
Public Support Quotes

There are 384 quotes

"If you have hard evidence, the public will support you 100%. I know, guaranteed."
"I've seen this outpouring of love from the general public, my viewers, readers, and listeners who have been unbelievably loyal and supportive, and so I've seen more deeply into that."
"The reaction to this video was somewhat positive; there was overwhelming support for her, and people appreciated that she came out relatively unprovoked to address certain issues."
"This package has the vast majority of support from the American public. This is something that people want, they want to see it pass, they want these checks to get into communities, they want this funding to go to schools, they want more money for vaccine distribution."
"We have had too many moments of silence and too many expressions of sympathy. Too many families are grieving the loss of a loved one. Expanding background checks is overwhelmingly supported by the American public because they know that it will make a meaningful difference in reducing gun violence and saving lives."
"We know that increasing enforcement of tax collection raises revenue and benefits our economy, and Americans overwhelmingly support these measures."
"Burning cities down is the easiest way to destroy support for your movement."
"It's really beginning to shine and I think people are becoming more and more attached and more and more supportive of Catherine and William and their family."
"90 percent of gun owners support universal background checks. That's 90 percent. 84 percent of Republicans and 80 percent of NRA members support background checks."
"That shut up the bullies quick, and then all of the other people there stared at him, and they all began to clap."
"There's only one Sovereign, and the Sovereign is King Charles, and the public have given him an awful lot of goodwill since he became king."
"If you're doing right by the people, then you have the people on your side."
"Left-wing populism does have key views such as Medicare for All and raising the minimum wage and even to some extent universal health care that garners substantial support among the entire US population, if not a majority."
"The actions I have taken today represent an unprecedented economic intervention to support the jobs and incomes of the British people."
"Fans who believe the arrangement is intended not to help but to exploit her have created the hashtag and rallying cry: Free Britney."
"These monarchies survive primarily on the good grace of their people."
"You can't applaud LeBron enough for what he said. I one thousand percent agree with LeBron James."
"Our ability to build power comes from public support for better solutions."
"There was an appetite for seeing people fight for working people."
"Don't mess with the women of America unless you want to get the [Applause] benefit."
"Support for humanity's future in space is super appreciated. Let's make the sci-fi future we want real."
"But I'm quite sure that many young overweight women look up to Tess. Actually, I'm sure of it, I can literally see them in her comments section."
"The vast majority of people actually do support stronger gun laws."
"Britney definitely has a story to tell, and I'm glad that most of us have been supporting the Free Britney movement from day one."
"I think we could all agree on this is free britney."
"Before we can have any reasonable hope for implementing decisive revolution, we gotta strive to have the people on our side."
"This issue is becoming less partisan by the day... 88 percent of Americans support price transparency."
"The middle class of Hong Kong, the ones that have come out and supported this, yesterday the 1.7 million people, that would be the equivalent in the United States I think of something like 50 or 60 million people coming out for a protest."
"We want this ended all together... the process it feels like is finally finally going in britney's favor."
"Until something is done, get it trending. Facts. Hashtag free Britney."
"Justice for Britney Spears. People who did this to me should not be able to walk away so easily. Facts."
"The majority of American Democrats support the brutal crackdown on political dissent in Canada on the Freedom Convoy."
"But hopefully Britney can truly be free, Free Britney until it's backwards, Free Britney."
"Unfortunately, none of this points to the boxer thinking well of the people who support him."
"Britney's explosive statement and her honesty were met with shock and resounding support as that news came out of this courthouse from the U.S to Brazil and Argentina."
"It passed with more than 67% of people in support of that measure."
"Political power is built by numbers, that's it. Support and public popularity are the bedrock of all populist movements."
"It's great to know that I've not been forgotten and that there are more plans for demonstrations until my release."
"We're incredibly grateful to the UK public in our first day of the appeal already responding hugely generously."
"Modern monarchies survive on the goodwill of their people and taxpayers."
"The longer the UK government says things like 'you're not allowed,' you know, the more support goes on to independence, yes, absolutely."
"Framing is everything. Peaceful protests result in positive coverage emerging and winning over supporters."
"Occupied Wall Street showed us that the constituency for a left wing in America is huge and deep."
"Americans love voting for progressive ballot measures."
"By the end of the campaign, it reached 533,890."
