
Economic Policy Quotes

There are 2802 quotes

"I would much rather bail out individuals who made mistakes... than bail out Wall Street for its unsound financial practices."
"Economic distortions introduced by policy makers have more of an effect on exports and savings than culture does."
"We are aiming to break down barriers to markets around the world."
"China's Belt and Road Initiative is rapidly becoming a trillion-dollar disaster."
"People should be able to work one job, one full-time job, and be able to have a certain standard of living."
"The days of trickle-down economics are over."
"No billionaire should pay a lower federal tax rate than a teacher, a sanitation worker, or a nurse."
"We want maximum employment and stable prices."
"There is no possible tax rise that could do much about the deficit at all; the deficit's so huge."
"A higher neutral rate would be from that narrow standpoint a good thing for us. It would give us more room and therefore then that would tend to result in better outcomes for the economy over time."
"Price stability is the responsibility of the Federal Reserve and serves as the bedrock of our economy."
"Restoring price stability will likely require maintaining a restrictive policy stance for some time."
"We will keep at it until we're confident the job is done."
"The historical record cautions strongly against prematurely loosening policy."
"Bidenomics is about building an economy from the middle out and the bottom up, not the top down."
"The big question is the supply-demand question because we're going to have to sell a lot of debt."
"The pulse of the economy goes down, then the policymakers, like doctors, rush to the patient and inject it with a whole lot of stimulation."
"We also passed the Inflation Reduction Act that's reducing our deficit, and it's going to have the most amount of climate change projects in world history."
"If you're going to target stimulus towards any part of the economy, I'd rather it go towards people that are like working poor."
"We don't want to run out of money; we don't want to create panic that people won't get it."
"You can hike interest rates and they will lower inflation because they will kill demand, but sure, that's a little bit like if you kill the patient, he won't have asthma anymore."
"We can't now say, oh, let's bring the government back in, the way Keynes believed you needed to do."
"Spending money and printing money out of thin air has brought us to this very irresponsible place where we are 34 trillion dollars in debt."
"Keynes's message was you can't cut yourself out of a slump; you've got to grow yourself out of a slump."
"Expansionary fiscal contraction is oxymoronic."
"Eighty percent of the benefits [of Trump's tax cut bill] went to multi-millionaires and billionaires."
"Crises can be engineered to facilitate the redistribution of economic ownership and to implement legal, structural, and political change."
"We're going to give a stimulus so that the workers can live their life. It was not their fault."
"If we alleviated technical poverty through universal basic income, it would be...extremely advantageous to the whole of society."
"We know that the best thing we can do to support a strong labor market is to promote a long expansion, and that is only possible in an environment of price stability."
"Price stability is an essential goal...it's a precondition really for achieving the kind of labor market that we want."
"We're prepared to use our tools as needed to restore price stability...without price stability, there really can't be a sustained period of maximum employment."
"If we help China become rich, that China would inevitably become more democratic... that theory has just proven to be wrong."
"Extreme defensive action against China’s economic ascent has been a firmly bipartisan affair."
"Economic systems are just tools that are supposed to be wielded by policymakers in order to ensure a more fair distribution at the end of the day."
"The proposal of socialists is a proposal to extend democracy from the political realm to the economic realm."
"The bottom half of the wealth distribution had doubled their wealth in the past two years than they had prior, and that was a function of things like the earned income child tax credit delivered to you by Democrats."
"Removing the cap on Social Security taxes could ensure its funding far beyond our lifetimes."
"The biggest risk is not going too big if we go too small. We've been here before. When this nation hit the Great Recession that Barack and I inherited in 2009, I was asked to lead the effort on the Economic Recovery Act to get it passed. It was a big recovery package, roughly $800 billion. I did everything I could to get it passed, including getting three Republicans to change their votes and vote for it. But it wasn't enough. It wasn't quite big enough. It stemmed the crisis, but the recovery could have been faster and even bigger."
