
Harmlessness Quotes

There are 409 quotes

"Do what the hell you want, as long as you're not hurting people. As long as you're not a bad person. As long as you're bringing love and fulfillment to other people and to yourself, literally, I don't see anything wrong in it."
"To me, the purpose of life is to be happy without doing harm to others."
"The Buddha statue has never moved, it's never bitten, it's just sat there."
"Always do what makes you know, always do or make life choices that give you a lot of enjoyment, a lot of fun, and have a good time at the cost of nobody else."
"It grows the economy, benefits everybody, hurts nobody."
"Whatever makes them feel the way they bring peace into their lives, then yeah, you know what, do it, as long as you're not hurting people."
"What makes something funny is when the unexpected is harmless."
"It's the truth that I'm after, and the truth never harmed anyone."
"Because it's harmless. It's objectively not harmless."
"Believe. Let's just get on board and believe. There's really no harm done in believing."
"So long as it doesn't harm anyone else it should be allowed."
"I would never hurt you, I would never hurt anybody."
"You know what I'm saying? We're gonna touch on whipped cream on top of your face. It ain't gonna throw your pH."
"It's done us no harm to person or property, and none of us have the feeling that it will."
"Just let kids be kids, they're outside, they're playing, as long as they're not harming anybody or themselves."
"He doesn't hurt anybody, that's the main thing... he's just roaming around."
"It reinvents itself... he doesn't hurt anybody, that's pretty cool."
"I just thought of something that could never hurt us. Mr. Stay Puft."
"I have never done anything that I think hurts anyone else...I've just been myself and enjoyed my own life."
"You're doing what you like and you're not hurting anybody and you're just helping."
"This just looks so good, my mouth is watering."
"It's literally harming no one, it's actually pretty fun."
"As long as you're not hurting anyone else yourself or the experience of others, I don't think it's bad for you to love whatever you're into."
"They do not want people to go out under the stars and do what we're recommending; they're going to find that nobody's being harmed."
"Do whatever puts the biggest smile on your face with RC, with your job, do whatever the hell you want in life as long as you're not harming anybody else."
"There is no wrong way to play as long as you are not hurting anybody else."
"Animals are the best, aren't they? Even some that could typically harm us are not always out to get us." - Narrator
"If it doesn't harm anybody, I don't think it harms anybody."
"It's not hurting anyone to have a conversation."
"As long as it makes you happy and doesn't hurt anybody else, then it's fantastic."
"Just do what you want. As long as you're not hurting anyone, everything is good."
"If it comes from a place of love, then there's no harm."
"I admit that I have a positive view. I don't merely think it doesn't hurt. I think that of all the vices, it's about as harmless as exists."
"Baby gator wouldn't hurt anyone, come on, take a look."
"God says to me, 'Be wise as a serpent but harmless as a dove.'"
"If something that someone someone's doing that someone has a strategy or they have a daily practice that's working for them and that daily practice is not harming themselves or someone else then by all means do what works for you."
"I don't think there's any harm in being nice to somebody."
"Just coming through, coming through, no harm intending, bro."
"Not to be afraid to do exactly what you want to do as a human being here on planet earth, you know, be exactly who you want to be as long as it's not hurting anybody."
"As long as your choice is not to hurt anybody, as long as your comfort is not to discomfort others, and then as long as you are responsible enough to be responsible for your own decisions."
"When gay people have sex, it doesn't hurt anyone else."
"Ultimately, there's only one of us here anyway so you can't really hurt anybody."
"Lang Mo wasn't a part of this world, rendering it incapable of causing harm to him."
"No one's ever died from a Freddo. Exactly! He never hurt anyone, he's just a nice little frog."
"The magic is worked with harm to none, so mote it be, there it is done."
"It does me no injury for my neighbor to say there are 20 gods or no god."
"I'm not the biggest fan of Amanda seals but Amanda seals has not done any harm."
"A little peony never hurt nobody."
"Most ghosts... do not do much harm."
"Still, even with his many, MANY faults, Randy is ultimately harmless."
"The amazing thing with reflexology is there's no harm that can ever be done from this treatment. It is only good."
"If it's not harming anyone, behaviors shouldn't need to be changed."
"...it knew I was in the woods all the time and that I wouldn't do it any harm."
"Homosexuality among adults is not a social crime. It does no harm to anybody."
"What's wrong with being a flirt if it don't make nobody get hurt?"
"Project positivity and it will remain harmless."
"Charity doesn't harm anybody, eh? You know what I mean, Tom?"
"No residents were harmed during the malicious compliance."
"Other than a tap or a pulse, it's not going to hurt you."
"I think that good comedians can make jokes about sensitive subjects that are not harmful."
"A little crumple goes a long way, never hurt anybody."
"The DAO of heaven is pointed but does no harm."
"How can I do that I don't harm people or create damage or just be as peaceable and helpful and sort of quiet as possible."
