
Cryptocurrency Quotes

There are 15112 quotes

"Meet TXA Network, a crypto project that is working hard to fulfill that promise."
"People need to stop getting googly-eyed about becoming millionaires and start ensuring Bitcoin remains a tool of financial freedom."
"Our world runs on money, the exchange and store of value, and cryptocurrency seeks to build the next chapter of how money works and what it can do."
"Crypto is this secret hiding in plain sight that can create economic freedom for people all over the world."
"Wouldn't it be nice if companies paid us in cryptocurrency when they use our data, and if we control who has access to it instead of our digital overlords?"
"Your keys, your Bitcoin. Not your keys, not your Bitcoin."
"The crypto networks are proving their worth as a neutral technology platform."
"The Bitcoin blockchain last year accommodated 1.3 trillion dollars in transactions, more than twice PayPal's Network."
"Now we can find yield in crypto terms, in crypto native assets, internet native assets that have no nation state dependencies."
"I believe this crypto bull run will be the biggest we've ever seen."
"Retail actually has a lot of power within this market."
"People tend to overestimate the initial impact of the US Bitcoin ETF and in the long term, people tend to underestimate the impact of Bitcoin."
"We're not here to make small money, we here because we want to change our lives, we want to change our wives, we want to, everyone has a big dream and a big vision of what the money they're going to do in crypto."
"The demand for Bitcoin is becoming insatiable."
"The internet of money should not cost five cents per transaction."
"Crypto has made me more optimistic about the world as well."
"The 2024 crypto bull market will be the last cycle where retail investors can make generational wealth before the big institutions come in and own the industry."
"2024 will be a great year for crypto investors because three huge catalyst events are coming to the market."
"There is real value behind cryptocurrency and blockchain... but there is real value and power in this technology."
"Every month I put together this top crypto series to focus on the strongest altcoins for that period."
"He just burnt half a million dollars in Bobo tokens. That's insane, bro. Tell me, who in this world of greed does that?"
"In the span of about one week, Sam Bankman-Fried went from a crypto billionaire to bankruptcy."
"Cryptocurrency doesn't have any intrinsic value, just a value given to it by users on the blockchain."
"Bitcoin is the ultimate realization of that old adage, power to the people."
"Bitcoin brings physics-like consequences into digital reality."
"Ray joins me to talk about what the COVID-19 stimulus will do to the stock market, whether the government could outlaw bitcoin, and what worries him about a wealth tax."
"Dogecoin above four cents...a historic day for the markets, a historic day for Dogecoin especially."
"One of the biggest events we've ever seen in the history of cryptocurrency unfolding live."
"Dogecoin could become one of the top five cryptocurrencies in the world."
"Dogecoin was too good for cryptocurrency to be where it was. So many different factors were falling into place: Elon Musk, the memes, the people talking about it."
"The point of crypto is the principles of it, or else you're just building another legacy system."
"The goal is to bring lots of people into Bitcoin and teach them why the revolution is so magical and so amazing."
"The biggest problem which is holding all of us back in the crypto industry right now is compliance at the institutional level."
"Bitcoin is the hardest money that has ever been invented."
"The beautiful thing about Bitcoin is that it is a great reward for those looking to save their value into the future."
"Bitcoin is the most powerful technology we have for money, offering a natural fit for anyone productive wanting to save their value."
"Bitcoin is a revolutionary tool that turns cheap electricity into a valuable asset, enabling the monetization of energy in remote locations."
"Bitcoin is the one that I can trust will be there in 10, 15, and 20 years."
"Bitcoin maximalism is the most important ideology in the world that nobody knows about."
"Vitalik is the, I believe now, 27-year-old creator of Ethereum, which is the most exciting cryptocurrency since Bitcoin."
"Blockchain is our future; fiat is dying, and it's just a matter of living through the shift between here and there."
"Bitcoin is actually the next generation of money."
"I think we need to accept that meme coins are going to be here and we need to play the meme coins as if they're going to be here for the whole cycle."
"Cryptocurrency is the biggest transformation of money since the invention of paper."
"Just over a year ago, I deposited $20,000 into my first crypto account. As of today, it's now worth $1.7 million."
"We're all George, so we just saw another major dip. Bitcoin took an 11% dip since yesterday."
"Bitcoin basically proved that you could find a way to teleport value anywhere in the world instantaneously with no counterparty risk. It's email for money."
"I'm not here to make the 17-year-old yield farmer in his mom's basement in New Jersey rich. I'm worried about the farmer in Ethiopia."
"Bitcoin is revolutionary: borderless, permissionless, censorship-resistant, immutable, and scarce."
"There will never be more than 21 million Bitcoin."
