
Expressions Quotes

There are 301 quotes

"Sa, which literally translates to 'when my cousin buys land, I get a stomach ache,' and it means I'm envious of someone else's success and what they have."
"Love means never having to say you're sorry."
"The expression 'Yeah, no' means 'I heard your suggestion, thought about it, no.'"
"I've never understood the expression 'lost in the sauce' until now."
"Can't stomach means that you don't like something."
"A pain in the neck is something that's troublesome or bothers you."
"That's the way the cookie crumbles sometimes."
"Making an entrance is drawing attention to yourself."
"If fifths and buts were candies and nuts, we'd all have a Merry Christmas."
"Eyes are a huge part of it... most of communication, even when people are speaking, is not actually the words that they're saying, it's kind of the expression and all that."
"It's crap to think it's close enough to horseshoes and hand grenades."
"It's clear I'm living rent-free in your head."
"No you can't get blood out of a turnip, which is a problem."
"Expressions such as 'I like you'... would become a reality if we both died."
"You don't have to send the whole kitten caboodle."
"God speaks. He downloads. He talks. He conveys. He conversates. He articulates."
"We don't want to throw the baby out with the bathwater."
"They're here for a good time, not a long time."
"To break bad is an old southern expression and- and what it means is to raise hell."
"I think it's one of those situations: it's a long way between 'I love you' and 'I do'."
"This game usually doesn't function in the way logic would dictate. Let's just call a spade a spade."
"We're tighter than a duck's ass. That's what it's all about."
"I'm out of here! She said, 'I'm out of here!'"
"I [__] love it. I've never thought I'd say that honestly."
"That's my way of having to say it to give you a cue now damn, I ain't got to do it three times."
"Does it feel good to win a stray prediction? Holy [ __ ]!"
"The phrase is not 'I could care less.' The phrase is 'I couldn't care less.'"
"They're like wolves in sheep's clothing. It's a famous line actually."
"So, I hope that all of these expressions, in the zone, on the ball, in the flow, are useful to you."
"Don't tell anyone becomes don't spill the beans."
"That's where the phrase 'that's the way the cookie crumbles' comes from. It comes from the ever-increasing and highly competitive cookie market. The cookie wars are raging."
"My face is hurting from smiling and laughing with you, my friend."
"There's a thousand other ways to skin a cat."
"On day number two, the focus is going to be English expressions."
"Hit dogs hollering, you know what I'm saying?"
"Keep it a buck, y'all. Everybody gets packed up over here."
"People remember my Sonic playthroughs, especially the 'shut up Knuckles' clip."
"The cool thing about if conditions in kotlin is that we can use them as expression."
"Everybody felt comfortable saying damn Chadwick."
"Don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining."
"See you later, that's what I'm talking about."
"We had a lot of people saying maybe we shouldn't do anything, just ride it like a cowboy."
"The fall that kills you it's the sudden stop."
"Give them an inch and they'll take a kilometer."
"I'm always saying on the regular, just part of my vernacular."
"I don't wanna say put him under my wing but you know I don't know what to say."
"I don't care sounds quite negative, like passive-aggressive. But I'm not fussed feels more easygoing."
"Numpty. I think it's hilarious. It just really makes me laugh."
"Cheeky is fun to say and so I say it, and now I can't stop saying it."
"So that's sorted! I just love it. I love it how I said that. I love it!"
"Bins, I would say, 'I need to take the bins out.' Did you take the bin out?"
"That's a good show! It's a slang phrase, whatever. Who cares?"
"Divine guidance [ __ ] happens for a reason."
"Being innocuous doesn't mean being harmless."
"My wrinkles are all from laughter except those lines between my eyebrows, those are my WTF lines and those things are deep."
"The labels are always the evil characters of the story... sometimes they're actually the heroes."
"I just love how everyone's interchangeable, Kristen Stewart's facial expressions in this film remind me of Miranda Sings."
"The love of a man is best expressed in small thoughtful gestures."
"I couldn't care less is a direct statement, I could care less is sarcasm."
"The road to hell is paved with good intentions, in this case, I think that's very applicable."
"If I give you a present, your face looks like this. Snatch it right back."
"It scared the everluting crap out of me anyway."
"I love seeing the expressions people make when they're enjoying themselves."
"You're not taking the piss blood, you are actually taking the piss man."
"It's really hard to say which one of these babies has a better you've gotta be kidding me face."
"I guess they say actions speak louder than words." - John Moxley
"What are lines or quotes that you have found yourself saying on a daily basis?"
