
Civilization Quotes

There are 3637 quotes

"Civilization is a tiny veneer to a very deep savagery that's right underneath the surface."
"Every time a civilization rises and falls, it represents an evolution of Consciousness."
"Uruk wasn't just any city; it was a beacon of culture, economy, and innovation, credited with many firsts in human civilization, including the invention of cuneiform writing."
"We are joining and steering the collective intelligence of this big ant colony we think of as our human civilization."
"The great person of our era will be remembered as Satoshi. We will date human civilization to before and after Satoshi."
"Entire societies and civilizations have lived and died by their ability to communicate."
"The population decline problem is possibly the biggest risk to civilization."
"The biggest issue in 20 years will be population collapse, not explosion."
"A future where humanity is a spacefaring civilization out there exploring the stars is incredibly exciting."
"Humans are different in that we are storytellers... with stories we created money, we created empires, we created Wall Street, we created technology."
"The greatest threat to our civilization is not AI, is not climate change, it is demographic collapse." - Elon Musk
"We predicated our civilization on those propositions, and look at it. It's not so bad. We've brought wealth and plenty to billions of people around the world."
"Is the goal of civilization ultimately the end game of civilization that you don't need to go to work, you just have a comfortable life?"
"We could advance as a civilization for a million years without destroying ourselves; it probably wouldn't happen."
"Civilizations, like people, thrive on challenge and decay without it."
"The city is the heart of civilization, it is the great human achievement."
"The tree of knowledge of Good and Evil...seems to be the pinnacle of that kind of civilization."
"Even though civilizations collapse pretty reliably, there's never been a total collapse of humanity, and there's always been a general moderate upward trend in people's sort of social development."
"Civilization started along four rivers: the Tigris, Euphrates, the Nile, and the Yellow River."
"Human civilization was built by us becoming a simple networked intelligence."
"The most important aspects of the longevity of any civilization... include you into our inner thoughts, our conversations, and our journey so far on how to educate our kids."
"Guide a civilization through the ages, build the ultimate empire in Universum, a new breed of god game in development."
"OCD is a neurodivergency, and being a neat or particular person does not mean that you have OCD. Please stop saying that; it's actually very invalidating for people with the disorder."
"For too long, humanity has existed within dysfunctional and polluted cities that ignore nature. Now, a revolution in civilization is taking place."
"The stuff that moves civilization is narrative."
"A certain law operates whenever a great civilization has seemed to be declining and close to disintegration, to bring forth a universal genius who opens up a new horizon."
"It was as if some great civilization built it eons ago and then died out, leaving the living remains of their creations for you to drive past and wonder at."
"We're living at the greatest time of human transition in the history of civilization."
"This is a real threat to the conflict with the use of nuclear weapons, which means the destruction of civilization."
"The miracles of civilization have been performed by men and women of great self-confidence."
"We're moving into a completely different civilization unrecognizable than anything that existed even like 20 years ago."
"Humanity has been interested in the skies above for at least as long as we’ve had any sort of civilization able to record anything and likely far longer."
"The natural state of man is to live a life of chaos and privation. It takes civilization to prevent that from happening."
"Every civilization throughout history has been centered around the idea of 'Why are we here? What are we doing? What is our meaning?'"
"The veneer we call civilization is only skin deep."
"When human beings began burying their dead, it was one of the first signs of civilized thought."
"Civilizations are always driven by two ideological spirits, one of which is masculine and the other is feminine."
"Yes, having kids is a risk, but it's that risk that not only makes life worth living, it makes civilization worth preserving."
"Almost all the world, in many important fields, belongs to a single civilization."
"The masters of civilization my people sure could learn a lot from the masters of the Wilderness."
"To me, artificial intelligence is much bigger than deep learning, bigger than computing; it is our civilization's journey into understanding the human mind and creating echoes of it in the machine."
"The life force in time against the spiritual values of eternity... it's a really interesting and civilizing dance."
"We've always had processes for moderating content, as far back as human civilization goes."
"The arc of civilization has led to much less destruction, much less war, and much more peace."
"Building a brand new civilization without people first having to suffer a level of intolerability seems tough."
"Men are supposed to be strong, confident breadwinners; they built civilization."
"This stuff matters because these are fundamental ideas to the preservation of a civilization."
"We really won't be where we are today without civilization, from the day we first discovered fire to the day we stepped on the moon."
"The strength of a civilization is not the height of its material wealth and technological sophistication but that bond that unites it, social cohesiveness."
"The destiny of civilization will pass... almost unremarkable and unnoticed to an authoritarian no to unnoticed."
"It is time for humanity to become a mature, peaceful civilization and take its place in the cosmos with other advanced peoples from other star systems."
"Could an extraterrestrial species really have a hidden hand in shaping the events of our civilization?"
