
Cultural Analysis Quotes

There are 287 quotes

"The phenomenon of 'tono breakers' reveals two things about Korea that also applies to East Asia: the existence of strict social hierarchies and the expectation to conform."
"Serial killers can only be fully understood as representing the logical extension of many of the central themes of our culture."
"The dictionary defines zeitgeist as the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era."
"Ultimately, B stars excels at discussing cultural concepts and challenging societal norms."
"Narcissism is a tidal wave; it's on the rise. Our society and culture are narcissistic."
"This tapestry with the sun and also the early Christian Chi-Rho seems weird to be promoting all this elite symbolism on these tapestries in your just hunting resort."
"It was fascinating to see how some of the vampire tradition informed future vampire traditions."
"In my opinion, I do think Korean skincare is better than USA skincare, mostly almost all across the board."
"Our democratic, social, and cultural institutions are deeply decayed."
"We're creating a show that's going to feel a lot more cultural. We're definitely going to hit back at woke culture and talk a lot about what these cancellings really mean and who's really behind them."
"Astro Boy embodies post-World War II Japan grappling with the union of humanity and Technology."
"The history of humanity can be viewed through a great many theoretical structures or frameworks that define and explain simple progression and regression as well as more complex cultural shifts and upheavals."
"It's an examination not only of our own modern-day consumerist culture, but of the human condition itself: the ways we find meaning both in ourselves and in the world around us."
"Irony and post-irony are not just fashion trends; they are windows into how we express and perceive authenticity and identity in an increasingly complex world."
"The horror genre, like an industrious succubus, would go on to blossom anywhere there was pain and national chaos."
"Halloween remains culturally relevant and important because it shatters suburban innocence and is a takedown of the middle American naiveté."
"We live in this deeper cultural moment where the everyday citizen is so weak-willed that we will trade off the thing that we know we care deeply about for some short-term outcome."
"Jordan Peterson has noticed the ways that our culture stacks the deck against young men, isolates them, disenfranchises them, alienates them."
"It seems to me that America's affinity for guns comes from three places: tradition, rights, and mythology."
"Religious ideas, cultural ideas, any ideas deserve the exact same scrutiny no matter how uncomfortable it makes us."
"Taste is the infrastructure of our divisions."
"Even though these memes are stupid, there is truth in that."
"The biggest problem is the fragility of our society and our culture."
"While Silent Hill swayed towards the culturally sophisticated side of art, you could say games like Resident Evil, on the other hand, were just aiming to be a cheeky bit of fun."
"Eminem's pop-culture commentary remains unparalleled and laser-like imprecision."
"Narcissism is partly a pathological narcissism, partly a cultural-bound syndrome."
"Narcissism is embedded now inextricably in social institutions and structures."
"For McCartney to appear in the middle of punk with Mull of Kintyre was a massive anomaly but not really not really knowing McCartney that's the sort of thing he would do."
"Moby Dick stands as a testament to how the true meaning of the greatest works of fiction are not found in a rote recitation of their stories."
"To understand K-pop, we must look at several factors beginning with South Korea's history."
"Football undeniably has some very cult-like tendencies."
"What makes a cult classic? It's usually something that's genuinely great but also misunderstood, combined with the passage of time, resulting in the subject having..."
"It is important to note what happens at Major cultural events largely because it exposes the minds and The Souls of the people who produce these events."
"Horror in Japan actually has a very interesting relationship that dates way way back."
"A take on our history and reality, telling a great truth."
"Yes, the photographs were fake, but it's worthwhile to explore why people of the time wanted so badly for the images to be real."
"It's a modern take on that, which wouldn't have been around during the Gilded Age."
"Esther's story of assimilation seen in a new light after the Holocaust."
"There is nothing holding our culture together and so it will break apart."
"Ironic enjoyment is actually just like a legitimate form of enjoyment at this point."
"Homoeroticism is present deep in all kinds of black culture."
"The West is now engaging in wishful thinking."
"The culture war is a class war, basically that's what it is, it's a symbolic class war."
"One of the real goals of my study was to try to push beyond the polarization and the culture War context."
"Or in Shang-Chi's case, skirting the edge of Gen Z, his parents met in 1996, but still exhibiting major millennial vibes."
"He was able to crystallize in thoughtful analysis exactly what was going on in the West."
