
Social Comparison Quotes

There are 120 quotes

"Sa, which literally translates to 'when my cousin buys land, I get a stomach ache,' and it means I'm envious of someone else's success and what they have."
"It's normal to compare ourselves; it's not normal to live in a world where we see 7,000 people a day on a glass screen."
"Our biggest problem, I believe, is that we compare our behind-the-scenes to everyone else's highlight reel."
"We're only comparing ourselves not to their real life, but to the version of the life that they show us."
"Avoid the lifestyle creep. You don't have to keep up with the Joneses; they're all broke."
"It doesn't matter what you have on your wrist or what other people have on their wrists; it says nothing about us."
"People see something that catches their eye and they're like, 'Oh, what if that's better?'"
"I'm tired of the well, relative to everyone else, I didn't have that much money perspective, because relative to the 90% of us, you're doing just fine."
"Look at people who are less powerful than you and compare yourself to them so that you could begin to appreciate what you have."
"Watch your spending, don't spend what you don't have. Stop trying to keep up with an image."
"There is no such thing as objective wealth; everything is relative, and most relative to those around you."
"Fear that you are missing out on stuff that other people are doing on the internet is associated with the feeling that others are less human."
"It's the feeling that other people are having more fun, more experiences, and living better lives than you."
"They're smarter. They're looking at these phones and saying, 'Oh, my friend went there. Oh, you got two bruises? I'm going to get four. I'm in.'"
"The truthful thing about prison is it is exactly the same as the world up here, the world you're in right now, except the nice people are much nicer and the nasty people unbelievably much less."
"Gender is a performance. You actually perform it every day."
"We have to stop categorizing ourselves as less-than and greater-than."
"People measure success relative to everyone else around them."
"A person should look to those that have less than them in dunya and it will make what they have seem plentiful."
"Nothing will put you on the hamster wheel of consumption more than a feeling of inadequacy and looking around and seeing other people who have things that through no fault of your own you can't access."
"The problem is we're comparing ourselves to other people, and it has to stop."
"When we see somebody successful, all of a sudden our low self-esteem kicks in. I want to see people successful, the more successful the merrier."
"Just do what you do and don't worry about other people."
"Comparisons are made subliminally through glorified images of beauty."
"Create your own relationships, don't worry about what Melissa and Kevin are doing."
"They're tired of seeing other people have emotional fulfillment and connections."
"Now's not the time to be spending money on foolishness. You trying to keep up with the Joneses? At least try to keep up with somebody's refrigerator or their bank account."
"Comparing yourself to other people will make you a lot happier, a lot sooner."
"He's not like typical billionaires who obsess over owning the biggest and nicest things."
"It's pocket watching—the act of calculating happiness based on another man's bank account."
"Your problem is no more important than other people's problems."
"You don't buy a Lamborghini anymore, you buy a crypto punk or you buy whatever the generated thing people do to show their dicks bigger than someone else is on the internet."
"It's not because you're more beautiful or more poised."
"I always get, 'How come you're not as famous as those other moms?'"
"I still get asked to this day how do you feel about Tommy hitting 10 mil before you?"
"If travis takes nicer vacations than you that's not for a future storm damn you could get the knife did you just hand it over."
"I believe that the source of almost all my anxiety and depression and all that stuff is thinking about myself. If you give me time to think about myself, I will inevitably start wondering where I'm ranking in this world."
"When you look down the table, I think the people who are vaping are kind of cooler than people who are smoking."
"You're looking at people and you're thinking to yourself how are they different from me, what if these guys know something?"
"The power of the comparison effect: you never feel good about how well you're doing in life in some kind of objective sense instead it's always a comparison."
"Isn't that enough i guarantee not one person is looking at you and someone else and deciding you know what i like the other girl but because this one is just so quirky with her roll of bubblicious she's just cooler and better and more appealing."
"Status on our living conditions are relative not absolute."
"It's about truth, honesty, vulnerability, the good stuff. All these guys coming in here trying to show who's got the bigger bank account, the bigger jet, a bigger car, get tired."
"Doing more than you should does not make you better than other people."
"Now they gotta watch your success while they live in poverty and failure."
"Lovely, lovely. Certainly keeping up with the Joneses."
"Everyone around you seems to be consistently checking off all of the things they hoped, wished, and dreamed for."
"People just love to be better than others don't they it's always world's biggest wheel world's best glass world's most exclusive collection of first run power puff girls merchandise etc."
"We're just comparing ourselves to others, unhealthy as hell."
"What makes what people are saying is necessarily wrong I think a better example would be kind of like the Kylie Jenner Selena Gomez Hailey Bieber situation."
"Are we witnessing literally the exact same thing just coming from two different cultural backgrounds?"