"This will make people more environmentally conscious... a hybrid cars initiative with 97% popularity with voters."
"We just want the American people and the government to stand with us."
"I think coming into the makeup industry is a really tough decision to do these days and she has just absolutely killed it."
"Honestly, people just love you guys and want to see what you're doing next anybody that tries to critique you maybe they just don't know any better."
"We are overwhelmed by the outstanding support of the public during this horrific time."
"We need your help to uncancel everybody that Hollywood and the leftist machine is canceling."
"I thought more people would follow him considering, like, you know, what he's doing."
"We are funded almost entirely by you, and that's the way we like it. It keeps us independent. It means we're not beholden to vested interests."
"Hundreds of thousands of people stood outside in all weather prepared to stand for sometimes days."
"He's winning in my mind, I have a lot of compassion for him."
"All political power is backed by the mandate of the masses. Public support is what matters more than anything else."
"Her story serves as a reminder of the complexities of Fame and the importance of supporting individuals during difficult times."
"His story serves as a cautionary tale about the Dark Side of celebrity and the importance of seeking help in times of need."
"Her story serves as a poignant reminder of the complexities of Fame, the dangers of untreated mental health issues, and the importance of seeking help in times of need."
"He has seemingly solved the nation's biggest issue in a way that the people are supportive of."
"God bless Elon Musk for standing up for the First Amendment."
"Surprisingly, there has been overwhelming support."
"It's a huge win for Johnny Depp, beyond huge."
"Artists are really smart to protest and raise awareness. It also drives more goodwill towards what they're trying to do in the future."
"The silver lining from the Russell Brand Story is that people who care about free speech and due process are actually standing up."
"The public super majority support that kind of reform and it's a growing movement."
"It's nice to see that he can clean up his whole life and that people still want to see him win."
"If joe biden drops student debt end of story there's a movement that would support him no matter what whether you like him whether you hate him or you like some of his policies."
"Environmentalism is supposed to be about protecting the environment and most people are completely in favor of that."
"Most Americans want stimulus checks and they reject the GOP's red line on liability protections."
"When we lead on policy we win because the American people are with us."
"The whole country, from all walks of life, are watching and I would hope that most people are rooting for your success."
"Bernie Sanders offered some sort of hope to people."
"People want to see it happen and then that's when it makes a total change."
"He's going up against China. He's got the world against him, man, but he's got the American public on his side."
"It's just little things like this that people really love and potentially can be a force multiplier when it comes to soft power in a war like this."
"Mo'Nique, we stand with you and we got 3,000 people in the building."
"Can we just get, like, a huge round of applause or thumbs up for my girl CL for being this brave?"
"Our only hope is the people and I do think that people are actually with us."
"Elon is doing tremendously great things, very very good tremendous, we love it."
"We cheered every one of those things, we thought it was a great way to run an economy."
"The people love me, they're throwing flowers, confetti, and high-grade explosives."
"It's actually not that hard to get support from the left. Just give us the things that we want. That's it." - Claire Sandberg
"Thousands of people are now joining his mother's call for transparency."
"People love going to movie theaters... People didn't want to see AMC disappear."
"Only one-third of Americans actually supported independence back then."
"The more that Sarah Palin was attacked by the left, the more that she was embraced by the right."
"A majority of West Virginia voters support the Build Back Better plan—68 percent of West Virginia likely voters support it, 90 of Democrats, 64 of Independents, and even 56 percent of Republicans support the Build Back Better plan."
"It was unanimous in terms of the eyes of the fans, the fans were just so supportive."
"She had this terrific gift of being able to convey caring, human, and personal warmth."
"To see the overwhelming support means a lot, and thank you, appreciate it very much."
"I appreciate the courage that it takes to come forward."
"The American Rescue Plan has the support of almost three-quarters of the public."
"Populism is when you are supported by and working for the interests of the people."
"Nevertheless, despite the controversy surrounding Taylor Swift's recent remarks, her supporters swiftly came to her defense, punctuating the importance of individuals, regardless of their fame, speaking out against injustice."
"There's a lot of people supporting his claims."
"It's astonishing to me how so many people were involved with ruining such a beautiful soul. Britney being Britney though, she's like a phoenix and will dominate again. All those mofos going down."
