
Coexistence Quotes

There are 2784 quotes

"We have to be respectful of the people around us."
"It is entirely possible to love yourself but to still want better for yourself. Believe it or not, these things are not mutually exclusive."
"The avatar is not a border cop; it is not their job to keep these two worlds separate. It's helping the two sides coexist where the true challenge of being the Avatar lies."
"We should learn to get along with each other, because we are all the life we are ever going to see."
"It's about two kites, as you can see, that are very different that just learn to live together and coexist beautifully."
"Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance."
"We're going to learn how to live together in the context of equality and dignity. We're going to have Jewish safety, we're going to have Jewish security."
"The world is no longer bound by the same rules, so it's better to coexist and help each other."
"Gother explains that his reason is simple: the demons living at the Village hate war and just want to live a peaceful life in Britannia."
"Obviously in a more liberal country there are other religions that can exist within that liberal country so long as religious freedoms are afforded to people."
"Profit and purpose are going to coexist. If you have a purpose, you will end up making more money."
"We really do have to learn how to coexist with this virus in a way that doesn't require constant closing down of economies but at the same time in a way that is not associated with high levels of suffering and death."
"District 9 takes place in South Africa, but it's not an alien 'invasion' movie. The aliens have been there for years, and exist alongside humans as de-valued immigrants."
"The best things politically for this country would be if people actually learn to live with nature."
"I live in a world where two truths coexist, where both hell and hope lie in the palm of my hand."
"We have to figure out how to live together...we can, it's ridiculous to think we can't."
"Live and let live, man. As long as no one's messing with your core, your children, your way of life, and you're leaving them alone, why can't we both coexist?"
"For better or worse, we now know that our lives are intimately entangled with the sloppy, stupid, and strangely beautiful presence of others."
"Live and let live is the only way to actually have a functioning society."
"To remain successful as a species, will we become better predators, or will we learn to love even those creatures who are strange and frightening to us?"
"It's the story of humans and Navi learning to live in harmony."
"He wishes for the universes annihilated to be restored. They could coexist in peace."
"All living beings coexist through cooperation. We must always be thankful for this."
"At the end of the day, all three of these alters need to, like, coexist and continue to live."
"The best way forward is success for Indigenous peoples alongside their neighbours."
"We want nothing but peace and coexistence and harmony with all communities."
"The way forward... is that we actually work together to understand that we can live together with different principles."
"If we want to live together and share a country, then we have to stop basically making crazy demands of one another."
"I will say this, Justin, look, we're not... I want the snakes and the minotaurs to be friends. We can coexist peacefully."
"Democracy is a form of forced compromise where multiple people have to come together and they have to tacitly agree to not murder each other despite not getting what they want."
"We've got to learn to live together as brothers."
"We don't gotta agree, we just gotta respect each other's opinions."
"This footage suggests that there might be other creatures living among us that we don't know about."
"There is now strong evidence that our species, Homo sapiens, shared planet Earth with a number of other species of early humans."
"We need to... learn how to be what you are, be proud of what you are but at the same time learn to disagree with people and still get along with them."
"It's not just about women, it's really about how to coexist with one another."
"Life is all about making compromises. That's part of learning to live with different people."
"We believe in harmony and we believe in coexistence."
"The Jewish people and Muslims coexisted for over a thousand years, absolutely, until the State of Israel was created."
"The Ottomans...allowed the Jews...the Muslims had their own courts, the Jews had their Beth Din, and the Christians had their priests to govern."
"His dream is to make coexistence, equality, and friendship between humans and fish-man possible."
"You must return wiser creatures to the nature that spawned you, not only as loving caretakers but as partners with other species of the earth."
"You've got to be able to co-exist with people with whom you disagree in the same society."
"We are, in fact, super organisms. We're a conglomerate of microbial and mammalian cells that have co-evolved over time."
"The victory is how can we continue to live together peacefully and productively."
"Freedom of religion without also having freedom from religion is not possible."
