
Social Hierarchy Quotes

There are 121 quotes

"The phenomenon of 'tono breakers' reveals two things about Korea that also applies to East Asia: the existence of strict social hierarchies and the expectation to conform."
"The intersectional worldview is the latest progressive fad. It includes everyone, it allows us to map out a hierarchy of oppression and really protect the most marginalized."
"It is inevitable that humans have hierarchies."
"Meritocracy and individualism... just reinforce hierarchies that end with disparate outcomes."
"The central axis of social hierarchy is something like assumed moral superiority and everything else is a marker of that."
"In this world, there existed nine races: dragon newts, elves, ghouls, dwarves, demons, centaurs, Dark Elves, beastmen, and lastly humans. Out of the nine races, humans were looked down upon the most and were known as the weakest race."
"Confucianism calls for paternalism all the way down the social ladder and deference all the way back up."
"Male confidence has a lot to do with dominance hierarchy status."
"The modern day wealthy, the very wealthy today, are a sort of modern aristocracy."
"The order within a Wolf Pack hierarchy is constantly reinforced by displays of dominance and submission."
"The aim of the high is to remain where they are; the aim of the middle is to change places with the high; the aim of the low, when they have an aim... is to abolish all distinctions and create a society in which all men shall be equal."
"You shouldn't speak to those below you because they are below, but you can't speak to those above you because they are above you."
"The Black Bulls are the absolute lowest on the ridiculously stupid social ladder, and these are the bastards that are going to save the goddamn day."
"Rewind a couple of thousand years, and religion required very different behavior. The meek didn't inherit the earth; they were trampled underfoot."
"Racism is an extreme form of prejudice because it involves judging people unfairly but assumes that a person's own race or ethnic group is superior."
"Those at the top of a power hierarchy can only ever really envision things from their perspective."
"Hierarchy pervades all social encounters in the kinds of community that Austin writes about."
"As long as there is a hierarchy of victimhood and suffering, those who are further down the list will always find themselves in situations where their concerns and grievances, no matter how legitimate, will fall by the wayside."
"Everyone wants to be at the top and no one wants to feel like they're at the bottom."
"The only group profiting are very high status men."
"There is a power structure that exists for beautiful people and not beautiful people."
"It's actually a very concurring hierarchy, isn't it? It's not about wealth, it's all about titles and ego and rituals."
"It's a perfect scheme for a bunch of elite people to remain at the top."
"Even if spiritually I am higher than you I'll still honor you I honor age I honor experience."
"This whole thing was never about the left and right it was always about the top and the bottom."
"Never rely upon people at the top to do what's right. Always do what's right for yourself."
"Once civilizations began, ordinary people have lived under the foot of tyrannical rulers—kings, emperors, the upper echelons of society."
"It's about power. It's about hierarchy. It's about wealth."
"The sigma male displays characteristics that are more elusive than the alpha."
"A drow's perception of its worth is only determined by its status over society."
"It was one thing to mistreat and even kill peasants and servants, it was another thing to mistreat and kill the daughters of lower-level gentry and lower-level noble families."
"Brutality of extraction of being at the top of a pyramid of human misery."
"Alphas get their choice of women, but Alphas also have a lot of responsibility."
"Our social lives are pyramid-shaped through time."
"There's two types of people. There's the people that own the store, and there's the people that scrape the gum off the floor. You have to decide which one are you."
"There's levels and leagues. There's levels bro."
"Without the downtrodden members, they're kings of nothing."
"Hierarchy of technologies used to reinforce social order."
"I think that those cemeteries indicate the elite communities."
"He sits on his throne and says that he wants to start making peace with the peasants."
"To confer a kindness is the mark of superiority; to receive one is a mark of subordination."
"There's levels to the world... never think you're on top guys because you're not even close."
"There is only the drive to climb to the top and stay at the top."
"One of the things that we found that was totally prevalent throughout those societies is that people that worked with their hands were considered lesser."
"Intersex people are useful to trans people and like we talked about yesterday trans people the top of the of the victimhood pyramid"
"Everybody in the city knew Eddie Jackson and everybody knew he was on top of the pyramid."
"The hairstyles of the elites in the Bronze Age Aegean clearly represented an individual's age, status, or position."
"The little people in the game are used to keep the top people at the top."
"Communism is about flattening society downward, not upward."
"Gender is a hierarchy and a system of oppression."
"Some of you have such a high spiritual ranking that people need your approval to access you."
"It's delusional to think that there isn't a ruling elite. There has to be one."
"Let us cast aside the shackles of hierarchy and revel in the boundless freedom that our world affords us."
"The king don't mess with the rooks, you know what I'm talking about?"
"Fascists argue that natural hierarchies of worth in fact exist."