"Trade is wonderful and it benefits both parties."
"If you focus on bottom-up, middle-out, as opposed to trickle-down, that actually benefits all Americans."
"Do they bail out the banks yet again and create surging inflation, or do they let a few banks fail and rebuild from a more sustainable base, but we're going to have a full-on global depression?"
"Some level of equality is in their best interest."
"What if the Federal Reserve actually is going to increase interest rates rather than cut them, which is what everyone thinks is going to happen?"
"Most Americans want a higher minimum wage and think the rich aren't paying their fair share of taxes."
"By delaying recessions, you make the inevitable one way more damaging."
"Florida is introducing new stimulus programs that are going to further fuel the housing market here."
"Economic equality is... an attempt to remove any differences in wealth between all people everywhere."
"People will judge in 25 years whether we overdid it or not."
"Without price stability, we will not achieve a sustained period of strong labor market conditions that benefit all."
"The thing is this: without stable prices, we can't have maximum employment."
"I want a Green New Deal, emphasis on the New Deal part, to bring billions of jobs to this country, pay everybody a living wage, and make sure that we run the future."
"The most important step we can take to fix the economy in the long term is to get the pandemic under control. But American families are hurting now, and there are urgent steps the administration must take to prevent our nation's economic crisis from becoming a catastrophe."
"Our regulation cuts are giving average American households an extra $3,000 per year."
"We believe that there's a path to restoring two percent inflation with less significant effects on the labor market than have typically been seen in downturns."
"The definition of price stability is if people live their lives without having to think about inflation all the time."
"Everything around you that you call life was made up by people that were no smarter than you and you can change it, you can influence it."
"The Fed is only making wealthy people richer by propping up the stock market right now."
"We cannot risk undermining one of the successes of the current economy: for the first time in decades, workers are finally starting to gain a little power in the economy."
"The Fed must make sure that workers and families are at the center of every decision it makes to strengthen our economy."
"We are taking every step that we can, taking this very seriously, to make sure that we bring down inflation and deal with inflation in a way that the American public feels this."
"A trillion dollars of debt added in 100 days...record deficits, no spending restraint by Congress."
"As the President is making fighting inflation his top economic priority, it is really important that we recognize that we can take on inflation from a position of relative economic strength."
"The goal right now is to stabilize prices and get inflation rates back to around 2.5%, which is what the Federal Reserve sees as sustainable levels."
"We're not at a sufficiently restrictive policy stance, which is why we say that we expect ongoing hikes will be appropriate."
"The Fed's actions led the market to historic highs, but some within the central bank believe that this bond buying program needs to end. The sooner, the better."
"The people who manage the US economy prefer to keep inflation around 2%."
"The Federal Reserve's entire goal is just to get inflation to return back to their 2% target without sending the entire economy into a downward tailspin."
"I don't think we understand the full impact of what the Fed has done over the past two years. The sheer amount of money that's been printed and injected into the economy is an experiment."
"Our policy has been adapting to the evolving economic environment, and it will continue to do so."
"We will remain attentive to risks, including the risk that high inflation is more persistent than expected, and are prepared to respond as appropriate to achieve our goals."
"I agree with you, encouraging full expensing is good for the economy."
"We've been printing money like crazy every country in the world has been spending money like crazy to spend their way out of the COVID pandemic."
"Protecting against illicit activity, financial stability, and investor protection do, in and of themselves, promote society and economic well-being."
"There should be no tipping in America. They should just pay waiters and waitresses a living wage."
"I agree with a $15 minimum wage. It would be good for the economy."
"The single best thing we can do is get prices under control, get inflation under control, so that we can have a long expansion."
"Housing crash might actually be very avoidable."
"The principle is that a president is not responsible for the economy in the early years of their presidency if they don't change policies."
"Don't expect it to go back as low as it was before, but once the inflation monster is more or less slain, the Fed will for a whole bunch of reasons probably go back to at least bringing rates down to a more manageable level."
