
Profit Maximization Quotes

There are 126 quotes

"Their moral obligation, as Milton Friedman would say, is to maximize the profits that they return to shareholders."
"There's a system in place purely designed to maximize the profit out of an individual all at the expense of their well-being."
"Every business owner can appreciate the notion of branding as a means to achieve higher profits through customer loyalty."
"They try to find loopholes so they can maximize their own profit, in my opinion."
"Profit maximization occurs where marginal revenue equals marginal cost."
"Identifying where you're buying, your percent profit margin, and cutting losses short."
"You have to put your audience first, which means only promoting products that you know are going to be valuable and helpful for the people who watch and trust you."
"Money likes patient people. Let your profits ride further and really ride those profits into 2, 3, and 4x territory."
"Your goal here will be to make sure your average profit per order is higher than your cost to acquire a customer."
"Think creatively about how you can maximize your gross profits."
"When we are writing options, guys, your goal is to write that option, collect that premium, and get out as fast as possible."
"There's also a viable lesson... you always make more money in the drought."
"How much more money do you want? You bought that, you got the club for nothing, you've had dividends, you've never paid any debt back and now you're squeezing a little bit more out."
"The profit margins are almost 100%, so every purchase after that is 100% profit."
"Short-term profit maximization should not be advocated for by our government."
"Do you have those diamond hands or you selling way too early before you secure those major profits?"
"You'll get the most money, the most views, and the most interest in your car."
"Go for the biggest sale, the biggest profit."
"Once you have effectively monopolized a certain sector, then you can squeeze as hard as you can... take profits."
"This strategy is very effective and you can capitalize big profits."
"Making moves to make sure that you capitalize on making as much money as possible in this market."
"The quickest way to 70/30 is to focus on adding, not subtracting."
"You want to have the best people, the best products, and protect your margin."
"Dollar cost averaging out: Slowly withdrawing investments to maximize profits and mitigate risks."
"Implement a determined strategy for liquidating assets to secure profits in a methodical way."
"This is a lesson on how to take a company from basically a couple thousand dollars in profit to millions."
"I'm investing into getting more premium rooms cuz you could charge more for premium rooms and then you build your profit up increasing those margins."
"These will absolutely be the principles next year: making money as much as you can, as quickly as you can."
"So how long you think we have to wait till we start milking this again? A few years at most."
"You need to keep squeezing that same rock for more profits."
"Pre-market advantage: maximizing profit potential."
"Whatever gives you the most profit, is the best option."
"Bestiary: Pushing it to the limit and seeing how much we can earn from it."
"The goal of trading is to use your practice, use your journaling to take more winning trades."
"And like most companies, Apple has figured out the best way to squeeze as much money out of you as possible."
"You should always make your money on the buy."
"Raise the prices, that's how you can make more of a profit."
"You're gonna make way more money simply selling at the top relatively close, doesn't have to be the exact one."
"It's important to capitalize on any gains that you have."
"If you don't start applying these strategies immediately, you're going to be leaving a lot of money on the table."
"It's all about percentages and it's all about accumulating in the right moments and capitalizing on the best possible gains."
"Tesla is already better at making money making vehicles."
"Why would we want to exit trades early? One, increase our win rate and profits. Two, reduce our trade duration and exposure."
"Every cent counts for increasing your profit."
"My rule: buying back options at 90% of maximum profits."
"They're just maximizing profit at our kids' expense."
"It's no use buying something at a good valuation if you never maximize the full extent of the profits."
"The goal of investing is to turn a profit and buy as low as possible to sell as high as possible."
"Yield farming maximizes profit off existing cryptocurrency investments via decentralized apps."
"The biggest profits come from investing early or swing trading volatile markets."
"Swing trading allows traders to ride out the trend for maximum profit...using the best trailing stop techniques."
"Hopefully now, when you stop doing these mistakes, you make yourself more money."
"Real estate investing: where you can generate cash flow, enjoy depreciation, and maximize profits."
"Private corporations have one responsibility: to maximize profit, period."
"The first key to maximizing your profits on covered calls is this: stop trying to squeeze every last penny out of a covered call."
"The strategy? Make small bundles and then combine them into Mega bundles to maximize profits."
"Collections can really maximize profits in a big way."
"Maximizing profits through strategic sourcing."
