
Financial Prudence Quotes

There are 170 quotes

"In the west, if you buy luxury when you can't afford it to try and gain admiration, it's not admiration you'll get, but pity for such obvious displays of wealth when you can't actually afford it."
"Read the contract very carefully, and if you have to pay somebody who's an expert to read that contract and tell you exactly what you're signing up for, it is worth it."
"Royal advisors need to be aware of the dangers ahead. Wise counsel would advise the new king and other members of the royal family that financial prudence, a strong work ethic, and focusing on the people will be the basis of a popular modern monarchy."
"Don't waste your money right now; don't waste your time right now."
"For the regular home buyer... Can you buy a home you like where you don't have to sell your soul to buy it, aka waive the inspection and appraisal, and where you see yourself in it for a long time, like five to ten years?"
"If you feel like the only way you can run your business is to buy something you can't afford, then you really have to adjust your thinking."
"Can you handle the risk associated with the trade starting with small size it helps set a foundation for risk management because you simply cannot afford to make big mistakes."
"There is no reason to overspend especially these days."
"Exercising caution and making sure that you have strong fundamentals... especially prudent in today's day and age."
"I'm a value investor. I want to find things that are worthwhile, useful, important, and excellent."
"Preserve your cash and then don't waste the crisis."
"You're spending how much money on the house and you're telling me you're not gonna give a flagging Dublin about inspection?"
"This crisis marathon requires prudence and caution in private finances, a durable nominal anchor, a resilient financial system, a careful management of external balances, and flexibility and efficiency in the allocation of scarce resources."
"I'm all for financial management and sustainability of football, it's got to be fair."
"One regret that carries through to every purchase I make is not getting the best deal possible including cash back."
"There's no dignity quite so impressive and no independence quite so important as living within your means."
"It's about spending it wisely, being shrewd in the market."
"I don't want to pay retail. I always ask for a discount. There's a matter of principle. I want value, you know? I want efficiency, I want value."
"I still can't help but think there might be a better opportunity to buy this company."
"I don't want to spend my money on an item that's going to sit in my closet and never get worn."
"Kudos to the Magic for not overpaying Nikolayevich."
"Selling into extreme greed is typically a prudent thing to do."
"Don't ever feel guilty for locking in some money."
"Living below their means and avoiding unnecessary expenses is important."
"You don't need to drop 200 million pounds a year on transfers; you need the right players at the right times."
"Don't increase your lifestyle when you get a raise, invest that extra money."
"It takes a brave club in this climate to say, 'We're not taking that 90 million we could take right now.'"
"Those who were prudent coming into this are going to come out a lot better off than those who stand to lose."
"I feel like it would do its job because it's very stingy."
"I'm gonna make sure I know everything there is to know about this company before I put my hard-earned money into it."
"I think we are in a big transition away from an ultra loose indulgent kind of Arena where people are suddenly going to have to be a lot more Discerning with their capital."
"Greed is not good. If you're holding calls or puts closer to expiration and you're up, the trade is profitable. Take the profits."
"This isn't some incredible opportunity... this is the time to really be prudent."
"Live on less than you make, put money away, and work hard."
"If you can't afford it, don't you dare buy it."
"Just because it's cheap doesn't mean you need it."
"Don't operate in fear, don't go into debt, don't become a hoarder - act from abundance and prosperity."
"Money is precious, so make sure when you go put your stuff in, everyone puts your stuff back in. Not my precious, but it's precious. You work hard for it, so make sure you're not throwing it away."
"If you look after the pennies, the pounds will look after themselves."
"If you won't buy an item at full price, do not buy the item on sale."
"An amazing used-car purchase... for like 15 grand."
"Stop buying, start selling. Every penny you keep in your bank can be an emergency fund."
"Extended warranty is not just money down the drain, it's peace of mind."
"You don't have to sell everything, you don't have to do anything rash."
"You're not gonna go broke taking profits, right? You're not gonna go broke taking profit."
"You can take the profits put it in somewhere safe for a little bit while you clear your head."
"Consider new networks and make prudent financial decisions."
"Responsible investing works... facing reality facing the real risks and costs."
"I'd rather be someone that locks in profits versus someone that does not."