"We might have to become an interplanetary and an interstellar species, and this could be essential for the survival of the entire civilization."
"The crypt stands as a testament to the enduring power of human curiosity and the belief in the continuity of civilization across time."
"Any advanced civilization we call God is not going to try to infest you or take you over; they're all about free will."
"It's undeniable; we're looking at things that have been inherited, reclaimed, and absorbed into different cultures and civilizations."
"Civilization is a race between education and catastrophe."
"The death of a civilization isn't an end, but a transformation."
"Stable order in civilization only exists when people feel they have much to lose."
"What could be more tragic than an entire civilization sacrificing the one and only life they're going to get in the hopes of something better after?"
"AI is a fundamental existential risk for human civilization, and I don't think people fully appreciate that."
"The success of human civilization requires figuring out how to construct competitors that don't result in global war."
"Without precision, modern civilization simply wouldn't exist."
"Civilizations would put up warning posts... sending out study messages that hopefully somebody could decipher and say we should not build this technology."
"Tamil is the last surviving classical civilization because they've managed to keep their beliefs, culture, and language intact for over 2,000 years."
"Looking at the skeleton of a civilization, we've lost so much over time."
"Our civilization and everything in it is a result of our individual and collective consciousness, thought, and action."
"The fear of death has been one of the greatest driving forces in the history of thought and in the formation of the character of civilization."
"Evidence like this should force a rethink of what we think we know about the people and civilizations who lived in those times."
"The first way you want to wipe out a civilization is to destroy its history."
"If human civilization were to destroy itself, all of our knowledge, all our creations, will go with us. We should think about how to save that knowledge in a way that long outlives us."
"Great civilizations collapse when the economy serves not to elevate but to denigrate the population."
"It's great to watch your civilization come up, and then it's just like, everyone loves a downward spiral sometimes, right?"
"A man descends several rungs in the ladder of civilization. Isolated, he may be a cultivated individual; in a crowd, he is a barbarian."
"We face a choice: if we do nothing, our environment and civilization will degrade, and we may face extinction."
"The only thing these civilizations are looking for is a pure heart, clear intention, and the great purpose."
"Technologically advanced civilizations are very rare, perhaps only two or three per galaxy."
"According to this idea, technological civilizations will eventually hit a massive crisis."
"Civilization might reach a point where self-destruction is inevitable."
"Amongst the four nearest civilizations to us, three are likely older."
"Human history is punctuated by the rise and fall of civilizations, and we can date how long they last from archaeological evidence."
"Even the grandest of civilizations eventually meet their demise."
"Our civilization quite simply depends on quantum mechanics."
"Without quantum mechanics, our civilization would fall apart."
"Anti-Semitism challenges the basic idea we have of civilization."
"An unknown civilization of seafaring Native Americans on the scale of the British Empire that taught the entire world maths and farming and science but for some reason didn't like making tools and geographically isolated crops and didn't have sex with anyone...give me a break."
"We often look up at the stars and ask, 'If the Universe is so big and ancient, why aren't there big and ancient civilizations spanning the galaxy?'"
"The great civilizations of the past laid the foundations for our modern world."
"As time has gone on, humans have seen themselves as larger and larger collectives... from tribes to larger tribes to cities to entire civilizations."
"Civilization today is 100% based on agriculture."
"The story of Foundation is about how the larger forces at work in society – political, economic, social realities – impact the fate of civilizations."
"The beginnings of agriculture mark the beginnings of civilization."
"Farming made civilization a natural possibility. Essentially without agriculture, there'd be no culture."
"So pull up a chair and raise a glass to the footprints of civilization, which still lead us from the plate and the pallet."
"Trust. It's the thing that greases the wheels of civilization."
"How we deal with the subject of belief, how we criticize or fail to criticize the beliefs of other human beings at this moment, has an extraordinary significance for the maintenance of civilization."
"This was a time filled with great men, filled with great civilizations where men were doing heroic things."
"We have been lied to and if you want to talk about black history, you have to talk about the real black history, which is the history of civilization."
"Buried in 1940, it was modeled after a cell that one might find in an Egyptian pyramid... inside the gigantic vault lies items that have been deemed crucial to our civilization."
"Computing stands as the bedrock of modern civilization, fueling scientific discovery, powering industrial automation, and birthing artificial intelligence."
"It's an extraordinary book that really does have the opportunity to change the course of its civilization."
"Every civilization in all of human history, since the Agricultural Revolution, had slavery. Slavery is not what defines Western civilization; the fact that we ended it is one of the things that defines Western civilization."
"Post-Scarcity Civilizations are those that have no scarcity of resources, though in the interests of plausibility for discussion inside a Finite Universe, we define it on the show as a civilization who has such an abundance of a given Human Need that getting access to it causes no serious anxiety in people."
