
Personal Sacrifice Quotes

There are 749 quotes

"There's a huge price to pay. I was married to a man, and I had three kids with him. I had to break up my family. Huge price, but the only decision that I could ever make."
"If I knew that all this training I was doing was going to shorten my life by a year, I would still do it purely for the improvement in quality of life between now and the end of my life."
"Being in the line, I'm so glad that I did it because I got to meet the people that are really putting their life, their health, their finances on the line to support Johnny."
"I believe in The Human Condition enough to sacrifice for that, in terms of my own background of where I'm coming from, and to have people attack me for saying peace is possible."
"Politics is not where you go for personal fulfillment; politics is where you go to try to fix real problems in society and your personal [stuff] has to take a back seat if you're going to be an adult."
"If me fishing in France could do something for women's rights, I would take the hit."
"Your ideal is charity; you always try to help those in need, no matter what the personal cost."
"Being Spider-Man is hard; it means doing the right thing, even when it hurts."
"Rick Moranis...would completely shift his time to dedicate himself to raising his two children."
"I either gave up business for personal, and when I didn't, I gave up personal for business, but in a wise enough way that the kids didn't lose their minds because they didn't have a dad."
"Imagine that you have a lifetime goal, a higher calling. You have worked for decades to reach the goal, making many personal sacrifices."
"I've neglected my friends and my family for years for this place."
"I will take 500 million hateful messages if it means that a handful of people are like, 'you saved me.'"
"Be a troublemaker, so you lose a friend. Who cares? You save a child."
"You got to live for your future over your feelings. Right now, you're sacrificing your future for your feelings."
"Sometimes I wish I never got powers. Then I could just be with you and forget about everything else."
"It's a sacrifice to become a critical thinker. It requires a lot of energy. Are people willing to make that sacrifice?"
"Why do you have a reason to live? If you do, then you'll probably make the sacrifice."
"He lost one son in the street for a lie, and he wasn't going to lose another one."
"Your sister's where she belongs now. Thanks to you, you set her free. You set her free."
"I've gone overboard for people and really tried to help."
"How much of yourself do you lose? In order to do that, you know."
"Sacrifice is measured by what you have left after giving."
"Lynn pretended to be happy, although deep down he felt a sense of sadness knowing that this meant the end of his time with his beloved wife."
"Jesus explained salvation as believing in the gospel, carrying your cross, and following him."
"Even if doing the right thing ends up destroying us, we should be doing the right thing at some point eventually."
"We have to risk and sacrifice the real things of ourselves, not pretend things. And I think that that's what a public servant has to do."
"I can not accept I cannot believe a man will go through all of that lose all of his status for a lie I've give you all my reasons why I don't believe he lied"
"This isn't about being released, this is about helping other people."
"A little bit of pain to win... she'll take it all day long."
"Their life is worth less than the truth they're espousing. So that's a very unique and big deal."
"Leaving them behind simply isn’t an option for her. Everything else might have been a lie, but her love for her family never was."
"Would you give up getting your nails done for years to have a family?"
"He maintains his innocence so much that he's willing to give all of that up to hopefully get out one day."
"Your husband is literally working on the most important thing humanity has ever accomplished, and you're complaining about it? Not being around for a few months? What the [__]."
"In my life, I had four wives. I cared for them all deeply, but I loved Centauri Prime. Loved every inch of our world. Everything I did, I did for her. And look what we have done to her."
"The only way to truly help people is not to put yourself in a worse position."
"Meltzer decides that if it means he can be with his daughter and protect her."
"You're completely obsessed with studying to the point where you're not even eating... You were hungrier for knowledge than for food despite and you had been starved of both."
"He completely immersed himself in this process and it gave his life over to this thing so that it could be the best that it could be."
"Rommel agreed to take his own life to protect his family and image."
"Laura's decision shows how challenging and unjust law takes personal sacrifice, that doing the right thing might come at a cost but it's worth it."
"He craved the answers, understandings beyond his imagination, the revelations that would finally put his curiosity to rest."
"He had given it all: his fortune, family, friends, his honor—none was worth withholding when the prize was this great."
"All the extreme effort personal sacrifice, late night studying and poverty level subsistence had been endured for the sake of higher education."
"I'm gonna give it all up in a heartbeat to have a kid like you."
"Literally, when Jacob was here, I would sleep in an air mattress."
