
Personal Narrative Quotes

There are 992 quotes

"The story you tell yourself about yourself is the single most important thing you're going to craft."
"Self-awareness is not just about knowing our strengths and weaknesses but also understanding our stories."
"Imagine watching your story like you would a television show and the empathy you would have for the main character, which is really your story."
"You should be the main character in your own life."
"My problem with Gabby is she just tries to rewrite history to fit narratives that she created."
"Naoko was Japanese, he was like this is the woman I'm going to have a child with."
"If you want to be any kind of man of caliber, your life needs to be full of suffering. If you don't have that story of pain, you don't have a story at all."
"There's a level of meaning making that comes out of these experiences that end up rewriting the personal narrative that the person has about themselves and about their place in the world."
"Kafka said every man is necessarily the hero of his own story."
"Ultimately, your concept of yourself is built out of the narratives that we create out of our experience."
"Empowerment comes from owning your story and learning from it."
"The blues ain't nothing but a personal narrative of a catastrophe lyrically expressed."
"We cannot let their words become the words of our story. We gotta let God's words become the words of the story of our lives."
"The person that you talk to most is yourself, and what we say to ourselves isn't always kind or true or helpful."
"The stories we tell ourselves define and limit us, but we have the power to change that story."
"The hope needs to be in oneself, that there is this tremendous untold story in you and it is your story."
"People want to feel important. We all have a storyline going in our heads and we're the main characters of that storyline. We want the world to at least some extent reflect that."
"When I write, I want to tell my story directly to you. I want you to read it exactly as I wrote it."
"A lot of our experience of the world is colored by the story that we tell ourselves about it."
"I have the right to tell my story. I have the right to say what happened to me. I have the right to my voice and my name."
"Often when we experience pain subconsciously, we create stories which blame ourselves."
"You right now are writing your own story; you're the one in control. You are not the author of your story, I am."
"The story that you tell yourself shapes your future."
"I am the greatest living example of inter-generational social mobility you're ever going to see, because I'm a freaking Ivy League professor."
"I'm not someone who's been rattling around Washington for years or decades."
"The only reason you don't have what you want is because of the story you keep telling yourself about why you don't have it."
"Back within the safety of Fort Tarsus is where my story begins. This is your chance to develop a richly personal narrative where your choices have consequences."
"It's about really asserting yourself as the hero in your own story."
"I'm going to tell my truth in the best way I can, supported by the most solid evidence I can present."
"In the post Me Too era, once-shamed stars from the '90s and aughts are reclaiming their narratives and telling their stories on their terms."
"What is a man but the sum of his memories? We are the stories we live, the tales we tell ourselves."
"We are the leading characters in our own lives."
"I wasn't going to say it, but my wife had the most amazing sort of explanation to that, which is almost like, you don't need to be a princess; you can create the life that will be better than any princess."
"Self-talk: You need to become obsessed with monitoring the way that you speak to yourself and shifting the stories that you are consistently telling yourself."
"It's tough to be the villain in your own story."
"We were literally at the forefront of our own stories."
"Tell the story of your future more than you tell the story of your past."
"Nobody gets to tell your story except for you."
"The way that I make content is that I find largely personal narratives and I respond to them point by point, and try to give a medical context for the horrific nightmares that they're living through and explain how these are very predictable."
"We're all storytellers. We all got a story to tell, if you think of it that way."
"My name is Joy, and I always choose joy through the darkness, through my challenges."
"I'm Tara Newell. I killed my attacker, Dirty John Meehan, in self-defense."
"Life is all about memories. It's really, that's what it is. It's about memories. It's about you...since you've been here, you got here maybe an hour ago, okay, all you've talked about to me are memories already."
"The ability to make recursive definitions is a source of incredible power."
"Releasing trauma does not mean that trauma isn't part of you; it will always be a part of your narrative. What you're doing is changing how your past trauma impacts your future."
"This is the most surreal thing that I've ever been a part of, and I've done some surreal [ __ ]."
"Your life is your projection and it's your movie."
"Now where was I before I was so rudely interrupted."
"The courtroom listens intently as griselda's sister delves deeper recounting text exchanges."
"Everybody is le, right? Everybody's the hero of their own story."
"I survived China for 14 years, and by survived, I mean I had one hell of an adventure."
"This was one of the most intense moments in Payday 2 for me."
"Never, and I mean never, lose the right to tell our version of the story."
"I never thought that I would ever play FNAF, and it's actually been really fun."
"She knows that this story of her survivalhood and fighting all these killers doesn't define who she is. And that is what I love about her."
"You are the author of your own story and its heroine."
"She was a child, she was a granddaughter, and she was a niece."
"You can be the hero of your own story." - Kiana
"I thought I had it made living there rent-free and feeding heifers."
"Everyone's the protagonist of their own story."
"It was there on my couch that I was struck by lightning I'm I was struck by a spiritual lightning I felt it hit me I felt the power of it and I felt it literally come out of my hands and feet."
"I'm taking control of my narrative this year."
"You're not a real artist if you're not controlling the narrative of your art, you know? That's just it."
"My story isn't that interesting, but I've realized that's actually a good thing."
