
YouTube Career Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"I felt like I've finally fulfilled the promise that I made to myself. I'm a real YouTuber now."
"YouTube is a privilege of a job to have but can also breed an attitude that creates relentless unhappiness."
"At what point do you think influencers lose their happiness and passion for doing YouTube?"
"Honestly, starting my YouTube channel was single-handedly the best decision that I ever made in my life."
"YouTube has changed my life, right? Really changed my life. And I am... it's... this is a mad space, mate. It's [__] mad, and I'm loving every second of it."
"I'm able to make money... because in the last eight years being on YouTube I have over a thousand videos circulating online."
"It's the Trap pretty much every successful Channel falls into."
"That's so funny 'cause I have almost an identical story of how I got into YouTube."
"YouTube has been my dream since I was 14... I wanna do it as much as possible and as long as possible."
"Only in the last year and a half on my channel did anything matter; the rest of the 10 years before that was just me trying my heart out to make it work and nothing happening."
"I'm gonna be a YouTuber or I'm gonna be 80 with a thousand subscribers."
"Leafy had become the McDonald's of his domain... he had achieved every youtubers dream."
"When it comes to running a YouTube channel, if it's your primary source of income, you have to treat it like a business."
"My YouTube Journey's been slow at the start then I started doing it full-time like astronomical."
"You've got this! It's the start of a long and beautiful road on YouTube."
"If you don't enjoy what you're doing then don't try and become a youtuber."
"What's the happiest moment in your life so far? Moving out on the back of doing YouTube."
"If I can do it, anybody can do it, truly. I'd say that with confidence."
"Maybe one day you'll be sitting there with millions of subscribers, but also stay in school. Don't let that overtake it and study."
"Just don't give up. I've been doing YouTube for nine years."
"It's me actually telling you exactly what to do, critiquing you, consulting you, coaching you on how to be a full-time YouTuber."
"This is my fourth year on YouTube. That means you've been subscribed to me since close to day one."
"It's been a crazy two years... I started the channel on a whim... I really got into it... It's been hard... The last year and a half has been very challenging."
"I've been covering this game since the announcement trailer in 2019 and it's a big part of why I was able to become a full-time YouTuber in 2020."
"Those people are miserable and they want to bring you down whenever I was starting YouTube uh I had really toxic family members and old school classmates who tried to make fun of me for doing YouTube but like I can't I can't"
"That's how a YouTuber succeeds, don't take **** personally."
"YouTube has completely transformed my life, and hopefully it can transform yours too. If a broke high schooler can do it, I truly believe that anyone can."
"We're about to break into YouTube, we're on the cusp!"
"I just finished high school and now I am a graduate, meaning that I can finally do what I always wanted to do and that is to focus on my YouTube."
"Welcome to the world of YouTube where you can turn your passion into a profitable business and gain a loyal following that absolutely adores you, trusts you, and grows with you."
"Sharon started YouTube around a decade ago and to begin with her videos mainly revolved around advice talking about her own life and experiences and how she could help others based on her own experiences."
"When you hit a million subscribers it makes you feel good."
"YouTube is definitely my biggest accomplishment to date."
"I want to do this for as long as YouTube exists. I'll be around to make videos for you guys."
"I'm on this journey of being a full-time YouTuber. Like, what? Oh my gosh, I'm having zoom calls and meetings and all of this, it's just so different."
"I bet on myself before it paid off multiple times. Going full time as a YouTuber, I bet on myself putting myself under a lot of financial stress. It paid off every time."
"It's easier now to turn YouTube into a career, but you gotta do it with passion first."
"I want to be able to focus on YouTube full-time instead of having to juggle another job that's rapidly destroying my mental health."
"YouTube is literally the best thing that's ever happened to me and I never want it to end."
"I've been making videos for like three, three, three years, four years I don't know three or four years on YouTube mostly about the Sims."
"I'm a 24-year-old Duck Life YouTuber... I like ducks."
"Honestly, duck life has made my YouTube job less stressful."
"Well, that's why I love being a YouTuber, man."
"I am successful now for the first time in my life through this YouTube thing."
"Guys, I want to give a big shout out to you because if you guys weren't watching my videos, I would not be in this position."
"I've been doing YouTube since I was 19 and I'm 26 now. Lots in my life has changed, I've changed."
"This is going to be one of my favorite things that I've ever done on my YouTube career."
"Even in the future, if I can't financially support all these cars... I'll still keep doing YouTube."
"I finally have merch after six years on YouTube!"
"YouTube is no longer an expensive hobby for me. It is now my main source of income."
"If you're gonna end your YouTube career, this is the way you want to do it."
"We're able to make for the most part a full-time income from YouTube but it's taken us two long years of hard hard work to get to that point."
"Every day that you delay starting is delaying the success of your YouTube channel. Stop pondering, stop thinking about starting a YouTube channel, and just start."
"I'm happy with the professional side of things with YouTube, those things are kicking on."
