
Passive Income Quotes

There are 2169 quotes

"Passive income is a really interesting thing."
"Yes, it is awesome, and I love that feeling that you get when you first get even a little bit of passive income."
"The more passive income you get, the more you should balance it out with personal development work."
"Passive income can keep you from pursuing your life purpose."
"It's an amazing thing to see all this money pour in through dividends from these companies. That's money I didn't have to work for."
"Genuinely passive. That's a dream. That's the goal."
"I first read The Four-Hour Workweek and came across the idea of passive income, and immediately my mind was blown."
"Dividend stocks are an amazing investment asset that can grow your money and grow your income for life."
"Passive income is money you have to pay taxes on. Passive wealth building is your net worth goes up, and I don't have to pay taxes on it, which is even better."
"If you can make $500 a month in profit from one property, which is doable, then if you have 10 properties, that's $5,000 a month coming into your pocket in profit that you don't have to work to earn."
"Passive income is when you do a majority of the hard work upfront so that in return for that hustle and hard work, you can make money passively."
"Setting up passive income for me has been a three-year journey so far, and it's allowed my business to generate about $20,000 a week."
"Investing in stocks or shares is a great way to earn passive income."
"Passive income is something you achieve after you ruthlessly work hard and dedicate your life to a business for like two years first."
"Wealth is the fortune that grows outside of your direct input... making money while you sleep."
"Every rental is like a little oil well. Little oil well you can text that's right. Each one is just pumping oil out of the ground every day, every month, every year."
"You have to own assets that make you money while you sleep."
"How would you feel if you woke up every single day knowing that you have channels bringing in consistent money for you?"
"Think of muscle like an investment. You can make money by working more hours, or you can have your money make money for you."
"The last thing you want to do is buy something that might go up. You want to buy something that pays you every month."
"In the next 5 years, this home... it should be paying me per month more than any other salary I've ever made in my entire life."
"You have to own assets that make you money while you sleep and grow while you sleep."
"Every dollar you invest into an asset becomes kind of like an employee that's working for you 24/7 to create more income, even when you're on vacation."
"When you have enough income from your assets to cover your monthly living expenses, that's when you become wealthy."
"This repeats every single week. I've basically just handed you an ATM machine."
"Passive income is important because once you reach financial independence and you retire early, you have to do very little to no work in order to generate income in a stock portfolio."
"People know how to trade their time for money, but when you sleep you aren't making money. When you know how to invest and you understand the principles, while you sleep, the money you have is compounding and growing."
"You can only work so many hours a day consistently, but your money doesn't need sleep. Your money can work for you 24 hours a day."
"Investing is all about sending your money out that way your money can attract you more money."
"The only reason I'm not poor is because of the internet and that's because the internet gives you the capacity to make passive income."
"Find a job that you can make money while you sleep."
"Passive income is the holy grail when it comes to wealth building because now you are earning money while you sleep."
"Once you start investing for passive income, it becomes addicting."
"The whole idea of passive income is where you can make money without having to physically go to work."
"When you buy assets, there are two ways you can get paid: you can get paid through appreciation, which is when the price of your investment goes up, or you can get paid through passive income, which is when you get paid just for owning an investment."
"This passive income that a company pays you is called a dividend."
"Invest in rental properties. This is one of my favorite ways to generate passive income."
"Real estate investing can be completely passive because you can pass on all of your day-to-day duties to a property management company."
"You need your money working for you while you're sleeping."
"If you really want to get very rich, you need to build passive income and investing in stocks can allow you to do that."
"Another way that you can compound your money is by investing your money in real estate... not only do you get passive income, if you do it right, you will also get the appreciation in the property."
"Investing in things like stocks allows your money to make money for you, which detaches time from money, which is essential if you want to build true wealth."
"Warren Buffett says that if you can't find a way to make money while you sleep, you are going to work until you die."
"One of the biggest myths that people have when it comes to this type of passive income is that you have to be very wealthy or have a ton of money in order to get passive income, but that's just not true."
"The difference between making money and creating wealth is crucial. Making money is about earning, but wealth creation is about making your money work for you, even when you're not working."
"The greatest financial myth I think that we've been taught is like, money doesn't grow on trees, you got to work hard. But that's it, it's really crazy because it's like, nah, not really, your money has to work hard for you."
"People are usually talking about investing or doing things with your money where it works for you — passive income, entrepreneurship — all of these things are seen as an escape."
"Focus on building your wealth first, then, later on, you can focus on creating passive income."