"You have to be the hero of your story, the captain of your own salvation, the god of your own story."
"The story that you tell yourself in some regard very much is what's happening, right? You know the framing that you place around the present moment largely determines your experience of it."
"Let's talk about Mother's Day 2013. Fate brushed the Butras and it all started after that brunch."
"I've had the best holiday ever with Kylie Kangaroo."
"Your story is worth telling, your story is worth sharing with the world."
"I remember going into Bath & Body Works, it was the most surreal feeling of my entire life."
"You're telling your own story in this amazing world."
"Despite assumptions, she's not a spoiled rich kid; her story tells otherwise."
"It is your story... your unique experience within this."
"My name is Daniel Lazarski, I'm an observer."
"This guy truly believed he was the hero in this anime."
"You're writing your story today, not someone else's."
"I'm just me, but what we're going to talk about all that stuff because what it was like in the jail, what's going on with a lot of the January 6 defendants, you know, the things they said about you."
"Eventually, you do decide to tell the full story."
"I feel like I got control of my own narrative now."
"We have to realize that this is our life and our love and our story, and we get to make it exactly ours."
"I know life the absolute [ __ ] out of five and four and then immediately jumped into three like hey those last two were fun."
"Make sure that you're telling the story about yourself that you actually want to live."
"Here's Ringo with four big cases on the bus in the middle of the night, and his bus stop is about a half mile from his house."
"Prince was a boss, and he controlled his narrative."
"Sometimes you gotta fight for your identity, man. You gotta fight for your narrative."
"It's also more of a main story year for you compared to the last few years."
"Everyone is the protagonist in our own stories."
"I wanted to tie them both together because to me it was a perfect way of wrapping up a chapter."
"Put yourself back in the picture as the main character."
"I only know that it took a psychological toll to suddenly find my soul had returned to its body."
"The suffering actually does give you room to make your own little tale."
"You are going to be the main character of your own existence."
"He said to tell you there's a plot twist happening in your life right now."
"Start telling our own stories and creating our own realities."
"You gotta have some excitement in your life, and I certainly got that in spades through this experience."
"I am not a victim in this Parable, I get to choose."
"That's the grandest love story I will ever tell."
"I was born white, as far as I can remember I always wanted to be a gangster."
"This man had talent and a dream, three things that he always had."
"The narrative in which we choose to live our lives is of the utmost importance."
"I'm just glad that I was able to tell Yolanda's story."
"One of the strangest Bigfoot encounters." - Albert Ostman
"Faria Khan had woven a tale about her violent, abusive husband."
"After all this time we'd like to officially introduce you to myself Jay and Wesley we are the narrators here at B amazed"
"I'm actually at a complete loss of words when I say this. Like, how do I even explain this? And as I was in F5 looking around, I just caught the glimpse of this."
"Being able to tell your story can make whatever you do special."
"But what is so interesting about this particular case is, I decided to investigate the woods that were very near my house, was legit a few hundred yards from my house, and the next spring I came across the exact same set of tracks."
"You're writing your own story, you're writing your own truth, and this angel of transformation is waiting and it will open the door for you."
"I just want people to be happy I just want to like empathize with people and be nice and have people have a good time and not judge anybody too harshly and it's like I don't know who I am so it's like we're all like in it together"
"Embrace your uniqueness and differences. You're protected, embrace yourself for who you are."
"I think maybe an important narrative is what I call autonomy."
"My story is not one of a victim, but it is one of a woman who has found her voice, who has learned to thrive."
"There's certain life experiences that transcend Compton that transcend Beverly Hills there's just universal life experiences and somehow Kendrick has the ability to convey that through his personal experiences."
"Someone or something knew that was going to happen, and to this day, whatever that something was, it didn't want me in the middle of it."
"I refuse to let darkness be the one that defines what my story is."
"You're either building your own story or it'll be forged by another person."
"It's hard for me to imagine like a guy coming to the picture and telling me that my mom said these awful things."
"Nothing is impossible with God and I await my day to say my truth and side of everything."
"You are in your own lane, you are the main character in your story."
"The reality was they had been separated for a long time. I was portrayed as the villain because Kate asked for the divorce."
"This album is the results of that healing process, and it's like... like I'm not telling you not to interpret the album in whatever way works best for you, but I don't think you can talk about this album in its true form if you are not a black man."
"I wanted to tell the story of legal immigration."
"Your life is your movie and you are now directing that movie consciously."
"If you want to see your story, you have to tell it."
"I'm just gonna tell the story and it is what it is."
"Life is complicated, people are complicated, and no one narrative captures what happened to me and that community..."
"Make yourself the hero of your own story, take control back over your reality."
"It's rough out there. First off, I'm not talking about Robbie as in Robbie V, wow, he's Rob. I'm talking about Robbie, my best friend all the way back from high school. He's a grinder in survival games."
"The story that you keep continuing to perpetuate to the universe and to everyone around you matters."
"People talk about where I'm from, my level of education, they talk about my father, but they won't talk about the perseverance."
"I'm me and nobody else, whatever people say I am that's what I'm not, because they don't know a bloody thing about me."
