
Principles Quotes

There are 6355 quotes

"There's no amount of money or fame that can buy my opinion or make me go against my principles."
"Rudyard, there are certain hills that you have to die on to be a man. At the end, you will be judged whether or not you stood where you need to stand."
"Behind success isn't really magic; it's always cause and effect."
"I'm far from a saint, but principles and what I believe to be right and wrong is something that's always been very important to me."
"The Bible is a simple book of principles. If you follow the principles, you will be successful."
"It's a very simple dynamic: when you have two sides allegedly in a political battle, one side that is relentlessly, unshakably committed to its principles, and the other side that reflexively surrenders at the outset, the outcome is foreordained."
"It's not about what I want, it's about what's fair!"
"Having principles that you believe in is way more important."
"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything."
"I've enumerated nine different problem-solving principles... each one is deceptively simple. You would be shocked at how often you can make very meaningful progress in very hard problems just by keeping some of these tips in the back of your mind."
"The concept of 'another one of those' and having principles and knowing how to categorize things and think through them is putting out some of the most life-altering material I have ever come across."
"Permission, protection, principles - these are what fathers should exemplify."
"Once you know what that is and say, 'I'm going to start acting and living according to my own principles,' your life starts to change."
"If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for everything."
"The concept of being willing to leave this Earth for the sake of Allah Subhana wa Ta'ala, and being principled dying on principles, that is what makes all of our heroes heroes."
"I'm a man of principles. Like, you know, integrity. I value the well-being of humans as a species."
"Morality, to me, is about principles. The rules are not the morality; they're the outcome of a morality."
"We can't get confused between answers in practice and answers in principle. Just because there may not always be clear ways to resolve these issues in practice doesn't mean there aren't right answers."
"Notice when you violate your own principles and standards."
"I think accountability is absolutely essential in this game."
"The secret to good health is actually not so secret: simply following general lifestyle principles that have been well established for decades."
"Principles always are more powerful than force, and good always supersedes evil."
"Honesty, I like. Honesty is the best policy."
"Integrity, you keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means."
"We need to revere these principles that would have prevented us from going down this route in the first place."
"Just because they cross lines doesn't mean I get to cross lines. Just because they became violators doesn't mean I'm going to violate."
"No amount of money is worth selling my integrity."
"The point of crypto is the principles of it, or else you're just building another legacy system."
"I prefer to die a man who lived by principles that nobody could shake and a man who added a bit of love to the world."
"When a man has a code and a man has principle and boundaries of how he runs his life, you have to understand just how powerful that is."
"It's only when you get to a point of money where you can say no, my principles are worth losing x million, that's when you can escape the matrix."
"What you are tied to is more important than where."
"Do you live by principle or by the pressures of the moment?"
"If you don't stand for something, then you stand for nothing."
"If you believe in freedom of speech, you believe in freedom of speech precisely for views you despise."
"Emotional strength and vitality are built through understanding and living the right principles from an early age."
"Be principled. The right thing to do is to stick to your words."
"If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything."
"It is more important to stay true to my principles and who I really am than to change just because it makes some small-minded people uncomfortable."
"The spiritual dimension... there is no deep human realization for any individual outside of understanding her or himself in relation to higher order principles, truths, realities."
"I have some modicum of respect for the religious folk, even though I'm not one, because I admire people who stand by their principles."
"Negotiating with other people to reach agreements is different than negotiating with your own principles."
"Success must be built on a deep and solid foundation of solid principles and impeccable character."
"Corporate finance is more than a collection of equations, metrics, and models; it's a set of first principles that govern how we run businesses."
"The principles of corporate finance are unchangeable across continents, markets, and types of businesses."
"I genuinely believe I'm a good person... I believe in what I believe, and I live to my own principles."
"Innocent until proven guilty is not a common myth; that's in the Magna Carta, it's presumably in the American Constitution, it's one of the cornerstones of justice."
"The majority of people polled felt that it was important to continue to adhere to the principles set out in the U.N. convention."
"Beauty is a requirement for principles of physics; beauty is fundamental in the universe."
"If you understand the principles, applications are easy."
"America has always been about equality, we're all equal, that's our enduring idea."
"What you will notice when you first get into the book is that it starts off before it gets into the seven habits, it has a section called paradigms and principles."
"It's not what you know, it's what you can prove."
"The first job is to discover and invent principles and then make models of how those principles might be applied in some experimental situation."
"In the face of adversity, we must be ready to defend our principles and our people with courage and determination."
"The whole visible universe is framed on a few mathematical principles."
"All that there is to the making of a successful, happy, and beautiful life is the knowledge and application of a few simple root principles."
"You're going to see a variety of purposes for which that same principle can be applied, and you're going to go, 'Okay, I'm starting to get the vastness of this.'"
"Once you understand the principle, you're like, 'Hold on, where have I already been using this without even knowing?'"
"Regardless of how chaotic a situation may be, there are principles that can give shape to your thinking about the situation."
"We will not sacrifice basic principles. Nations have a right to sovereignty and territorial integrity."
"It's more moral to follow your principles as best as possible than to abandon your principles for the sake of winning."
