
Incarceration Quotes

There are 803 quotes

"90% of incarcerated women in California are battered and beaten or have been battered and beaten, and now they're continuing to be battered and beaten."
"No one should be jailed for simply using or possessing marijuana."
"The largest prison camp in North Korea is larger than the city of Los Angeles."
"Robert is currently 69 years old and he has been in prison for 48 years, making him the longest serving prisoner ever in the UK."
"We lock way too many people up, just flat out."
"Alice Marie Johnson is a grandmother who has served more than 20 years in prison for a first-time nonviolent offense."
"America, land of the free, has the most people incarcerated in the world, per capita, in the world."
"The United States of America...warehouses nearly 25% of the prison population in the world. The land of the free is the incarceration capital of the world."
"We need to acknowledge that these things exist... Black people are more likely to be wrongfully convicted of crimes, more likely to be incarcerated for minor offenses."
"It's much easier to educate than it is to incarcerate."
"The mere fact of being incarcerated itself is prejudice."
"For anybody who's been incarcerated over the past year with COVID, this constant fear of being locked like a rat in a cage and unable to do anything to protect yourself."
"During Frankie's incarceration, she has actively engaged in an introspection that has allowed her to reset her moral compass and understand the full weight of her actions."
"There are more African American adults under correctional control in prison or jail, on probation or parole, than were enslaved in 1850, a decade before the Civil War began."
"We incarcerate more people than any other country."
"America has 25% of the entire incarcerated population of the planet despite making up 4% of the entire population."
"These prisons you hate, they keep fathers from their sons, and that doesn't help either of them."
"We need to talk about undo incarceration of black and brown bodies, we do need to talk about harsher sentencing, we do need to talk about over-policed communities."
"These men just made history as the first people to ever graduate from Yale while incarcerated."
"The United States represents five percent of the world's population, and yet it's home to nearly 25% of the world's prison population."
"Prison is really meant to punish the poorest among us, and it was designed as a place to control the vast populations of people of color who could no longer be legally controlled via enslavement."
"Lengthy prison sentences are ineffective as a Crime Control measure in virtually all circumstances."
"I believe that the most important goal for me is to show people that I may be incarcerated, but that does not necessarily mean that I am a monster or a villain."
"It's amazing that they can remain optimistic but they've been sitting in jail and very few people are talking about it."
"Of the almost 2.3 million people currently incarcerated in the United States, one in five are locked up for a drug offense."
"There's also a massive racial disparity when it comes to drug incarcerations."
"You think you can have a family, then locking me up will magically reform me?"
"Mass incarceration falls on the shoulders of the black woman, period."
"When a man gets incarcerated, the full family is incarcerated. When the woman is incarcerated, the community is incarcerated."
"The answer to mass incarceration is community and uplifting your own community, and at the center of the community is the black woman."
"Incarcerated women are allowed to keep their babies with them in prison."
"I think hip-hop has caused a lot of people to go to jail as well because you have these people who haven't been in the street, don't have these experiences, glorifying it."
"Should Joe Exotic be in prison? I would guess it certainly a portion of the stuff that they say he did wrong he did some of it."
"If you prosecute the crime, you actually do deter people because a lot of people don't want to spend five to twenty years in custody."
"John Walker Lindh, the American Taliban, is out. So that's great. Now he gets put in jail, taken care of for 20 years, and then let out."
"One of the best ways to help any community is to put the dangerous people in that community in prison."
"The fact that black Americans are more than five times as likely to be incarcerated as white Americans is wrong."
"They don't need to go to jail because if you jailed them you're considered racist."
"The court system itself is flawed... people are in jail that didn't do [ __ ]."
"Being black in this country means serving time one way or the other, and that's a sad fact."
"It's not fun because it's like this Goofy story people like you we're genuinely happy that they went to jail."
"If the option is you have to have the prison, then you'd want the prison to truly be educating the people."
"We know for instance the lengthy incarceration periods do not make a community any safer."
"Our incarceration is wasteful, it's economically wasteful, it's socially wasteful."
"Being locked up is not going to solve the problem for you."
"All of the black and brown people who have been incarcerated, who have lost their lives, lost their loved ones, lost the ability to parent their children, the lawmakers have to think about that."
"Oh, they're letting me out of jail just to shake you down."
"Don't believe the hype about it's just they're just letting people out... 15 years or 25 years or 40 years you're paying the penalty for a carjacking."
