
Decisions Quotes

There are 2083 quotes

"2017 was a year filled with fantastic decisions."
"If we make wise decisions, we will end with a better and more free society than ever before."
"You got to really wonder what the true motivation is for canceling all the shows."
"When you say no to something that comes with a lot of zeros, you do so because of your value system."
"Have faith in the decisions you've made. You are on the right path for you at this moment."
"The subject of economics is about choices and about decisions."
"If you were born looking like your parents, when you die, you die looking like your decisions."
"I think Ariana's choices seem to have outgrown a friendship with Sheena."
"If you moved into a creepy old house that turned out to be possessed by a demonic spirit, what would you do?"
"Believe in yourself and all will be well. You are always divinely supported and guided in whatever decision you make."
"The Marauders recently attacked me, which may have been the stupidest choice I've seen in this game."
"When your values are clear, your decisions are easier."
"In the end, we only regret the chances we didn't take, relationships we were afraid to have, and the decisions we waited too long to make."
"You're paving the road right now for your future with these new decisions and this new inspiration."
"I am not a product of my circumstances. I am a product of my decisions."
"I've seen so many young men be like, 'Well, I met this woman that I'm crazy about, but I've only had like five sexual partners and that doesn't seem like it's enough. I should have more than that before I settle down with somebody.' So they get rid of this really great relationship that makes them happy to pursue meaningless encounters, thinking it's a rational decision. From the other side of it, I can tell you it's not."
"Have faith in the decisions you've made regarding the situation or relationship. You are on the right path for you at this moment."
"The biggest decision we'll ever make is who we decide to get married to."
"Crossroads represent choice and consequence."
"The future is always open; everything that happens tomorrow depends on decisions that we make today."
"Our reality is created through the decisions we make and through the beliefs that we hold."
"The quality of your decisions will determine the quality of your life."
"It's about decisions you make that will get you out of this rank."
"A lot of the decisions I've made up to this point have been to honor him, his legacy, our legacy, and the dream we so vividly drew out for our lives."
"Decisions, not conditions, determine my destiny."
"I am taking responsibility for my own life and decisions."
"These are big decisions that we can make without reference to my personal moral values or yours. We can just try to do the best thing for the country."
"All of our success and failure in life comes from little decisions, little actions, little moments."
"What do you mean that you cut the string? I took a pair of scissors and chopped it in half."
"The constitution ensures the right of people to make free and informed decisions about their care and treatment at the end of life."
"Our life is a sum total of all of the decisions and choices that we make."
"Extreme differences in life outcomes are so often prompted by such subtle realizations, subtle decisions."
"As human beings, you're defined by your skeletons, your cells, your tissues, and your organs...but as people, you're defined by the decisions that you make and the decisions that you don't make."
"You are defined by the decisions that you make; the decisions that you make project the values that you hold to the world around you."
"The fact that we must all own our decisions is what gives meaning to everything we do in life."
"In one moment, in one decision, your life can change just like that."
"No regrets about that, zero regrets... I shouldn't have fought in Chicago."
"She left the biggest audience she ever had to say 'nah,' one season, one legal bag, maybe one and a half."
"But that's where we are with Varane, he's either going to stay at Real Madrid or he's going to come to Manchester United."
"But if you want an engrossing and captivating storyline with tough decisions and even tougher outcomes, then Far Harbor is your best bet."
"Run for the hills, don't be sucked in twice."
"What would you do if the fate of someone's life lay entirely in your hands?"
"The first step is everything. It's the pack of cigarettes."
"You constantly come through me like a wave of energy, and I feel you in every decision that I make."
"Every choice you have made has led you to this moment."
"Would you pee your pants for a million dollars?"
"Never get mad at anyone for making a business decision that best suits their business."
"Turning off the comment section was a really good decision."
"Have you ever said yes to something and then like very quickly regretted it?"
"When the entire crew de-ages in a spa accident, Leela actually decides that she wants to remain a teenager and live an actual childhood with her parents."
"Many make bad decisions because the father was not bad."
"It's the business domain driving these decisions, not fancy technology."
"Python has made this choice of the language to start indexing at zero."
"We are in the valley of decision and we're about to be cascaded into a tremendous time."
"Ultimately, more informed consumers will make better decisions."
"Bad Boy cancelled all plans to release more singles by the group for whatever reason."
"I have no idea what's going on, what are my choices will result in, and that's pretty exciting for me."
"Each of these little decisions that you wind up making compound together and allow you to do remarkable things."
"People can change their mind and decide they no longer want to be associated."
"These decisions are 50/50s. They can go one way, they can go the other."
"Do right by our planet, make the right decisions in life."
"We found out the dog isn't magical... we need to get rid of her as soon as possible."
"But then you can never forge it again and then you have to decide where to put them."
"Someone's going to make a freaking decision, whether it's a decision to be together, a decision to release something, to have something with you guys or release a grudge, release some sort of resentment."
"Some of you are making buying decisions and you might want to just put that off until you see what we think is coming."
