
Societal Judgment Quotes

There are 429 quotes

"In the west, if you buy luxury when you can't afford it to try and gain admiration, it's not admiration you'll get, but pity for such obvious displays of wealth when you can't actually afford it."
"Parents need to make sure their kids are happy...we care more about the judgment of our contemporaries about what our children are accomplishing more than caring about our children."
"Stop caring about how other people perceive you; it is wildly unhealthy."
"You can judge a society by the way the women act in that society."
"To be a failure in life is something that we all fear the most. Success brings you money, things, praise, and overall admiration, but what does failure bring? Failure brings shame, embarrassment, money troubles, and worst of all, you can become a laughingstock or the freak show of the internet."
"What will people say? How many times have you stopped yourself from doing something because you're scared of how people will react?"
"This is a moment of Intergalactic embarrassment that if any of the radio waves that escape our planet...are picked up by some alien civilization, they will nuke our planet listening to people this [__] stupid."
"It's important to express these things right because if you do it publicly, you are building a network in which you can judge the world better."
"Instead of being so relaxed that we're forgiving and inclusive... we increasingly judge because the slightest difference... makes us feel even more insecure."
"Maybe, just maybe, the government actually did the right thing."
"I honestly think it's really messed up that we live in a society where people judge you if you gain weight."
"You can't generalize a whole group of people to being one thing."
"Misrepresenting what is real in relation to others is the ultimate condemnation of a kind of cancel culture."
"Never have such high expectations been had for people that are thought so lowly of."
"I'll never understand why we live in this society where people, when they talk about their mental illness...they're genuinely frequently attacked for choosing to discuss that stuff."
"Is this dream worth having a few people think you're crazy?"
"I think the British people judge people by their character and by their actions not by their bank account."
"For everyone that thinks Jake is a different person, there's probably equally an amount of people that think it's not the abuse, it's not grisly, it's not the drugs, it's not anything, it's his mentality."
"Nobody does care about my parents, that's hard to grasp because you may get some people commenting on the way that you look..."
"If you don't chase it, you're going to get criticized."
"We're not evil just because we don't believe that you are omniscient."
"If she's a witch, throw her in the water - that's what we're doing on race now, it's really pathetic."
"What do you care what people think about you if you do God's will?"
"How dare a society accept one woman's statement as fact and ignore another woman's statement because you don't like one message and you want the other message on a pedestal."
"Maybe the blues just aren't worth saving, maybe we're not that likable."
"Nobody's actually encouraging any self-harm, what people are talking about is this over emotional crybaby mentality."
"Obese people are not lazy, they're not morally bereft, they're not bad people, they're fighting their biology."
"Live your life and not care what anybody else thinks."
"Standing up, not being afraid of what other people might say or think."
"I'm used to it... I'm just used to people not liking me and that's fine."
"We have so many people who can't see a fat man standing beside a thin one without coming to the conclusion the fat man got that way by taking advantage of the gentleman."
"If you are still in this alternative lifestyle when those people come here, you will be shown absolutely no mercy."
"How difficult is it to not go to prison nine times? How difficult is it to not be high holding a counterfeit bill?"
"People are gonna hate you. But you can control how you interact with them."
"Stop caring what people think about you. Caring about what people think of me has been the number one thing that has stifled my growth in my life."
"As an American, the prosecution and the people siding with them should be disgusted that they are standing up for these criminals." - James E. Jupiter
"I think if MLK was alive today ... he would be villainized and slandered by the corporate media."
"What exactly is the harm in that? What is the problem with people playing video games? I don't understand."
"It's possible to hold individually accountable the bad actors without painting every single person with the same brush."
"Who Among Us has never done anything that could get you canceled."
"Genius looks like insanity at first though, right?"
"If she's happy and she's living her best life, [expletive] rock it. Like, that's where, like, the energy is, and if she wants to be unhealthy, which by the way, like, it's unhealthy, [expletive], go for it, live your best life, do it."
"I don't judge other people, and I see a lot of people judging me."
"But aren't we all freaks in the eyes of society? Do you think you can purchase acceptance through conformity? Because that is not freedom, Tiffany Tumbles. That is simply adding another cell to the prison."
"Every character wants to see themselves are directly affected by how other people judge them, and their failure to live up to that idea brings great pain."
"There's always going to be a bad 1%, and that 1% shouldn't then define the other 99%."
"Even if you don't get it, you see like oh you think it's on the surface like the people that were like Satan's people that you say the threat was on they didn't get it right."