"Bitcoin isn't volatile; it's the people who are volatile."
"If we don't invest in an asset class like a new one like cryptocurrency or invest in the stock market and our jobs are being replaced, where is the money gonna come from?"
"Now that a lot of crypto has bounced back, there's enough in FTX's coffers to repay most, possibly all customers and creditors."
"Nobody has crypto advice that's good unless it says don't invest."
"Everything about Doge, it works; it's a good cryptocurrency."
"Cryptocurrencies, account balances, and transactions exist on a blockchain or similar technological foundation."
"A hot wallet creates and stores your private keys online, while cold wallets create and store your private keys offline."
"By creating and storing private keys with hardware wallets, your funds are safer from hackers and other potential security issues."
"You must first make sure you are sending the same type of currency to a wallet address, or public key, that supports that particular cryptocurrency."
"Your cryptocurrencies on the blockchain, which is a running ledger of transactions distributed all over the world, are basically just assigned to your private key."
"A better way to think about a cryptocurrency wallet is as a key to access your funds."
"If you lose your recovery phrase, you will not be able to access your account."
"Altcoins have the potential to absolutely explode and make you a ton of money."
"Do your own research before purchasing or looking into any of these cryptocurrencies as they have the potential to absolutely collapse but they also have the potential to skyrocket."
"Why create your own cryptocurrency? Well, first, it's fun and awesome."
"You can brag to your friends and coworkers that you have your own cryptocurrency."
"When people speak about Ethereum hitting ten thousand, fifteen thousand, twenty thousand dollars, it's very difficult for us to comprehend what exponential growth means."
"Full disclosure, I'm not selling a single doge. I'm still very, very confident for it in the long term."
"Dogecoin still has the big catalyst of Coinbase... it still has a big catalyst of Tesla accepting doge."
"The overall sentiment about cryptocurrency, the overall positive nature of it being a hedge against inflation... it's a protest against the system to some degree but at the same time it's a protest that actually has backing behind it and deserves to be higher."
"10 dollar Dogecoin coming faster than you guys ever realized, I promise."
"This is something that we're going to tell our grandkids one day for real."
"We're going to tell our grandkids about the time Dogecoin went absolutely to the stratosphere."
"If crypto was any other asset class, none of these things would be allowed. They would be tightly regulated."
"You see, I've been in crypto now for three cycles, and I actually know exactly what part of the movie we're at."
"Crypto is all about ownership, true ownership, true freedom with your money, but freedom comes with responsibility."
"The market capitalization of cryptocurrency right now is right around three trillion dollars, but the market cap of other asset classes, stocks, real estate, we're talking about a hundred trillion dollars. It's still got a long ways to go."
"Cryptocurrency has been going pretty much straight up for a couple of years now, almost after the 2020 pandemic. But what you got to remember is nothing can go straight up forever."
"Cryptocurrency because it's kind of like that digital gold."
"Cryptocurrency is not controlled by the government, it's not controlled by the Fed, it's controlled by nodes all over the world."
"I think ShapeShift is another one of those companies that's really good for the cryptocurrency ecosystem as a whole."
"The goal of cryptocurrency is to not be controlled by any one government; it's supposed to be controlled by the people."
"There's a limited supply of Bitcoin in the world... once 21 million Bitcoins are created, you cannot create or print any more Bitcoin."
"Cryptocurrency and the blockchain are changing the way not only how we transact money but also how we use the internet."
"We're excited to announce support for Zerox Polygon network on the Coinbase Wallet mobile app and extension, with more scaling solutions to come soon."
"Bitcoin closed above $50,000 in the four-hourly chart for the first time in history."
"The market cap of Bitcoin will be expected to hit 1 trillion and this is a major milestone."
"Bitcoin's wallet BitPay prepaid Mastercard in the US can now add their card to the Apple Wallet, and Apple Pay will now allow Bitcoin to be spent online, in stores, and in apps."
"If we're able to get these older thinking or more traditional thinking institutions into cryptocurrency, it means that it's here to stay."
"Institutions are truly understanding the value of Bitcoin. They are really seeing it as the true digital gold."
"You can become your own bank with cryptocurrency."
"It's like gold. You got some gold; they got some stuff. That's the best simplest way to think about Bitcoin."
"The innovation of Bitcoin over previous attempts at digital currency was to employ a distributed append-only ledger."
"There is a tremendous disconnect between what NFT advocates say they do and what they actually do."
"NFTs are entirely for the benefit of the crypto grifters. The only purpose the artists serve is as aspiring suckers to pump the concept of crypto — and, of course, to buy cryptocurrency to pay for ‘minting’ NFTs."