"Being an outlaw is American and you know he's being self-justifying but he's totally right it's other weird thing about this country this combination of serious worship of uniforms and authority and then like romanticizing of rebelling against it."
"Big cultural shifts like that never really just have one single cause."
"I'm kind of obsessed with it and really want to talk about it... this is about the future of how we construct a Counter Culture push back on the establishment."
"Crackers and white folks, are those racial slurs? I think this is a cultural disconnect rather than a racial discrimination situation."
"Hip hop is a culture, but it's been weaponized against us."
"Everyone knows why Frank Grimes died and how much his obsession with Homer ultimately broke him."
"If you're going along with all of the fashionable woke ideas of the day and particularly of the past six months then you're wrong."
"Jameson argues that postmodernity can, in many ways, be seen as the point in which our cultural understanding of the world outpaces our material understanding of it."
"This is very different than when Winston and I criticized Chinese propaganda for being sloppy or whatever."
"Every generation has been trying to figure out what these symbols and images mean."
"When you look at it through that Victorian lens I always find it almost extra fascinating."
"In short, we keep coming back to Dracula because he is whoever we need him to be."
"Cancel culture existed 60 years ago, it will never go away."
"I want to emphasize how radical the societal shift has been in the last 20 years."
"I think something can be controversial and still clearly come from within the culture."
"While you might consider our recent surge in highly excellent animation for adults to be one of the few blessings of the past decade, it's actually not so simple."
"In the early days of queer theory this was like hmm why are all of villains queer-coded?"
"Most of the problems in the world at the moment are there's not enough masculinity."
"It's much easier to find a female voice that everyone likes than a male voice that everyone likes."
"There is a cultural element to individual rights."
"Sexual promiscuity always precedes the decline and destruction of a civilization."
"Hindus are being slow-cooked and Kerala is a laboratory where this is all being done."
"We have an entire political and media culture designed to destroy old institutions."
"I think culturally this is endemic and representative of America's domestic terrorism problem."
"If a cartoon starring an African-American political leftist were announced today it would probably seem like a reactionary statement considering current events."
"Cancer culture is a symptom and a sign that there is some privilege there."
"The left right dynamic doesn't really make sense anymore... it's us versus the woke."
"Maybe it's not in the hist's interest that the An-Xileel is far more individualistic."
"The West's great advantage over other civilizations is our ability to self-reflect."
"It's critical to understand that it's not just a leftist movement, it's a perfect storm of the dying mainstream corporate media and the establishment newspapers."
"There are elements of this work that can be read as shockingly preent and David Foster Wallace totally nailed the spirit and the concerns of the era..."
"It might be a coincidence that the end of the Reagan era was also the end of disposable people in slasher movies...but it does seem to fit a little too neatly to be ignored, right?"
"Friday the 13th and all 80's slashers might be, they are very telling artifacts about the values, politics and culture of the time."
"American whiteness is based on exclusion and separation of others."
"It is the impunity of the rapist... questioning the voyeuristic culture of all of us." - Sunita Krishnan
"Frozen 2 doesn't tell us that Elsa's gay but it all but begs writers like me to say things like Elsa from Frozen is queer."
"Austria's kind of representing the direction that the Western world may soon head in."
"The breakdown of genre lines is why everything sounds the same."
"Superman is Jesus... someone needs to do a deep dive video essay at some point exploring how that analogy is dumb."
"Why, how is SpongeBob SquarePants able to speak to the existential concerns of both recently potty trained toddlers and meme-obsessed 30-somethings?"
"SpongeBob's ability to address multiple audiences at once didn't start with SpongeBob."
"Wall-E has been compared to Christianity and Greek mythology."
"I felt like it's a way for people to get ready for the whitest person here to explain how the term Afro-Latina is identity politics and identity politics is bad."
"Institutions, feminism, cultural Marxists, regulations, are all criticized based on how much they supposedly restrict that innate natural and Timeless individuality."
"I think it's something that's fascinating for a lot of us who watch this, that aren't susceptible to that, and we look as outsiders and just cannot fathom how people so many people get wrapped up in something."
"Trump is a symptom of the cultural change, not the cause of it."
"To understand the popularity of the French girl, we have to dive into the history."
"Patience may have been the indicator of what food the vendor sold back then."
"Hillbilly Elegy: A passionate and personal analysis of a culture in crisis."
"The hate for Cuties was completely unwarranted."