"You're sacrificing your family on the altar of personal ambition and that should never be the case."
"If it prevents you from winning the race of life, you'd far better give it up."
"I stopped myself because right now I'm living in a rental... I need to get my family home."
"Jesus measures our gifts not by how much we give by how much it costs us."
"Reducing my freedom in order to do meaningful things."
"The key to my success is just working hard like 18 to 20 hour days every day of my life and having no life, but having a lot of money."
"Just FYI, yes, just for one key 'cause he loved his kids so much."
"I'm a hardcore libertarian that doesn't matter if the American experiment itself is on the line I am more than happy to go team up with a Bernie Sanders you know Democrat that's the antithesis of my world view if it means protecting our country."
"That's right, we have to be steady and give up the thing we want the most."
"My future matters so much less than the future of American democracy."
"I would die for you, Gabe. And you too, Alex."
"Sharon gives up her opportunity to perform and convinces Nina to go on."
"It's one small sacrifice for the greater good."
"Be bigger than basketball, believe in something even if it means sacrificing everything."
"Life is all about balance. You don't want to sacrifice anything."
"To obtain, something of equal value must be lost."
"It's the cumulative effect of all those little things over an extended period of time."
"Ask yourself why Mr. Depp would put himself through this, exposing every embarrassing detail of his life on national television if he was guilty of anything."
"There is no better resolution to Chopper's character arc than having all of that come to a head with him being presented the same problem as before."
"No amount of millions was worth missing my children's entire childhood. No amount, no amount."
"Something's gonna give and you're going to have to give up this lifestyle and downsize or just not use [ __ ] that is burdensome to a significant extent."
"Nothing can happen without a little bit of risk, a little bit of sacrifice."
"If they want to make this work, David will have to blind himself too."
"It costs me billions of dollars to be President and especially with all the money I could have made for the last three, four years and I didn't because I was being President."
"I'm prepared... I'll do anything so that she will be comfortable for the rest of her days."
"A chance to help save lives... even if I have to be the guinea pig for it, I'll do it." - Person waiting in line for vaccination
"Success always comes with strings that will destroy your soul."
"This is the furthest extent that I've taken it... please like the video because my liver and my entire personality suffers when you don't."
"I was working every night and on the weekends for two years."
"I always thought Joy was... offering all of my suffering up for other people."
"I couldn't imagine doing it for one day never mind 25 years without me wife."
"I remember being that single mom and you know there were times when I used my my food stamp benefits to buy ready-made cupcakes so that my kid wouldn't be the only kid in class that didn't have cupcakes on their birthday."
"We swear an oath to defend the United States Constitution, and that oath must mean something."
"You were very self-sacrificing in this situation, but they think they got you right where they want you here, Taurus. But that's simply not the case."
"He's someone who will fight for our freedoms no matter what the cost to him."
"Every single person has to sacrifice something significant to achieve greatness."
"This story isn’t about me. It’s about my wife. It’s about the price she had to pay to resurrect me."
"I'm leaning into the censorship. I'm willing to lose everything."
"If you want to become wealthy, you've got to be willing to put in the sacrifice."
"I have enormous respect for people who do not comply with the mandates and make serious sacrifices."
"Why would he leave a life of success and put himself in front of incessant attacks if it wasn't for truth and honor?"
"Children, I think that is you realize somebody else's happiness is more important than your own, and that's a very important thing for a man."
"Success, no matter how you determine it, is measured in what you sacrificed."
"She said yesterday that preventing a no-deal that may threaten the livelihoods of her constituents means a great deal more to her than keeping the Conservative whip."
"The Uchiha Clan would survive, and Sasuke would never know the pain of losing a brother nor would he know the path of hatred."
"My best friend gave me everything he had. That's a true friend."
"Life is too short to give up so much of it to struggle and sacrifice."
"Personal gain tends to take a backseat to the accomplishment of a greater goal."
"Dating isn't 50/50, it's a hundred a hundred. And if you think fixing him doesn't erode who you are, you're wrong."
"It's a lot of short-term sacrifice for a very long-term freedom."
"I gave up my channel I gave up everything I gave up my income I don't care about it anymore I just want my son I just want my son I want to see my son."
"I never sacrificed a one second of work in the SEAL Teams for anything else for nothing else like there was no way that I was gonna ever be like oh I gotta go."
"You have to subordinate your likes and dislikes to the purpose of your life."