"We should be incentivizing young people to get into trades by making utility vehicles more accessible, not taxing them out of reach."
"Biden has confirmed that stimulus checks will be $1,400 and is expected to include those on Social Security benefits and adult dependents as well."
"Now is a moment not to undershoot or to wait and see. Now is the moment to act."
"A real commitment to economic reforms can easily forgive sins both by domestic and foreign investors."
"We've made progress in that area, particularly as it relates to driving down the high price of life-saving prescription drugs."
"The government is taking the approach that we're going to heat up the economy and we're going to make it such that the economy is actually stronger going forward."
"The solution to poverty is to abolish it directly by a now widely discussed measure: the guaranteed income."
"The truth of the matter is the American working class became increasingly impoverished by Reaganism."
"For today's economy to work for everyone, internet access is just as important as electricity was, or water, or other basic services."
"Policies focused on improving the economic outcomes of a single generation...are less likely to have persistent effects unless they also affect intergenerational mobility."
"So fundamentally, this plan invests in American workers and businesses, small and large alike, so they can compete and win in the global marketplace."
"My colleagues and I are acutely aware that high inflation imposes significant hardship, as it erodes purchasing power, especially for those least able to meet the higher costs of essentials like food, housing, and transportation."
"We're committed to using our tools to make sure that inflation does not become entrenched."
"We of course have a financial stability framework, and it shows a number of positive aspects of financial stability, but you mentioned asset prices is one of the four. Asset prices are somewhat elevated."
"We remain committed to bringing inflation back down to our two percent goal and to keep longer-term inflation expectations well anchored."
"We are committed to restoring price stability, and all of the evidence says that the public has confidence that we will do so."
"My colleagues and I are strongly committed to bringing inflation back down, and we're moving expeditiously to do so."
"Helicopter money is coming...it used to be we would print the money and go buy assets to inject the money into the financial system."
"Capitalism is more effective than socialism, and the wisdom of crowds makes better decisions than committees."
"We know that this is a time for us to be tightly focused on the path ahead and on getting inflation back down to two percent."
"We have to rebuild our country... we're going to spend money now on our country, and it's going to be our jobs and it's going to be our equipment, it's going to be made much of it, hopefully, at some point, all of it's going to be made here."
"I do have a solution for the loss of jobs, and it's to pass a Freedom Dividend where every American adult gets $1,000 a month, free and clear."
"I would love to see a tax cut for the middle class."
"Governments just said we can never have a recession or depression again... they just printed money infinitely."
"Reagan's economic policies led to the largest peacetime growth in American history."
"If you provide people's basic needs, if you invest in economic growth, and in jobs and in infrastructure rather than investing in endless war, you're going to make this country a lot stronger."
"It's time billionaires paid at least 25% minimum tax."
"The Bedrock of the whole thing is to get inflation under control."
"From the standpoint of our Congressional mandate to promote maximum employment and price stability, the current picture is plain to see: the labor market is extremely tight, and inflation is much too high."
"Radically redefine the role of a central bank as the ultimate public platform for generating, modulating, and allocating financial resources in a democratic economy."
"We're not talking about purity, Barack Obama. People like us... want things like Medicare-for-all and a living wage and an end to these wars. That's called basic human decency."
"Putting money and creating money at the top of the pyramid and hoping some of it trickles down is not working."
"Now the FED has to decide in America, which is a global precedent setter, 'Oh God, okay now we have financial stability concerns in America. Do we keep hiking or do we bail out pension funds or let them go bankrupt?'"
"The actions I have taken today represent an unprecedented economic intervention to support the jobs and incomes of the British people."
"The actions I've taken today represent an unprecedented economic intervention to support the jobs and incomes of the British people."
"They can't afford universal health care. They can't afford a 1.7 trillion debt forgiveness for students. They can't afford a program for the one in five for the 17 million children that go to bed hungry. Is this a functioning democracy?"