"When the state starts defining people by accident of physiognomy or birth... then we are in kind of apartheid South Africa territory."
"Is this better? I guess like this is probably more like what other people's are."
"Christine has something to be envied by Robin: Independence and self-worth."
"Please realize that your worth is far too high to waste your time with people just looking to chitchat."
"Do what makes you feel alive, not what makes you compare with other people."
"You don't need to compare yourself to co-workers, don't worry about what they're driving and no you don't need a nicer car to impress your clients, no one cares."
"You've put yourself right up there with murderers."
"I'm nice. I'm not like the other mask maker who's a total douchebag."
"Comparing oneself to others highlights another person's highlights can foster feelings of falling short."
"Just because this girl over there can get a multi-millionaire and you can only get a millionaire or a six-figure guy, ask yourself, are you free? Are you happy?"
"Comparison is the thief of joy. For me, that was really true. When I just became content with what I had, that was a huge part of this."
"You have such good manners and are kind unlike some people here."
"Queens are just manifesting and actualizing the best version of themselves. Silly women are always looking, comparing themselves, complaining about their situation, and competing with everybody."
"Seeing his neighbor get rich undermines a man's ability to be rational."
"If you're not willing to put in the hours, if you're a lazy bum, don't be envious and jealous of other people and where they are today."
"The greatest enemy to contentment is comparison."
"Jon's situation is still better than most other people we will be seeing shortly."
"Relationships can be just as strong or stronger than actual money."
"One of the dangers of pornography is it's a comparison thing."
"Literally every city every county every state completely different."
"Judge yourself by your real-time progress, not somebody else's highlight reel."
"You never happen when you're like in your yacht with a girl and then this guy pulls up with him."
"Everything that you want in life, guess what? Other people already have them."
"One of the ways to distinguish between if you're a normie or a chad..."
"We love ourselves more than other people but we value their opinions more than our own."
"Comparison is the thief of joy. Don't compare yourself to other people, don't compare yourself to their sanitized versions on social media."
"We cannot do that because if we do, we become as bad as them."
"They feel like they need to do so much just to keep up with you."
"Prince Harry and Meghan Markle's 2018 wedding looked more like an Oscar's after-party than a royal wedding."
"Being a conservative for a young person in the UK is like being a homosexual in the 1950s."
"There are a lot of people that have a hard time taking things that they can't compare themselves to others too seriously."
"Some of the guy friends that I got, I feel like are out of my league."
"We compare our insides to other people's outsides."
"You're not as good at being white as they are."
"Stop comparing your life and legacy to what you see online."
"There is more to life than someone's body so what if they don't look like that girl on Instagram."
"You're always comparing... and you're trying to make your life equal to thousands of people's highlight reels."
"We need to be okay with not being the best and that means not comparing ourselves to everybody on social media."
"Even if they're better off than they were yesterday, if they're not as well off as they think they ought to be, there will be resentment."
"We can afford it as a country to take care of each other, and these nickel and dimings of these procedures that are costing thousands and thousands of dollars just aren't that expensive everywhere else in the world."
"From then on, Hye-In often showed off photos of luxury and branded items even though they all belonged to Na-Yeon."
"Stop trying to keep up with everybody out here."
"You didn't have to keep up with the Joneses. You didn't know what you were missing out on."
"Keeping up with the Joneses is far from a new idea."
"The constant desire to keep up with everyone around us is nothing short of a race to the bottom."
"When you have nothing and you're around dudes that have money connections, it makes you feel so small."
"The worst feeling I have in the world is when I post a photo of me with a perfect angle that I've tried a million times and somebody says 'I wish I looked like you'."
"Comparison is such a trigger... for overconsumption and it's so easy for us to see someone online whose style is very similar to our own."
"Stratification economics doesn't only consider overall well-being, it believes that individuals are also concerned about their relative well-being."
"The rich wish to be normal, describing their consumption as reasonable and basic and comparing themselves to those who have more than they do, rather than those with less."
"I'm more popular than their presidents."
"You're real, but you are still more authentic than half the people I know."
"The frog pond effect and relative deprivation theory support the notion that people's experiences are judged according to what others around them are experiencing."
"The sphere of individual action is not to be regarded as ethically inferior to that of social duty."
"It's not fair to the average person to consume all this content of people's lives and then compare yourself to that."
"Working out with other people... having someone else to compare yourself to... makes you bike faster, run faster, swim faster."
"Jealousy with materialism is coming from who you compare yourself to."
"We engage in positive distinctiveness to make ourselves appear favorably."
"People have talked about that like it has been scientifically researched how we watch other people's lives have no idea what their lives are but in some way internalize that their lives are better than ours."