
Project Development Quotes

There are 674 quotes

"Meet TXA Network, a crypto project that is working hard to fulfill that promise."
"Your purpose this lifetime is to do a really big creative project... It's meant to grow, it's meant to sprout."
"Basically, if you want to make something like this, you either have to give it your all or nothing."
"We're kicking off a journey, an experience that's going to evolve month to month, season to season, year after year."
"This mapping project is shaping up to be an awesome project."
"You're not only learning Python Pygame, but you're also learning how to build a complete end-to-end project in Python."
"I really just enjoy creating things. I love making projects, working with people to see a project come to life."
"These projects are ongoing. They're still being developed. They're still getting adoption. So, no, my opinion is not going to change on something I like instantly overnight."
"No one's first project honestly is that amazing."
"There are moments when you can start to see and feel a project coming together that just make you want to cry a little bit."
"It's difficult to overstate the absolutely astronomical amount of work that went into the world of Avatar."
"At every point, they were respecting all the concept art and lore that they had already developed for this world."
"The more help the better. To start, you can check out the GitHub progress boards to see how active the project is."
"Your patience has been deeply appreciated as I've been putting this one together."
"Adding soul to a project means giving it a life of its own, something that speaks even when silent."
"I can't express it enough, thank you guys for all the kind support. This is just the beginning of something massive that we're working on."
"If you listen to the brief, the client's objectives, you listen to the story, and you make something that is purpose-built for that project, then the answer appears."
"That whole thread from the idea for the YouTube video was spawned from a previous comment, and then all the way to a research project was followed through by the enthusiasm people had about that video."
"Before I knew it, the island came to life before my eyes."
"Another week, boys, and another 12 this week at Bungie. We've been heads down making sure season 17 is poised to rock and roll."
"Yern's success was quickly followed by multiple other teams launching similar projects with a few minor alterations."
"Go build something, then share how you did it."
"I think this is looking really nice, you know, especially from where we started. I'm proud."
"Employee wellness: it's not just your body, it's also your mind."
"There was five ideas and the one that we both liked the most was called the experiment which then became twins."
"I'm feeling very happy with how it's all coming together."
"What started as a joke turned out to be their best work."
"Thank you guys so much for supporting this project, you guys really, really, really shaped the trajectory of this project."
"Maybe your final projects, if you want to see what's going from browser to server."
"I'm really loving what we've got going on so far, and I think it's time to take it to the next level."
"The answer seems pretty clear... the alleged increasing scope is not the reason Star Citizen and Squadron 42 have taken this long."
"It's just going to take a little bit of time to actually put together."
"It started as this little thing with a bunch of friends getting together... now it's this big, ambitious project."
"Hopefully you've enjoyed watching this whole process, and I know I've personally loved learning so many new things during this project."
"We realized we had a home run. It was one of those like everything just fell together."
"Maybe they were very close to actually getting those done before the eventual layoffs."
"He rekindled his love for video games and began working on a new project, Game Theory."
"If we can imagine it, we really feel we could create it."
"The Diablo team is now fully working on the new projects."
"What serves the vision best? What serves the vision."
"Lean into your strengths... keep it small, keep it simple."
"This is really quite something, worked on for over 2 and half thousand hours by 16 members of the team."
"It's not about quantity, it's about quality. Build meaningful projects outside of coursework."
"They're gonna lay the foundations and it's going to happen slowly slowly slowly and then one day you're going to look and you're gonna go holy what actually happened there."
"This is actually really well timed. Last night, we're working on our big behind-the-scenes video."
"I'm in the beginning stages of working on like a reality show, not a reality show, a variety show, okay, because I'll be having so many ideas."
"Ultimately will put the right resources on the project to make the the right game."
"I really like how this is coming together, you guys. This is legit."
"We got things that we want to create. We got worlds that we want to bring up."
"It really felt like not only did we have something special, but that we were heading in the right direction from the very beginning."
"It has been a long ride to get here for booster 7, much longer than I certainly was expecting."
"This is a very cool project, and I don't think too many developers will get a chance to work on something like this."
"Even though his dream project that 3d Chrono Trigger remake was snuffed out by Square Enix it appears that that inspiration still led him down the right path."
"If you have a good idea for it then obviously I think you should go forward with it, you know, as long as it comes from some place of inspiration."
"You're taking this blank space and trying to make it real and make it work."
"Last Epoch has successfully finished its Kickstarter."
"I think bringing Blizzard World to life was particularly special for our entire team."
"You may like the ideas you’ve presented on paper in your script, but watching it become a full on project that tells a story is really exciting."
"It's a process, so we started before COVID. We hoped the building would already be finished today."
"We do have really serious growth potential in these projects."
"I hope people will take away... been in the works for quite some time."
"So if things go according to plan, which honestly it hasn't so far, we may see a fully assembled Good Company by 2021."
