
Professional Development Quotes

There are 1511 quotes

"I always treat every interaction as one interaction and then think about it later, what could I do to improve that interaction or what I could do better to be a better doctor."
"Whenever I see a patient, I always treat every interaction as...one interaction and then think about it later, what could I do to improve that interaction or what I could do better to be a better doctor."
"Focus on fulfillment because it's really making sure that you are personally and professionally fulfilled in all aspects of your life."
"Energy never dies; it only transmutes. You're now at the brink of an era that's going to produce what we call professional reincarnation."
"A professional project manager must understand the importance of stakeholders in a project."
"Focus on this craft of being an interviewer and being a conversationalist and also the craft of exploring other creative ideas."
"I want to see people taking pride in what they do."
"Being able to rewire the way that you view yourself and perceive yourself as a person and as a professional can be a key factor in feeling that tangible improvement moving forward."
"Just because I'm not a consultant anymore doesn't mean I don't still organize my thoughts like one."
"Amateurs talk tactics, professionals talk logistics."
"Soft skills are things that you cannot go to school for... There's no certificate for communication, leadership, or critical thinking."
"The most important soft skill that you need to work on or develop is communication."
"It changed my professional life and my personal life."
"A whole generation of young people are coming up into a world and thinking about their professional trajectory in the context of meaning in a way that was not really part of the thought process of my generation."
"Increasing the proportion of female mentors is associated not only with a reduction in post-mentorship impact of female protégés but also a reduction in the gain of female mentors."
"Professional life is an intricate web of shared interests, goals, and needs that are always interacting."
"Professional traders are not in a rush to put money to work; they want to sit back and wait for a scenario that makes sense."
"Forensic interview is much like any other profession. If you are in the world of IT, what you knew in 2000 might be very different than in 2019."
"Sometimes the best way to get a raise or level up in your career is to switch jobs."
"You're going to do better in any type of job if your communication skills are better."
"Mastering soft skills is probably as equally important as mastering the technical skill set."
"We dedicate weeks to going to coding boot camps at General Assembly, and we spend nights taking Excel classes on Coursera. We go to marketing conferences to boost our professional hard skills. But how much are we actually investing in our relationship skills at work?"
"Our professional lives demand an entirely new skill set for relational intelligence."
"It doesn't matter how experienced you are, rust can set in at any stage."
"I got my CCNA and went almost straight into a networking job and thought, man, this is great."
"The 82 percent of the people who have taken the certificate report a positive career outcome, promotion, or raise within six months."
"This seminal work provides an accessible and essential roadmap for aspiring and established leaders in every field."
"Communication skills are essential for good and productive interaction. They are important for our professional and personal relationships."
"I am passionate about perfection in my work."
"If you complain about what you want professionally, well, there's a way to fix it."
"Practice equals confidence, and I think that confidence is key when we're working in the salon."
"Continuous professional development programs for teachers are crucial for improving educational processes and outcomes."
"ASE certifications are a good thing; they're not definitive, but they show that you're serious about your job."
"The professional element of Mo Salah, along with the performance element, you put both together, and he's the outstanding player in the league this year."
"New nurses, don't feel like you have to know everything right away."
"Having a strong portfolio is crucial; it's your visual resume and speaks volumes about your skills and potential."
"Separating useful criticism from the not useful criticism is a big part of what I do."
"My whole education as an actor and my whole training has come from being able to work with the actors that I've worked with and watching their process. That's been my college. The more I work with actors of this caliber, the more I learn, the more I pick up."
"HBCUs are responsible for no less than 50% of all Black professionals in America."
"Appearance, behavior, communication, digital footprint – these are the four parts of an image."
"This means that you're not going to overcook it by just cranking one contrast slider up; you're bringing it in by adding layers one at a time."
"The most valuable thing anyone can do is to make themselves invaluable to the company they work with."
"I am constantly asking my colleagues and my peers, 'How can I be better?'"
"You're about to go through a period where your career gets to an all-time high."
"If you're a competitor and want to get better at what you do, this is awesome. If you're a coach and you want to become a better coach, this is awesome. If you're a trainer and you want to become a better trainer, you will learn so much."
"We want the lecture series to remind lawyers of it so they foster legal principles that advance individual liberty, personal responsibility, and the rule of law."
