
Shareholder Value Quotes

There are 118 quotes

"Their moral obligation, as Milton Friedman would say, is to maximize the profits that they return to shareholders."
"It's really important for me to give shareholders a great return on their investment."
"Business decisions made in the interest of maximizing shareholder value have caused mass layoffs, environmental catastrophes, an endless list of corporate frauds, and record inequality in the workplace."
"Maximizing shareholder value isn't even good for the shareholders."
"Centralized ownership from decision makers is the most successful strategy that we've ever seen in capitalist societies for the creation of value for shareholders."
"Honestly though, like, on the other side of this, I would say Parag Agrawal does deserve a statue for shareholder value creation."
"Dividend stocks: What's attractive about them other than the obvious reason which is it's a stock that pays you money." - Ron Gross
"In Q4, we returned 2.8 billion to shareholders in the form of share repurchases and cash dividends."
"They're shifting away from expensive acquisitions now to directly returning their excess cash back to shareholders."
"Increasing the earnings per share and the free cash flow per share and returning money directly back to me."
"We want to see him hold it for a long time, we want to see him pay dividends, and we want him as retail investors to go along for the ride."
"We only added four tenths of a percent in fully diluted shares outstanding in the entire year."
"MicroStrategy's first quarter results were a clear example that our two-pronged corporate strategy... is generating substantial shareholder value."
"Regulation creates unbelievable shareholder value."
"Every subject, every case study seems to always boil down to this fundamental principle: management's sole duty is to maximize shareholder value."
"A good company should do all three: save for emergencies, invest in growth, and reward shareholders."
"Our stock split would help reset the market price... may help maximize stockholder value." - Tesla
"AMC knows how to negotiate hard for the benefit of our shareholders."
"If we can sell equity in order to convert to Bitcoin at a premium we're equitizing the premium or we're monetizing the premium to the benefit of the shareholders."
"We generated a four billion dollar gain for our shareholders."
"It's cool to think about that. So it's kind of cool to always think about okay, well, I could pay my Netflix subscription with these dividend payouts."
"I think management is looking to unlock shareholder value through the business split."
"We're super excited about where things are going... we thought it was a good use of capital for all shareholders."
"I keep on seeing all this stuff on Twitter about 'king this' and 'king that'. You know who the real king is? The shareholder is king."
"Disney hasn't understood how to deliver shareholder value in a rapidly shifting media ecosystem."
"All these characteristics often fund a growing dividend or share buybacks."
"The progress we've made over the past two years positions GameStop for long-term growth and to deliver value for shareholders."
"I talk about quality in terms of business model, moat, profitability, balance sheet, and the way they return cash to the shareholder."
"Lower capex means companies have more flexibility as to what they can do with their cash. They can return more cash to shareholders through dividends and BuyBacks."
"I am part of the community that looks for Tesla to succeed in its mission to accelerate the transition to sustainable energy and to grow massive long-term value for shareholders."
"Just have a phenomenal team of people that know how to make money for shareholders."
"Cash return to shareholders is really the bull argument for owning an oil stock."
"Our overriding principle is to always maximize shareholder value in any given situation." - CEO of Embracer
"I love that it's a dividend-friendly company, they care about the shareholders."
"Our number one priority is to make sure that all of our shareholders make money."
"The importance of returning capital to shareholders in realizing returns."
"We're building a business for the long term with a focus on long-term shareholder value."
"All lawyers, but especially trial lawyers, prepare for the worst and hope for the best."
"They're focusing on organic growth, pre-cash flow generation, return of capital to shareholders."
"A dividend, a buyback is pretty investor friendly."
"Studios are in business for only one very, very good reason: to stay in business, to show a profit to their stockholders."
"I am not in business for art. I am in business to make money for my stockholders."
"...we're supposed to be making money for shareholders and that is a good idea. Is it as strong as uh as the other castings? No, but it doesn't have to be."
"Shareholder value thinking possesses the business world today, especially publicly listed companies, and it drives executives and directors to focus relentlessly on trying to get their share price up."
"For society to win, shareholders don't have to lose, and for shareholders to win, society doesn't have to lose."
"All of them I think were trying to solve the same problem: how they could create the most value for their shareholders over long periods of time."
"We want to create shareholder value long-term."
"Buy back your shares, reward your investors that way."
"...corporations aren't allowed to do things that are good for humanity unless they're also good for their shareholders."