"Bitcoin's the Cyber property, Ethereum is probably the Cyber platform."
"Bitcoin has the least risk of any crypto by an order of magnitude... it's the least ambitious."
"Bitcoin is a really good innovation because it's getting us away from the centrally managed currency system of the Federal Reserve."
"You might start off with four hundred five dollars in Bitcoin, and ten years, two years from now, it might be worth ten thousand."
"The world of crypto is an incredibly exciting journey that we're all going on together. We don't know where it's leading to, but we know it's going to be absolutely massive."
"Cryptocurrency is actually a good investment or at least it can be a good investment."
"There's no single price level for Bitcoin that would cause me to panic. It's about monitoring the fundamentals."
"WikiLeaks was able to survive thanks mostly to a very new concept: decentralized money."
"Unlike most currencies in the world, which are created and regulated by central banks, decentralized currency such as Bitcoin is created by the people, and as such is almost impossible to control."
"Bitcoin is...the first free-market, private money that's also a technological money. It's not controlled by a central bank; it's not controlled by anyone. It's really at the people's money."
"Decentralized currencies like Bitcoin offer an alternative to the highly regulated and controlled national currencies of the world."
"I heard Tesla's accepting Bitcoin, and I thought, 'So cool, that was my first reaction.'"
"Bitcoin Market has become extremely boring for traders over the past few weeks."
"Ethereum's prospects are better than Bitcoin's for the next 12 months."
"A lot of people that buy Dogecoin based on Elon's implied guidance are going to lose money."
"Crypto takes the sting out of sanctions... Crypto is providing a new way for countries to sanction-proof themselves."
"Bitcoin, all it needs to do to succeed is exactly what it's been doing flawlessly for 13 years, it just needs to continue to exist."
"Bitcoin is the only asset that is provably achieved decentralization."
"If Bitcoin succeeds... it is the ultimate Enemy of the State."
"Bitcoin is here to stay because it's indestructible. It's been through ups and downs, it's crashed, governments tried to stop it."
"Cryptocurrency was able to achieve these heights because money has both technical and political aspects."
"You should have cryptocurrency in your portfolio, no matter your age, advisors say."
"Bitcoin as a topic is extremely fascinating and important to discuss and really understand more on a fundamental level."
"Bitcoin coming along to kind of threaten the ability for governments to control their own monetary policy is actually something that goes into their existential type of risk."
"Bitcoin is this indestructible thing that no government can even push out of their borders."
"Bitcoin's identity is taking that authority away from the government into this decentralized system."
"Bitcoin has intrinsic properties that might render utility and therefore value."
"Sometimes the best thing you can do in crypto is nothing at all."
"Our mission statement is empowering people to find financial freedom through crypto assets."
"Getting early in the metaverse right now would be like getting in bitcoin in 2011."
"Bitcoin is going higher and higher and higher."
"Don't bet against Bitcoin. If you want to lose money really, really fast, the fastest way to do so is to short Bitcoin."
"When there's retail FOMO, they're not buying Bitcoin, they're buying Doge."
"If you're not bullish about these kind of things, I don't know what's going to make you bullish."
"Institutional investors continue to exit BTC in favor of ETH, with ether investment products now representing more than one quarter of institutional crypto AUM. That's huge."
"We are going to see the craziest run ever and I've never been more bullish."
"We are entering the craziest part of the altcoin super cycle."
"I don't for a moment believe Bitcoin is going to die... I think cryptocurrencies are here to stay and I think ultimately cryptocurrencies will be successful."
"Take your stuff off the exchanges. Learn about self-custody."
"Nobody wants to have 10 million dollars worth of cryptocurrency in a floor safe in their house."
"We essentially had this beautiful new ecosystem being built, and Ben Lawsky comes by, says 'I'm here to protect consumers,' builds a huge wall around the thing, and then sits outside the gate charging people to get in."
"The beauty of Bitcoin is it's easily transferable, it's anonymous, and by 2140 there's going to be 21 million and that's the cap."
"Cryptocurrency basics for beginners: we're going to go through actually what cryptocurrencies are, why you would want to trade them."
"Technical analysis for crypto is a really big unit; it is chock full of information, really great information."
"Cryptos are fungible; each and every token, each and every project is very different. The tokenomics are different, so we have to know them before we start getting invested."
"Stable coins have a lot of promise not only in terms of the programmable money concept but also in terms of just being a faster and more stable way to work within a digital ecosystem."
"The macro markets have never been more interesting, and crypto is macro on steroids right now."
"Bitcoin is like a report card on how the government's doing."
"One of the main advantages of regulation in the crypto market is that this is just going to legitimize this entire asset class."