"I've been here on YouTube for ten years, and IMO should have been getting some respect."
"Money does not motivate me anymore, especially to do with YouTube."
"You literally are the one who was like, 'Hey, you should start a YouTube channel.'"
"A million subscribers. Something that took me seven years, three months and 20 days to get to from my first YouTube upload."
"I did not set out to be a carnivore doctor. That's not like that's what I want to do. It's just I want to be a YouTuber and share the passions that I have."
"I just hit 300,000 subscribers which honestly is a number that I couldn't have even dreamed of when I started this whole YouTube journey."
"Congrats on everything. I've been watching you since 200k. Keep up the amazing work."
"I am a full-time YouTuber now, and I couldn't have drawn that up."
"Thank you guys so much. You've put me in a position where I've been making videos on YouTube since I was 23 years old and I'm now 34."
"She is definitely someone that I have watched for years and even before I decided to start my own YouTube channel."
"I've been on YouTube for five years and I still don't have a hundred thousand subscribers."
"Development in any kind of YouTube career is crucial and good development cohesive development is crucial otherwise you're just not going to last and it's a sad reality but it is the reality."
"I just have to do those things because that's the whole reason why I started Youtube in the first place."
"Luke started his humble YouTube channel in May of 2020, releasing videos on games he enjoyed investing time into."
"That's the play button, man, that's the centerpiece of the house. We bought this place. That play button paid for this house."
"I've gone through so much and done so much on YouTube for me to quit. I'm gonna keep going with YouTube."
"Thank you for supporting me through my studies, I'm gonna graduate this month and I'm gonna be a full-time YouTuber."
"You worked for that, it's a business to get there right, you built this business and it was like I literally remember it was over it was I'm not even exaggerating this it was the one day to the next everything changed happened to everybody and I was like damn."
"That's the separation like is it a business or is it because you love it yeah my most viewed videos are just awful all title and thumbnail yeah but just terrible I made my entire career out of clickbait dude that was my whole career."
"So there are my YouTube career moments and actually looking at it I am I'm pretty proud not gonna lie there's some stupid moments in there but overall I actually yeah very very proud of my YouTube journey."
"...he admitted he never donated any of the money for nine [ __ ] years which is by the way almost as long as my whole career on YouTube..."
"Doing YouTube, I became a millionaire after 18 months of doing YouTube."
"They don't want me to be out here with a million subscribers, they don't man, they bro can y'all imagine if I really started making like some real like real real YouTube money, like y'all know the type of [ __ ] that I would be building?"
"I am full-time YouTube, which is amazing. Big thanks to you guys."
"Blessed to look back from McDonald's to having a baby on the way, like bloody hell, how this YouTube journey started, it's been mad."
"I plan on doing YouTube forever, and that is one of my jobs."
"A lot of people do YouTube full-time, and it's their main source of income."
"Being on YouTube for so long, I've almost in a way had to become more extroverted."
"Don't procrastinate, I used to be the biggest procrastinator until I started YouTube."
"You can make a living on YouTube, you absolutely can."
I'm very, very confident that if I stopped YouTube today, I would be able to be like, "Man, I did right by people."
"If you want to become a YouTuber and your family is not into it, just keep going. You can be a millionaire."
"Less than 0.1 percent of YouTube creators make a living at it because it's not this easy thing to do."
"I started doing it just because I wanted to be a youtuber, and I was always having fun."
"Thank you for following me through my YouTube journey and just making my life possible."
"I thank you guys so much for supporting me throughout my YouTube journey."
"I love dancing, love drawing, I love making music. I've always wanted to be a YouTuber since I was a kid."
"It's always going to be there as a backup if I need it, so I figured I should pursue my dream with YouTube while I can."
"I make my money from YouTube, alright, so and also satisfaction of fixing stuff which would otherwise be thrown away."
"I'm gonna be a famous YouTuber. I need to put more effort in than ever."
"Thank you so much for allowing me to do YouTube full time while also rewarding the people around me."
"I take YouTube as my job, and I seriously love what I do."
"I've been doing YouTube for almost five years now, and just to think that we're here... it's just crazy."
"It's not just a case of start YouTube, earn big money; there's a lot of steps to take to get to that point."
"Thank you guys all for allowing me to roll out my YouTube dream."
"At the end of the day, I get to go, hey, you remember when you thought I shouldn't expect for this YouTube thing to pan out well? Who's laughing now?"
"I never thought I'd make it anywhere near this far in my YouTube career and I wouldn't have done it without all of your support."
"Despite all odds, she finally made it big on YouTube. See, guys, dreams do come true."
"It's a lot scarier because the last time I filmed, I had like 500 subscribers, and now I'm sitting here a week later talking to 1593 subscribers."
"That's like I fully grown up while doing YouTube."
"But it's the best job that I've ever had. I mean, I love every minute of it."
"This is also my 10th year on YouTube, so it's just, you know, big moves this year."
"At the end of the day, YouTube for me is not only something I do for fun, it's also my career."