"It's the actual society and the culture that has molded people like entertain to find so much success because a lot of people are craving that now."
"Critical literacy encourages students and readers to look deeper into a text and analyze its social and cultural implications."
"Poverty is a culture, an institution, a way of life."
"Decadence is defined as the moral or cultural decline of a society due to excessive indulgence."
"Video games without politics is like Seinfeld without George Costanza - it just can't exist."
"The attack on black male masculinity is done by design."
"We are basically now in a fascist culture and fascist politics is on the rise."
"I think it's as historically significant as what was going on in the 1960s, and so people will be looking at figures like Joe Rogan and studying them, I think, 60 years from now."
"I think there's been such a destructive aspect to it."
"America loves outlaws and underdogs, and NWA was both." - Anthony Fantano
"The widespread embrace of the word 'content' actually means something."
"The religion of the Hebrews may reasonably be expected to have been the same as that of the Druids."
"The combination of the fans moving on, the corniness, and the lack of stars is what really killed ska punk."
"The way we're going towards right now, we're becoming increasingly polarized."
"You have to understand the cultural moment, you have to understand the thinking at the time."
"What is it about our history, our culture, and our police that set us apart in all measurable ways from other similar countries? The answer is messy and layered."
"Jungkook himself said it's not meaningless and more and more related things about it keep coming up."
"Representation matters, and here's why. And the other one would be my video analysis on dope and identity."
"Paul Verhoeven saw Robocop as like the ultimate American Jesus figure."
"Design has actually not really been running ahead of art as much as we'd like."
"Such a weird tone to set before we even start, I love it."
"The close encounter phenomenon was the revenge of the irrational against the predominance of scientific rationality."
"It's become a very popular trope... thinking about your existential existence on the earth."
"Wokeness isn't just recent; it has deeper roots in our society."
"I mean, go back into what is Star Wars if not an amalgamation of all of our myths and great fantasy works."
"Higurashi boldly acknowledges the social issues that defined its era."
"Have I ever failed you? Have I ever let you down with my astute analysis? I think that this is culturally relevant. I think it's something we need to talk about. This Barbie movie, it's disturbing."
"The reaction to Rush Limbaugh's death is not happening in a vacuum; it's a reflection of our culture and the ideological divide."
"We're living in the third wave of masculinity prohibition, each wave popularizes and enriches a new breed of masculinity bootleggers."
"It's easy to say it's a conspiracy theory, but the bafflement runs hip-hop."
"Malcolm in the Middle was basically this perfect distillation of American attitudes of that era and its changing perspective on what a modern family was like."
"The Misfits feels much more horribly foreboding in retrospect than it would have in 1961."
"The Misfits is an elegy to the dumb blonde she never was."
"We're getting post-woke so they're getting more hysterical."
"Our job here is to explain entertainment... culture curve."
"This is such an interesting phenomenon because it points out like so many different things about uh just life and our current society."
"Just using folklore to understand our own psyches."
"We live in an outrage culture, a culture of victimhood."
"Women today are really, really self-absorbed because social media is kind of like their generation's version of pornography."
"The Trad wife Trend wouldn't be popular with reactionaries and the far right if it were possible for men and women to be socially equal but financially unequal."
"Where are Western values not in retreat? Where is democracy not in retreat?"
"We've got to understand what the truth is about the spiritualism that pervades our culture."
"If you wish to get me to stop complaining about Valve, I highly recommend that you follow my example and stop giving them money and start complaining until Valve fixes their issues."
"Outrage is nothing but a game in our culture."
"You heard it here first. We are looking at a worldwide pyramid building culture."
"My goal would be that we could both simultaneously enjoy media while recognizing problematic aspects of it."
"I feel like a lot has to be said about how, within all of black media and in certain instances within all the black community, a lot of us have become lost in the sauce."
"At its core, toxic positivity is essentially the enforcement of blind optimism."
"This is the cultural entertainment establishment elite. When we talk about why Trump won, this is a big reason why."
"It's madness, absolute madness because it goes against the grain of reality."
"Movies and media are a fascinating distillation of the collective fears and fixations of a society."
"I think the most superior culture is Japanese. They got a lot of [ __ ] right."
"The totalitarian aspect of wokeness can be much more dangerous because it can go through and reinterpret basically everything."
