
Preventative Care Quotes

There are 99 quotes

"It's an investment in your health. If you get a colonoscopy, it's $500. You're good for 10 years if they don't find any pups. It equivalent to like $5 every month over the course of 10 years. Is one coffee a month worth your health and your life and not dying or going through painful chemo and radiation? Colonoscopies do it."
"Everybody should get checked, everybody should get an optimal personalized program, that is the medicine of the 21st century."
"The good news is you can stave off this deterioration, this shrinking of your lungs, by doing all the stuff we're talking about: breath work, exercise."
"Health does not happen in the doctor's office... Health Care actually happens when you're between the doctor's visits."
"Investing in your health, I think, is the most worthwhile investment you can find."
"The reality is Alzheimer's disease should be a rare illness because if everyone simply checked ahead of time and got on the appropriate program, we would not see such a high incidence of Alzheimer's disease."
"Preventative dental care is key to keeping your teeth healthy."
"We shouldn't be waiting to give mental assistance to people when they're in prison; they should get that ahead of time."
"It's easier to build up healthy children than to repair broken men."
"Brain health is something that we should all be concerned about, no matter our age."
"Eating a healthy diet is likely one way to take care of [our brains]."
"Filling children's teeth without sorting out what the problem is, it's just like replacing windows in a burning house. It should never be done."
"Our food is our primary source of our medicine, always keep that in mind."
"Taking care of your skin upfront early in life will help your skin stay beautiful and you can be low maintenance later in life."
"It's easier to build strong children than to repair broken men..."
"You remove the polyps before they become cancerous."
"The best health insurance is not getting sick."
"Medicine isn't just about treating people when they get sick, it's helping them not become sick in the first place."
"There is only one diet that has ever been proven to not only prevent but in the majority of cases even reverse heart disease."
"Incorporating blueberries into your diet is like deploying a team of Health Guardians."
"If you have the vaccine, it's going to either stop you from getting ill or greatly reduce the severity of the illness."
"Couples therapy should be a regular thing to preserve the longevity of your relationship."
"SPF is your BFF, prevention is always easier than treatment."
"HealWell's focus on AI and data science for preventative healthcare is a game changer."
"By focusing on preventative healthcare through AI and data science, HealWell is poised to make a substantial impact on healthcare outcomes, efficiency, and costs benefiting patients, providers, and the healthcare system at large."
"We have the tools and the best drug is food."
"It can save lives because now we know a lot about this disease if we intervene at the right time we can prevent a cytokine storm from coming where the patients will crash and then we cannot do much."
"Preventative care is key to preventing premature aging and damage in the skin."
"The choices we make in our diet can be powerful allies in preventing heart attacks and promoting overall well-being."
"Perform the TEG scans to catch it before it's too late."
"Doctors don't know hardly anything about preventive health care preventive care they don't know a lot the people that do know about preventative health care are personal trainers and wellness centers."
"Changing your pillowcase will make sure that your skin and pores never clog up when you are sleeping."
"Even before they may even lose weight or see any huge results, they'll notice their blood pressure drops because their insulin drops."
"It is never too late to begin making the best possible health choices for ourselves and for our families."
"You deserve better. You deserve to be safe and happy and loved and supported and cherished."
"Treating before mental illness emerges can actually stop these problems from developing in the first place."
"Your health is no joke; focus on taking care of your bones and muscles."
"What is it worth to have schools for children and have preventative care?"
"Flu vaccine is especially important for children, especially those younger than five years old."
"Gender affirming transition is suicide prevention."
"Regular dental checkups every six months are essential."
"You gotta do the blood work, you gotta take care of yourself."
"Health is wealth health is the number one most important thing because you can never get your health back like you only have one life right and you just gotta make these smart decisions."
"The best way to prevent anything is by giving your orchids attention."
"Sleep is probably the very best and the most freely available Democratic and painless health insurance policy."
"Stay on top of your health. Get regular check-ups."
"You do not want these guys to suffer, you do not want birth defects or things that happen afterwards."
"It's easier to raise strong children than to repair broken adults."