"When you are inculcating people into this norm of hierarchy, you coerce people into just going along to get along. It makes everybody's life easier. It ensures that the people who have power remain in power."
"Treating others the way we want to be treated, regardless of where they fall on the totem pole."
"There is a hierarchy in orc culture not determined by rank or birth but by size and savagery."
"Nobody wants to be at the bottom of the ship."
"Find somebody beneath you in every category." - Holly
"Anarchists believe that social hierarchies, including but not limited to capitalism and the state, should be dismissed."
"Their rhetoric, I don't know, just even the framing that there is an oppression ladder in and of itself I think is pretty stunning."
"Class is not downstream from your gender, it supersedes all that."
"Are the seniors no scary not scary they kind of mind their own business and they just like act like they're the big dogs I mean they are but like they just act like they like run the place they don't really talk to you."
"The status of a princess is more important than the status of a knight."
"There's not two genders of women. It's high-status men, low-status men, and women. High-status men have nothing to do with low-status men."
"Shirley tells the princess that people like her are not worthy of being treated by His Highness, thus putting the emperor in a difficult position."
"Biological determinism offers a naturalistic explanation for the social hierarchy that has prevailed in the United States since the founding of the union."
"Indeed, the Asters, a lineage directly descended from America's very first multimillionaire, were the epitome of American high society."
"Food was actually how many people paid their rent and what you ate determined your place on the social ladder."
"Economic inequality is not all of it. There is also a steep social hierarchy in social inequality as well, rooted in norms as well as in laws."
"Women will make rules for men they see as betas, but for alphas, rules? I don't have any rules."
"Magic operates like a precious resource; it can be traded, hoarded, or spent, mirroring the social hierarchies of the world."
"Here's how one person puts it: 'The Roman patronage system meant that everyone, whether slave or free, had obligations to someone higher up in the social pecking order all the way up to the emperor."
"It turns out that people are sensitive about these hierarchies... and in fact inside the minds of these creatures they usually feel like they ought to be a little higher in the hierarchy."
"If you're in the Society of social hierarchy what do you try to do you try to go up a level."
"...these people in those highest powers actually dislike Scousers, it's almost like they don't want Scousers in the door..."
"Once you have this working class that can more efficiently utilize time to create structures of power hierarchy and technology that are not based on the individual desires of a bunch of capitalists but on the collective social desires of a self-conscious working class."
"Council culture only affects those at the bottom of the social code."
"They think they're above you just because you work a retail shop or you don't have a fast food or anything."
"India, the society that has from before the times of colonialism institutionalized a form of social hierarchy which is the caste system."
"It's rising. People are starting to pay attention to economics and social hierarchies."
"The better skilled you were at the clandestine art of non-verbal communication, the higher you were on the social totem pole."
"You are either a royal member of the peerage or you're a commoner."
"The Enlightenment didn't push one political structure... but really pushed for governments that protected rights and challenged the social hierarchies."
"Hierarchy based upon aesthetics is what makes a kid in school get bullied for genetics."
"Sophie's hero's journey is to develop her character enough to participate in the social hierarchy and care about other people's concerns."
"Beauty system creates a hierarchy of haves and have-nots."
"I'd grown up so much that day and learned so much more about where we truly ranked in the world as a race."
"We start believing that we're all created equal, so does that make kings and nobles better than us? No."
"Anarchism holds that social hierarchy... does not justify itself unless a justification can be given."
"Feudalism was a social and political system in which a king of a country bequeathed land and political privileges to Nobles in exchange for services to the crown."
"Wizards like the Malfoy family think they're better than everyone else because they're what people call pure blood."
"Never imagine yourself so elevated that you can afford to cut yourself off from even the lowest echelons."
"The Lords of the Vale have always spat upon the hill tribes."
"The domination system is a hierarchical system with the privilege at the top."
"We're all equal, but sometimes it's not that way in real life. There's a pecking order."
"As long as we have conditions of hierarchy, it creates an incentive for some social groups to coalesce to create a position where they do not have to be subjected to the worst positions in the society."
"Mastery of magic determines one's social status."
"All female hyenas are higher rank than male hyenas and all Cubs are higher ranked than male Cubs."
"They've got a very strong hierarchy led by the females, more specifically the matriarch."
"Humanity has organized itself in a very strict cast system based on colors with golds at the top and reds at the bottom."
"Why are the elephants wrestling each other? Well, in nature, there are certain behaviors that make one another recognize who they are and where they stand."
"The great hall could even be divided into two so that the Percys and their honoured guests wouldn't have to see everybody else."
"By His command, some are high and some are low."
"We're mammals. We look up to the stronger, more powerful beings in our group and we pay a heck of a lot of attention to their emotions, because they can affect our lives."