
Rebellion Quotes

There are 3575 quotes

"I've always been a rebel to a degree where it's like, I want to say what I want to say, I want to dress the way I want to dress."
"It's such a rebellion in a way, just like in so many families, there is a kid who rebels... they took a path that was totally different."
"You are part of the Rebel Alliance and a traitor. Take her away."
"Twenty years ago, Dietrich Mateschitz rewrote the script of motorsports with a team that's become the forever rebels of Formula 1."
"It is better to reign in hell than serve in heaven."
"Rebellion believes that we can't solve problems without talking to each other about them."
"You've got to let your rebel out a little bit because you actually do know what you want."
"The more you restrict a child, the more rebellious they will be."
"You're going to meet other rebellious souls who go against the grain."
"Our lives are our strongest weapons, and with these weapons, we revolt against the outside world."
"Gene stealer cults, being an infinitely respawning rebellion, present a spooky challenge."
"We talk about personal excellence being the ultimate rebellion."
"An Ember in the Ashes: a story where love and duty collide in the midst of war and rebellion."
"Let's burn it down. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Enjoy."
"Don't say that I'm not playing by the rules if they were made by you."
"An evil man seeks only rebellion... therefore a cruel messenger shall be sent against him."
"For centuries, we have been bound by them, servants to the so-called Great Machine."
"Paris continued to rebel, eventually turning to New York's club scene. It's where Paris believes she became Paris."
"Childhood continues today until age 30-35. As children, you cannot rebel effectively. You don't have the tools."
"Lucky's mother couldn't help but notice the pair busting into the house and cussing in a way unique to the kin of rebels."
"The spirit of rebellion, without which freedom is literally unthinkable."
"This shows that not only does Pierpaolo make great clothes, but he's rebelling against the ideas of class and prestige that the fashion industry, and Couture specifically, really hold onto."
"I don't want to rock the boat; I want to sink it."
"By choosing to wear the hijab, many women are embracing rebellion against those people by returning to their roots. They feel a sense of pride."
"We rebel against conformity. It's like we like vibes more than structured."
"The more you try and control them, the more they possibly can rebel against that ideal you're trying to push them towards."
"I love that Roberta chooses not to be the good girl and speak out."
"They have everything they need to build a brand-new rebellion."
"The rebellion is reborn today. The war is just beginning. And I will not be the last Jedi."
"Creating art is a great example of that rebellion because like perfumers or blues musicians or van and Arda Veen, artists take a little piece of the ugly world and they hold it up and they find pleasure in it anyway."
"Rebellion is like witchcraft... it gives the enemy permission."
"She's straightforward, doesn't mind bending the rules, breaking laws, saving people, and drinking whatever is in the cabinet like a rogue raccoon."
"This whole plot to erase the debts and restart society, it's just a mass form of catharsis for all those strangled by the chains of their postmodern lifestyle."
"The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion."
"There's a populist rebellion, and if we don't capture that rebellion, someone else will for much darker purposes."
"Rebellion is a genuinely good thing that all kids need to do on some level if they want to grow up healthy because it's about learning independence."
"They may take our lives, but they'll never take our freedom!"
"There's a rebel in all of us, especially in high school."
"Everyone wants progress. Now what they end up doing is, they're like, 'Oh, at this point, their brain is making a calculation that at this point now I'm in the red zone, which means that I have to put in a bunch of effort to get a very little yield.'"
"It's the rebellion that is the true enemies of the galaxy, the true enemies of order and justice."
"You're lawbreakers, so am I. That's not what this is about. It's just time to stop breaking them for self-gain. We break the laws of man to help others."
"So to revolt against the will of the Greater Will and remain the ruler forever, America then shatters the Elden Ring, bringing absolute chaos to the world."
"The more authentic you are, the more institutions you blow up because they're all impositions."
"Jotaro Kujo was meant to be a reflection of Japanese rebellion culture at the time."
"If you ain't out there on the streets riding, you ain't no low rocker."
"Rebellion is heroic defiance against oppression, born from genuine suffering."
"We must never forget that we are cosmic revolutionaries, not Stooges conscripted to advance a natural order that kills everyone. Any philosophy that accepts death must itself be considered dead. Its questions meaningless, its consolations worn out."