"Faith and fear are roommates in the same apartment, and everybody up here knows it."
"Both can coexist at the same time – acknowledging one side's struggle doesn't discredit the other's."
"You're the one person I can't get rid of... so we might as well get along."
"If you're not willing to have those types of conversations with others, it's very difficult to coexist."
"It's been described by some bear biologists as being one of the busiest landscapes for grizzly bears and people continue to coexist."
"The world, as far as I'm concerned, is an accumulation of thoughts, ideas. It's 8 billion individualized movie screens attempting to interact, to co-exist together."
"I believe that the best solution for everybody is a democratic state where Jews, Christians, Muslims live as equal citizens under the law."
"It's accommodating and at the end of the day, this entire project of humanity revolves around us as social animals coexisting, cohabitating the same spaces."
"Secular principles, supported by theists and atheists alike, encourage fairness and mutual consideration and help us all, within reasonable limits, to live together in the way we choose."
"Humans and dinosaurs are now going to be forced to coexist."
"Two different realities with a completely different set of rules coexisting in the same reality, and even relying on each other somehow."
"You want a country to last, you have to live and let live."
"We are all on this planet together; we live in this time and space."
"America is a very broad, diverse country. We need to find ways to live together and find accommodation on issues that are very contentious."
"No one is greater than the other, and we can all just get along."
"The invisible world is not alien; it exists alongside the visible world, shaping our understanding of reality beyond what we can see."
"20 years from now, I believe the human-like robots... will walk among us, they will help us, they will play with us, they will teach us."
"Gavin Wood has very carefully explained that it is not an Ethereum killer but if it manages to bridge between Ethereum and Polka Dot, it can coexist perfectly alongside Ethereum."
"The people of this world can live together in peace."
"One day we'll all live together properly, without this stuff about race."
"Being able to coexist with people who have different values, different standards, different opinions, that's part and parcel of being human."
"We have to love each other, we have to support each other, we have to find a way to live together."
"We either make this planet right, or the dinosaurs, they'll make it theirs."
"We can live together, coexisting in different religious beliefs but still loving one another and pursuing the good of the nation."
"With the promise of harmonious coexistence comes significant challenges and ethical considerations."
"We're not here to dominate; we're here to find the balance with the natural order of things."
"Plants and humans breathe together; when did we forget this?"
"There is no sacrifice of the Mind required to be religious."
"American cities are expressions of democracy, places where people have to negotiate differences and find ways to live together."
"Sometimes things that offend you are allowed to exist."
"We just need to coexist amongst each other and live peacefully."
"With respect to each and every one of these people and their freedoms, I believe you'll just have to end up leaving."
"Tolerance involves accepting that other people around me will live lives differently."
"We actually live here at the expense of billion friends."
"My morality is based off of a rational consideration of the consequences of my actions... we all have to share this place together." - Matt Dillahunty
"As a Muslim, I have to respect that you have a different religion."
"Body positivity can't just be 'I'm gonna do me, you do you, let's all just co-exist together.'"
"Can Muslims and homosexuals live side by side? Indeed."
"You are living in a world where we coexist with spiritual beings."
"We have to keep inquiring, keep asking, working out how we can live together in a better way."
"Can we do consciousness, intelligence, love, and harmony as a diversity of beings without destroying one another in the process?"
"Tormenting each other is pointless, the only path forward is coexistence."
"It reminds us of how brilliant the animals we share the earth with really are."
"Please don't judge me, and I won't judge you" is kind of like saying, "If you don't kill me, I won't kill you."
"One thing is clear: man and nature must find a peaceable coexistence here if both are to survive."
"Several of these scenarios can be simultaneously true."
"We need to find a compromise, we need to find a way to live together."
"People forced to live with the tension that giant monsters bring are either going to compete with them, cooperate with them, or find a way to coexist with them."
"Humans have had a close relationship with animals for thousands of years."
"Science doesn't disprove religion, just certain claims of certain religions."