"A more elegant weapon from a more civilized age."
"A potent cyber weapon could end civilization in the developed Western world."
"The task of civilization is to figure out how to create a durable basis for cooperation."
"Less time separates us from Julius Caesar than him from the builders of the pyramids."
"Civilization requires a narrowness of consciousness so that we can all be on the same page."
"A civilization depends on one generation handing on to the next."
"It is terrifying because of the power that super intelligent AGI wields that destroy human civilization, intentionally or unintentionally."
"It's the dawn of civilization we're talking about. These were the first civilizations."
"We are as a culture progressively losing the ability to express ourselves through language, which is a rather significant problem given that language is one of the necessary cornerstones of any functioning civilization."
"A civilization has the same fragility as a life, and no one can say what will be dead or alive tomorrow."
"While historians, anthropologists, and others still debate about precisely why civilization collapses occur, there are multiple quite obvious and fundamental factors that are believed to be just as devastating for a modern civilization as it would be and was for ancient ones."
"Most civilizations in history have some sort of deep connection with the stars and planets."
"An entire culture and civilization based around one major river, it's incredible."
"We should be striving to figure this out because this was the history of our civilization."
"We are at least the third civilization to have flourished here on Earth."
"Under the rule of these immortal custodians, civilization took root with intelligence and producing craft and architecture humans of the modern era could only dream of."
"The idea of an advanced ancient civilization being responsible for this tube drilling is both an entirely possible scenario and one that makes sense."
"Our entire civilization, everything that we value, is based on our intelligence. And if we had access to a lot more intelligence, then there's really no limit to what the human race can do."
"What they didn’t anticipate was to accidentally learn that whatever civilizations existed on other planets have probably already annihilated themselves."
"We could be heading for a crash of civilization."
"Chief Prosecutor Robert H. Jackson famously stated, 'The wrongs which we seek to condemn and punish have been so calculated, so malignant, and so devastating that civilization cannot tolerate their being ignored.'"
"What we're doing now isn't compassionate. It's an attack on civilization."
"For over twelve thousand years humankind has strived to create the perfect civilization."
"Our specific civilization is vulnerable in some ways, but I don't think our species is going to go extinct."
"The melancholy of a once-great civilization toppled at its height by its own failings, the sense of both isolation and prowess that comes from surviving and persisting in a shattered world that's outgrown its human inhabitants."
"Civilization consists not in walls of brick and stone, but in the ideals created within them."
"The goddess of wisdom, of industry, of scholarship, of architecture, of societal progress and philosophy, and ultimately the protection and stability of the city civilization, is the sum of her gifts."
"If a civilization is able to create a simulation of another universe, they're probably able to create lots of them in parallel."
"Civilization thrives on forgiveness and on confession first and then forgiveness."
"If the foundation of a civilization is solid truth, then future generations will be able to build upon it."
"We're a civilization in steep decline... we are in a total collapse of our civilization at the moment, and it's not fun to say; it's just happening."
"Accounting underlies all of modern civilization."
"If the whole world died and civilization had to start again in a thousand years, the science books and the maths books would look exactly the same as they do now."
"Humans are resilient and they are likely developing a new civilization on the ashes of the old one as we speak."
"What motivates me is trying to take the set of actions that maximize the probability that the future will be good for civilization."
"We need to do everything we can to make sure the light of consciousness does not go out."
"If people lose hope in the future, they're also unlikely to have kids, which leads to civilizational decline."
"Sometimes people might say like well you know, it's very magnanimous of you or altruistic of you to care about civilization, but I think actually like even if somebody's very selfish, you should still care about civilization because we cannot live in the absence of civilization."
"From its very beginnings, civilization has been incredibly elitist."
"The civilization that's grown up has kind of grown up comfortable with these strange things that are all around them."
"Since the beginning of civilization, we had been watching the stars, never dreaming that they, in turn, might be watching us."
"Free will is essential to the functioning of our civilization and spiritual life."
"To all civilizations in the universe, face similar problems at our stage of development? To some extent, we can say yes."
"Mercy is what makes us civilized. Mercy is what puts an end to violence."
"For a people so great, it is unfortunate that their accomplishments and contributions not only to Mesopotamian civilization but to civilization in general largely go unnoticed by the majority of the public."
"It's the long hard grind of civilization towards liberty or towards whatever goal it is you want."
"We are supposed to be the pinnacle of civilization, but this notion of some entities or some realities living in worlds that are simultaneous to us but yet not quite our world, this is something that is ingrained in all of humanity."
"We have to acknowledge the social progress we've made as a civilization while also realizing where the false steps are."
"The veneer of civilization is paper-thin and it's torn very easily."
"For the future of civilization, this must be done."