"In a country that incarcerates more people than any other Nation on Earth, all of our freedoms were in question."
"Now, for 3 decades, we fought crime by building huge prisons."
"Time goes on for the people who are on the outside and eventually they just sort of forget about you on the inside and they move on with their lives."
"The intention of this program is to have a lasting impact on not only the Clark County Jail but, potentially, the way we view incarceration in the United States as a whole."
"Hope is something that you absolutely have to have when serving time."
"Karma's going to get your ass regardless bro you could sit in that jail cell forever that doesn't mean Karma's on its way."
"For African Americans who are being jailed disproportionately... it's not a curiosity."
"Providing fair and ethical treatment to people even while they are incarcerated."
"I'm not a good strategist. If I'm a good strategist, I wouldn't have ended up 10 and a half years in solitary confinement in jail."
"I think this person perhaps after jail time will be lionized on the left."
"Knowing that their abusers were now locked up behind bars gave them a sense of relief."
"It's a way of getting people all riled up against incarceration."
"Military officials are currently serving time in prison are becoming more prevalent each day."
"I knew Church protocol, but I didn't know Jesus. It was here in this prison that Jesus Christ became a reality to me."
"They cannot play a role in their own defense. They have no regular access to tablets to communicate with their lawyers or family members."
"I'm the kind of guy that does need to be in prison."
"I gotta watch my wife grow old through these bars."
"People change, people you know? There's Buddhists and, you know, people who become Buddhists in jail, learn to meditate, you know? They have people who have done a lot of rough things and have turned themselves around." - Michael
"The idea of a former president going to prison."
"It reduces incarceration dramatically, allows for regulation, raises tax revenue off of marijuana products, and makes very good marijuana products available."
"The incarceration rate among African Americans, it's unconscionable."
"Charles Ing now sits on California's death row."
"The time is long overdue... to end the international embarrassment of having more people in jail than any other country on Earth."
"When the responses came in from the public it was like the spirit of those people was right there with me in the cell."
"Keeping more than 2 million folks in cages right now is a moral abomination."
"It is very hard to call somebody a rap god when they're wearing orange and they've shaved their head in prison."
"I don't care holy fat jail is different than jail."
"I cannot wait for 2024. If they put him in jail, he will run his presidential campaign from jail."
"Daniel Trigila described his stay in solitary as something that will either make you or break you."
"Steven Slevin spent 22 months in solitary confinement, resulting in severe physical and mental deterioration."
"Putting more financial liberty into the hands of the people will probably solve a lot of these incarceration issues."
"That was the moment that was the reality check that I could, I said I looked back at the at the prison and I knew right then and there that that's not a place regardless of how I feel that I ever want to be again."
"We have a criminal justice system that locks up poor people and the people who don't have the same money as some of these celebrities."
"What we see is that even though women, certainly in England Wales, make up only 5% of the population in prison, they count for a third of all the attempts to harm themselves."
"Once you're in Broadmoor, you're probably not getting out."
"It has to be done, I've been in jail the whole time, everybody back, yeah, no it's not, it's definitely not, I've been in jail the whole time."
"Education is better than incarceration in many cases."
"Betrayed me, betrayed my trust, and threw me in jail."
"I've legitly been in every single cell in Greensville Correctional Center."
"Prison was the best thing that ever happened to me. It changed me."
"Black people compromise nearly 20%, but serve 51% of the nights in jail."
"Black women make up 12% of the population but 26% of the incarcerated women population."
"But the bottom line is that Paul Manafort is going to spend a long time in either federal or state prison."
"Every American of conscience should demand an end to mass incarceration."
"Witnessing the amount of violence that was in that confinement dorm, I think about how easily my life could have been taken."
"They didn't care, they refused me medical treatment, they wouldn't even open the door, they want to let you die."
"And even my brother, my brother was like, man, I got so anxious of getting out, now they about to send me back to the county."
"The day before we found out that he was about to get released for sure for sure, they said nope, they're going to send him to the county."
"You miss people, you know, everybody got the same 24 hours in a day, you got 24 like I got 24 but when you're locked up, that 24 feels like forever."
"If you've had a parent incarcerated, you're more likely to be incarcerated."
"The people that are incarcerated are people."
"He's a real person, not a number, not a DC number, not a number to the population."
"Recidivism is bad because of the way we handle prisons...we do jail too many people...we do over police."
"Corporations should not make huge profits locking up fellow Americans."