"If you're afraid of saying something because you might be called racist for saying it, the problem isn't with everyone who's gonna call you racist, the problem is with what you want to say."
"I know it's there but I don't take any notice of it because it's, I can't, I can't, I can't get rid of it and that's just the way the world. I don't let it bother me or dictate my day or anything like that."
"It's weirdly invasive when people think that they can be upset about your life choices if it doesn't directly affect them."
"Most people will take small snippets of information about you and decide that's who you are. But don't worry, none of that has anything to do with who you really are, and they aren't your people either."
"Shame is the worst thing that can happen to you."
"What is it about laziness that feels morally wrong?"
"When you don't have a job and you sit at home smoking weed, playing Xbox in your drawers all day, that makes you look like a [__]."
"Even if someone perceives you as doing something bad they will [ __ ] rip you forever."
"It's so funny when Christians will look at like Muslims and they'll be like you wear the hijab like how oppressive and then they'll turn around to like a woman in a mini skirt like what a disgusting for I hope she gets a rape."
"Innocent till proven guilty or guilty till proven innocent... does that even matter in the court of public opinion?"
"Do we want people to be changed or do we want them to stay the same to freeze in a moment we found on the internet from 12 years ago?"
"If you're going to hate us, hate us for what Christ and the word of God has declared to be righteous."
"Ultimately it comes down to people giving too much of a [expletive] about what other people do with their lives. It's them that has the problem, they're the ones who need fixing."
"I'm worried about the kids who get this, the teenagers who get maligned as awful bigots, racists, xenophobes, transphobes just for having an opinion that may not go with the, you know, the mainstream."
"Those people who are judging you for it like they can go [ __ ] themselves yeah right you did what was best for you for yourself like you gives a [ __ ] what their opinions are."
"Society tends to blame a person's character... for them becoming addicted in the first place."
"That's the scariest part about people who support Trump, they'll never say it openly, they treat Trump like the fat girl in the hood but they just smash it out."
"There are no perfect victims and there are no perfect people."
"Just because the world calls you crazy doesn't mean you are. And today, if the world is actually calling you crazy, I'd wear that label like a badge of honor because it seems that they are actually the ones that are crazy, completely mad."
"Everybody hates a Karen until the Karen is fighting for them."
"Parenting is almost like a competitive sport these days, parents cannot do right for doing wrong, somebody is always going to be judging you."
"Don't let the judgments of other people and what other people will say impact you because you know it's your life."
"Anytime you move from being normal to try to be exceptional, people aren't gonna like that [ __ ]. Those normal people, it makes them feel like [ __ ]."
"Dredges of society, the drug addicts, the alcoholics, the prostitutes, the people who had turned to the worst things in life and now pretty much tend to have a life because of the addictions and the cycles they've gotten themselves trapped in."
"He could cure cancer and people would still be mad at him."
"Don't be mad at me because I'm successful, I could be toe up and in jail or dead like a lot of my friends."
"I'm not in the business of doing things if you're intimidated by my confidence and the fact that I'm unapologetically myself."
"If you're comfortable with yourself, people are gonna have something to say regardless."
"I don't envy that guy. This guy's living in Hell. He's a lot. You think his life is fulfilling? Hard to think so."
"Say what you want but you will be paid dust because clearly she wants fame."
"With the new Mavic 3, it has quite a few features that I specifically care about when it comes to image quality."
"People shame parents for having to pick between work and family, and it's always a tough decision."
"Beauty means you're a good person and ugly means you're bad. No, period."
"If you seize success, people will overlook your failings."
"As a man, you are judged by females and by society at large on your competence."
"Being diligent is not the same thing as being a hater."
"I have great pity for the people who believe that half their countrymen are deplorable and irredeemable."
"This man's supposed crime was merely operating his business."
"People talk about where I'm from, my level of education, they talk about my father, but they won't talk about the perseverance."
"I'm me and nobody else, whatever people say I am that's what I'm not, because they don't know a bloody thing about me."
"If you really want to prove you don't care what people think then try new things without fear of judgment."
"You have nothing objectively to lose, everything you feel you have to lose is purely made up in your mind, stories that tell themselves about what other people are going to think about you."
"You can be the ripest juiciest peach in the world and there's still going to be somebody who hates peaches."
"Why do you care what someone does with their life?"
"While those on the right are considered hardened criminals without any record before a trial can even begin."
"Your worth is not your 'worthy,' ascribed by others."
"Never Back Down For Nothing always stand for something, haters going to keep on judging but they never stop in the substance."