"We all therefore have a responsibility to ensure that we eliminate such weapons from the present civilization we are seeking to build."
"It's quite extremely important that we become a multi-planet civilization and create a self-sustaining city, ideally on Mars."
"In Uruk, we have found a state that meets all the criteria for civilization."
"The Nile River was undeniably the lifeblood of ancient Egyptian civilization, playing a pivotal role in shaping the culture, economy, and daily life."
"The moral fiber is what either sustains or, when that collapses, the civilization falls into decrepitude and begins to disintegrate."
"Rivet City is one of the few bastions of civilization left in the land. We're working to rebuild our society, to make the world livable again."
"These societies developed complex political systems, built monumental structures, and made significant contributions to fields like mathematics, architecture, and medicine."
"It's important to bear in mind, like there could be some natural event or some man-made event that ends civilization as we know it... So it's important that we try to become a multi-planet civilization... as quickly as we can."
"Civilization ultimately dies if it is not allowed to progress."
"To call this tribe uncivilized is downright incorrect. They foster relationships and value family in a way that is lost to our smartphones. So, who's to say who is civilized or not?"
"We're faced with a choice, which future do you want? Do you want the future where we become a spacefaring civilization and are in many worlds and are out there among the stars or one where we are forever confined to Earth?"
"Not all conflict is bad. Sometimes you have to stand up and fight enemies of civilization."
"With the development of farming, people began to live in permanent settlements rather than leading a nomadic lifestyle."
"What should we all be paying more attention to? The consequences of our actions not only on others but on the fate of civilization itself."
"This has all happened before. From one civilization to another, to the next, and we are the next."
"Our present civilization is not sustainable."
"It's a picture that should have tremendous impact on everything we think we know about the roots of our own species, the rise of civilizations, and the true climate history of our planet."
"China is the other great civilization, and don't ever be in any doubt about that. It's an extraordinary civilization."
"Roman law, honed over the centuries, would prove foundational to the success of not only their civilization but the many civilizations which followed."
"That's not tyranny, that's how we maintain a civilized society."
"A point I often stress is that a civilization with a well-informed public that’s strong-willed and eager to tackle problems is one that is not guaranteed to get through a crisis but has way better odds in its favor than civilizations missing those."
"From all that nature gave us, we have made a new world out of wilderness, and built great civilizations."
"The biggest of the great filters is that civilizations invariably destroy themselves."
"If we haven't already seen it, why haven't they done it yet, and what would they be doing instead?"
"Well, scientists classify civilizations on something called the Kardashev scale. It's a scale that measures a civilization's technological ability to harness energy."
"We may have arrived at the end of Western Civilization... what we are watching right now is not just the Barbarians at the gates; we are watching The Barbarians within the gates."
"Civilization is in fact over if we do not have these basic basic basic things in common."
"A civilization reading one of our messages could be billions of years ahead of us."
"All of the good things that are around you—democracy, liberalism, free speech, prosperity, science—all of these things are the outgrowth of a civilization in which you live and whose values you have embedded in your system, whether you like it or not."
"Players with the armorer role were the only ones able to craft armor, while farmers were the only ones able to farm crops to feed their civilizations."
"Every civilization has its own kind of pestilence and can control it only by reforming itself."
"It's surprising how thin the veneer of civilization is over just raw humanity."
"The truest evidence that any civilization ever leaves behind about itself is its art."
"Fear is not the natural state of civilized man."
"We live in a very odd time. Not only is there a civilization and intelligence on this world, but we’re also oddly lucky that we have a moon and sun where their apparent diameters can sometimes be almost identical, allowing for full total solar eclipses on the surface of this world."
"Athenian civilization and the Greek heritage is an idea as much as a place, and now is the moment to be true to that calling."
"Epidemics are the results largely of civilization and agriculture. Hunter-gatherers in the Stone Age did not suffer from epidemics probably at all."
"After the fall of their civilization came something better."
"The fact is that Gobekli Tepe is in northern Mesopotamia. This is clearly the cradle of civilization."
"For thousands of years, the powerful Euphrates River has played a crucial role in the development of human civilization."
"People will look at you as a civilization that has delivered. People will say that this is a country we want to invest in."
"Civilization is feeling a little fragile these days... we got to protect the downside here and try to build that city on Mars as soon as possible."
"Without trust, both on a national level and on the international level, civilization collapses. Trust is the glue that holds everything together."
"We're in this kind of awkward teenage transition state as a civilization right now."
"It's a bustling outpost frequented by countless adventurers, a bastion of civilization amid a harsh and unforgiving wilderness."
"Men have civilized the world in general for you to be able to pursue things like arts."
"The sad thing is that none of this is predestined. Orthodox civilization has produced so many brilliant individuals and geniuses."