"I hope that tarek jot's time Behind Bars does not go quickly and when he does eventually face parole the judge won't go easy."
"Enjoy life, the free world, never take a moment for granted, nor ever get locked up to have to have a prison routine."
"When those heavy doors slam shut, it is a very distinctive, definitive, loud sound."
"The default in my opinion should be we let them out, they're still innocent."
"Honestly, I don't know if being in here is necessarily a punishment at this point."
"We need to make sure that as folks are leaving Rikers, where more than 50 percent of the people there are suffering from mental illness, that they're directed immediately to the housing and services they need." - Unknown speaker
"Ultimately glad to see Nate finally Behind Bars."
"She felt Justice was served and he was finally Behind Bars."
"Yes, I'm locked up, but I'm happy. My life is better now than it ever was before. I'm far happier than I was living with my mother in Chicago."
"Follow the money. There are big contracts behind keeping people locked up."
"Here in this community, we believe in rehabilitation over incarceration."
"Being locked up, being in prison, being in jail is the equivalent of being dead but still having a heartbeat."
"I never really went to school, my whole teenage years were involved in me being in jail, yeah, youth authority at 13 I was in, I was in jail for, uh, I went to jail for murder and uh, that changed my life, you know, changed my life completely."
"I was highly depressed due to my predicament. They wake you up at 5:30 in the morning. I stayed in my cell, stayed in my bed."
"A large prison population means that we are locking up our criminals, that's a good thing."
"The criminal justice system is broken: we have more people in jail than any other country."
"I knew this is how I'll never be, put in jail and it almost worked."
"I've spent all my life in jail after so long I've realized it's probably not the way I want to spend the rest of my life."
"James Earl Ray spent most of his adult life in and out of prison."
"Flat Earth and climate science: addressing the confusion."
"He is really redeemed himself since being incarcerated... you can turn your life around."
"Canadian youth make up five percent of the population of this country. They are currently fifty percent of Canadians in the prison system."
"Justice will be served... Maxwell will be spending a considerable amount of time behind bars."
"There are more people suffering from mental health issues in prisons than in mental health hospitals."
"There's a lot of talented people that are in prison, bro."
"Alabama has one of the highest incarceration rates in the country."
"I truly believe he deserves to go to prison."
"They say patience is a virtue. You've never met a more patient person than someone that has been locked up."
"Schmidt spent the rest of his life behind bars, becoming a haunting reminder of the evil that can exist within seemingly ordinary individuals."
"Prisons are full of people whose parents told them they'd never be anywhere. But there's power in hope for something different."
"Two days after doing so he was caught by police and was sentenced to 50 years in prison where he remains to this day."
"I believe that she believed everything that Chad told her, and she still believes it while she's sitting in jail. She still believes that Chad is a God or whatever he told her he is."
"Our emphasis must be on rehabilitation, not incarceration."
"Brandon deserves so much more. I feel really sorry for his family and I'm really glad that she is currently, shall we say, rotting in a cell."
"William Beggs remains behind bars to this day, and I sincerely hope that he never sees freedom again."
"I'm happy to go to prison because if you continue to read the rest of the chapter, it's like, be grateful if you're in this situation, be grateful because you'll be saved."
"Keep violent criminals in jail. That has a direct, direct correlation to reducing crime."
"It's my position that he should never be released from prison."
"Consider this: prisons of America combined have over 1 million men, Lord, black, white, yellow, brown, gray, prisons of America have over 1 million men and still growing, amen."
"I respected your story immediately and I related a lot to it, and I honestly, I loved hearing about Kali prisons."
"He will serve at least 18 years. Now whether he'll get out after that, don't know."
"I never thought I'd have peace inside a jail but I actually do."
"There are hundreds of thousands of people jailed because they can't pay tickets and debt in this country."
"Reforming an incarceration system that has disproportionately put black people behind bars."
"He's in jail for the long haul and I'd be shocked if he gets out any time before he's 70."
"Nobody wants to deal with the fact that black men have been intentionally targeted and put in cages."
"When somebody has mental health or other problems, they go to jail... It's like, oh we don't want to raise our taxes, let's make it the cheapest thing."
"She has been arrested, Heather has been arrested... and she's being held in the Randolph County jail without bail."
"It's only us that end up in prison as indentured servants."
"That guy is a danger to society. He needs to be [ __ ] locked up."
"Being in jail made me wise, understanding real understanding."