"There is no better vehicle in the world. And there's no better country in the world than the United States to buy rental properties and to build passive income."
"Passive income is a type of unearned income that is acquired with minimal labor to earn or maintain."
"Passive income is making money while you sleep."
"Digital products are by far my most profitable when it comes to my monetizing methods on the YouTube platform... It's a true passive income form."
"Being on the YouTube platform and creating some sort of real passive income for yourself will make you enjoy freelancing a lot more."
"If you don't find a way to make money while you sleep, you will work until you die."
"The focus over the market gains, the market gains can go up and down all it wants; what I want is a sustainable secondary source of income."
"I saw a 178% increase from month one to month two, and a 737% increase from month two to month three. And that right there is what told me that it was possible to earn passive income."
"The people that are truly successful when it comes to making passive income are those that can be patient enough to ride out the early months or maybe even the early year when you're not making much money at all, because you see the big picture."
"Your earned income is not going to make you rich... What you need to do if you want to become wealthy is you got to take some of this money aside and you got to start putting it towards your passive income."
"The end goal is almost always the same: to earn enough money passively so that you're able to sleep in whenever you feel like it, to do whatever you want during the day, and otherwise not have to worry about money because you know that no matter what, more money is going to be coming into your bank account every single day."
"Realistically making passive income is about leveraging your time up front so that that way you could continue to earn money in the future, even when you are no longer working."
"It's about utilizing your resources today to be able to work smarter and not harder."
"Over time you could absolutely scale this up to a hundred dollars a day in passive income in a way that doesn't involve you walking 400 miles a day."
"I will tell you from my own experience that it [passive income] is real, it does exist, I have seen it with my own two eyes."
"Real passive income takes time and consistency."
"It's not easy. It takes a lot of work, a lot of hustle, a lot of grit, a lot of failures to get to a point where you're finally making substantial passive income."
"Passive income is earned from persistent, ongoing cultivation."
"You can do a little work today and get paid off of it for days to come, weeks to come, months to come, or even years to come if you do it really well."
"Once you make a video and it does well, you can rank it, and it can get you millions of views over the course of years and make you money every day."
"The reason its passive income is because a blog post ranks in search engines and gets searches and clicks day after day, month after month, year after year."
"The reason digital products are such a perfect passive income idea is because, unlike physical products, digital products don't require any of that."
"Passive income really just means front loading your work, not eliminating it."
"The idea that you can go to bed at midnight and then wake up at 9 o'clock in the morning and have made money while you sleep is absolutely mind-blowing."
"Trust me when I say this, once you get started on this path and once you make your first dollar in passive income, you're never going to want to stop."
"Passive income... makes you take stress out like I could screw everything up, I still got that coming in every month."
"The only way to get passive income is to invest money that gets you passive income."
"That is a non-taxable event folks, that is passive income as passive income gets."
"Start investing in passive income. You need this passive income more than you need earned income."
"The new dream of every country on this earth is to create an income while you're sleeping, while you're doing anything, while you're running your errands, while you're spending time with your family."
"The best and highest paying sources of passive income often require the most upfront work."
"After you make videos on YouTube, they'll continue to live on the platform for years to come, and every time someone watches one of your videos, YouTube will pay you for the ad revenue that is generated."
"That's what these passive income sources are about: using leverage and technology to your advantage."
"I'm not saying this to brag by any means... I'm really just saying this to inspire that one person out there who's thinking about implementing one of these passive income streams."
"Now I can step away from the computer... and I know that my holidays paid for... because of passive income."
"This money is coming in while I'm asleep, and I'm not doing the work to generate that money on a day-to-day basis."
"Financial freedom is when your passive income exceeds your expenses."
"Creating passive income is definitely possible. You have to know what you're doing and put your time and effort in the right places."
"How a pretty normal average guy that knew absolutely nothing about finance growing up...was able to generate thousands of dollars every single month in passive income."
"A lot of people get passive income confused. Either you're going to invest a lot of time into something...or you're going to invest a lot of money into something to make passive income."
"Building passive income is a marathon, not a sprint."
"Passive income is the best invention of life. What could be better than making money while you're sleeping, traveling, and enjoying quality time with your family?"
"What makes you think that you can't build at least one source of passive income if you have an internet connection?"
"Government bonds... a safe passive income that doesn't require any effort."
"If you're willing to put in a bit more effort, rental real estate can help you achieve your passive income goals much faster due to the power of leverage."
"Renting on Airbnb can be an immediate way to start earning significant passive income, especially if it's done right."