"It's not a very complicated process to become a professional Forex trader; it's not easy, it's just not complicated."
"To be great at DevOps these days, the two technologies you learn more than anything else are Docker and Terraform."
"Your creativity and thinking are your most valuable assets. Focus on leveraging those to create impactful work that solves real problems."
"Crucial Conversations by far the best book to go through and read on this topic."
"If you can't handle differences of opinion, then this is not the career path you should go in."
"We need meritocracy. Someone who's got proven skills, who's worked in the industry, will be invited to come speak and share their knowledge."
"If you're going to sort of go that next step and get into bigger projects, SAS can help with the architecture of your projects."
"If you're serious about taking your career to the next level, that's a killer deal. Don't miss out."
"I think the more skilled you are, the easier it becomes, but there are obviously challenges that come with anything in business."
"We're gonna walk through each section and I'm first going to talk about the practical changes you can make."
"Algo expert is the best platform to use for preparing for your software engineering coding interviews."
"If you're going to be a professional composer and communicate with other composers and speak their language, this is one of those topics you will just need to know."
"Have a solid process and reach out to those in your industry that are doing really well."
"It's really important for all astronauts that were going to walk on the lunar surface... they underwent a series of extensive training programs..."
"Good sales training is the difference between $100,000 a year and $1,000,000 a year."
"I really attribute a lot of my success during my journey to Google for instance and to learning software engineering to having done so much of this code Wars website."
"Engineering is about problem-solving, not language preference."
"Thanks so much for taking this course with the corporate finance Institute."
"Coding is such a special field. What matters is that you have the skills. It doesn't matter so much if you have a credential saying you can do it." - Chris Peach
"If you're a graphic designer saying, 'Hey, I'm gonna be a strategist as well,' you have to be really, really good at separating your own ego from your creative work."
"It's a really useful thing to do. If you have specialized knowledge or if you have interesting knowledge, to share that knowledge with as many Googlers as possible and potentially even the rest of the world."
"Enterprise in set to yourself which is what all Elite performers do."
"Coding is all about learning, right? We're always, always learning."
"Create templates, frameworks, and matrixes for yourself; it allows you to streamline your workflow over time."
"Cloud skills are becoming more and more in demand."
"The single most important thing you need to learn for any job in business is how to communicate, how to write a memo, how to talk, how to think."
"Jeff didn't just cast, he was monumental in making the profession of casting, but all that is secondary to the fact he's a dude with a huge heart."
"I had to pause and step back, now I'm really excited to jump in."
"Experience counts, whether it's professional work or life adventures."
"The natural progression from a beginner to an expert in commercial real estate."
"Learning new skill helps you a lot in your professional life."
"The single most valuable professional skill... is communication."
"True Freedom means freedom to choose a career and then also be free from harassment while trying to reach the top."
"Having a personal brand is a massive advantage that can help you no matter what path you decide to take. It's honestly overpowered."
"I recommend everybody read the book 'How luxury lost its luster' because it describes how luxury used to be fine artistry, now is corporatized and it's really just a logo."
"No oil, no fish, fowl, meat, or dairy. The key would be the initial meeting with the patient and the spouse." - Dr. Esselstyn
"If you get this one thing right, you're 50% of the way there to becoming a world-class closer."
"Your ability to rise up in any industry or any particular endeavor is so much easier than it ever was before because your ability to get close to the mentors, leaders, best practitioners, and learn from them is unlike it's ever, ever been before."
"Better to train up than to try to train backwards."
"Top five skills... cloud infrastructure... spin up VPSs... attack from your own server."
"I am pleased to announce that Martin Evans has been promoted to vice president of information technology effective February 1st."
"Microsoft is giving away 15 certifications for people who were affected by COVID."
"The sentence that changed my life was, 'You shouldn't be running gyms, you should be showing gym owners exactly what you showed me.'"
"There's never a level of comfort, even if you are good."
"Networking doesn't have to mean trying to make small talk with random people at job fairs. It can mean also just reaching out to your network."
"It wasn't the technical skills that mattered, it was the power skills like empathy and leadership."
"The difference between a novice trader and a professional is that a professional trader has a risk management plan in place."