"We're not going to beat the virus; we're going to live with the virus."
"Animal nations, fellow passengers, are nations like unto yourselves."
"All life on planet Earth has a really complex relationship with viruses of all sorts and it's not always negative..."
"Maybe even if something has a scientific explanation maybe you can still have a kind of religious faith and belief in it."
"The future is like, you know, just co-existing with people."
"They don't bother me, I don't bother them. We simply coexist."
"Faith and fear can coexist, but faith is the fuel that enables us to rise above fear."
"A society where benders and non-benders from all over the world could live and thrive together in peace and harmony."
"A true utopia is a place where people can co-exist and all be happy."
"Being responsible for others doesn't happen only when we owe people something or when we want to balance out our karma. That responsibility is always there simply because we exist alongside others."
"Truth and delusion existing together at the same time."
"Religion and science aren't on a collision course."
"Bitcoin and Ethereum are differentiated enough where they can coexist."
"Secular humanism allows you to be a Christian right up until you try to oppose it on others and then you get to keep being a Christian you just don't get to practice it in the way where you're imposing it on others."
"It's not about whether people are stupid or smart you could be wrong and smart and you can be right and stupid both of those can exist at the same time."
"I want a future where art coexists with AI in the same way photography did with painting."
"There's no such thing as live and let live in the public square."
"We must respect our planet, we must respect nature, and we must respect the lives of others who live on this planet with us."
"It can never be placed complementarily side by side with other religions."
"Did humans really exist on Earth 100 million years ago and were they really walking alongside predatory dinosaurs?"
"The dinosaurs know the Earth is theirs and that they belong here, but it should be ours together. Humanity and dinosaurs."
"Coexistence can work, but only if all of us are prepared to embrace it."
"Arthur is a symbol that both kingdoms can coexist."
"We are same human being, we have to live together."
"Your dream of a peaceful coexistence between humans and mutants is exactly what I'm bringing to you."
"That's part of what's supposed to make us great is that ability to have different opinions and still get along and still function."
"You're allowed to believe in full-blown communism so long as you don't believe you have the right to force it on people without their consent."
"You have to exist and make someone else's existence better."
"These creatures are not only real but live among us on a regular basis." - George Dory
"Humans and robots existed side by side, growing closer and closer."
"Humans learning to live in harmony with the planet... that's our next evolutionary phase."
"For me, the timeline I visualize is where we live in harmony with the planet."
"There's a lost virtue in the modern day - getting along with those we disagree with."
"You don't have to just choose joy and trade out all the fear. They actually kind of go hand in hand."
"Humans and dinosaurs are not going to be forced to coexist. These creatures were here before us, and if we're not careful, they're gonna be here after."
"Solar Punk imagines a utopian future where nature and technology coexist harmoniously."
"In a dream, contradictory things can coexist and not feel uncomfortable."
"Janet Yellen said the world is big enough for China and the United States to exist together."
"We need peace in the community. We cannot live like this."
"Let fear coexist with your dream. Don't wait for the fear to dissipate."
"There's no reason why theaters can't coexist with streaming."
"Because the only thing scarier than getting your house blown up by the police is getting demonetized."
"I just wish we could live in a world where everybody gets along, but unfortunately it's not that."
"That's their biggest rival if they can if those two can actually figure out how to coexist in the same building it'd be hard."
"It's almost as though it's possible to share vastly different opinions on important matters and still appreciate and get along with someone."
"Science does no violence to the religious position."
"The conflict always comes from people having motivations that cannot coexist."
"I mean, do you understand where I'm coming from when I'm like I don't know if I can coexist with people like this?"
"The tears are not unsaved people. The tears were growing among the wheat."
"Animals are not brethren, they are other nations caught with ourselves in the net of life and time."
"Politics is for people not afraid of a messy business of living peaceably with people whose most fundamental truths clash with your own."
"Animals are not brethren, they are not underlings, they are other nations caught with ourselves in the net of life and time."