"Trust me when I say this, but once you see that first dividend payment being deposited into your bank account for doing absolutely no work whatsoever, it's addicting."
"Writing a book is a common example of passive income. You don't get paid for writing the book, but once it's done, it keeps selling."
"Passive income is definitely the ticket to financial freedom, but it does take a lot of work upfront to try and snowball these passive income streams up to a point where they're relatively self-sustaining."
"It's nice to know that even if I don't upload a video on a particular day, I will still get paid from all the other videos still gathering views."
"What passive income means is no matter whether or not you are directly inputting your time... you're still earning money."
"Passive income is the key to automated living, being able to go and do whatever you want without having to directly work and still earning money."
"The beautiful thing about passive income... is as it grows, it starts to snowball and gets bigger and bigger and bigger."
"Plan your time wisely when you're young, you can set into motion an array of passive tools at your disposal when you're old."
"Investing is great because it's like the only real form of passive income. You don't have to do anything to make money from investing in the stock market besides put your money in smartly."
"I create something that'll pay me long after I'm done working on it."
"Trust me when I say that anyone at any age can absolutely create passive income."
"Once your passive income exceeds your living expenses, you're retired. You're financially independent."
"People shouldn't have to work so hard on money. Money should be working hard for them."
"If you're trying to build a brand that will actually pay you when you're not working, that takes on a life of its own."
"If you don't learn how to earn passive income, you will spend your whole life earning income."
"Dividend increases...are like paycheck increases except you don't have to do anything for these paycheck increases because your money is working for you rather than you working for your money."
"Dividends have been proven to be the purest form of passive income to make money while you sleep."
"Real estate is my favorite investment class just because I like the idea of creating passive income through owning a physical asset."
"TikTok is a passive income stream because once you've made that video, people are still going to watch it time and time again."
"This is the way that wealthy people make their money. They make it this way, where they don't have to actively work for it."
"What I love about YouTube is your YouTube videos become a digital asset that's because they continue to make money even without you posting every single day."
"Now he has 15 different shopping centers and commercial developments that he owns, so he doesn't have to work."
"If you believe in the stock market and the economy, this is an easy way for you to continually passively invest your money and compound your money without putting in any work."
"The goal is to slowly build up a nice little bit of passive income, which is a beautiful way to keep yourself feeling happy and comfortable."
"A performing asset is something that puts cash in your pocket every month."
"Passive income is one of those things that everybody dreams about because when you're getting passive income, you're making money while you're sleeping."
"The long-term goal of this dividend portfolio is to one day be able to live off dividend income."
"You pretty much just invest your money and earn money passively, no matter what you do, and this is called a REIT, which stands for real estate investment trusts."
"Real estate is the best place to generate passive cash flow because, if you do it right, you're going to be able to rent it out to somebody else and this rent that you get is going to cover your expenses...and put some money in your pocket every single month."
"The nice thing about stock market dividends is it's one of the closest things to generating true real passive income."
"I like cash flow because when you have cash flow coming in from your assets, you're getting paid without having to go to work."
"Passive income is the easiest way to make money. I always say that."
"The nightclub is one of the best businesses in Grand Theft Auto Online and it is by far the best completely passive business."
"If you create a successful membership site, you could earn anywhere between $1,000 and $20,000 a month."
"To get out the rat race, you have to buy assets that pay you money back."
"So this is what passive income really meant all these years."
"Once you've created and listed your digital items on Etsy, any time that you make a sale, the money that you earn from it is super, super passive."
"Printable stickers: one of my top-selling items for passive income online."
"It's about creating a type of income that is not tied to the amount of hours you put into something."
"The fastest path to freedom is actually to grow your passive income month by month by month, year by year by year by acquiring a property every single year."
"Yield farming is a good way to earn some money on crypto that you plan on holding anyway."
"Even if you're not interested in bitcoin or ethereum, you may still be interested in gaining passive income through using crypto and you can earn 10 20 30 40 50 interest on your money."
"If you're brand new to NFTs what you would want to look for primarily you want to look for NFTs that are going to generate you passive income."
"The power of using YouTube influencers to become an affiliate is insane because literally your video can make money for years to come."
"Passive income is income that you're gaining, paying you in cash residually, over and over again that you're not having to clock in and work for."
"Even if you can't achieve being able to completely live off of dividends, being able to earn an extra thousand or two thousand every month can definitely pay for a lot of things in your life."
"Sit back and collect dividend money for future years."
"One of the most powerful passive income streams."