"This is like the energy of the rebel and the person who is not going to be pushed down or not going to be trampled over or not going to be controlled."
"The Shield... a collective of outlaws who were there to rally against any injustices they saw."
"Lisa is a tomboy wild child who doesn’t play by the rules."
"Prigozhin and Wagner took up arms against the state openly and in public and they managed to cut themselves a deal as a result."
"Audiences love an underdog, we love a rebellion, we love seeing a hero tear down the Grim symbols of an authoritarian regime."
"Teens rebelling against their parents is actually a good thing."
"We will not rest until we bring an end to the Empire, until we restore our Republic. Are you with me?"
"The more you try and control people, actually the more dissident they'll become."
"Rebel wisely, not allowing others to control you."
"Obedience is that you do it when he says do it; rebellion is when you do it when you want to do it or you don't do it at all."
"Sometimes you have to rebel, break the rules for the good of humanity."
"The true rebellion is not supposed to be attractive because it just isn't."
"In a world of rules, everyone deep down wants to be free."
"You tell someone not to do something, and they'll be like, well, now I'm gonna do it."
"This movement is an organic rebellion against a corrupt system... and it is a coup in one."
"If your destiny number is 5, you are here to predict the future or predate events, future events, and this can mean sometimes in a rebellious way."
"Just like Ariel, Nimona rejects the expectations her society has placed on her."
"We were taking on the empire and succeeded." - Patrick Moore
"Mon Mothma kept everyone together and really focused on the larger mission of essentially inspiring other people to join the rebellion."
"Anything is permissible that would help bring down the empire."
"We're punk rock, we are now the rebels, we're the anti-establishment."
"If you tell people they cannot speak, that is when they scream."
"The boys take down the system by punching it in the balls."
"If a government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the right of the people to throw it off."
"We're not gonna take it anymore. That's the true American spirit of rebellion and fight."
"We don't have to be slaves to this world anymore."
"The only way to survive was not simply to doubt not simply be to be skeptical but to actively disobey what you're being told by the authorities."
"They call you sheep and cattle. But there will come a time when none of them will be able to walk down the street."
"Personal excellence being the ultimate rebellion."
"Personal Excellence being the ultimate Rebellion... if they want us to hate each other, we don't hate each other, we help each other, we love each other."
"Autumn proposes an alliance and explains their situation as rebels; it was the only thing he could really do at that moment."
"If individuals value their own happiness above all else, they must rebel against such a system and choose to live their life by their own will."
"We're Americans, we're rebels. We were getting arrested by the English."
"If people would just hold a higher standard and understand personal Excellence really is the ultimate Rebellion."
"The act of transition in itself is some sort of rebellion against the system."
"Rebellion brings a harrowing journey to a haunting conclusion."
"This is a story about men rebelling against Gods, it's about apocalypse, it's about Hope and despair."
"This is your brilliant idea? You want us to move into these boxes? Hold on a second, I'm not waiting. I'm out of here!"
"It was into this political maelstrom of vying factions and ambitious strong men that in 1009 Millis, a Lombard nobleman, rose up in open revolt."
"George R.R. Martin said we'll learn everything about the Roberts rebellion—what caused it, why, how, and all the important stuff."
"Zero, the symbol of rebellion against oppressive leaders, slays the demon in front of the very world."
"Being an outlaw is American and you know he's being self-justifying but he's totally right it's other weird thing about this country this combination of serious worship of uniforms and authority and then like romanticizing of rebelling against it."
"The rebellion you're seeing worldwide is against a cadre of folks who tend to believe they have the capacity to control all things in the world."
"Across the spider-verse embraces the inherent chaos of the concept to illustrate the rebellious essence of its central character."
"I think that Dogecoin has actually become a big [ __ ] you to any of the regulatory organizations saying we can do whatever we want. That's been the point the entire time. Like his point the entire time is our entire financial system is a joke."
"All hail the eternal rebel within all of us."
"People could rebel against a government when it didn't protect their rights."
"Tell most any teenager anywhere what not to do and they're gonna find a way to try to do it."
"The Whiskey Rebellion: quickly crushed and showed the power of the new constitution."
"People will often be more likely to do something precisely because it's illegal and therefore kind of thrilling."
"Being edgy doesn't mean being compliant when there's a pride flag on every street corner."