"The most important thing though is to become the star of your own movie."
"It's about processing their childhoods and reclaiming the narrative."
"This book is essentially a young man writing a letter to his mother... it's very poetical."
"I'm providing evidence and my side of the story of what's really happening."
"It just feels like I'm romanticizing my life, which is what I need right now."
"Your story is your story your goal is your goal."
"My entire life has been defined by the struggle against something."
"Mike Tyson made his return on January 16th..."
"As you continue this extraordinary journey of receiving all you've prayed for, your narrative becomes intertwined with divine wisdom."
"It's not external events that directly cause that negative emotion, it is our response to those external events, it is the story we tell ourselves about the external events."
"People actually care about their own stories, not my story."
"I'm happy dude was able to tell his side of the story."
"I was interested in telling the story that I wanted to tell which was one about the ways in which I feel criminalization and that study the criminalization had come to be so rampant in this country."
"You're not impressed by any of it because again you're the star of your own Universe."
"My music and WAP, it's just kind of like me exploring my sexuality and having that ownership."
"The day that you were born, you were sentenced to death. So every day, you were constantly writing a script in your own movie."
"I've always told stories whether I could make my living from it or even when I was a little kid just making up stories for the other kids in the neighborhood."
"This isn't the bucket talking. This is the sad story of a man named Stanley and his bucket."
"They say strong men made good times. I was a product of those good times."
"They kicked her out, she left, that's her side of the story."
"Four months after the wedding in April of 2006, Allison and Ray put their house up for sale..."
"I'm so happy about that. Alright, so we're going home. I don't know if he left his bike there because, I don't know if you saw, kind of a glitch there, that might be a problem, but I guess we'll see."
"Remember that you're living now, you're writing this moment in time and you're creating your future."
"He's the bad guy, and that's an awful thing to say about another human being but that he is the villain of his own story."
"They all make up their stories about what's really going on and they try to make their own personal story about their own personal experiences."
"Everybody carries a literature of their own life, everybody carries a poem of their own life."
"In the end, the run has ended much in the way that a lot of my runs end, with me not really knowing what the hell happened but here we are."
"The fact that she wanted to live is something that really shone through in so many of her TikToks."
"I want to have the whole narrative, like I want to be able to produce our own [ __ ]."
"I said to myself, 'You know what, I did everything.'"
"I live my life like I'm in a TV show or in a movie."
"It is your story, and you are going to be writing it."
"I'm 82, and he's in his 60s, and we've been together for 38 years."
"Former boss turned friend turned delusional sociopath, let's not meet again."
"I think Prince Harry wants to tell his side of the story... this is his opportunity to have his say, to control the narrative."
"I wanted my truth to be told directly from me."
"Only you can tell your story. Your vision is determined by the story that you have."
"John Kennedy, Jr.'s, life wasn't random anymore."
"I'm Scott Kelly, retired US Navy captain and former NASA astronaut."
"Before you make any further comments or judgments, I'm going to be using this video to address a lot of the rumors that are going on around about me."
"Each day as that muslima is a new chapter in your story, a story of Triumph, faith, and unyielding strength."
"It felt better than when I won my first world title... because of the narrative." - Mikey Garcia
"There's a story currently unfolding, but it's your story."
"A habit will remain a habit unless defeated by originality."
"And it wasn't quite as long for me, it was maybe like a year, year and a half after launch, or so, that he did, he actually pursued me and asked me out on a date."
"Fortunately, my gut instinct won out and I'm here to tell the tale."
"You are the leading lady in your life's scenario."
"Turn the page. Guilt and regret kills many a man before their time. So turn the page, get off the ride. You are the author of the book of your life."
"All the movie producers that are watching the show out tomorrow, out tomorrow, the third book is called Stargazer, you should all get it."
"Love my kids right this my this is my story right and I didn't ask for it to all be this way right you I don't know what's coming in the future but right now this is all mine."
"Thank you guys for taking the time out of your day to listen to Amir's story."
"There was a cross above my bed, illuminated, and the windows were shut, everything was off."
"Every relationship ended on my terms" - a claim to authority.
"Try to think of your own life in the same way that you would view somebody else blogging that or even a movie character going through it."
"Let my family know in this timeline I went out fighting."
"Most of the things that people know about me are made up. My own life is backstage."
"For over 50 years, Tom's story has been consistent."
"Finally, after two and a half years, I get to set the record straight."
"This wasn't about the movement, it was about him. It was about him being a victim."
"I realized that I am the director of my own movie."
"Every person is the author of their own story."
"Doesn't matter what's true, it matters the story they tell when you're gone."
"Remember, you're the one writing your story."
"I knocked Chunky Soup from it from from 2004 trust me all my life and grinding all my life sacrifice got to pay the price wanna slice got to roll a dice that's why all my life all my life been running all my life."
"Brave little face and see what I gotta do, you know? Just a brave, brave little boy."
"He's a brave little boy, it's a brave, brave little boy. That's me."
"After many months of deliberation and already five playthroughs worth of my time, I'm finally putting the controller down."
"Make your own story, do whatever feels right for you."
"He would be able to paint in vivid detail what he believes was an attack on our democracy."