard of living has risen over time."
"Small changes in the growth rate have huge implications on how long it takes for standards of living to double."
"Living standards dramatically improved."
"The game changes when you live below your means."
"It's generally considered to be a very good country to live in and ranks high in various global rankings that assess quality of life, human development, happiness, and other factors."
"Economic growth is the single largest determinant of long-term living standards."
"It's about the ability to repay, but it's more importantly about the ability to be comfortable and live comfortable within your means."
"We shall have as our partners countries which, no longer solely concerned with the problem of national survival, are now working to improve the standards of living of all their people."
"We need living standards higher, pensions higher, benefits higher."
"Living here, I would literally feel like I'm successful."
"This view... living here, I would literally feel like I'm successful."
"Live within your means; don't live in a rent that you can't afford."
"We level up across Britain with higher wages, higher living wage, higher productivity."
"Costa Rica has one of the highest living standards in all of Latin America."
"Decide not to live beyond your ability."
"Whatever your income, always live below your means."
"Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights says that everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for the health and well-being of a family, including food, clothing, housing, and medical care."
"GDP, adjusted for inflation, gives us a measure of growth but also a measure of living standards in the economy."
"The HDI is often used alongside GDP to get a more holistic idea of living standards."
"Sweden is home to one of the highest standards of living in the world."
"Even average workers in less marketable professions can maintain a comfortable standard of living."
"You need to pay a living wage, 12 and 25 cents is not a living wage to anybody."
"Make sure you're living on less than you make."
"The purpose of an economy is to increase the standards of living for the participants in that economy."
"High paying jobs, low taxes, and affordable housing - that'll be the number one reason that I can think of why somebody would move out here."
"In Asia today, you're seeing an improvement in living standards in one lifetime of 10,000%."
"The most secular democracies are the best for women in terms of living standards and career opportunities."
"I live in the penthouse; my neighbor is a doctor."
"Industrialization helped to improve living standards but also created some geographic unevenness."
"Germany experiences a high standard of living."
"The cost of living is affordable even for the average South African; food is still affordable, they can still have a decent meal."
"As long as I'm able to make a decent amount of living and not be in a horrible amount of debt, I think I'll be okay."
"The way in which we can both improve public services and have better living standards is to grow the economy."
"Growth ultimately is what generates higher living standards for families, raises incomes, lifts people out of poverty, and gives people more choices about how to live a good life."
"Figure out what the bare minimum is that you can live off of."
"Did you know that someone living in San Francisco can earn up to a hundred and four thousand dollars a year and still be considered low income?"