"Every time you tear one of those [core principles] off, it makes you less certain about life. If you take enough of them, people take their own lives as a result of it."
"Freedom of speech is our birthright. We were born with the right to say what we believe."
"The most important thing is to make sure that we understand what the country's principles are that bind us together rather than those that divide us."
"We all have our absolutes; we only bring them out when it serves our own purposes."
"There is no deep human realization for any individual outside of understanding her or himself in relation to higher order principles, truths, realities."
"Character is the willingness to sacrifice your pleasure for the sake of principles."
"You are never remembered for the things you compromise for; you are remembered for the things you were willing to die for."
"Warren Buffett is one of the most prolific investors of our time, and it's really insightful to go over what his principles are when looking for companies to buy and sell."
"Character is manifested when your values, your principles, and your morals are tested."
"Sacred honor are the ideas and the values that you live by but are willing to die for."
"Nature does, in many cases, use the simplest available option."
"If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all."
"Life's Golden Rule: you keep it real with somebody that has kept it real with you."
"The clarity that comes with having that code and being centered by it is super critical."
"We deserve leaders who stand for principle, who unite us all behind shared values, and who we can be proud to support."
"I've been a civil libertarian all my life. I've never deviated from my principles."
"Principle-based financial wisdom builds legacies."
"I say, it's the principle. It's the principle."
"It's not about faith in some sort of man in the sky who's going to save you; it's faith in the timeless principles that mankind has discovered over the centuries of how to live the good life."
"That which is unsustainable will not long be sustained."
"We are a free speech nation to our very bones."
"Part inspiration, part hand-drawn manifesto, this work by Francis Ching distills architecture to its formative principles."
"It's not about the money; it's about the principle."
"We need to re-evaluate the way we structure our societies, the principles that we deploy when creating financial, economic, sociological systems."
"We need courage, we need integrity... we need to develop principles, not just beliefs."
"Beliefs change with the wind, you know. They're fads most of the time, ideological fads. But you don't fall into these fads when you have principles."
"I would rather lose and keep my principles than sacrifice my principles and commit evil things in defeating an evil enemy."
"If you have those absolutes, there are many decisions that come into focus very quickly."
"The principles are standing for are good and moral."
"In quantum mechanics, if something can happen by two routes, you add the amplitudes, not the probabilities."
"Automation is a cause and effect relationship that happens without any outside intervention."
"If you restrict speech, you are restricting liberty."
"I believe that the same things happen over and over again and if you study the patterns of them, you understand the cause-effect relationships and then can write down principles for dealing with them."
"Free speech isn't for the speech you like; it's for the speech that you find offensive."
"Loyalty is a level of hierarchy... Our first loyalty is to truth, honesty, our principles, and humankind."
"These are the principles of basic human relationships and once you get good at them, they're the principles of leadership and greatness."
"We stand firm in our principles and beliefs...Our principles are courage, steadfastness, patience; our principles are love, our principles are forgiving."
"Faith, equality, order, and the rule of law are essential to live in freedom."
"If we can extrapolate from his teaching principles that we can live by, we can be agents of change."
"Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is really based, at least in part, on this principle."
"Game design rules are personal, not universal."
"We should always be arguing principles, issues, and the stuff that works."
"Tools are replaceable, but this means more to me than tools. This is about principle."
"I consider myself sort of a true liberal; freedom of speech is an immovable right for horrible people as well as nice people."
"Stick to your principles, and you'll enjoy your life a whole lot more."
"If you don't stand for something, you fall for anything."
"The concept, the principle of free speech, is what we're talking about, not just the First Amendment."
"Ethics is about right and wrong, about good and bad."
"If you're not willing to stand for something, then you stand for nothing."
"One of my core principles is that if you need violence to enforce your ideas, then your ideas are worthless."
"I'll take my conservatism without modification: constitutionalist, market-oriented, and unapologetically American."
"If you begin to use these principles, your life will completely change."
"Find an identity and push it, and so you can at least, and we can all at least agree on like four or five basic principles like secularism, skepticism, individual rights, freedom of expression, and democracy."
"We are deliberating on the principles that define our Republic, which is a commitment to transparency and accountability."
"When you live your life by principle, 99% of your decisions are already made."
"Their welfare and their well-being is like a founding principle for what we do here at our farm."
"To think from first principles is to be intellectually fearless."
"I see it as my job to be honest and to advocate for the principles that I believe in."
"The basic principle of economics is that people respond to incentives."
"The way we get to national unity is by being uncompromising about the principles that actually make us American."
"If you're gonna take a principled stance on something at work, make sure your CV is in order."
"Help us understand how we're supposed to behave and when there is doubt, they provide a framework for us to fall back on."
"The founding principles of the United States were universal, not racist."
"Sacrificing your principles to win is pointless because then you're just adopting the principles of that you're claiming you don't represent."
"The most hallowed words in medicine are 'Primum non nocere,' a first do no harm."
"It's not about following the rules; it's about understanding the principles behind the rules."
"You don't have to follow any specific rules; it's not the rules, rather it's the principles that determine the outcome of the painting."