"Anything but violence is also the answer to some things we always say it's got to be that guy with the the blue and yellow nut Huggers awning a bag chips he's got."
"Seth is so good with his expressions, loved it."
"Wow, oh my god, she's a smoke show, she's dating Spiderman."
"It's all shits and giggles until someone giggles and shits."
"Oh the humanity, that line entered into the public lexicon."
"That is ludicrous and Harry Kane's face says it all."
"Money talks, so whatever that money is, that big."
"As humans, we rely on emotion, facial expressions, gestures, tonality, the drama in spontaneity and surprise, and argument. These are at the center of human life."
"Boil 'em, mash 'em, stick 'em! I missed you!"
"Thank you very much, easy claps, easy claps."
"We use can to ask for permission to do something."
"Gung-ho means you are full of energy and you are excited about something."
"The impossible things will happen when pigs fly."
"I've learned so many versions of how to say something is good."
"Let me tell you all the things you think how to say things are good: lit, it's fire, it's Gucci, it's rad."
"That look on your face is like a spitting image."
"You're too good to be true, it's like wow, I'm amazed by you."
"Once you go black you never go back, come on now, that's right."
"Don't hunt no more, that dog don't hunt no more."
"I genuinely thought they were going to be lined up for the centipede then."
"That's just my saying, way to go. You do something good, I say way to go. It's that simple."
"You're the monster trucks of entertainment, dang that's a great phrase."
"That's worse than ninja, that's actually it."
"There's levels and leagues. There's levels bro."
"Our actions will speak louder than our words."
"Once it hits the fan, baby, does it hit the fan."
"For those of us who follow him in Florida, we've never seen Ron DeSantis make these facial expressions before."
"Show me the money honey because that's what the complaint is going to be about."
"Some of you guys are literally Shook and that's F."
"That's effectively the same thing we just had."
"Sorry about your damn luck, ladies and gentlemen."
"It's almost like that's in the deal that's in the contract bro you get me that's what we're on you get me Fun you're getting two goals against Tottenham in the first half it's ridiculous blood absolutely ridiculous blood."
"Isn't that just a fantastic smile that it captured?"
"There's a very thin line between botched and snatched."
"Sound and thunder don't often signify very much."
"Oh man that's so perfect I might die of an irony overdose."
"D-rose, that's the Jitter season! I like that!"
"Yo, that's cooler than cool, that's freaking awesome!"
"Put a fork in it this is looking very well done."
"It's interesting how these new expressions come up in Indian English."
"Nobody needs to prove anything, the proof is in the pudding."
"Better late than never, or whatever the saying goes."
"If ifs was fifth, Mitchell, we'd all be drunk."
"When a woman says 'it's fine,' usually it's not."
"Cruise you lose, that's good and by you cruise I mean you."
"It's worth knowing the phrase, but honestly, I don't think it's used that much anymore."
"Smooth as [ __ ] butter man, smooth as butter."
"Your actions definitely speak louder than your words."
"Strider: (Defeated) You should make like the ocean and wave good-bye...? I've heard some dumb jokes before, but that is really, really stupid."
"Exploration is temporary but simping is eternal."
"Hug your children, hug your loved ones, kiss your cousins, your brothers, your loved one, your wife, husbands, whatever significant others, partners, whatever the pronoun is, whatever it is, just show love."
"Boom goes the dynamite. You gotta like it, you gotta like it."
"Everybody's getting cussed out today. Everybody."
"That's lit! That's so sick! That's cool! That's from the game, guys!"
"I am just feeling like crikey, we are on an uphill... or is it downhill?"
"Life is actually difficult, difficult, lemon difficult."
"Revenge is a dish best served cold, my friend."
"If a decision is easy to make we say it's a no-brainer."
"This has got to be among the most cursed, uh, this is what I mean, this is what it is."
"Music is like a work of art, you know. You can't judge a book by its cover."
"That cat's not going back in the bag, okay? You can't put that toothpaste back in the tube. It's out."
"Ollie showed some balls today, balls of steel."
"The mood can just change like a RKO out of nowhere."
"He ain't new, he true. That's 15 between all of us."
"There's always more than one way to skin a cat."
"Every time I say it's no judgment, it's like the opposite, you know, like it's opposite day."
"Details matter, the devil is truly in the details."
"Las desgracias: misfortunes never come alone."
"Great things come in small packages I guess that's what they say."
"I guess big things really do come in small packages."
"William Regal's facial expressions are amongst the greatest ever seen in wrestling."
"Thirty dollars right there. Gone in the wind."