"You don't have to code, but you have to understand data."
"Consistency and discipline are essential for success in any market."
"Join us for the five-day webinar on Diksha and enhance teaching, learning, and assessment."
"I will show you the exact steps from taking your wireframes all the way through to designing unique and world-class UI designs for your clients, so you can start charging more money."
"Employees need to take responsibility for their own learning."
"Continuing professional development doesn't stop in any profession."
"Your writing is the first thing that your future employer sees about you when you submit your resume."
"Clarity of message is really important. So, that is something that you always wanna consider while you're working on your case study is, do people understand what I'm trying to say?"
"LinkedIn is the most important social media platform for professional networking."
"Personal branding is for everyone, not just for professionals."
"If your limiting factor is not being able to get interviews, then that means you have to work on your resume."
"Your copywriting is pretty good and that is a skill that most designers do need to pick up."
"Embrace the sales game, it's not about luck, it's about learning to sell."
"Whether you're aiming for a leadership position, seeking to expand your skill set, or looking to make a career pivot, March offers a fertile ground for your professional growth."
"Your juniors are paying you to learn. It's part of your job."
"That's the value of building a team because now you start to realize like, you go from being an artist to like a professional problem solver."
"We're sprinting... and there's a lot of people who are gonna start taking off right behind you."
"Certifications have served as a stepping stone for anybody seeking to advance in their careers whether they are beginners or seasoned professionals."
"When I engaged in meeting lawyers... that was an opportunity to develop a relationship to develop a rapport."
"The logo design world is completely open to you and I hope this short course has given you some confidence to have a go at tackling professional logo design projects."
"Build your network up and if you're somebody that only has 25 connections, try to increase that to the very minimum of 500."
"I've had this long-term goal of becoming a professional artist and within the last year I've accomplished that goal."
"Massive shout out to the team, really excited for the direction the lab is going."
"Creative thinking, good communication, problem-solving skills, and negotiation skills – essential soft skills for any business analyst."
"Updating my profile is something that I do periodically if I come up with a new idea, have new accolades to add to it, or if I just want to try something different."
"Apart from having skill, passion, and pride in your work, it's sometimes necessary to step back and look at the bigger picture of where your time is best spent."
"We're not going to stop investing in creating opportunities for professionals online."
"You're never paying a mentor for something that they've done, you're paying for the mistakes that they made."
"This other comment says, 'Dave, this is perfect. You should make a course about how to make a course which makes you look like a professional billionaire selling a course is amazing.'"
"In today's rapidly evolving tech industry, continuous learning is not just a recommendation, but a necessity."
"Know what you know, know what you don't know, but you gotta know your business better than anybody."
"It's lifelong learning. That's what it means to be a professional, that's what it means to be a physician."
"None of the best marketers today were born knowing how to market, somebody somewhere taught them how."
"Johnny Reed and associates still train more interrogators than any other organization in the world."
"Something's going on here where you are killing it in the career."
"The emphasis must always be putting the work in and preparing."
"NEP 2020 advocates for ongoing professional development of Educators to adapt to the changing educational landscape."
"I just don't see how skill gaps and investing into skill is a bad thing."
"It's gonna help you yield more professional results."
"Effort, focus, and work. Working on their craft, wanting to be the best, and putting in the time."
"Interview questions are probably the number one thing that you guest asked about."
"Demonstrate that you've not only had setbacks, but learned from them and become a better employee."
"Sales is a very, very good way to start if you have no skills at all."
"To take this course, you should have at least three months experience with Angular 2, ASP.NET MVC 5, and Entity Framework 6."
"You'll be a professional with the Divi theme builder."
"It's important for you to really understand your true value so you don't really understand the true value that you bring to the table within a company."
"You're gonna be at the lead of the nation's cutting edge work in legal theory, in agricultural technology."
"If you spent as much energy that you spend on debating whether crypto or blockchain are going to succeed, if you took that same energy and actually became a practitioner in the execution within your craft, you would be much further along."
"Leading by example: if I wanted to be mentored, I had to start mentoring."
"Instead of focusing on the collective, we're going at it alone to try and outpace our colleagues and climb the ladder."
"The tools do matter. If you don't stay up-to-date, you'll become redundant very quickly."