"Okay, well, I want to get you to go, you might as well just go sleep in there."
"Let me make a much better decision that's gonna resonate with my higher self."
"This whole thing has made me just rethink if I wanted to leave my entire channel."
"Tough conversations and tough decisions need to happen now."
"We've been thinking about trying for a baby lately."
"I think of this story as a story about love and how irrational decisions make sense."
"There's some Financial motives here that aren't just about the cost of the house."
"Decisions we make early on with a gang could impact us later."
"We're making big decisions, we're making big commitments or big agreements."
"She made one choice that most people don't make... and by the age of 26 after paying back student debt and buying a small car she was a millionaire."
"There might only be one hospital bed open for those two people you love so much."
"A lot of you you have a decision to make regarding this connection the soul connection you have with this person because there is some kind of magnetic pull that you have to them."
"Whichever of those fates it is to be, it's likely that we will look back at the decisions that were made this summer as having been decisive."
"I'm starting to believe more and more that's right, but I decided not to cover up the squares."
"Stop blaming everybody else for decisions you made... own up to it and then figure out what you want to do."
"Human lives aren't business decisions, even if they are your own kids."
"Make decisions from the perspective of who you want to become."
"Many choices do not matter, not as much as we think anyway, but this next choice you make may."
"You did the best with the information you were given at the time."
"Sometimes even when you're trying to do the right thing there is no easy answer."
"Don't go making no permanent decisions with temporary anger and temporary feelings."
"But I do want that moment to just, you know, but it's the walking away, you know."
"Something's gonna happen and the question is do you want to taste the sugar or be the sugar?"
"I just don't see how you can look at all the stuff that's happening here and be like alright screw it I'm just never gonna watch baseball yeah that seems like a group I no longer want to support."
"Life will be as complicated as you decide it will be."
"Krombopulos Michael was likely taking out targets that needed to be taken out."
"Someone's coming in with some love in their heart, okay you knew you would be supported what would you do beauty and devotion choice an old friend or an ex or next."
"Sometimes you've got to make harsh choices in life."
"Almost every decision you make every person you speak with every NPC you deceive or are honest with and every single object you can loot or Leave Behind can come back to bless or haunt you later on."
"I feel like you're making some type of decision here to move on, to move away from a situation here."
"Enormous things are just the culmination of small things, little decisions."
"Can you imagine if you'd made better decisions when you were 19 years old?"
"Life is all decisions and everything you do is based on decisions that you make."
"I'm not a product of my circumstances. I'm a product of my own decisions."
"We do have the power as consumers to influence decisions."
"Our fate is ultimately determined by the decisions we make in life."
"You're very crossed, you don't know which way to go, so the month of June you're gonna be having to make a decision."
"What is Slasher going to do in round 11? I mean what up you should have pulled out the sniper any better."
"It's like going to a store and like knowing you could steal some [__] and you got more than enough money to buy it."
"You turned your back on someone that has a lot of love for you and they're just waiting to see if you're gonna either return or invest more into the situation."
"But Ruth, you are as a person one big bad decision after the other."
"It's not that I ever really needed to make any serious compromises."
"Decisions have consequences, and you are responsible for those decisions."
"You were at one point at a crossroads and you chose your path."
"The Justice card represents objectivity, balance, and making tough decisions."
"It's a challenging world that exposes us to many trade-offs."
"You are one decision away from a totally different life a totally different job a totally different income a totally different relationship with my kids."
"You're going to have to again follow your heart... because somebody's definitely got you on their mind."
"So what I say to anybody who hasn't tied that knot yet, think carefully about who you align yourself with."
"His decision to leave certainly shocked a lot of fans."
"I'm always real with y'all. I said I wasn't gonna do it, but I did it."
"Decisions like these aren't easy to make mind you as they take up a lot of the studio's time and resources but if you want to ship the best game possible doing so sometimes becomes a necessity."
"The greatest trick this system ever pulled was convincing you there was no chance for you to resist today and this week we learned otherwise."
"I've been here a long time. And over the years, I had time to think, ponder mistakes, bad decisions. I can verify that if you do make the wrong decision, then you will pay."
"Refund system is officially out, guys, gotta decide which skins to keep."
"So, you do have someone else here. You've got someone's going to take an opportunity."
"Every choice you make in life has a bright side and a dark side."
"Men can make decisions about their own body."
"I think what we'll do is just rip every Jasco switch out of the wall."
"Be careful what seeds you choose to sow out here."
"I've decided that this year I need to finally actually do something I enjoy."
"You reap the consequences of the decision you've made."
"Your decisions are the way you partner with me... in your life."
"Decisions according to our own moral compass, we have to live with those decisions or die by them."
"Having her go back and forth on what she wants to do is not good for WWE."
"Your person is leaving someone for you, cutting ties with something toxic."
"This guy right here, 10 bucks a gallon diesel, that thing's getting parked."
"It would be especially neat considering that all major decisions in the game are left up to the player."
"Where do you draw? Oh, you don't cut it off."