"It was worth the lack of sleep... because I love making people happy."
"Sometimes you do something that makes a change and you don't get rewarded for that personally but that's part of life mate."
"If you want riches you got to sell your people out, you gotta sell yourself out, dehumanize yourself or whatever you got to do, then you got to sell your people out."
"There is not one thing or one person on this earth that could keep me... Whether I felt like I was going to spend the rest of my life in prison, I would do that to bring justice to my baby."
"When you're an entrepreneur and you're into business by yourself, there are no days off. You take breaks and rest when you can."
"He thought it was the only way for him to save his family and return home."
"What does it mean to give your all, to sacrifice everything you have for the sake of glory? His blood, sweat, and tears - is it enough, or does it dig deeper than that?"
"What good is it to build a big YouTube channel but blow up your family or burn out in the process?"
"I'll happily trade my right to own a gun for a safer society."
"I would sell a kidney and I would buy the CLA 45 AMG..."
"It's gonna be really good for his career and he's fine letting his future wife be collateral damage."
"The way you win on a team is you leave everything you fucking have for the person that's standing beside you."
"If given the choice between dying and plunging the country I love into a great depression I would happily die."
"Dreams take hard-ass work. Be prepared to lose something to get them."
"Goodness above their own personal self-interest."
"I had to say some very selfless things and say you go live your dreams I'll be here."
"Great companies are made by people who make great sacrifices, period, full stop."
"People have died... You do your duty to the country and you put yourself in a position now where you're a target of threats."
"One common thread is sacrifice, and it's not easy. That many times separates the winner from the rest of the group."
"Ted Geisel stopped writing and illustrating completely, giving up everything in his life to be by her side."
"I don't want to write something when you leave and you are the only car in the parking lot."
"Every great hero must sacrifice something in return."
"It really sucks, I spent the last five years of my life working 80 plus hours a week creating projects and content for the world to enjoy for free."
"David's humility: 'What's best for the people, not what's best for me.'"
"Freedom by any and all means." Are you willing to die for truth? Are you willing to die for freedom?
"Sometimes you have to put sacrifice forward to get what you want out of life."
"Let the Holy Spirit speak to you... do something that costs you something, do something that's a sacrifice."
"The most significant human on earth in a thousand years. I would give him my house if he wanted it. I would be honored. [Expletive]."
"Effort and sacrifice: two sides of the same point."
"Trump is a billionaire who could spend the rest of his life eating off golden platters, and he traded all of it to save you."
"Sacrifice is the currency to buy the life you want."
"Fundamentally, he's someone that sacrificed everything to fight for the freedom of the American people."
"Those men went beyond the call of duty, performing extraordinary acts of courage and heroism to avert tragedy on a much larger scale. This is their personal account never-before-told of what happened during the 13 hours of that now infamous attack."
"I'm willing to die for my faith, I'm willing to go to jail for my faith, but I will not be silent."
"I'm willing to lay it all down for my country and for the future of our country, which is what every American should do."
"He's not asking you not to have desires. He's not saying I'm gonna take them away. He's asking you to lay them down."
"If that's the price I have to pay for the impact, I'd pay that price every time."
"I know that it's going to take it out of me."
"She's given up her home, she's given up her career, she's given up everything really to move to the UK to become a member of the royal family."
"Some of the best don't have families, don't have careers because their career is their wife for their life."
"There's some pain involved in living like no one else so that later you can live and give like no one else."
"This is a journey that I will happily die on this hill for and lose everything for because this is my community."
"That sacrifice he made for me was pretty impressive."
"I've had to sacrifice my mental health because, for a while, that really messes with you when you're just a regular person and you're thrown into this."
"Peter Parker will always do what's right for the greater good of the city that he loves."
"I love you so much. If it's a status thing for you for me to socialize with you amongst your friends, I'll hide in the corner."
"Bless God when my hands are empty, bless God with the praise that costs me. Bless God when nobody's watching, every chance I get."
"Shinji finally grows up, he makes a decision not for himself but for the whole of humanity but only because he wants to."
"Thorfinn is willing to get beaten to a pulp, run away, and give up his life in the name of this new non-violent quest to create a peaceful land for those who want to live that way."
"When you make an error some part of you has to go. That's a sacrifice; you have to let it go. Sometimes it's a big part of you. Sometimes it can be such a big part of you that you actually die – right? Instead of dying and being reborn."