"I think spending your money on things that are going to give you long-term results that are going to be useful for you long term is that's more frugal."
"Everybody gives me [ __ ] for taking profits. I'm like, yeah, well, that's why I do it."
"I don't buy stuff on the number that I make three years gotcha I don't buy stuff on numbers I don't make three years you just have to look at your numbers that way."
"Success is not about raising a lot of money, it's about building something sustainable."
"Proper recruitment is finding these players before you pay stupid money for them."
"My whole mindset is to spend money but make sure you're getting value."
"Only buy what you need, don't just be that guy who's like, 'Man, I just really want this thing because I just really want it.'"
"All I'm here to do is protect my capital and survive in the long run."
"If you can't pay for it today, we don't get it today."
"Travel insurance is one of those things in life where you're probably paying for something you're not going to use but if you ever need it boy is it really important."
"Don't invest more than you're willing to lose."
"It's definitely just smart to be looking over these statements."
"Just because you make the money doesn't mean you need to spend it."
"I hope you can understand the practical reasons behind that and not wanting to live check engine light to check engine light in an aging German sports car."
"Spending that much when I can get really the same output from the same maximum or a Vinicius Jr it just didn't seem worthwhile."
"Don't spend more than you earn and don't be tempted to chase higher yield investments."
"No spend January has made us think outside the box where we would normally order pizza we're making pizzas now."
"Proper research, due diligence, and just common sense go a long way when it comes to real estate investing."
"Live below your means until you really can afford to go out and buy something right."
"You're much more likely to say, 'I can't believe we didn't sign that player,' rather than, 'I can't believe we wasted that amount of money on that player.'"
"You don't need to build a fifty thousand dollar Barn to house a fifty dollar bale of hay."
"God will never lead you to fall off the cliff, he will never lead you to get in debt over your head and can't do what you ought to be doing."
"Start to assess your capabilities and the need for a new gadget. It is quite possible that your old gadget is still working perfectly well and does not need to be replaced."
"We should not be celebrating and praising people for spending their last dime on an MLM business opportunity we should not be advising this we should not be encouraging this."
"Remember, you're just trying to get a snapshot of this deal at this point in time."
"Live purposefully. Live within your means and work towards your goals and aspirations."
"Sometimes it pays to I want to say shop around or to pay attention to pricing at different places that you go to."
"It is the best practice to refrain from spending as much of your profits as you can in the very beginning."
"Live below your means until you understand finances in depth and you can be smart about it."
"I don't operate with any kind of debt. If I can't afford it, I don't buy it."
"I'm all for that and I think we will bring some loan deals in we will bring some loans deals in but I don't want us spending money this January I really don't."
"The idea of never spending a penny on something that doesn't matter is still strong in me."
"Compound interest is your friend, young men."
"The richest people in the world they spend a lot of time on mitigating their taxes and making sure that they're taking a lot of deductions."
"Never overpay for a bad car. Please take your time, do the math, have a solid plan, folks."
"It's a win-win in my eyes, more of a win to get the car, but more of a win if I don't because I get to save my money."
"You're going to learn the same lessons and you're going to pay some tuition along the way, but it won't cost as much as someone who jumps in with too much money."
"It's never something risky to where I could lose a bunch of money."
"It's not how much you make, it's how much you save."
"Don't break the bank to hang out with girls that like you. They enjoy you for you."
"You don't blindly hit buy on Amazon as soon as you think of something you need or want. You're level-headed and rational, so you pause and think before you hand over your precious money to someone else."
"I hate wasting money, bro. But I hate feeling like I got finesse."
"I would never underwrite my deal at a price lower than what they're asking. If you have to drop the price to make sense of it, the deal doesn't make sense."
"Saving money to me is living within your means and actually living below your means."
"I don't spend money that I don't have so I feel like that's financial security 101."
"Keep your business flow and don't spend your profit."
"He learned valuable lessons about resilience, the importance of supportive relationships, and the need for financial prudence."
"Be frugal and save as much money as you can, cut down on your expenses and then be very, very strategic about the first two steps that you make."
"Being wasteful is a poor mom mindset, absolutely. Absolutely, I don't care how much money you have, if you're wasteful, that's a poor mom mindset."