"...the compensation structure at your institution was not in line with the long-term interests of your shareholders and deposit holders."
"They have now surpassed 50 consecutive years of dividend growth."
"They have increased their dividend for 67 consecutive years and counting."
"The company has now paid 50 consecutive years of dividend growth."
"The next of course is a company that uses its cash flow for dividends, meaning that the company executives return the cash back to me, the shareholder, so then I can reinvest that dividend at a high rate of return."
"...a buyback just increases shareholder value by increasing the earnings per share."
"They maximize value by paying an optimal dividend."
"...I think he should stay longer. I think the shareholders would like him to stay longer."
"Proxy contests helped create shareholder value. They traced most of these gains to the acquisitions of the firms that occurred around the contest period."
"I also noticed that last year they bought back stock. They went from 268 million shares to 262 million shares, and that drop of shares is them buying back stock. That's great. I love to see that."
"...it's better to put money into being a shareholder of a company rather than necessarily being a customer of a company... especially if you can earn higher levels of dividends from the company over a long period of time."
"I think if more management teams had more alignment with shareholders, there'd be better outcomes for shareholders."
"We're thrilled about the business strategy we have in place and it's going to continue to deliver long-term value for shareholders."
"Every time a company earns above an eight to ten percent return on Capital employed, that means that they're generating wealth for the shareholder."
"Having strong management means they will run the business with shareholder value in mind."
"By issuing shares, a company not only raises money but also makes contributors part owners or shareholders."
"Earnings per share is simply the earnings available to common shareholders divided by the number of outstanding shares."
"Dividend Aristocrats are like super reliable companies that share their profits with shareholders and keep giving more every year."
"Shareholders should be excited if their firm embraces CSR because it's going to be useful."
"Eventually, the company with the best quality income, the one where actual cash flow matches up with net income growth, will be the ones that reward shareholders with higher returns."
"Sometimes to entice shareholders to sell their shares and to entice the board, you have to pay a premium for the shares."
"Long term, there is never any misalignment between customer interest and shareholder interest."
"The company should be run for the benefit of the shareholders."
"It shows the impact that intellectual capital is bringing new ideas and creativity to the business of had on a value of the company through our shareholders."
"The riskiness of a project determines the return we need to get for the shareholders."
"The private sector has as its prime purpose commercial activities, often funded by borrowing for the purposes of making a profit for the shareholders."
"If you cannot find Investments that make your hurdle rate as a company, just give the cash back to the owners."
"Alphabet's board of directors today approved the initiation of a cash dividend program."
"The company is just so focused on creating shareholder value and deploying cash where it will actually benefit shareholders the most."
"The cost of equity is the rate of return required by a company's common shareholders."
"A dividend yield of four percent or higher is definitely very attractive."
"I want to attach myself to companies that have wide moats that are increasingly generating cash and distributing that cash to shareholders."
"Our vision is to create shareholder value through the resource expansion and development of the large base metal and Platinum Group mineral resources at Ferguson Lake."
"Disney has woefully underperformed its potential and its peers, costing shareholders more than $200 billion in value."
"In the long run, there is zero misalignment between customer experience and shareholder value."
"The ultimate objective is to increase the market value of the firm by increasing the profitability and by increasing the dividend to the shareholders."
"If you cannot find investments that make your hurdle rate, give the cash back to the owners."
"The maximization of the value of the firm or the maximization of the wealth of the shareholders."
"Instead of companies looking after their shareholders, they should look after all of their stakeholders."
"We believe the management is focused on empire building while destroying value at the expense of shareholders."
"The SPAC is in the business of getting a good deal for its shareholders."
"Creating value for the entire interdependent system will also simultaneously result in the highest long-term profits and shareholder value."
"The conscious business goes further, identifies a deeper purpose beyond maximizing profit and shareholder value."
"It looks to me like a leadership that understands free cash generation, buying down debt, and is walking the walk when they talk about enhancing shareholder value."
"All the shareholders that buy those shares get to benefit from the future growth."
"Dividend growth is often a direct reflection of management's confidence in the company's future."
"Over time, a stock's price trend is driven by the company's ability to put money in shareholders' pockets."
"Cash transferred from company to shareholders."
"Unless you create sustainable value for your customers, you cannot create sustainable value for your shareholders."
"They are returning significant amounts of cash to shareholders."
"Value for customers, value for employees, value for the society, and most importantly, value for shareholders."