"So whatever works for you and gets you closer to Divine I'm all about as long as it doesn't hurt anybody else."
"If it works for you, get on that horse and ride it. If it causes no harm, get on that horse and ride it."
"I won't harm you with words from my mouth."
"There's no harm in trying and seeing if it works."
"Find different ways of enjoying yourself that don't hurt anybody."
"Just catch yourself when you can and so long as no one is being hurt, just remember to have fun."
"Some conspiracy theories are like astrology, entertaining nonsense that ultimately doesn't hurt anyone."
"As I get older I find that you know just doing little simple things that make me happy is is one of the great joys in life and I just enjoy little stuff like that so if it's something I enjoy and I'm not hurting anybody I don't see the harm in it."
"Are they happy? Do they seem to be more comfortable with themselves? Are they hurting anyone?"
"If it feels good and it doesn't hurt anybody, then maybe it's good to do it."
"Go out there, have fun, live your life, do what you want to do. As long as you're doing something that isn't hurting anybody, then you know, go for it."
"He ain't doing no harm out there," Slim reassured.
"It's like, sometimes you go, 'Ah, I'm laughing at something, this is really not funny,' but it's not because it's about being malicious."
"...and nobody got hurt, everybody's happy."
"Do I think Abby means harm? Absolutely not. I do give people the benefit of the doubt that no one is actively encouraging or meaning harm upon anybody as I would like to hope that's not the case."
"As long as it really makes you happy and you're not gonna hurt anyone, go for it."
"It seemed like a good, low stakes, no one gets hurt kind of prank."
"It's interesting watching this little comparison video I'm gonna do today and nobody will get hurt here, that's always our goal here, nobody's gonna get hurt."
"Having an intention of harmlessness means we should be motivated by compassion and not wanting to cause or increase the suffering of others."
"Good news is poltergeists usually aren't physically harmful."
"If it brings me genuine joy and doesn't intentionally harm anybody, then that's all that matters, right?"
"They smell incredible and if they're not gonna harm your body."
"Anyone, regardless of gender... should be allowed to express their identity as long as it doesn't harm others and especially if it enhances the world."
"If what you're doing isn't hurting anybody else, you can love whatever you want and be yourself always."
"...the ghost I encountered did not want to hurt anyone."
"As long as you're not harming anybody, go do you."
"Unnecessary but a harmless addition."
"All that most of the homeopathy stuff is totally at worst harmless. So, right, no trouble there."
"It's so nice to see people living how they want and being able to do so as long as they aren't hurting anyone."
"Respect everyone's preferences as long as it doesn't hurt anyone."
"If you are harmless you are not virtuous, you are just harmless."
"All this happened 23 years ago. Seems like the dog is still entering the room to check on people and never caused any problems."
"People are very passionate about things they love, which I don't think is bad as long as you're not hurting people."
"The Lovable fool character, like, they don't mess things up. Everybody likes having them around."
"It's in general, but, you know, all pranks should be harmless. So, I thought they were really funny and in good fun. 100%."
"You're allowed to read what you want to read and like what you want to like as long as you're not harming anyone else."
"Those ducks aren't gonna hurt nobody, I promise. They're good ducks."
"A little morning dip never hurt anyone."
"It's perfectly harmless; it is just dried, powdered up rice."
"As long as you're not pushing your own values onto someone else, it's not hurting anybody."
"Some people don't do this, I prefer to do it because why not, couldn't hurt."
"Be as wise as a serpent and as harmless as a dove."
"It's okay to laugh no matter what, as long as I'm not hurting someone else."
"Love worketh no ill to his neighbor: love therefore is the fulfillment of the law."
"You are all beautiful as long as you're being true to yourself and you're not hurting anyone else."
"You've got to do in this world what makes you happy and as long as you're not harming anybody else."
"She's not hurting anyone, it doesn't seem to be that she's hurting herself."
"Freedom to do what you want without harming other people."
"Do whatever you want for yourself, as long as it's not harming other people."
"You shouldn't because at the end of the day, you know you're a good person and you don't mean no harm."
"Hand painted shadows never hurt anybody."
"Whatever reason I had, it was a good one, meant to harm no one."
"Be that if that's where you are. Just be that. Are you hurting anyone? No, that's the main thing."
"As long as you're happy and if what's making you happy isn't hurting anybody, then that's all that matters."
"A little bit of engagement has never killed nobody."
"It's just a bit of fun, there's no harm in that."
"I am actually a nice person. I really am. I don't mean any harm to anyone."
"Anytus and Meletus can kill me, but they cannot hurt me."
"Science can't really explain yawning, but it isn't hurting anybody."
"No animals were harmed in the making of this story."
"I mean no harm, I just want to be the best WWE superstar that I could possibly be."
"When's the last time a furry bothered anybody? Never."
"A little party never hurt anyone."
"Anxiety by itself is not dangerous or harmful."
"It's all in proportion, isn't it? You do what you like, as long as nobody gets hurt."