"Sometimes it's what you don't do that makes you who you are."
"Choices are almost always hard to make especially when you have to choose something."
"Let's boost our decoy and bring in our supernova and get going. Do I want damage with the wraith cooldown reduction? I think damage. Let's just pour it on, let's pour it on."
"You're making that decision and right away the universe is answering you."
"Even if it feels like it's the wrong play, just go for it and then see what happens."
"I'm angry for the millions of Americans who were silenced because of your decisions."
"The best player in the Arsenal team over these shambolic two games before this game was Sambi La Conga. Where was he today? On the bench."
"I feel like I should do something crazy... but instead we're just doing a haul."
"Are you going to be selling this car and getting a different car?"
"Every decision has been leading to the perfect timeline."
"I immediately fail all other NCR quests or presumably Caesar's if I was working with him up until this point."
"Be in a relationship for 30 years and give it all up because your man got a piece of [__]? Please."
"Would you take him back hopefully, I'm gonna ask me that, um, I would, yeah, I would take him back but obviously there's obviously speaks uh speaks talks of uh Madison obviously coming in as well."
"The stakes have never been higher but I think the choice has never been."
"I've made up my throat my entire life to be ruined by like like a single decision."
"You're going to have to live with that choice, big boy or girl."
"Be careful what you give a second chance to."
"Millions of dollars were lost and tens of thousands of jobs would be cut as a result of Carter's decision to cancel the B-1."
"We've secured a record 700 billion dollars in the next year 716 billion dollars to bring our military to the highest level it has ever been."
"Opportunity is knocking. What are you going to do with it?"
"We're getting crazy, hey she wanted it, no not me whoa definitely got a little skin in the game huh Riders start wondering about some of these decisions they're not just their decisions those are artists we got money."
"You're an adult, you can make your own decisions."
"I feel like for some of you... you are deciding to put yourself first."
"There are only trade-offs...every decision we make has trade-offs."
"Sometimes go with your gut feeling. Don't trade Kobe Bryant."
"The real trade that ruined the Golden State Warriors for years."
"Unohana actions and decisions are very logical and strategic."
"I was so happy when I made this pick, I was so happy."
"It took a lot of strength to walk away from this."
"The decision to be financially independent is a noble decision and a spiritual decision."
"The outcome of this week is going to be based off of you The High Priestess Pisces following your inner guidance doing what's best for you."
"Are you being fulfilled? Is it time to let somebody go?"
"The biggest mistake we can make as fans at the moment is to just keep putting up with it. It's absolutely disgraceful some of the decisions this weekend are a joke."
"There are teachers who make decisions that ruin it for everybody else."
"I'm still not sure what happened that day but I'm sure glad that I didn't take Katie up on her offer."
"Don't blame a creator for leaving a platform."
"I struggled for a bit but not too long and then I applied to the number one Business School... but I got accepted and I never went... I should have probably went straight there."
"These decisions don't just affect... the whole entire world."
"This full moon could be a turning point, you're going to make an important decision, something is gonna just you know full moons bring things to light."
"You do good in a season by the steps you take"
"I would suggest those were not two different impressions, one was to begin this path which you elected to do, but it took you to a different destination, and you are responsible for that in your life because of your moral agency."
"Life is about decisions... just listening when you're young and you're talented and you're coming up."
"Decisions are power. That's how you totally change your life: that one decision to do the Camino."
"We should be protecting children from making decisions that you cannot undo when you get older."
"One decision can change your life forever. Now imagine having those decisions come from somebody other than yourself."
"You may have shut someone out and it's like you may be regretting it or feeling like you made a bad decision."
"My decision was this go, deal with the consequence later."
"Damn, my kid's school, like, do I leave them here?"
"Every decision you make is almost a new reality."
"He will be when that contract finishes, go and do yourself the Van Persie, go and look at who the biggest one is."
"The choices we make affect our lives, sometimes our choices not only affect our own lives, but everyone connected to us, maybe even those we're not aware of."
"Do I feel like hanging out with them again? It's a simple question."
"There's a choice here, should I stay or should I go."
"Ultimately, you have to do what's best for you in your life and your progression."
"Your future self is going to be so happy and so appreciative that you've made these decisions right now."
"Beyond romance, your decisions have significant consequences."
"If he wants to walk away from that project on that basis, God bless him. No problem."
"Maybe you're meant to be with someone else, you won't know until you make that decision."
"Tiny little decisions in life that shape our paths."
"You get to make decisions and then whatever the consequences of your decisions, you then have to live with them."
"There were so many things I feel could have been done differently though. Like what would have happened had I not thrown the doll in the trash? Or does it even matter?"
"Should I stop at a bear like this that doesn't work exactly right?"
"Your life is starting to look like your decisions 'cause you changed the narrative."
"The strongest choices, decisions, affirmations we make for ourselves are the ones that are done in private, quietly known unto ourselves."
"This is so cursed, like what brought me to do this?"
"Every decision you're presented with creates some of that same overwhelm."