"The sacrifice is worth it, it will lead to a victory."
"I just want to rescue her. To save her, that's all. Even just that will the world not allow?"
"I'll risk my life and everything I have to save you. I'm not leaving you until you become happy for sure."
"Jesus Christ is true and he is good, and he's worth it, he's worth all the whether it's misunderstandings or strained relationships or whatever it is he's worth that."
"I've even stopped working to make sure that my child was okay."
"Balancing the things you want to do with your responsibilities and often losing out on the simple pleasures of life... that's Spider-Man."
"Freedom is the goal, and for that, the price is high."
"I never thought I'd see myself at a pawn shop unless I was buying something, not realizing that those deals were other people's dreams there I was selling my dreams."
"I sacrificed everything to get to where I wanted to."
"To me, Edward Lin is the hero because being a hero requires sacrifice."
"We will never sacrifice our freedom and the freedom of others on the altar of our well-being and prosperity."
"Trump could have had a comfy existence of being fed grapes by his pool at Mar-a-Lago, but instead he has taken on the mosaic of simultaneous battles against the Deep State."
"It's not just about what do you want, it's especially about what are you willing to sacrifice for this."
"The value of things is measured in terms of the sacrifices you have to make to get it."
"You can't be a good mom and be a good surgeon at the same time. You might just pick one, sacrifice one."
"I will do what's best for my child, that's putting your child's needs ahead of your own."
"So, yes, he misses his wedding AGAIN for this scientific breakthrough. But at least he's doing it for a good cause."
"You're willing to sacrifice a lot for love; you're a romantic at heart."
"This is Zoro in his purest form, stoic, indomitable, willing to suffer anything for the ones he cares about."
"I was working very hard, so I didn't have time for much socializing."
"It means a lot, you know? I've dedicated my life to the sport. I've sacrificed a lot for this sport." - Caleb Plant
"She was so desperate to live that perfect life she was promised when she was recruited that she was willing to recruit me and pay for it herself just to appear successful and to fake a downline."
"Reiner believed that if he did everything Marley said, he could one day earn a better life for himself and his family."
"No gift is worth a damn unless it's the most precious thing you've got."
"If you want to make an impact in your relationship just tell them that you're going to fast for them for whatever reason."
"Steph Curry sacrificed for the betterment of the team."
"I wanted everybody to be treated equally even if it meant bringing myself down."
"I think if a man is willing to put his life on the line to learn how to protect our country and to protect me I think that that's not a red flag."
"The capacity to do the honorable thing without any regards to cost, to sacrifice."
"This is a fight worth having no matter the cost."
"A selfless act is one where you must overcome your immediate instinct to pursue self-preservation or comfort or luxury or profit for yourself in order to do something that will benefit someone else."
"In order to gain something, they must lose something."
"You either have to balance being really good at keeping them separate, or you have to sacrifice."
"An individual who put humanity before himself, Elon Musk."
"You're never going to be comfortable because all the investing, all the hard work, sacrifices you have to do is never comfortable."
"You're giving the world all of you. You come home with nothing left for us."
"Once you have a child, your life is no longer your own."
"You gotta sacrifice without that, the next man gonna do it instead."
"He provides for those who are close to him, even sacrificing for them."
"Are you willing to trade your summer for Ukraine? I mean the summer of love, the summer of [ __ ] Covid is finally over."
"I spent over two grand to take my son to Disney World. If I don't go it's over. I lose my money. I work hard for my money and I promise my son I don't want to let him down."
"Artists and sometimes non-artists alike can understand the concept of suffering for the sake of your own art."
"The desire to take what we've created in our minds and translate it into reality is so strong that we are willing to sacrifice our own well-being."
"The moral of the story is that there are people who want to achieve their dreams so much badly that they are ready to give up on anything."
"Teaching boiled over into her personal life. It was a job that required more than 40 hours of attention every week. She did anything for her kids."
"Nurse Rachel Hartley sailed 35 hours on a boat to help virus-stricken patients."
"Let's not let them win, even if it takes everything I've ever made."
"The tragedy of our lives: we lose our health in trying to earn wealth, then lose our wealth in trying to regain our health."
"Are you willing to spend that extra just so your little girl can be happy and have the one that she wants?"
"We were put here to fight for you. I had a very easy life before this, I have to tell you."