"There's a spirit in this country like few have seen, and I think you can say we've helped a lot of the country's a lot really a lot."
"I can think of a couple times in my life in which presidents admitted they made mistakes and America even rallied around him."
"I applaud Schwarzenegger for being that guy, for putting it out there."
"He threw he he like laser focus resentment right back at the political class and I think that's one of the reasons why so many people love them and why so many in the political class despise them."
"This happened in the middle of the whole YES Movement thing where fans were clambering for Daniel Bryan to get a break."
"Fortunately, I've been in a position where the hospital is the general public or fans that are buying into what I'm doing are enjoying it."
"As a result it appears this issue is more Universal there is such broad support with the American people they understand that Reproductive Rights are tied to their basic freedom." - Democratic congresswoman Catherine Clark
"It's about losing control and then being pissed."
"This is about ending monetization, this is about taking him down personally."
"I just don't know how anyone could still support him after some of the videos that have surfaced."
"People are rooting for Reggie to be able to fix GameStop."
"Justice for Johnny Depp was trending on Twitter."
"Fans would start to get behind him... a newfound respect for what he was willing to do."
"There's always going to be annoying-ass people like that. But remember, there are way more people that are for you than the ones that are against you."
"NASCAR's not racist, man. These people actually root for this guy, and like, this is a beautiful moment."
"Allyship right now needs to look differently and you need to support trans people publicly and proudly."
"The American people have been incredible... they've been really incredible."
"As we await the arrival of the failed former president any moment, finish the wall prominently there on a flag, a show of support for the failed former president who soon will be booked and arrested."
"I think the energy, the momentum, and the people are behind Donald Trump."
"We rely on small donations mainly from individual members of the public... over 90 percent of our income comes from individual donations."
"Whether a piece of art succeeds or doesn't will come down to whether people support that art."
"Janet said yes she said absolutely you have my permission that is my girl and let's also make take heed for everyone listening there is power in numbers and people."
"There's nothing here for her to be ashamed of. We should not allow that to deter us from her movie in any way, shape, or form."
"They appreciate the backing... but they want more."
"We're talking videos about Vic Mignogna doing 100, 200, 300 thousand views, and the ratios on them, 97, 98, 99 percent positive in support of Vic Mignogna."
"Maga is Unstoppable, Trump is more popular than he's ever been." - Commentator
"We appreciate the tremendous support from the public and continue to ask for your assistance in bringing this investigation to a close."
"And you wonder why the nurses are on strike right and the doctors are soon to be go on strike and basically everyone in the public is like good for you."
"Endeavor shouts Shoto's name to encourage him and gains the attention of everyone there."
"I want to get to that status that when I fight at 4:00 a.m., the whole country is awake, cheering me on."
"The citizens of this country have come out in record numbers to support our incredible movement."
"We had a duty, as a government, and we made the choice of helping them."
"Seriously guys, make some noise, go sign the petition, add him, do everything possible."
"Remember that public support for life on Mars is critical to making it happen."
"All hope isn't gone but people need to continue buying newspaper subscriptions, otherwise it does just narrow down to smaller organizations which are not kind of easily scrutinized in terms of who funds them and what their agenda may be."
"When they try to bring us down... it only fuels people to support more."
"That's when we talk about the momentum, yeah. You get strangers pulling for you. That's pretty strong."
"To all of you that were worried for us and our marriage and our family, thank you for those of you who, you know, just cared and left really nice comments. Thank you so much."
"If the people aren't supporting you then you have to question how much good you're doing."
"When we take you down baldi, the whole city's gonna cheer!"
"When you have this admiral who is unassailable in his character and commitment to our country step forward and say if you are going after John Brennan you have to go after me, too."
"Jon takes charge he doesn't lie about Danny trying to kill him and everyone especially the common folks seem to want him as king."
"Minneapolis to Duluth should happen pretty soon since the state is very supportive of it."
"She knows she can get this done, that is confidence." - Applause
"Good for him. I'm glad that hopefully there's something in the tide right now that is encouraging people to stand up against law enforcement."
"MIT Romney just suggested sending a check to every American."
"The public gets this we're seeing the public moving towards a strong support for Medicare for all for universal health care."
"When people publicly support me, I'm just like, 'Wow, that's like crazy.'"