"Drop shipping is such a great business model for new and seasoned entrepreneurs because it lets you get started with a small investment, generate passive income, and work from anywhere."
"Focus on passive impact, not passive income."
"Affiliate programs are a popular way to earn passive income."
"I haven't even updated it in quite a long time... but it's continued to make me pass income to today."
"The power of passive income... when you build up these sites they get established they get ranked they start to get autopilot traffic."
"You want to hustle at the beginning, become a business owner, and reap the benefits with passive income."
"Scale your business so you can walk away from it, and money never stops taking care of you and your family."
"I'd be putting that money to work right away, I'd be collecting those dividends living that life and having it passively grow in the background."
"You don't have to sell anything. You can have zero subscribers, zero views on YouTube and still make tons of money."
"Skillshare does the marketing for you. All you have to do is create the course."
"Our business model allows token holders to earn passive income just by owning the token."
"It's about increasing your money, your coins, your holdings, and then putting it to work and earning more money with that."
"I make more than my previous full-time job just in passive income in cryptocurrencies. That's crazy, it's insane."
"You're not going to build wealth until you figure out how to make money while you sleep guys."
"Real estate... the most ultimate form of passive income."
"There is nothing like getting paid over and over and over for the exact same item."
"We need to find some products in order to make some passive income with this thing."
"True money is money that makes money in your sleep."
"Passive income is overrated. We seek freedom but what we really want is options for engaging activities."
"Wealth from a financial perspective is, 'Hey, how long can you live without physically working and doing anything to make money?'"
"Rich Dad Poor Dad teaches assets vs. liabilities... Financial freedom through assets and passive income."
"Three rental properties sparked by this book... Paying for luxury with assets and passive income."
"Your Etsy business effectively runs itself on autopilot passively."
"New decks new decks to build more interactions more stuff."
"Imagine making one thousand dollars every single day for something that you don't even have to show your face in."
"If you're able to have a YouTube account right now to watch this video then you can get paid by YouTube."
"You don't have to appear on camera, it's just an automated Channel that's making you money while you're sleep."
"I don't know of a place you can make this kind of money with no work like we literally get paid to think you know like you put money out there you pick it up and you know that that's what happens then."
"Their lemonade defy platform is very unique in a way that investors will be able to basically trade the ERC20 tokens on their swap or and future DEXes, of course, as well as stake their tokens and basically earning passive income from that as well."
"I've built a profitable business where I make passive income online."
"Real estate is the modern-day version of an oil rig in your backyard, working 24/7 to make money for you."
"The automated investing tool on Lending Club makes the investment almost completely passive."
"Your puzzle books will continually make money for you every single month."
"This process can earn you money 24/7 even while you're asleep."
"The only thing better than collecting that cash flow is doing it every single month."
"In the last four months I've made over 10,000 pounds which is around about thirteen thousand dollars in total passive income by selling simple digital download online."
"It's one of the easiest passive income streams that I've ever discovered."
"Growth DeFi is your next cryptocurrency altcoin gems to help you earn sweet passive income."
"Passive investing is when you don't have to do any of the work or the thinking."
"It's maintenance free, it's passive income once you create it."
"I love the passive income. The flip was great, but I love that passive."
"Retail is a business. It makes you money while you're sleeping."
"Focus on passive income rather than those active income streams where you’re always trading time for money."
"I'll keep updating you guys with how this portfolio is performing... it's been a lot of fun honestly having a portfolio that's constantly paying you cash flow."
"Once you get the ball rolling, it becomes easier for your investments to do the heavy lifting."
"The most appealing part of this is that I have money coming into my account every single day."
"This is called passive income, an additional stream of income."
"Turn your hardware into your little robotic employee, earn passive income mining cryptocurrencies from home."
"Make Amazon KDP truly a passive income generating machine."
"I'd rather have $2400 passive income per month than $50,000 in earned income."
"Your goal should be to get your passive income to be equal to your earned income."
"Covered calls are so beautiful because the more market trades sideways the more money you make with them. It's beautiful."
"Literally gonna be showing you guys how this company right here actually paid me out 250 just today because I was simply watching YouTube videos on their website."
"That's just like a monthly check that I get from YouTube from the creator working their ass off filming, editing, and uploading."
"Covered calls are a solid way to collect extra money."
"Passive income where not only are you sending broadcasts but like I already showed you you have that email follow-up sequence that is selling for you man it just sells for you."
"So many people want passive income but you have to understand that passive income in order to get it you have to be active."
"The cool thing about anchor is it's just kind of one part of my overall crypto passive income strategy."