"In object-oriented programming, we have four pillars: inheritance, encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphism."
"If you don't put higher principles before profit, profit will ultimately destroy everything that makes life worthwhile."
"To grow up in America is to live in a land where anything is possible, where anyone can rise, and where any dream can come true, all because of the immortal principles of our nation's founders."
"It's a choice to disconnect. So all of us want to have relationships and we all want to be connected in those relationships. However, few of us understand that connection is an outcome of living those three principles."
"You can tell where people's real principles lie by which principles they are willing to violate in pursuit of those primary principles."
"Our convictions about Freedom, Liberty, and Truth Run Deep."
"The most important principle is having principles."
"Your father died for what he knew to be right, and he died protecting those closest to him."
"This isn't about politics; it's about principle and the country."
"A man must stand for something, or else he'll fall for anything."
"I'm not going to follow my urges. I'm going to be principled and just be powerful when I'm powerful and not try to inch out that extra percentage at the cost of my income."
"In the Dark Brotherhood, we follow the Five Tenets as if they are the very words of Sithis himself."
"The Toyota way is a set of principles and behaviors that underlie the company's approach to management and production."
"We condemn all violence every time it happens."
"Never give in, never never never, in nothing great or small, large or petty, never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense."
"What the government is supposed to do is simply protect our lives, liberty, and property."
"Free speech is a principle, it's an ethic, it's a position that we hold culturally."
"A longing for a kingdom of principles without the value of presence is to look for a kingdom without a king."
"How can these principles influence, you know, because otherwise, you know, if there's no recourse to fairness, then what is it we're trying to build?"
"Observance of these principles is the best recipe that the world has yet devised not only for good government at home but also for peace, order, and cooperation among the nations of the world."
"The trust of our communities is hard-earned and is based on principles of fair play."
"It's not about the money all the time, it's about the principle."
"Mark refuses to step down from his principles even though he could easily take the easy way out."
"The transparency actually is very important."
"I would rather be a slave to principles than a slave to men."
"It's a violation of our democratic principles."
"Freedom of speech must be preserved even if it means allowing people who you might personally revile to speak."
"The first principle of medical ethics is beneficence, to try to maximize the good that we do. The second principle is non-malfeasance, to try to minimize the harm that we do."
"There are lost principles in the supernatural that we don't know, we don't understand, and they're called above and beyond laws and principles of the supernatural."
"In success, success principles are all the same... the fundamentals underneath, the underlying principles are the same."
"It's about what we fundamentally believe in, and that goes right into the policy detail itself."
"How do you derive truth, and what are your first principles?"
"There's a way out of every situation... the keys are the principles that get you out."
"If we're going to be free to think, we must be free to speak."
"What does it matter if the whole country agrees on something, if that thing itself is wrong, then it's still wrong."
"These are standards and these are principles and these don't change."
"What makes America exceptional is not our flaws... what makes America exceptional is the fact that we've done so much good and that we have attempted to live up to those founding principles more and more over time."
"If you can incorporate these principles... it's ultimately going to create higher and higher attraction towards you."
"You got to stand for something or you might fall for anything."
"There is no such thing in physics as a free lunch."
"Politics involves eternal principles... it also involves applying those principles to real circumstances that are always changing."
"I believe the survival of the American experiment requires a revival of true American principles. Florida has proven that it can be done."
"Medicare remains a potent symbol of our most sacred Democratic principles: Equity, equality, dignity, and self-determination."
"There is no amount of money that would get me to change my principles."
"Principles and our good names basically all we've got in this life."
"The law is about experience as well as the rule of law."
"Fascism is built upon the principle of exclusion."
"History will judge us on our commitment to our principles of humanity."
"You can't expect them to automatically treat you the same in return. You have to do it out of principle, not for the gratitude."
"Truth and justice must be our guiding principles."
"The danger is if you don't know what your principles are, that's when you compromise your principles away."
"You just need to apply it consistently and across the board."
"The whole point of the U.S. Constitution... it's based on a set of principles derived through reason."
"The word of God is the final authority, not my opinion, not the context, not the circumstance."
"It wasn't about the tangible trophy for me, it was the principle behind it."
"Our revolution must be intersectional, be chill... promote good vibes... advice gather often, be brave... principles over product."
"I support freedom of speech even when it offends people."
"So if it means defending who we are and the principles that I just talked about then yeah, I'm all in for patriotism that is based on those principles."
"If we do not believe in freedom of speech for our enemies, we do not believe in it at all."
"One of the aspects of our subject, the deepest aspect, is that all of these things are somehow completely governed, and their properties, the broad properties, are almost entirely dictated by big general principles."
"Your default position should be to choose life."
"It's never about the individual, it's always about the message."
"We don't engage in the behavior, and we don't engage in the act."
"Test all things and hold fast to that which is good."
"I'm big on picking your side and staying there."
"It's not about money, it's about sending a message."
"When we don't acknowledge those principles, the flag means nothing."
"What's right is right, what's wrong was wrong. It's very simple."
"We gotta have a code and we gotta be really fearless."
"Understanding what the elements that the rules are operating on are is crucial."
"There isn't anything more powerful than truth."