"We can coexist peacefully even if we don't see eye to eye."
"Just because someone doesn't believe the same things that I do doesn't mean that I can't be friendly or love them or be friends with them."
"You won't believe what I believe, I won't believe what you believe. To you be your way, to me be mine."
"If you don't bother them, they won't bother you."
"We don't all have to get along... We could all be rich in our own domains."
"Life should be fun, provided we all can be kind to one another and learn to co-exist in peaceful harmony."
"We can have two things be true at the same time."
"Islamically, I have to respect your right to live how you want to live."
"The important message to the world is that these elephants are important to this area, and the people who live here coexist with the elephants."
"The best relationships I've seen are people who want different things but know how to want different things together."
"We can all get along even though we don't agree."
"Jews will not believe in Jesus and Muhammad, Christians will not believe in Muhammad, Muslims who believe in all of them, that's that brings all that message together."
"As we become a bridge between the earth and sky, we join with other species of life and this earth, each expressing and manifesting in their own way."
"Human beings must live together in peace or perish."
"We can't live in two different existences. It's not gonna work."
"If you yearn for World Peace, start your day with cake. Learn the meaning of coexistence."
"We share our world with beings from outer space."
"Could aliens already be here living among us? Could they be our friends or even our neighbors?"
"The idea of peaceful coexistence: Respect their interest, and they will respect our interest."
"We're just passing through in this life. How about if we live in peace? We coexist with others peacefully. Why this animosity? Why this create intentions that they are not there? Why not live and let live?"
"There can be positives and negatives and they can both coexist very well."
"We can be better than this; atheists and theists should not adopt an us-versus-them mentality that is ultimately self-defeating."
"Live and Let Live, but that also means you're not going to shove your stuff in everyone else face."
"Nature doesn't bind to our will, we live in unity with all that is around us."
"You do have a sense of a society which is relatively at peace with itself."
"I think the two worlds are going to exist, I hope one doesn't eclipse the other, I really do."
"To share our lives with us is an incredible blessing for them."
"Life is not really either or, both can coexist and coexist beautifully."
"Faith doesn't necessarily mean we need to separate our beliefs, no. I think it's the thing of coexistence."
"You can't have free speech for them and for their targets at the same time."
"Both games are different on their own merits and can coexist. Overwatch isn't a threat; it deserves a shot."
"Yet, traveling here, I feel there's a growing realization that neither side is going away, violence is not the answer, and everyone will be better off when dignity, security, and economic justice are provided to all."
"The divide seems paper thin... two aquatic worlds perfectly."
"Just because you disagree with somebody don't mean you hate them."
"Humans aren't aligned except they don't want their Mutual destruction but they still seem to want to kill each other all day every day."
"Multiple things can be and are true at the same time."
"We live at a time where people should be able to disagree and coexist."
"Live in peace with everyone, as far as it depends on you."
"Can't we all get along? And I think the answer is, I retain the faith, I preserve the hope. We can all get along."
"I dream of a world where children continue to play on the fields, coexisting with animals and beings in peace."
"The two worlds must be balancing each other to remain in existence. Without one, the other cannot exist."
"Peace is a good relationship. Lionesses thrive in peace and tranquility."
"Just because our lifestyles are different doesn't mean you won't show respect to that person."
"Nothing is impossible, where there is only good and evil cannot exist."
"You don't rule in nature, you're part of nature."
"Do not cross paths and we may live in friendship."
"We can have harmony between all the different religions, races, sexual orientations, without changing anybody, allowing people to be."
"We are literally learning how to share the planet with a digital super organism, one that we created."
"As long as they don't bother you, don't bother them."
"Just let's all be very tolerant of each other. That's the most important thing, lots of different religions, lots of different beliefs."
"We don't have to be friends, but somewhere along the line, we have to live in some type of peace."
"The Islamic civilization is the only civilization that has allowed Muslims, Jews, Christians, and others to live side by side in harmony with Justice and security for all."