"My colleagues and I are united in our commitment to bring down inflation sustainably to 2%."
"Policy makers face a delicate balancing act between stamping out inflation and avoiding a recession."
"Private debt bubbles slowly get resolved by pushing that up to the public level."
"Africa has to restore the free and the fair market. The government must not fix prices."
"Everyone a thousand dollars. If your husband and wife, you would get two thousand dollars."
"The government crippled the economy; the solution isn't to find a bigger government crutch, it's to let the free market solve these problems."
"MMT kind of comes in and says actually, both [government spending and tax cuts] would work, provided that you're spending on things that will materially boost economic activity."
"I'm not looking to punish anybody. Let's make corporations and wealthy Americans start paying their fair share."
"Under my plan, nobody... nobody earning less than $400,000 a year will pay an additional penny in new taxes. Not a single penny."
"The only reason that the politicians are not making the tough choices is because Ben Bernanke gives them an easy way out."
"President Biden's economic plan is focused on growing the middle class and empowering workers, investing in America and lowering costs."
"California serves as an early sign of the potential magnitude of federal assistance that could be required if states are to continue paying out jobless benefits."
"The absence of direct political control over our decisions allows us to take these necessary measures without considering short-term political factors."
"Government spending isn't investment; it doesn't grow the economy."
"The erosion of the middle class in America is a consequence of Ronald Reagan era tax policies."
"Florida voted to increase the minimum wage to $15 by 2026."
"The general rule in economic crises is err on the side of helping more people rather than fewer."
"I don't think banning stock buybacks would do much at all; you'd just see more paid out as dividends, which would still have almost all the exact same inequality problems."
"Increasing the minimum wage does not dramatically impact unemployment, except for small groups of people."
"Control over how money is created and what it's used for is a democratic issue."
"This administration's policy is to make sure that we build the jobs of the future we want, not continuing to nibble at an economy that is no longer going to be where our future lies."
"To prove that your monetary policy has led to stark wage disparity, to stark wealth disparity."
"We cannot continue to have a minimum wage in this country of $7.25 an hour, a starvation wage."
"It's going to be the most vulnerable individuals who are going to have the most debt, thus it's a very unprogressive, regressive policy framework."
"The point of the book is to look at what the main central banks in the world have done, in an unprecedented way since the financial crisis, to artificially stimulate the financial system."
"How did we allow all of the supply destruction to happen, and now we need to unwind it?"
"We will put the wealth of this country back where it should have always been, in the hands of the people who created it."
"Subsidizing corporations that are already very successful doesn't make sense when we could be helping small businesses pay a living wage and grow."
"I don't think policymakers can afford to let asset markets collapse in the way that they've collapsed before."
"We're also gonna go ahead and pass the business startup campaign. It's very cheap but it goes ahead and creates more self-employed, reduces socialist, and makes capitalists a little bit happier."
"His economic policy, by and large, were pretty good for America."
"What about a people's quantitative easing? What about QE for the people?"
"Stop the Fed from giving money to all the banks at zero percent interest. Make banks get their capital from their account holders. Pay us interest again."
"A progressive tax... the more power you have, the more power you can gain, and a progressive tax slowly starts to chip away at how much you're really gaining."
"We need help right now to avoid economic collapse, however, we don't want to put more burden on future generations."
"Right now is not the time to be thinking about debt. Right now is the time for the country to be thinking about what we can do to get everybody through this."
"When unemployment is at the highest rate since the Great Depression, when millions of people have seen their hours and pay slashed, Joe knows it's not enough to rebuild the economy the way it was before. We've got to build it back better."
"In every other country where the corporate tax rate has been dropped precipitously, what you see is significant GDP growth."
"I think focusing on non-college educated people and trying to narrow the gap there might be an effective way of addressing income inequality."
"FDR said, 'I didn't institute socialism. I saved capitalism.'"
"The central bank is the only 'game in town' when it comes to trying to promote economic growth."