"Strike up a rebellion through creating yourself."
"This current era in hip-hop is very reminiscent of the punk revolution... defying mainstream norms."
"I think that you're fantastic because you're challenging all authority and you're challenging states quo..."
"Knock him out. Go around the system is my thing. The system didn't work. The system didn't work for me. It doesn't seem to work for a lot of people."
"It's almost like that was the first domino... Humanity's basically given the middle finger to the monarch."
"The Rebel Alliance is fighting to restore a political branch that actually gives a damn about its people."
"When you don't want to be a part of a [ __ ] club that pisses them off." - Ice Cube
"Americans love it. They love guns. They love violence. They love candidates who are rebels."
"Jinx is actually based on the Gangrel fashion trend which was pretty popular at the time of reading greens release Japanese women would bleach their hair and tan their skin usually as an act of rebellion."
"Be your hot mess self and rebel Against All Odds and go wild."
"Rebellion will always be cool because anyone who wants to be cool has to rebel against the establishment."
"I am straight out of compliance today. I will not submit. I will not comply."
"Luffy just saying like 'Sniper King, yeah!' It's just like 'Sniper King, shh, fire!' and then he like lights the flag, shooting down that flag, declaring war on the world government."
"Women will literally destroy their own lives just to spite standards that they think are oppressive."
"Gamers had finally risen up, and the devil shivered as a dozen nice guys and girls lost their patience."
"Wednesday afternoon means it's time to watch it, tell your boss to shove it, just to shove it, one more time, shove it."
"They're gonna follow their heart and rebel against anything holding them back."
"Men should rebel against this but the way they should rebel is by being honorable and responsible and intellectually formidable."
"Rebellion wasn't just against conformity, it was against stupefying boredom."
"The rebellion wasn't just against conformity, it was against stupefying boredom."
"The rebellion is reborn today. The war is just beginning."
"Effie's style: a reflection of her journey from conformity to rebellion."
"At some point, you become the establishment, the thing that free people rebel against."
"We are standing up to mainstream media, rebelling against the narratives, the propaganda, the garbage that they heave on us."
"I think the battle will be won in the rebellion's favor."
"It makes sense for him to urinate on a Grammy, a sign that he's alright, rejecting white exploitation."
"Do everything that you feel even if you are told that it's the wrong thing."
"We're going to piss off the galaxy so much that they rebel against us completely."
"The child that is not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel its warmth."
"Specifically, can One Piece actually tell us something about organized society, or even how to rebel against a society that sucks?"
"Network spiritualists aren't just posting for the sake of posting; it's artistic expression and rebellion with deeper hyperreal meaning and significance."
"England is about to become a hotbed of sedition and rebellion."
"Telling me to be ladylike makes me turn that crap way down."
"So now we have the super bowl full pass I'm in just rebel mode I am just I don't give a [ __ ] about nothing"
"You can't build these world-changing companies if you're not a pirate and you're not a rebel."
"All that has been a complete act of rebellion. Quiet rebellion, but a rebellion nonetheless."
"It makes them want to rebel like screw you I'ma go drink all the freaking root beer."
"I'm gonna sock it to the World Government. I've had enough of their crap, you know what I mean?"
"Dragon might not have created the Freedom Fighters, might not have made the Revolutionary Army. So the Tenryubito, they made their bed with this, now they gotta lie in it."
"This country has got to change and it's up to us rebels."
"Evil Morty's plan is to destroy that curve, kill all the Ricks and Mortys in the Citadel, and escape to a new reality."
"Break the rules of society that say you can't do this or you can't do that. You're here to create a wild, wild good time."
"Elon Musk, clearly a reckless guy who doesn't like being told what to do."
"Somewhere out there in space right now dream about his accomplishments thinking back to that day where he blew up the Senate going fuck the Republic that's fucked up said Wow."
"They are heroes, they are legends. I love to see people beat the system."
"Sometimes it can just be very cathartic to read about a woman doing everything the women were taught not to do. And sometimes that includes murder."
"Trolling these tyrants is a virtue. It is a virtuous act because it is an act of rebellion against disorder Rebellion against moral confusion and intellectual rot it is in other words a good and virtuous thing."
"Rules are made to be broken, but you have to understand them to know when and why to break them."