"He also said he didn't know any details of miles's passing he only knew of what he was told while while he was in jail."
"None of those other groups are going to be affected by this new prison worker workforce initiative. It's going to be us because we make up the majority of prisoners."
"The truth shall set you free... if I get locked up for another 60 days, man, that's gonna be a [__] bummer."
"He literally spent more time in jail than all of his past combined for having weed what the hell."
"No amount of money that I made in the drug game is worth that 34 years of my life."
"I know that I may be smiling and laughing but I do want to just let you guys know that prison is not a fun experience."
"You are in prison with women that have nothing to lose, okay."
"Shin had not made any [ __ ] films as he has been in you know prison for like half a decade."
"I'm gonna do my time but my time will be productive time."
"No one should be in a local jail or state prison for that reason either."
"No, let them do it in prison, let them put it on their wall in their cell."
"I didn't even know that Bobby Shmurda was in jail, holy [ __ ]."
"I'll say me going to prison, it's the best thing for me... a lot of people don't know who they are because they're concentrating on the wrong thing."
"We took a very violent group and sent a lot of them to jail for a long, long time."
"Despite the obvious injustice of their imprisonment, they seem destined to remain in jail, living witnesses to the fallibility of America's system of justice."
"These jails, detention centers, prisons, these facilities, they're all just crazy worlds inside of an already crazy world we live in."
"Did you ever think that going to jail wouldn't be the worst possible scenario, that where you lived prior to going to jail would be worse than where you're at when you get to jail?"
"Incarcerating such large numbers of people for such low-level crimes seems to create more problems than it solves."
"These jails, institutions, these prisons, these gangs, are just crazier worlds inside of an already crazy world we live in."
"I served time in federal prison with... then my dad broke you out."
"I literally have text messages in there from the women saying we're throwing a party the day she goes to prison."
"Nobody wants people in prison. If you can avoid it and you don't want mass homelessness and you don't want open-air drug scenes, there's three key P's: policing, psychiatry, and probation."
"But, I don't feel so bad when it's a felony, putting somebody in jail."
"I did like 18 months over there with dealing with that, with that, I went to yazu yazu Federal Penitentiary. I started my first time going to the penitentiary was the low, and, you know, that was a real experience for me."
"I view myself as a who did his job and that's really what I am uh obviously I like being called a hero it kind of helps when you're in a jail cell makes you feel a bit better."
"Industry jobs, like the laundry room or woodworking plant, allowed prisoners to actually deduct two days of their sentence for each month worked."
"Most people on the outside are less free than us here in jail."
"A person is going to get a better level of care while incarcerated then they're going to get if they live in the community, and that's really sad."
"Jail is not a spa, it's punishment."
"Women will respect you helping them, you know what I'm saying? Then they'll stay by you when you're in jail."
"I got a shoe term at ciw for inciting a riot in the yard."
"Now let the audience know how much time you did I did 29 years I was arrested at 16 uh I was just released at 45 years old."
"The facility is housing over 12,000 prisoners with thousands more being transferred."
"I was facing the rest of my life incarcerated, I was 25 years old."
"The dungeon, like most Norman dungeons, had a second chamber below where prisoners were forgotten."
"They lock the black men up. They lockin' the black women up now."
"But then when I went to like a low at low security prison at Fort Dix in New Jersey, it's just like this open compound, there's 5,000 people there."
"Literally, you just turn into... even in jail."
"I didn't monetize it, but I was eligible, and you need like, is it four or forty-fives and watching hours? I think it's four hours, four thousand watching hours, and a thousand subscribers, and I was eligible for that flat from jail, you know?"
"It's more, it's more whites out there, right? It's kind of worse than a couple prisons, and different levels, like one and two yards, that county jail is worse."
"We've got a greater percentage of black people in prison than did South Africa at the height of apartheid."
"In early 1939, Capone was transferred to the Federal Correctional Institute at Terminal Island in Los Angeles."
"The United States prides itself on being a world leader in every aspect, for example being the world leader in jailing its own citizens with the whopping 724 people locked up for every 100,000."
"Especially the warrior class. And then you look at the statistics and you see how many people are in prison that are of African-American descent. Like, it used to all pilgrims, used to be in jail. Now they've taken on a new stride. They like, 'This, we good. Let y'all do that.'"
"Her sentence will eventually expire, but there's a huge chance she might never be released."
"You're tired, ready to get to the shower, ready to get to an actual cell with a mat and lay down."