"I wanted to build something helpful that was way better than my static websites."
"We're essentially creating this wallet... that would take traditional people like a year to do."
"We've been building on this for almost a decade now."
"The worst stories are so good for these projects."
"It's a serious project when you're building a mock to play in a mock."
"This is looking good, I'm really pleased with what we have made so far."
"I'm in the dreaming phase here...stay positive on this."
"I'm very excited about it, I've been working on it for over two years now."
"It's amazing how far the 73 Century has come."
"I love creating and I love the process of seeing something come to fruition."
"We knew we had something very special from halfway through day one."
"In the 30-day internship, you are going to create multiple projects in different domains."
"Building this now with our unique needs in mind has been a huge deal."
"It was interesting hearing you talk about that with Ashley and that you actually had the idea earlier but you kind of let it just date to where you're like, okay, this is it."
"This is actually starting to come together nicely."
"So with that said, for number seven, we have the zza zzz glitch."
"The potential is obviously there so I'm excited to see them roll that out."
"What would that project look like if you took longer?"
"When a company or project developer does something that reduces... they have the opportunity to be financially rewarded."
"Understanding the concepts behind webhooks will open up a new and powerful world of possibilities for your projects and your applications."
"If you're making something great you never want to do it by yourself."
"I don't think we'll stop launching projects as long as someone comes with an idea that they're passionate about."
"Starlight was the end result of three abandoned or failed projects Lloyd Weber had been involved with going all the way back to 1973."
"That's in itself stunning... smashing together."
"I think it's gone, I don't know if better than expected is how I'd put it, but I think it's progressed better than expected."
"I never would have thought at the outset... but it's riveting."
"I think this project's only going to keep growing."
"I think it's a great example of just seeing something just blow up and then I'm actually letting him run with it all right."
"I'm liking this. I'm liking this. It's coming together."
"Once we have the fativerse project up and running, where people can have their own independent websites that sync into all this stuff, it's going to be groundbreaking."
"Doing the engineering work for such important projects is a long-term process that involves constant learning."
"We're making something special that will stand the test of time."
"Push this project as far as it can possibly go."
"They've been working on this for about three years now, and it caught a lot of people's attention."
"As all of these studios are going through all this trouble I've been working on like my comic book my characters and my story for years and we're getting really close to being able to launch the kickstarter for that book."
"He's smart, like, yeah, he'll do the big stuff, but then it's like he's going to develop his own projects."
"Our little Wild West Town over here is starting to look pretty legit."
"Being fully submerged more and more each day in your project and moving forward from a place of joy bliss and ease towards your outcome."
"I mean, this is looking so good, I'm really happy with it so far."
"Please go ahead and take this project, make your own, improve on it."
"I think it's gonna happen. I think it's been talked about more and I think with the success of guardians of the galaxy they made it more realistic that they could do something like this." - Kristian Harloff
"Just put yourself out there with an idea for a project and do it."
"We're in the early stages of planning but looking forward to sharing never before unseen stuff with you all."
"This is turning into something so, so special. Ah, I'm just so happy with how this project's turning out!"
"Cardano is one of those projects that they're just constantly improving it like it's like they are they are admit they're people on a mission they're on a gold they want they they they're very eager to accomplish what they're trying to accomplish."
"It's a massive quest and it's taken our team like our team is working furiously on this."
"We're confident with the progress we're making."
"We're not seeing the asset flipper, we're seeing the asset creator finally create their dream project."
"I start to get super excited because I start to see everything come together."
"I really wanted to find a co-founder to work on this project because I felt like it would just increase the chances of success."
"The most appealing thing about Ashes is that it's already completely funded to completion."
"We knew we wanted to do something, we didn't know what it was, and then it up being this."
"I'm still working on a music video for this."
"I feel like it has potential. I want to believe in it, but I have no fucking clue what to do with this."
"This video that I'm working on is really going to be a lot."
"We were working something really cool and interesting and we had to wait until that very last minute."
"It was genuinely really awesome to see all of the project progress."
"I kind of became obsessed with the idea of making something that was much bigger than anything I had made previously."
"Every little bit sums in, adds up to the finished product."
"It's just perfect in the sense of what it's building and what it's doing."
"It's been a fun balance to strike, and we're real proud of it."
"We were really focused and we knew exactly what we wanted to make going in." - Dana Belmar
"This was great, and yeah, we're gonna keep working."
"We want you guys to keep building on it and trying new things."
"It's ambitious but man is this thing just incredibly wonky."
"It's all about connecting with our biggest fans and opening the door to producing projects."
"The project started out with claims of transparency and ended with a legally binding document to prevent transparency."
"He's just finally getting to the point where they're working on it."
"I hope you guys love it as much as I have enjoyed making it."
"Our whole team is incredibly excited about this project."
"Didn't this little project escalate quickly?"
"Things are looking good, but now we have to make our back panel."