"I took a picture of my hand giving the middle finger in front of the school. I then posted it online with the caption goodbye school welcome life."
"Defied tradition around 60 A.D when she led an uprising against the conquering Roman Empire."
"Forbidden love is a powerful emotion because it encourages rebellion."
"Now he begs you to help him in his struggle against the Empire."
"True rebellion is about being free and independent of what your journey feels like it's going to be."
"That night I got drunk, I just went [] it [] it [] this [] these people [__] that authoritarianism."
"Remember, if you are uncontrollable, stay uncontrollable."
"Belonging to a dominant tyrannical empire, joining the freedom fighters, and forging his own destiny."
"Artificial standards for belief can indicate a rebellious heart."
"Rebel scum, man. Vader's gotta get that close to a guy who's committed his life to overthrowing the government."
"Technoblade: This morally bound anarchist initially joined the server to help Pogtopia... leading to him being outlawed from L'Manberg..."
"The most radical form of rebellion may be to do nothing."
"Enki created humanity from his DNA and rebelled against his brother Enlil's genocidal order."
"Perhaps you rebel against those who try to tell you what to do."
"Oh, you could have been a good girl, but instead, you chose a real world. Yeah, you've always been a Savage."
"This person is quite seriously going against whatever they were raised with."
"When our ways of thinking break down, it's the rebels and the Renegades who dare to think differently who are needed."
"We need rebels. We need people who will think outside the box."
"Everything gets destroyed. Trust nobody. Hold your ground against authority."
"The purpose of the Second Amendment is so that if necessary, the people of this country could maintain an armed rebellion against the government."
"Fire is catching, and if we burn, you'll burn with us."
"We should be teaching our kids to be rebels... these kids actually are the ones who have the critical perspective."
"Yuki wonders just how many followers they will need to stand up to the Empire's Army."
"The day slave's words hint at the hidden corners where the gods' gaze does not fall, where some dream of reforming the world and taking control of their own fate."
"They begin to gather what few leaders of the rebellion remain so they can rebuild and continue the fight against the First Order who takes control of many of the major systems."
"I just want to stick it to the hedge funds, man."
"God wants to bless this nation, but He will not bless rebellion."
"Homeland free of all those colonizers you will fight against your government and get all those sellouts out and then you would run your nation."
"Who doesn't want to be a total bad guy? Yeah, a bad girl. Yeah, it's fun to be a bad bad person."
"You're going against the system... there's only a few souls out here that are brave enough to go against an entire system."
"He rebelled against his family, injuring his mother and older brother, and ran away from home to take the hunter exam for fun."
"The rebellion wasn't started by generals or Jedi knights, it was started by regular people who were tired of being kicked around."
"This is the time to rebel, to challenge the norm, to test those rules."
"I challenged authority no matter what and I prayed upon their assumptions."
"Rebellions are sacred, they are deadly serious, and they should not be planned unless there is a real need for one."
"Dark magic doesn't necessarily mean evil, it also means standing up for yourself."
"I'm going to show them a world without you. A world without rules and controls."
"We're breaking the tyranny of social conformity."
"Now that we're all here... we're going to raise hell."
"Boudicca became this rallying point for all of those who felt rightly grieved."
"There's a fucking X-Men Crew rising up right now."
"Every single news report, every billboard, every poster telling people how they should think, who they should hate, who they should obey, drives another one to the secessionist militias."
"I have decided to become so absolutely free that my very existence is an act of rebellion."
"You're not rebellious; you just know that this ain't how [things are] supposed to go."
"You can hack the system. You can break the game."
"It would set fire to the hearts of the rebels and inspire them to fight."
"An effective antiviral could really be the holy grail that if properly implemented and distributed could halt this pandemic really quite quickly."
"Chopping off my hair seemed to be the quickest, most convenient route of rebellion."
"That's like Sara every teacher fuck that shit."
"Not all rules apply to me 'cause I'm fuckin special."
"They were both trying to fight against the fate that had been assigned to them by higher powers."
"And the moral of the story is kids, if your parents don't let you read the comic books you want to, then kill them or something."
"Whatever [ __ ] it. [ __ ] [ __ ] your authority."
"Without this dark and deadly Wednesday who openly rebelled against Society the character would still be a sweet little girl who played with headless dolls."