"In any normal world, if 88% of voters supported something and we were in the middle of a pandemic that exposed the extent to which we needed that something, it would be the media that was holding politicians accountable."
"It changes everything, of course. It's a big motivation for us to have so many people here."
"Our lawsuit, which is being supported by you, is not about making money. It's actually about winning."
"You've got to fight back, the people want you."
"We can invite people in the same way that PBS does and says you know if you want to see this kind of programming you can support it."
"We need the American people to get behind this campaign... to maintain our ability to communicate."
"It was thrilling to see the huge crowd outside Government House, supporting our action, regardless of their political beliefs."
"It's important that we the people stick together."
"We're excited to have you, yeah, you, you're like the, like the, the comedian that people are championing."
"He's bullying me with his audience. I would very much like you to support me in this effort to vote cartoons out."
"May I thank you for all the love and kindness you've shown us but please, please do anything you can to help us. Thank you."
"That man has gone through unimaginable hell to protect his son he is the most courageous man in America that I can think of right now and he deserves our support and he needs our support."
"Drake thinks Serena husband is a groupie because he's never seen a man be supportive of the woman he loves in her career."
"The President's focus is on delivering necessary relief to the American public."
"Bodily autonomy is a fundamental concept that most Americans are willing to support."
"There's more spirit for the Republican Party right now than I've ever seen."
"We need an infusion of cash into the American people right now."
"Trump refuses to back down, and people like that he does."
"It's up to us to define what Trump is. I mean, he can just disappear back into the background if he's not supported by the people."
"We want big rob. We want the man who actually won't sell us out."
"The blue-collar guys are the ones you like you want to see those guys win."
"A brand new political movement that in as I say, a month goes from not existing to topping the polls in a national election."
"Kofi Mania flooded over them as a wave of support."
"You're a brave woman, and I think I speak on behalf of my viewers when I say we're grateful to have you."
"It's so important for more celebrities to stand up and say, 'Hey, like me too, I don't feel well either, and that's okay.'"
"We're not stopping, justice for Johnny is coming."
"People like what we wear; they want to support the vision."
"He's already winning it's a major [ __ ] dub for him because we're watching this we're watching it unfold and we are sympathizing with Johnny Depp"
"Bernie's movement showed that there's an appetite amongst a ton of people in this country for a really dramatic change in course."
"The American family's plan that came out today 60 support from the American public that's that's almost like 20 more than Joe Biden got when he won the presidency."
"Just do it. I think people would be like they would get they would get cheered in the crowd in the streets going yes finally finally."
"His indecency is a plus... his supporters are galvanized by the criminal charges against him."
"Elon Musk does it the way Elon Musk does but we do it by voting in the primaries and supporting people like Elon Musk when they make these moves."
"My government was rebooted after a huge outpouring of public support."
"Thank you so much, you guys, all the support and love. Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoy my readings."
"Public utilities are not supporting capitalism."
"Here in front of a home crowd, it's a good chance for the Indonesians to cheer on one of their own."
"I support black men who want to support Kevin Samuels, but it is disingenuous and it is wrong to elevate this man's work to the level of martyrhood."
"I support improving America's aging roads, bridges, ports, and other infrastructure."
"Bernie is surging and it's because he's the right person to lead in this moment."
"With the Green New Deal, every poll suggests the Green New Deal based on his merits is something agreeable to most Americans."
"When people shout out of their car windows 'Go on, Katie!'... there is validation in that."
"Let's be those positive champions for all things Space Flight and go out there and cheer on everyone doing that hard work."
"I stand with Johnny and many of you who idolize these Hollywood actors."
"There are millions of Americans now who get on board with that."
"Wow, 101 million! Wow! Wow, you really care."
"We wish the Princess of Wales a full recovery."
"Democracy doesn't win, it's the people who win when they support democracy."
"This has been the easiest thing to raise money for that I've ever done. There is an enormous demand for this among people who believe they've been led astray."
"I think everyone's cheering for them to come back and do the next big thing."
"Donald Trump was my second choice for president in 2016... but when I didn't make it, I endorsed, supported, and campaigned for Donald Trump."
"The determination and perseverance of a dedicated team and the support of the public mean she lives to fly another day."
"For as much negative stuff that's out there, way more people are still behind you. Keep on rocking."