"I like the way Hannah says hello hello like just right in the fields just I love it I love saying : I love it I love it."
"One thing: where's your partner? Tell your story walking."
"I still don't know what Moki Moki means but uh hey you know we'll find out for that later I suppose."
"Using expressions in power automate allows you to perform complex operations on your data and automate your workflows more efficiently."
"That kind of idea of making transformations for expressions was a good model of how to think about mathematics."
"The human face has 43 muscles and can make up to 10,000 expressions."
"...here's how to find an equivalent expression for a question like number eight. Which expression is equivalent to 9x squared plus 5x..."
"What we're going to do is we're going to start to use the two expressions, length and empty, both of these are really, really great for checking null values or missing items within a table or a specific cell."
"I love the expressions on her face when she slowly realizes he's talking about a horse."
"That's your cute face. That's your sad face. That's your winky face."
"Their faces lit up with happiness and contentment."
"A dog can make 100 unique facial expressions."
"Be careful with expressions like 'I don't give a damn' or 'I don't care.' They can sound rude. Use expressions like 'I don't have a preference' instead."
"The key to True English fluency is being able to use the Expressions that native speakers use."
"Small but important signs and expressions of love from a mother to a daughter."
"I have many feelings feelings are what I have when I'm happy I like to smile when I'm sad I make a frown sometimes I'm up sometimes I'm down."
"The monsters actually look more like humanoid animals... there's actual facial expressions that come through, the creatures are able to emote."
"The expressions of all the characters are very well defined."
"The characters still have great expressions further excelled by the actors all giving wonderful performances."
"They are expressions of a superhuman feminine which interacted with humans."
"Expressions can be terminal like Leaf nodes or non-terminal like the branches in a tree. Isn't that cool?"
"When he eats something yummy, he goes 'um,' and when he sees something cool, he goes 'whoa.'"
"They have four different expressions, but the Derringer one is featured lately, and they're killing it."
"Love takes so many different forms."
"Remember to look for synonyms and parallel expressions, and be sure to look at the context around these phrases."
"Oh, Mr. Bon, I love you! Miss Brooks, kiss me, Mr. Bo."
"A good napatic which in English basically just means bon appetit."
"Cinders and ashes," gasped Thomas.
"Expressions like 'raining cats and dogs' and feeling like a million dollars are confusing to me."
"I had become like a zoologist, able to distinguish her expressions."
"He cries prettier than he smiles."
"She's got some of the best comebacks and some of the best bewildered faces for the things that she sees and has to respond to."
"Expressions of human face are really different from wolf's, and yeah, yeah, or for example, monkey even."
"Everyone expresses love in different ways and this is one of those ways."
"Wow wow you called me with two Lady Gaga 20 words enough he can literally have conversations 20 words that's it you know he got different intonation on the no gamble no future touchdown Tom Brady you know what that means never been anyone that that has been close oh yeah."
"Expressions translate like that, you know? The origin of expressions, who the heck knows where half of this stuff comes from?"
"...just the whole shotgun and then calling shoddy like in the car and then shouty like like a like slang for a girl bro that's fire drop top pop and I just called saudi..."
"These Expressions have a very important purpose: they save you time."
"All these are the different expressions of God."
"You can't unring that Bell, girl."
"I hate when people do that face but so cute."
"The house is settling when you're older you're like wait a second why do they always say that what does that even mean?"
"Bridg and tunnel is less and less of an insult these days."
"He'll have no fury like a woman scorned, ain't that what they say?"
"Roaring rails, that totally rocks!"
"I especially love children, they always have the best facial expressions."
"The main focus of today's tutorial is going to be all about the expressions that you're gonna get."
"Taylor's acting in her videos is crazy too, right? Like, she is just her facial expressions, everything."
"Whenever I hear something described as wild and wooly, I always wonder where the woolly part comes in."
"In the wrong place at the wrong time? Shouldn't it be in the right place at the wrong time?"
"That's the oldest trick in the book. Well, exactly what book are these guys talking about?"
"Anything you can write in an expression, you can write in the type, and vice versa, as long as it type checks."
"You see, the devil is in the detail with these things."
"Using expressions over statements is a preference of style in the service of reasonability."
"The devil on your shoulder, your guardian angel, these are expressions that we've all heard countless times."
"Let's learn some expressions that native speakers use on a daily basis."
"I absolutely love drawing expressions, trying to bring characters to life in general."
"I will never forget the look on their faces."
"Micro expressions are very tough to conceal."
"The cool thing about Vector is he has a lot more expressions and does a lot more different things."
"I hope that's been a useful introduction to expressions."