"It's all about maximizing profit, that's just a bit bent because it's actually caught onto some of the bumper guides and stuff."
"When you isolate the buyer this can be really effective for allowing yourself to have better pricing and overall higher profit margins."
"Getting your price as high as it can possibly go while still remaining competitive."
"So now you know the difference between wasted time and maximized profits."
"Arbitrage Amazon sellers like to buy products from these five sales tax-free states before reselling the products, because this saves them a lot of money, and of course it increases their profit margins."
"By using Weber's least cost theory, companies can reduce their overall costs and maximize their profit."
"Profit maximization for a competitive firm occurs where marginal revenue equals marginal cost."
"Producers have a simple goal which is to maximize their profits."
"That's the profit maximizing point where that rectangle is largest."
"Ultimately, professional traders are doing a little bit of each of those because they want to maximize their profits."
"The goal is to maximize profit and minimize drawdown, and also to keep yourself at all times in a place where you're emotionally centered."
"So our first objective is to minimize risk and maximize profit."
"Leverage the profit in your account to make even more profit."
"There's no conflict whatsoever between maximizing profits and operating sustainably."
"The objective is not more employees, it's more profit."
"Maximize your profit because you're not gonna win every trade."
"Maximize your profit on Amazon, more than anything else."
"There is no faster and more clear-cut path to increase your bar profits immediately than to stop the bleeding."
"Upselling is great if you can offer a product that is perhaps more luxurious, more expensive, and can make you more profit per sale."
"While these costs are a burden on a firm's pocketbook, they also help the firm determine the precise level of output to produce in order to maximize profits."
"Taking a few minutes every week to optimize your Etsy campaigns to absolutely maximize profit."
"Total profit is what we are aiming to maximize by allocating resources."
"Use stop losses to keep your losses small and when you get a winner, let it work for you."
"This tells us which items, which projects were chosen to maximize our profit while staying below our budget, and that's the power of risk optimizer."
"The foundation of decision making is optimizing the funds, maximizing profit."
"A privatized public service will always seek to maximize profit, so a privatized public service will do the same, they will seek to avoid providing services which don't make money."
"The optimal level of product availability is where my total expected profit is highest."
"If it does work out, then you try and ride that profit as much as you possibly can."
"Goal congruence means that when a manager makes a decision about their division that maximizes the profit made in a division, it also maximizes the profit made by the group."
"In order for a perfectly competitive firm to maximize its economic profits, it should always produce at the level of output at which its marginal revenue equals its marginal cost."
"Transfer prices are only important insofar as they encourage divisions to trade in a way that maximizes profits for the company as a whole."
"Let your profits run towards higher prices."
"We also want to increase the size of our winners relative to the size of our losing trades."
"Winning trades have to be larger than losses."
"The conscious business goes further, identifies a deeper purpose beyond maximizing profit and shareholder value."
"The business may be able to identify that adverse variance and identify ways of perhaps choosing an alternative supplier to reduce unit costs or reduce variable cost per unit and therefore improving profits."
"Corporate profits have hit an all-time high."
"Risk sharing in a supply chain increases profits for both supplier and the retailer."
"All profit is good profit, but if you're able to capitalize on all of the pips gained and your overall take profit gets hit, that's amazing because that's goal number one."
"If you accurately forecast your demand, you can maximize your profit and minimize customer dissatisfaction."
"You're managing it aggressively anyway, so the idea is you're gonna still lock in most of that profit and then you have a chance of making that profit significantly bigger."
"A monopolist hoping to maximize his total profits should determine the level of output at which marginal revenue equals marginal cost."
"Total revenues are maximized when marginal revenue equals zero."
"Your flexibility in the supply chain operations allows the supply chain to deal with the uncertainty in a manner which can maximize our profit."
"The illogical thing to do in business is you don't worry about what happens 16 to 20 years out if you can make a ton of money now."
"The monopolist wishing to maximize profits will follow the profit maximization rule and produce where its marginal revenue equals its marginal cost."
"Most businesses are there to make more money than they spend, thus they have a profit, and that's what they're trying to maximize."
"Understanding how you create your margin is the first step towards boosting your margin."
"Profit is maximized at that point where marginal revenue equals marginal cost."
"The objective of each business, most of the business, is to maximize profit and minimize cost."