"Countries don't cut their way to economic prosperity, they tend to grow their way to economic prosperity."
"Economic data is plentiful, but that doesn't mean that economists agree about where the economy is, where it's going, or what should be done to help."
"I don't think we've seen the end of direct payments. This is an emergency, a challenge to the conscience as well as the budget of our country, and every dollar that we spend is an investment in the lives and the livelihood of the American people."
"A good reminder that nationalization of industry is a dumb idea, generally speaking."
"We need an investment agenda; we need to go forward on the idea that public intervention actually can grow our economy, not stagnate it."
"The key issue here is about a pro-growth strategy."
"We remain committed to the two percent inflation target and we will do what is necessary to keep interest rates active in a way that will get us to that target."
"Make corporations pay their fair share in taxes."
"There's going to be some bailout in the form of massive tax breaks for owning office buildings or some incentivization to convert office buildings to multi-family."
"Economics is important: it is, rightly or wrongly, the language of policy."
"We watched our government shut down and destroy small businesses, mass print money devaluing our own savings."
"My fellow Americans, trickle-down economics has never worked, and it's time to grow the economy from the bottom and the middle out."
"We need to get government out of the economy. The government has screwed all this up. Government regulation, government subsidies, government taxation programs—that is what has stopped the dynamism that existed in the past."
"Regulation is only going to help cryptocurrencies even further."
"We're going to reward work, not just wealth."
"What we have in the United States is not a failure really of the free market, it's an absence of the free market."
"It's the analog to using the leverage of the swift system to cut out you know foreign adversaries or to use that leverage to pressure them to do something we want it's an extension of the same basic principle and done for the same reasons."
"This proves that anything that we need in this country, we have the money for."
"We can grow this economy faster. That’s what our five-point plan for a stronger middle class is all about."
"We're working with Republican and Democrat leadership to move an economic package."
"The stimulus packages were not a handout, they were a high-interest loan that we are paying back."
"What we need to do is lower costs... when we make healthcare more affordable, when we make childcare more affordable, we crack down on profiteering."
"The best way to take the burden off middle-class and work-class folks is to pass the Build Back Better piece."
"They're drafting legislation right now, preliminary legislation that would build a $3 trillion stimulus package for infrastructure."
"I think it makes sense for the Federal Reserve to recalibrate on inflation."
"My Build Back Better plan will address the biggest costs working families face every day."
"We're already inflating the currency beyond all measure because sooner or later somebody has to pay for this crap."
"You can't give loans to people that can't pay it back without then the government just printing money to fix it all again, which means it hasn't been fixed."
"He brought record unemployment for all minorities, all of them."
"The fact that we are even talking about this shows how ridiculous Biden's economic policy is."
"Bernie's plan: every American will receive direct cash payments of $2,000 every month."
"Reverse the tax cuts that were passed in December of 2017."
"I don't think anybody's winning or losing yet, but I think we've won in terms of finally recognizing that it was a grave mistake to give the CCP coercive power over our economy."
"There will be a maximum of 21 million bitcoin produced by the year 2140, and there will never be more of it."
"It's kind of like the Federal Reserve they print money and even though we had a lot of inflation here recently we haven't had a groundbreaking like Weimar Republic style of inflation."
"The record shows that independent central banks deliver better economic outcomes."
"Someone’s always going to have it, and so the rare case that could force it to change hands is if there’s overwhelming international consensus that the US is using it improperly—that the US is meddling in global affairs thanks to dollar centrality."
"El Salvador's move into bitcoin could be upsetting [the IMF] because we know what bitcoin is, what it will be."
"Donald Trump also uh you know he's he's best economy ever for black people."
"We must reopen the economy: no mask mandate, no lockdowns, no vaccine passport."
"We want fewer immigrants and more skilled economic immigrants."
"Monetary policy: M2 growth still slowing down."
"The government is the only entity that can meaningfully try to resuscitate the middle class."