"A lot of the things that happened to her... really weren't her fault."
"You can judge a society by how they treat their prisoners."
"The rest of the world looks at this and they shake their head."
"A sinful lifestyle that scripture clearly deems is wrong." - 1 Million Moms
"Everybody's not gonna like you but that doesn't mean that you're not talented."
"Once you become a rat, all your relevance is gone, man. Hey, you can't say nothing good about a rat."
"Who cares what some numpty has to say about you, really who cares?"
"A lot of people think I'm an [__]. That's cool."
"It's cowardly and it's been shown to be cowardly over the last nine days."
"Until we move past that and get towards a society that actually judges people by their character we are going to be lost."
"Humanity has had a long history of eyeing those on the fringes of civilization as barbarians."
"The most tolerant and accepting Societies in the world are all the ones that get dragged for this and this is because they actually acknowledge past wrongs and they are the most virtuous Nations."
"I think people don't like the fact that it feels as though she is doing whatever the hell she wants to."
"The court of public opinion, unfortunately, that's the world we live in."
"People around us who we think are misguided."
"The Scarlet letter will be digital, so whatever your past is, it'll be like Grand Theft Auto."
"He's the walking example of better to keep your mouth shut and let people think you a fool."
"Unfortunately, it's stories like Jocelyn's that cause many people to still feel the need to keep their sexuality hidden."
"Being able to accept that there are always going to be people who will never see you as valid and continuing to fight on."
"Women leaders, I think they are judged more harshly."
"We exist without skin color, without nationality, without religious bias, and you call us criminals."
"It gives people a false sense of moral superiority."
"Stop worrying about what people think. You're your own person."
"Truth is, those children are better off dead than in this nation without hope. They are on their mother's milk taught to be proud sinners and rebels."
"He's still crazy. He is mentally unwell, and people laugh. I'm know he's clearly unwell."
"At the end of the day, I got a lot of people that told me not to do this, that it's going to get bad for me. I don't care. I live for God. I don't live for anybody else."
"I just feel like we as black men are not at the sum of one mistake."
"Certainly there are bad people and they need to be called out, but we gotta make sure that we're keeping our humanity in context."
"You're your own worst critic... people around you do not care about your flaws or your insecurities."
"If the best people in the public lives of the nation in the past could get stuff so horribly wrong, what are we getting so horribly wrong right now?"
"I was being judged on things I couldn't change like my skin color."
"I'm sick and tired of the media saying, 'Oh, you can't talk to this person or you can't put a human face on that person.'"
"Try this for a week guys, instead of saying, 'Oh, she's fat,' looking at someone on TV, be like, 'Oh, what happened to her face?' Instead of that, just turn around and look at all the good things that person is doing and try to find them out."
"We are living for His glory, not the world's acceptance. If others hate or cancel us, so be it. This is what we're here for, to share God's truth with a lost world."
"Somebody should be able to have a fleeting thought and not be persecuted for it."
"If you give the most away in the marketplace, you get the most over a long enough time horizon."
"Next we have blue heron and it says make a stand for what you believe in and do what feels right in spite of any judgment or disapproval from others."
"Just try to be who the [ __ ] you are and don't be a [ __ ] [ __ ] to other people. That's all I ask, can you just do that?"
"Life lessons from Luke: You gotta not care about what other people think of you."
"People are tired of being called names when they didn't do anything to deserve it."
"If you can see children being tear gassed and feel nothing or even feel joy at that sight, you have some deep fundamental lack of compassion."
"Don't let the shitty people in the world solidify your perception of all people."
"They hated Jesus, Martin, Malcolm. Anything you're trying to bring great, or if you're trying to change your life, and people don't understand, they look down on it."
"We will not be judged by what we have but by what we've shared."
"Questioning the main narrative is about to be the equivalent to having the bubonic plague in 1350."
"Everyone has some kind of weird hobby or a guilty pleasure, something that you're afraid of if people find out they'd make fun of you."
"If you question the narrative, you're labeled a conspiracy theorist. Tells you who are really the bad guys."
"Why are some people's lives more value than others and who decides that?"
"They want to isolate us from polite society and paint us as conspiratorial pariahs."
"Stop letting the judgment of others determine what I do and what I wear."
"Put an end to worrying about what people think of you."
"The vast majority of us feel an instinctive revulsion... something off about that."
"You either please the world and hate yourself or you can let the world hate you but love yourself."
"Just do what makes you happy. Don't care what other people think, 'cause people will judge you no matter what you do in life."
"I don't care what anybody thinks about me, it's irrelevant. What they think about God is very relevant."