"Anyone that we can get who's a consultant for that, that is fantastic."
"It does show a level of confidence, like, 'Hey, we're moving forward with not only the Justice League but all these other standalone movies.'"
"Start making your own project by validating the user needs. Anything you develop, don't dump it on any site instead plan, develop, and deploy."
"There's never been more progress and more ambition and more excitement behind an example project that we have in cardano."
"A proof of concept project when it comes to doing the leg work...seeking out really really high quality well-made garments."
"Building projects with those skills... it's just a much better answer."
"Crunch is a result of just bad management plain and simple."
"I think they've been working on these levels since mid-December."
"I think I'll make a Twitter clone in an hour."
"And built this and it's not even done yet not even and if you did nothing else to this the way it's set up right now this in and of itself is game changing."
"It's really boring when you're building it but once you get it all done it's pretty amazing."
"I don't know. I finalized my Mers concept and started working on it in earnest. I'll need to put in some operators pretty soon."
"We're very excited about that but we really need to also focus on the little things and the fine details and polish all those things up."
"Starfield is a different beast; it's their ideals that have come together after multiple years of planning."
"It was great you know we were able to tie in all these different worlds."
"A big thank you to all of our backers, your continued support of this project is what makes it all possible."
"We're really looking forward to see what you'd do with them."
"This project is open source... which is freaking amazing."
"I'm really freaking excited about this project."
"It added iteration that I mean throughout, does it? And we talked about, we put things out there, listen to the community, improve things; this is that in action, really."
"I want to see projects that bring something new to the table, some actual innovation. I'm much happier to see that than some project that's just copying another project and does marketing or whatever."
"The more that I'm inspired, the cooler the projects will be."
"We're starting to get some traction on that but things are feeling good."
"We are continuing to move it forward. We made this happen, and it's an honor for all of us."
"...it's a promising project with a strong team who have been delivering and are beating their roadmap..."
"There's endless ways that you can affect these and really create different kinds of things."
"A theorem as a project I worked on, I love the social contract... Vitalik wanted a world computer."
"I just really love when a gaming company is passionate about the project they're working on."
"It took six weeks to build and film this video, one of the most in-depth projects I've done so far and it was certainly worth the effort."
"I've worked on this since last August and I've tested in the parking lot about 6 times prior to today."
"Our dreams need to be as big as the thing we're building."
"It's clear that a lot of thought and love went into this."
"I really wish that they would have something happen with it."
"Very exciting times for us with all these projects and excited and grateful to each of you for being so supportive to me over these years."
"We're now actually developing that from the bottom up or top down."
"I'm very excited for the future of this project."
"Blazor started out as an experimental project... we're pretty sure that a yes, absolutely we can do this." - Unnamed speaker
"I never said it was gonna look good, at least not yet."
"The last thing we want to do is find out we have created a pile of unsalvageable garbage when we've already sunk 100 hours into the game."
"Thanks for your hard work and for bringing this update to life."
"Welcome to Stalker Anomaly, now... a project that just continues to gain more and more traction."
"The best projects evolve, not wait for three years."
"For all of you wanting to throw in a buck to whatever you want to throw in and see this project hit, absolutely would love the assistance on this."
"I think we got something special here, this is awesome."
"If you guys want to help with the build out of this place, you can contribute to the build out by going on our website."
"Okay that was a lot to go through but if you were not hyped enough you should definitely be hyped now because man Deana Terrace and her team are clearly pulling out all the stops."
"Pretty happy with how it looks after all that struggle and frustration. Pretty happy with how it's coming together."
"This looks really cool, it's already starting to come to life."
"The outcome of the re-entry in this flight will significantly influence space access plans and the trajectory of the Starship project."
"Real use cases, real utility, these are long-term projects."
"That's awesome some things in this build finally coming together after letting it sit for a few days."
"I wanted to create and design something for myself, the way I envision it from start to finish."
"The horizon is looking bright indeed for Dawn Trail and Beyond."
"It just feels like yesterday that we were here. I had no idea what we would be really in for when we started out and now that we're here it's been an amazing process."
"It was really exciting trying to bring that to life."
"I am so excited for that one... creating things for the experience."
"We're gonna look to the community in a lot of ways because this is restoring something that was a precious part of all of our gaming histories and we're excited to announce that we're working towards it."
"Is this a game-changer? We're onto something here."
"Maybe if people come up with particularly intriguing ideas this time, I'll make another one of these going even deeper into the concept."
"Trying to do some crazy sh*t over here with the how to grow DVD."
"At the moment I'm currently working on Planet X16."
"A groundbreaking and ambitious project is underway."
"We're back, all right, I got some hot idea action up in this piece."
"I love how this came together, it was given life by the community."
"Honestly, I didn't expect the park to start coming together like this so soon."
"Welcome to the teaser preview of the new studio space. It's a lot of work yet to happen, so stay tuned."