
Legal Controversy Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"Attorneys for former President Donald Trump and his co-defendants have argued that DA Fanny Willis and special prosecutor Nathan Wade improperly benefited financially from this case and then lied about it under oath."
"A crooked New York state judge just ruled that I have to pay a fine of $355 million for having built a perfect company."
"Judge Evelyn Baker sentenced Bobby to 241 years in prison."
"What has taken place there is a travesty of justice."
"The case we're talking about today is one that is very, very controversial."
"This case sets a precedent: a woman accused a man of rape, there's no evidence that it occurred, yet the man has to pay $83 million because he defended himself."
"That whole situation is [__] though, I'll tell you that. That whole Kyle Rittenhouse thing was pretty dumb."
"How is what has been done to Britney Spears not a human rights crime?"
"We are heartbroken and angry that Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted."
"Did the FBI confront Flynn with the intent to get him to lie so that we can prosecute him and fire him? Did the FBI manufacture a crime against Lieutenant General Michael Flynn?"
"They have just hamfisted in a ruling that disrupts everything about a stable representative Republic."
"The Sedition Act was pretty obviously unconstitutional."
"This is unacceptable. Something did happen. One of the worst things happened—they tried to railroad a 17-year-old kid by lying about the evidence."
"Kyle Rittenhouse almost lost his life... because he was defending himself."
"But what you've decided to do above and beyond defying Supreme Court precedents has just created a big ugly mess."
"I believe JD is only suing for the truth to get out there. Why should Turd be allowed to defend JD and JD just cop it? AH has been caught lying." - Georgina Lakitus
"This is Watergate and then just broke into Michael Cohen's office."
"The FBI has been directly involved in what the court says is 'arguably the most massive attack against free speech in United States history.'"
"Should a large company be able to get away with breaking the law?"
"Fanny Willis hired her lover, her paramor, to be the lead prosecutor in this case and then paid him 650 Grand to do it."
"Most Americans were repulsed by that mug shot, seeing it as a malignant narcissistic sociopathic criminal."
"Texas has halted his illegal deportation freeze."
"The MCU just got another billion dollar entry with Spider-Man no way home Disney got into a very public very ugly lawsuit against their black widow that just kind of blew over."
"We live in a world today where a Canadian man was arrested for using the wrong pronoun for his biologically female child."
"Keep planting seeds and telling people about Jesus, God bless you."
"If Georgia has any self-respect they will get rid of these charges and they'll get rid of her."
"The decision to refuse to count them has produced a live controversy from the moment it was announced to now."
"If things are going in the direction we think, fonnie Willis lied to the court. It's game over for her. She will be."
"Is it wrong of Dream to then go and copyright claim their channel?"
"They see these dirty legal tricks for exactly what they are: a pernicious attempt to steal an election through an abuse of our system of justice."
"After a 3-month trial, the predominantly white jury acquitted the officers, inflaming citizens and sparking the violent infamous 1992 Los Angeles Riots."
"The case has drawn national outcry and sparked many heated debates over racial tensions, vigilantism, police practices, and gun laws."
"The lenient sentence and the non-prosecution agreement sparked outrage and led to calls for accountability."
"Many of us are disturbed and angered by this news, especially since this now seems like a deal was made before Vance left office and hours before the new D.A. moved in."
"Life and Liberty being at stake, you have an indictment that comes down against the former president of the United States which criminalizes Free Speech."
"Pistorius reach for his gun and fired four rounds through a locked bathroom door."
"It's quite disturbing that we should send somebody to another country for supposedly breaking their laws on secrecy." - Alan Rushbridger
"There is so much controversy surrounding this case."
"A Prince Albert, Saskatchewan church has received a $14,000 coronavirus fine for singing without wearing masks. It's outrageous."
"You know, denouncing the attorney general's behavior, I am unaware of a precedent for that either."
"46 percent of Democrats say the D.A Prosecuting Trump would be outrageous abuse of power. Democrats appear to be divided when it comes to rumors that leftist Marxist district attorney Alvin Bragg potentially might be indicting President Trump."
"That was key to their strategy, that all changed in 2009 though when computer weekly published allegations about Horizon."
"Sheriff in New Mexico's most populous County rejects Governor's gun ban calling it unconstitutional."
"Maybe this is all the FBI’s fault, not Flynn’s. Maybe the man who pled guilty to a felony isn’t guilty of a felony."
"The real threat to press freedom is this attempt to prosecute WikiLeaks and Julian Assange."
"When Congress is demonstrably contemptible, contempt of congress should not be a crime."
"Kyle Rittenhouse is lauded because he fled first... defended himself... and then immediately tried to get the police."
"He literally got away with murder. America is broken."
"Rittenhouse didn't do anything wrong, so why shouldn't he have all those opportunities?"
"He may have crossed the line with this frivolous criminal case against Trump."
"Hunter Biden is a criminal and they didn't even bring the laptop into the case. You think that's justice?"
"How in the world can a mother wait 30 days before ever reporting her child missing?"
"It is newsworthy when cops raid your house and steal your fucking money. Period. End of watch, so to speak."
"His release stirred controversy and generated international attention."
"Abortion is unconstitutional and the Supreme Court should overturn it."
"The charges are essentially we're going after somebody for being the victim of a blackmail attempt instead of the blackmailer."
"If anybody says that this indictment is anything other than a ludicrous steaming pile of judicial dog plop, they're idiots. Period."
"This woman literally has a tougher sentence than the terrorists that stormed the Capitol."
"Legalizing the use of race in deciding who is admitted to schools of higher learning has caused enormous conflict in our society."
"Elon suing Media Matters for concocting a scheme...so we're going to take a look at that lawsuit"
"The Federal Reserve and IRS were unconstitutional."
"Joe Biden broke the law, that's beyond question at this point in multiple ways."
"A corrupted Federal justice department acting to protect the president despite findings of law and fact."
"Justice is on trial, you know, the whole world is watching this New York scam."
"Activision Blizzard is allegedly using the settlement terms of one lawsuit to destroy relevant evidence in another lawsuit. I didn't know you could do that. I didn't. Can you? That sounds illegal to me."
"It's a tax on property and it's not apportioned."
"A tragic day for the rule of law, undoubtedly wild that this is even happening."
"Amber Heard's a liar. That's what's on trial."
"It's totally illegal, this judge should be disbarred."
"Trump made it illegal for Standing Rock water protesters or water protectors to demonstrate."
"Yes, we are going to break international law but in a limited and specific way."
"It's outrageous and antithetical to our understanding of constitutional protections."
"This is not about the rule of law; this is a political raid by an out-of-control Justice Department and FBI."
"Daniels conviction violates his right to bear arms."
"Julian Assange has been effectively in prison... for doing journalism... it's grotesque, monstrous."
"The only crime he committed was assisting suicide."
"The ATF's new rule criminalizing pistol braces is a brazen and unlawful attempt to usurp Congressional Authority."
"A guy that was probably negligently killed but we kind of made it look like other people did it."
"We can now fight entirely in the air as we leap from chopper to chopper."
"Vicki Fandus never showed any remorse for killing her partner George Marcetta. In fact, she steadfastly denied she had anything to do with it."
"Many people doubt Melanie Maguire's guilt."
"DACA is popular for a reason. It's an illegal act by Obama. But the idea that kids who grew up here, who were illegal immigrants should be allowed to stay is something that, I mean, I'm for, too."