"Value-based reimbursement rewards behavior that keeps patients healthy and outside the four walls of the hospital."
"A basic skincare routine of cleansing moisturizing and sunscreen can really support skin health and Skin Barrier recovery."
"The TDAP vaccine between 28 and 32 weeks is given to reduce the chances of getting whooping cough, pertussis."
"When we think about longevity and we think about Alzheimer's prevention then we have to think about muscle."
"I think the reason that I'm not sick today nearly 20 years later is because this guy cleaned my system out with a drug early on."
"Lemon balm can protect the heart in numerous ways."
"An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure."
"Getting your blood pressure under control is one of the few things you can do, without question, to extend your life."
"It's better to be preventative than to be reactionary."
"Look after your health. It's important. If you're feeling some rough pain, you can drink up some stuff in the meantime, but see your doctor."
"If we take care of our mental health, then we're going to be healthier."
"RhoGAM is an anti-Rh antibody that prevents damage to the baby's red blood cells."
"If you’re at risk for heart failure, think you might be having heart failure, get it checked out."
"Prevent pests from becoming a vector through your pets—talk to your vet for the best solutions."
"Your mouth really drives a lot of your entire health."
"It's so imperative to your health, especially if you have babies."
"Think of your nutrition choices as preventative medicine, it's going to help keep you out of the doctor's office."
"Treat your food like medicine or someday you're going to be eating your medicine like food." - Steve Jobs
"Putting someone on a statin when they have normal cholesterol is like putting someone on blood pressure medication who has normal blood pressure."
"Beef wrap could lead to getting teeth capped... heart disease, it ain't no starting back once arteries start to squeeze."
"Get your health checked out. That is the most important thing." - Ronnie Coleman
"Regardless of genetic risk, we can reshuffle the deck with diet."
"Every hour I spend working out is one less day I'll spend in the hospital."
"First, a strong and healthy immune system is your body's first defense."
"Choose your pain: suffer now with discomfort or suffer later with health issues."
"I made this in the hopes that your dog never has to visit the veterinarian with a health emergency."
"I cannot agree more, I think we have to study a bit more DHA omega-3 and how this impact preventive functions because that could be a preventive intervention."
"Do spend the time maintaining it. It's very easy to be neglectful, but regular preventative maintenance will save you from issues later on."
"It is a very good idea to start working on preventative stuff."
"Get your clients working on preventative work because if your clients are the people that are sitting down there doing a lot of bending forward in the garden, they're more likely to have a disk problem."
"So, like, my habits are so, you manage it so preventative stuff like exactly that. So, fitness, yeah, good food, yeah, ice baths, yeah, other things that you think, anything that helps you and talking as well."
"I think therapy's so important. You do that early on, it's gonna help you in the long run."
"You need to tell your patients this: if they do these five things... your chances of getting every disease known to man plummets."
"Living healthy means eating a balanced diet, choosing foods that are right for you, and talking to a doctor about preventative care."
"Now all I have to do is do deep squats, and it's kept my hips and my low back unbelievably healthy."
"Nurse practitioners provide general and preventative care, conduct checkups, check illnesses, order lab tests, etc."
"Being able to test people at a younger age could potentially save more than 60,000 people a year in the US alone."
"Preventative maintenance, maintenance in general, super important just to make sure that your trip isn't ruined by a maintenance issue or a breakdown."
"Hearing health... the Apple Watch will automatically keep track of the sound levels to protect your ears."
"What family doctors are supposed to specialize in is preventative medicine."
"Taking care of your body a little bit now is going to reap dividends later in your life."
"If you wait till you're thirsty to drink, it's too late; your body has already gone into dehydration."
"An apple a day keeps the doctor away, is anyone in the world not know that saying? It's legit true."
"Preventative maintenance on a daily, weekly, and monthly cycle are commonly ignored, so it's vital to know the importance of general maintenance to keep your pump and truck running for a long time."
"For most diseases, a very large proportion of the steps we can take are on the preventative side."
"I truly think that preventative health and wellness is so important, mentally, physically, all of the above."
"It is important to prepare yourself before you get sick or before any symptoms develop."