"Humans are addicted to Doomsday narratives. I've noticed that sometimes people want things to be worse than they are so their neuroticism and paranoia will be Vindicated."
"You can learn everything about American culture from South Park."
"What we were looking at was not the betrayal of evangelical values, we simply didn't fully understand what those values were."
"Everything the modernist enterprise has told us is not actually true."
"Stay woke has multiple meanings in the context of Get Out. The most obvious reason is what Jordan Peele himself said he wanted to create, a horror movie with a woke black protagonist."
"Pop music exists in sort of a weird space. A lot of people really like it but our traditional models don't seem to do a very good job explaining why."
"I like to think that in hundreds of years time our monuments and behaviors will be wildly guessed at by armchair archaeologists and fireside historians just like me."
"It's about the way that art is interpreted and about how it's given meaning."
"What year do you think we should recognize as marking the end of the true Showah age?"
"Nostalgia and remakes are a very nuanced thing to talk about."
"It's a strange pattern that might blow a few people's minds it almost seems like tails are a death sentence though it's probably just an interesting coincidence."
"It's mind-blowing to me, okay, you can see the like Donald Trumpism in that."
"It doesn't take a lot of people in a death cult to really undermine a society."
"This makes a lot of sense if you actually look at where Australians came from."
"The essay has become a talisman of our times."
"Memes, the DNA of the Soul, they are our culture, our clout."
"Shen Yun was kind of a, you know, canary in the coal mine."
"Examining the cultural context of biblical teachings on honesty and integrity."
"We're basically a tribal species trying to be a global species."
"What is boiling underneath our society such that people are willing to take someone's life over having a sandwich with too much mayonnaise?" - Ben
"What would a society look like that wasn't turning work or beauty or money into these big cultural idols that people literally bow down to?"
"Politics of doubt is downstream of culture." - Michael Knowles
"Terrace House establishes itself as a kind of meta-culture, echoing the rise of Let's Plays and maybe even shows us where television and media is headed."
"Do you think satirical characters can still exist today?"
"We're past Peak Woke. Things can't go on forever. You can't maintain the frenzy of Summer 2020 indefinitely."
"If Hollywood can be saved, it is a long way from it happening."
"There are some things to be corrected about interpreting Confucianism but to discard it all is really a mistake."
"It hits a nice blend of specific 90s video game stuff and broader observations about retail as a whole."
"It's a hopeful and optimistic view of life. Even Batman has a glimmer of that in him. If you didn't think he'd make tomorrow better, he'd stop." - Geoff Johns
"Spoiler: the God portrayed in the Bible consistently overturns cultural assumptions."
"Jewish identity is now bound up with the rejection of logos."
"There's something happening culturally, you look at Birth regeneration, the world itself needing healing, all of those things emblematic of the Mother character in myth."
"When I listen to the songs of this period and examine the preoccupations of people, what you get again and again is a sense of a society that feels it's been disinherited."
"Expressions of individuality, expressions of taste, refinement, technology, sentimental - they mean something true."
"Do you know what it is about the Nordic cultures? It's all about economy of language."
"I certainly don't see this rise of narcissism along with this rise of possession as mutually exclusive."
"It's not offensive it's not like it's just a lot of levels you can appreciate it on whether you're looking into it seep or just looking for something entertaining."
"We're always critical of the things we love."
"Islam is unquestionably the most diverse, the most eclectic religion in the history of the world." - Reza Aslan
"There's only two reasons that men and women differ: one is cultural and the other is biological. I know everyone's shocked when they hear this; this isn't shocking news."
"I hope this series is going to act as the beginning of this channel's role in cultural analysis."
"We're closer to 1984 than we are to Handmaid's Tale."
"Each historical period will focus or fixate on the type of monster it needs, the monster it deserves."
"Adventure Time brought sincerity to the table... it completely debunks the argument they're making here."
"Americans talked like Lockeans but lived like Burkeans."
"Joe Dante, the director of many horror classics like Gremlins and The Howling, echoes this concept stating the appeal of horror movies has always been about confronting death..."
"Trends in storytelling can tell us a lot about ourselves, our shared values, and our place in the world."
"Cancel culture goes back to a Marxist worldview."
"Struggle love behavior still shows up in a lot of black love relationships even if they are in a higher tax bracket."
"A relic of its time, the 2011 is dripping off of every page."
"It's not a judgment, these are facts. We are not doing well at all." - Elliott Hulse