"Reverend Ray Wood said people called his church 'a place a bunch of drunks and drug addicts hang out' and that was the best compliment he said because those are the people that Jesus was trying to help."
"You're pretty judgmental people as it turns out, you think that this other way is not just different but actually better."
"Even though you might feel like you're looked at as awful by a bunch of other people, you're going to own who you are."
"Every choice you make is revealing even more so the truth of who we are."
"It appears to be increasingly acceptable to criticize or even defame people not for what they actually do or say but rather for what others imagine that those people might be thinking or what their intentions might be."
"They hate it on Jesus, so what the hell you think they gonna do to you?"
"He knew he was doing the right thing, and it didn't matter what other people thought."
"Sometimes people you don't like do good things, we are doomed if y'all can't recognize that."
"Priors matter, people gotta stop acting like your past don't matter."
"Who cares if she lied? It's not about whether she lied. It's about if people believed she was a victim and how she was treated afterwards."
"If you're not hurting anyone with what you're doing and what you enjoy and it just makes you happy, then try not to care about what people think. Live your own life."
"Most of us judge each other on the content of our character, not on the color of our skin."
"She's just a dumb thought who isn't cute enough to have a simp army pay for her life just because she exists."
"If I can make life easy at Christmas, it's a time where all families struggle, so I don't care what other people think."
"We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing while others judge us by what we have already done."
"When a man feels no shame at an act of his kind and braves the loathing of the world, there is thereafter no path of wickedness which may not be trodden by him."
"I think it's rude to say someone only got famous because of their looks... no talent there."
"If the world knew all of that, I'm pretty sure there'd be a new petition to start all over me to put me to death."
"They think you are too stupid to think for yourself."
"We can't take the actions of a fraction and put it on the whole, whether good or bad."
"Like I said, I don't know why people hate these things so much."
"People love to hate everyone deserves a second chance."
"Those who were dancing were judged insane by those who could not hear the music."
"If people are making choices that don't affect your life, why the [ __ ] do you care?"
"I never had that type of thought, but I never even thought about it either because what people think don't matter at all."
"In the end who cares what people think it's about you and if you feel comfortable."
"It's too easy really to just say well dudes are bad or something that's ridiculous that's half of all of us."
"Life is just too short to worry about what other people think and to prevent yourself from enjoying certain things."
"People are going to wonder why you're doing it."
"There's so much rhetoric in the United States about people being poor because they're lazy."
"Everybody wants to be offended, everybody wants to be upset. But maybe if you looked at them with a little bit more empathy and try to be a little bit more understanding, maybe you would get where they were coming from a little bit more."
"If James Woods wants to go out with his friends 20-year-old daughter and they're both happy with each other, who the [ __ ] are you?"
"It's not a compliment to be called 'not natural.' It's a slap to your physique and your morality."
"Nobody thinks it's not dumb, of course it's dumb."
"Make a stand for what you believe in, despite judgment and disapproval."
"The reason why some of you so far away from God, you worry about who's thinking about you. You worry about who's looking at you. You go all out your way trying to convince this one of you that you're living right. Who cares what they say?"
"There's not one person in this world that doesn't have hate. As long as I know at the end of the day I'm a good person, you know, I'm a dad, I'm a family guy."
"If your scars make someone else uncomfortable, that's not your problem."
"They will be drowned out they will dwindle they will retreat to the uh to the outer echelons if you like because we've got the queen of swords uh knowledge is is what is you know really triumphing here."
"But too many times these instances are painted in a negative light that undermines the human experience and what we go through and why we do the things that we do, all right."
"It's like a mark of Cain, a permanent badge of shame that you're bad and you can't ever come back."
"Chasing the high of self-expression instead of being worried about what people will think."
"Good people are never gonna be played out, and somebody who thinks that they are probably isn't one."
"Anyone who comes and objects and says hey this isn't appropriate are deemed a Karen."
"How in the world can a mother wait 30 days before ever reporting her child missing?"
"At the end of the day, it's okay to like things that other people think are bad or even that you think are bad."
"Don't ever let the fear of what people might say about you hold you back. Just do it and go for it."
"Don't let it shame you away, Aquarius. Part of the energy that hates you is the universal energy that hates what you represent."
"The theory about why aliens haven't contacted us is because they have observed our planet society and determined that we're still too primitive."
"As soon as you do not give a damn about what anybody thinks, you are absolutely free."
"If a vast majority of the people find the joke hilarious, what does that mean? It means that the joke is funny."