"We raised our four boys debt-free, including paying cash for this home when at that time our income averaged a little under forty thousand dollars a year."
"Not out of cash, just not wanting to be anybody's fool."
"I'm never ever going to buy anything that I can't afford to walk away from."
"Value investing reduces risk while simultaneously enhancing your rate of return."
"Don't go broke trying to portray an image."
"He's always protected the downside of his investors; he never once put his investors in jeopardy throughout his entire history."
"We avoided debt wherever possible."
"We do not like to waste our own money."
"I'm also very frugal and prudent to where I don't do something unless I know financially it 100% will make sense."
"Decide not to live beyond your ability."
"The smart thing to do in the beginning is just do the best you can and try to avoid losing money."
"He never had a mortgage, never borrowed to buy a car, and always had enough savings to make it through a rough patch."
"We're there to comfort him in his time of need, not to use his credit card."
"Risk management is what you have to do as a trader."
"We're going to help you prove it out before you spend your hard-earned dollars."
"It's not that I'm tight with money, it's that I want to get value for money at all times."
"Living within your means is such a huge part of what it means to live intentionally."
"I'm personally still a big fan of the cheap cables because they hurt my wallet much less."
"Don't live beyond your means; pay for everything you can in cash and don't carry debt."
"Instead of focusing on how much you can gain, I constantly try to focus on reducing risk."
"I feel proud that I saved the budget and I saved the money and I made the choice to buy it instead of a collection of less expensive and less nice and less perfect things."
"Converting your garage or shop to a more homey and inviting space without having to take out a 5-year loan."
"Creativity before capital, or another way to view it is mind over money."
"If something was going to actually save you money to implement and was going to save you money down the track, why wouldn't you do that?"
"There's no reason to go into debt and open up some super fancy spot; get the business settled first."
"I am by nature a free spirit and typically fly by the seat of my pants, except when it comes to money."
"I like to save my money, I like to invest my money, make smart decisions with my money."
"I think it's a great signing, wouldn't break the bank, works well with Wayne Bennett, does utility perfect."
"I kind of treat a lot of the money that I do earn like I don't have it, and I just kind of lock it away."
"I would support my wife in anything she chooses to do, as long as it would not cause financial harm to our family."
"It's easy to spend, spend, spend, so I try to be careful."
"Financial wisdom and living with modesty can create the most enduring legacies."
"I love beautiful things, but I don't love overspending."
"Exercise financial discipline and avoid impulsive spending."
"I think the majority of us are kind of in the position where we can't really justify buying anything new right now."
"I love beautiful things but I try not to overspend."
"They distilled the ideas and they're doing the right thing; they've reduced the debt dramatically."
"The best position you could do is just preserve your Capital."
"Don't spend more money than you have; don't grow faster than you are growing. Just one step at a time."
"Don't try to keep up with the Joneses when you're buying a property and put yourself in a position of financial weakness."
"You gotta stay within your means."
"When they have money coming in, it's like they'll save even when they have pocket money."
"Where would I be without creativity and a little bit of hard work and not living beyond my means?"
"I don't borrow money. If I've got the money in my pocket, I can afford it, if I haven't got the money, then I can't afford it, that's simple, and that's the way that most of our people are thinking."
"But at a minimum, we need to see this test and more important price levels."
"It's good to hear others' opinions and reviews before you use your money to purchase it."
"Any fool can make a fortune; it takes a real man, a wise man, to actually keep it."
"I feel like I just wasn't giving in to impulse purchases."
"Nobody's ever going to be as careful spending your money as you."
"Take a penny and turn it around a thousand times before you spend it."
"I never wanted to be too crazy frivolous with money."
"I don't like to overpay for things that shouldn't be that expensive."
"Don't break the bank for us; we appreciate everything, this is more than enough."
"You've always had to be very careful when you spend your money and invest in equipment because you wanted to get the maximum amount out of your dollar."
"Stay financially disciplined and believe in your own faith right now."
"Be very careful with your money and how you take care of your personal belongings."
"You're manifesting just about everything you could want here, just save money too, hold on to your money and protect yourself."
"They're very focused on their finances and their career, very careful with how they spend their money."
"Many of us are saving money and being more careful with what we purchase."