"He's fully qualified, is a manager that any club in the Premier League would actively pursue 100%."
"I'm hopeful that we can cultivate a new crop of calibrators soon."
"Every day, good habits. Whether it's punctuality, work ethic, attention to detail, intensity when you're training on a training pitch..."
"Googling for an error... you're probably gonna be fairly good at a company that's trying to fix their stuff."
"Outwork, out improve, out strategize, outlast. The market's going to be changing and I think it's your job to improve, get better, learn new skill sets and utilize technology to help you improve."
"Surround yourself with professionals in different categories."
"Well, it was weird because we transitioned out of that phase like at the beginning, it was a hybrid."
"I mean this is a whole new person here he adapted he understood what he needed to do and he made the adjustments like a true Pro bringing us all the way to a game five."
"It is a proven system to increase your Excel skills and career."
"It can't be one-dimensional, I have no desire to continue doing First Take for the next five, ten years."
"Your joint mission is to communicate, help people communicate, and to use our communication skills to help others find their path."
"If you want to be successful, watch what successful people do and do what they do."
"Sometimes you have to go outside of your initial core competencies."
"You are capable of greatness in your profession and more importantly in your quality of self."
"You want to acquire that skill set and indoctrinate yourself into the real estate world because that knowledge requires yours forever."
"Stay happy, healthy, and current, but most importantly, stay proficient."
"You don't even need a certification to work in i.t to get an entry-level job."
"You need to go out, find the problem, and start solving for the problems."
"The recognition and development section of experience points in my opinion has been lost."
"I never thought it would be possible to make a career out of it."
"Even current pros right now, I would say, were influenced by these teams."
"To be successful, you have to do those difficult things of repeating and improving the same things over and over again."
"In your professional life it is good to, you know, have that urge to prove people wrong."
"Networking is key; failure to network will destroy your ability to succeed."
"Relationships need a huge upgrade to really get to where you want to go in your professional life."
"Roald Dahl hired a literary agent in New York and Watkins."
"I'm a better businessman because I'm an investor, and I'm a better investor because I'm a businessman."
"There is such a thing as starting too early... it's best to start a little bit higher level... compare your work with professional work."
"The only way you're going to learn is by immersing yourself in the market conditions."
"Become a vastly more valuable person through personal mastery and professional capability."
"The plans that the B League has for the foreseeable future is something to marvel at. I mean this is a league whose vision is not just to be an excellent professional league in the country but to be a model league in the continent."
"Soft skills attribute a lot a lot a lot a lot a lot of the success to almost every part of the success."
"I can handle sales rejections in a positive manner and see rejection as an important part of my own professional development."
"We have five exciting days for you guys. We're going to teach you the roadmap to becoming a React developer."
"Be professionally curious. Look at the child."
"You're only as good as the company you keep. If you're opposite great actors, you're only going to be better."
"Gordon Ramsay didn't get to where he was just by screaming in front of a camera, he got there through practice and experience."
"I did it anyway, and that turned out to be a really good career decision."
"The vast majority of people in pro play specialize."
"You have to believe in yourself that you've got a lot to offer an employer."
"Startup Society is currently open for enrollment."
"Leadership capital is the currency of winning."
"Networking is key, the power of a network is incredibly important."
"You've got to look like the next level before somebody will invite you to step into it."
"Your craft, mate, is what it is. You have to learn your craft, you have to learn the little details, the bits that, like you say, the percents that give you an advantage."
"I learned how to be a pro in the hardest system possible."
"Cultivate meaningful work and let go of self-doubt and supposed to."
"High-quality critique in professional spaces often requires a direct approach."
"It doesn't start with everything all at once... Just keep that in mind when you're starting your careers."
"Your job is to find something you're good at and then spend the thousands of hours and apply the grit and the perseverance and the sacrifice and the willingness to break through hard things to become great at it."
"Add value first. I was willing to work for free for a few months just to show him how much value I could bring to his business."
"It's so important that these guys that are going to lead our industry be the best that they can be."
"Follow up with value, keep the connection going by remembering their goals."
"You are gonna receive a big career opportunity."
"You're going to get judged based on the types of leaders you develop."
"I love seeing a track record of a person that's continuously building a strong reputation that's getting results."