"If it makes you feel good and you're not hurting anybody, then do it."
"I truly believe he meant us no harm."
"There is absolutely nothing wrong with that if that's what you want to do because you're not actually hurting anyone in the process."
"I enjoy humor when no one gets hurt."
"A little bit of glitter never hurt anyone."
"Lucid dreaming seems to be one of the best because it's something that is relatively easy to learn, it's accessible to everybody, it's free, and there's no side effects."
"When you're young, just have the fun that you can't have as long as you're not hurting nobody."
"No harm, no foul, thank you for spending time with me."
"We mean no harm at all, we're just super curious."
"The norm is that as long as you're not harming anybody else, live your life."
"If you're not hurting anyone else, just be happy."
"There's something in the USA called the First Amendment, and that amendment gives people the right to live their lives the way they see fit, as long as it causes no harm to anyone else."
"You cannot be too loving or too accepting as long as it doesn't hurt anyone."
"If it doesn't hurt and it's not bad for you, then I feel like you might as well just try whatever you need."
"I believe Jesus would encourage any sort of love affair that was honest and sincere and was not damaging to anyone else."
"It is only in our art that we have created something that does no harm."
"Having a good time and doing no harm, it's gonna be all right, gonna be all right."
"I don't want to cause any harm; I don't want to make anyone feel bad."
"There is nowhere in my soul that I want to hurt anybody."
"You can realistically do whatever you like, as long as it's legal, consensual, doesn't harm anyone, and doesn't harm yourself."
"I will gladly change, for I seek the truth by which no man was ever injured."
"I love tornadoes, so long as they don't hurt anybody."
"If it makes you happy and it ain't hurting nobody, do it."
"Look, you do what you want to do; it's not hurting anybody."
"Let it come about in a way that brings harm to none and is for the good of all."
"In a perfect world, they get their cows back, no one's harmed."
"Sometimes even the weirdest things can be harmless and even kind of cute."
"A thought is harmless unless we believe it."
"Trust me, I would never hurt anyone."
"Non-violence is the personal practice of being harmless to others under every condition."
"Anxiety in and of itself is harmless."
"When you allow anxiety, you see that it's quite harmless."
"The vast majority of microbes are actually harmless and sometimes even beneficial."
"People are often afraid of this animal, but it is harmless."
"We are not here to cause any harm to anybody."
"If you believe in it and it's not real, like who cares? It doesn't harm you."
"I love twisted humor; I think it's fine, I don't think there's any harm in it whatsoever."
"It's not going to kill anybody if you smell the weed."
"At the end of the day, it doesn't hurt anyone."
"Do whatever you want to do, if it doesn't hurt anyone or yourself, then do what you want to do."
"It inherently harms nobody, it does not traumatize children."
"To be abundantly modest, to avoid harming others, to be righteous, truthful in speech, and of little discourse."
"Raven genuinely is a nice person; she doesn't mean any harm to anybody."
"You got to do what makes you happy, as long as you're not actually hurting anybody."
"I'm not here to hurt you or harm you; I'm just here to say hi."
"As long as you enjoy what you're drawing, then I hope that you continue to draw what you enjoy to draw as long as it doesn't harm others."
"I'm like the least threatening silliest person."
"As long as I'm enjoying myself and not hurting anyone, I think it's okay."
"Men who are of high quality are typically quite confident... they're not trying to harm anyone."
"Don't be afraid, I mean you no harm, my name is Dr. Bruce Banner."
"Truths which we can all agree upon don't hurt anyone; they're quite constructive."
"I'm chill with whatever anyone does as long as whatever they do doesn't harm anyone else."
"We should all be able to live as the lives that we want to, provided we're not hurting anybody else."
"As long as both parties trust and love each other, there's no harm."
"Be yourself, so long as you ain't hurting anyone, you just be you."
"If you don't hurt people along the way, you haven't done too bad."
"We're just individuals wanting to live our lives and doing no harm and causing no grievances to anybody."
"What is one thing that often falls in winter but never gets hurt? Snow."
"As long as you're having fun, that is all that matters. You're having fun, you're not harming anybody else, that's all it matters."
"You do you. I don't intend to hurt anyone."
"If you're having fun and you're not harming anybody else, there's no problem."
"Nah. He's harmless, unless attacked."
"If you're not harming anyone, there's absolutely nothing wrong with that at all."
"It doesn't hurt anybody. It helps everybody."
"There's nothing that's ever too late as long as it's not harmful in any way."
"I'm a big fan of conspiracy theories as long as they're harmless fun."
"If it's a good time and it doesn't hurt anyone, do it. Enjoy your life."
"I think at the end of the day I am a good person. I've never really harmed other people."
"Harry's never going to hurt a kid or an animal."
"It's better to rap about it than do it, 'cause you ain't hurting nobody."
"I don't want to be seen as a threat by people I would never hurt."
"Let people love who they want to love, as long as it's not hurting anybody else."