"What if I told you that the best opportunities to achieve financial freedom in a relatively short period of time in crypto is actually during bear markets?"
"Bear markets are more beneficial for us who have been in the space or just now getting into this space than bull markets as long-term investors in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology."
"It's the bear markets that will make you rich."
"I don't agree with strict regulations... the whole point of cryptocurrency is that it's not supposed to be controlled by any regulations or governments."
"Cryptocurrencies can protect against inflation when governments irresponsibly manage their own currencies."
"The world's becoming increasingly uncertain... Bitcoin, like fixed money at 21 million, works 24x7."
"Just because you have an NFT doesn't mean you're going to be successful."
"Walmart... they're trying to create their own cryptocurrency and collection of NFTs inside the metaverse."
"I am a firm believer in cryptocurrency...I collect interest every single month from just depositing my coins."
"Bitcoin is the only true sovereign asset on the internet."
"Bitcoin is not just an asset, it's the future of the internet."
"I've learned a lot by getting into crypto. The value of money, what's really important."
"A coin represents the value of the network that it is, and the coin represents ownership of that project."
"Every use case is just additive to Bitcoin. Just think about this: One trillion dollars is half of what Apple's worth, and yet this is a global digital monetary ecosystem."
"Why did the crypto go to the doctor? Because it was feeling a little Loch Ness."
"I can't wait for Caspian coin to come out because he has mentioned that they are going to start doing NFTs."
"Layered inside the gushing praise of all things crypto is a central idea: Crypto can alleviate global poverty. This idea is a lie."
"Cryptocurrency is the greatest financial scam in human history and it's only getting worse."
"Bitcoin's humanity's first effective engineered monetary system."
"Bitcoin is the egalitarian solution with more utility."
"Bitcoin's the most efficient monetary system we've yet to implement successfully."
"Crypto mining is so profitable right now. I'm serious."
"I'm having fun mining. It's a blast. I love crypto."
"This is part of a really hot trend in DeFi right now called yield farming or liquidity mining."
"MetaMask is an Ethereum wallet that turns your regular web browser into a blockchain browser."
"I'm holding Cardano very long term. I do see this as one of the safest bets out of the top 10 for highest return on investment in the long term."
"Satoshi Nakamoto created the world's first cryptocurrency, a digital form of money: Bitcoin."
"Over a third of millennial millionaires held 50% of their investable assets in cryptocurrency, suggesting a huge shift in the way we're treating our portfolios."
"A survey of 100 global hedge funds indicated that they plan to hold an average of 7% of their assets in cryptocurrency by 2026."
"Nearly 90% of cryptocurrency investors say that they were not scared by May's brutal sell-off and are planning to buy more."
"I'm treating [Bitcoin and Ethereum] the exact same as a wooden index fund: I'm buying into it consistently on a regular basis whether the price is up or down."
"Leverage takes these things down. It's the same thing with crypto practices. We don't have the transparency."
"Throughout the entire history of Cardano, smart contracts is definitely the most bullish launch we've had, which is why I do believe a three-dollar ADA is very possible."
"I wouldn't be surprised to see this break five dollars by the end of year and I still think a ten-dollar ADA is very possible by end of year as well."
"The cryptocurrency divorced money from banks and governments, empowering individuals."
"The Bitcoin Farm...it would take just under 90 days at the moment with current bitcoin prices to pay itself off."
"Bitcoin recently surpassed $10,000 per coin, a very big mental number."
"By the block reward having taking place...Bitcoin would then increase in price."
"Bitcoin would have to double just to maintain the current Bitcoin mining hardware profitability."
"It's absolutely hugely profitable for big Bitcoin mining farms with low electric rates."
"If that's the case, you know, you should just buy the coin."
"Bitcoin mining is obviously absolutely still very profitable."
"I don't think RiceGum is that intellectual to run a crazy scheme, nor would I ever accuse him of that because he genuinely just seems like a guy that's like, if I gave him thirty thousand dollars to talk about some stupid crypto deal, he'd be like, 'Sure, that's 30 grand that I have in the bank tonight.'"
"Bitcoin and gold offer us a life raft, a way out of this particular conundrum."
"Crypto, when it starts moving, is going to suck them all in, and rightly so. It has the best lopsided risk-reward of any asset class I've ever seen."
"Satoshi Nakamoto created the world's first blockchain and then used it to create the world's first decentralized currency, Bitcoin."
"Bitcoin decentralizes money from government while Ethereum decentralizes authority from intermediaries."
"If you like Cardano, or you've thought about possibly investing in Cardano, you have to check out this interview with the founder, Charles Hoskinson."
"Patience is a virtue, especially as a crypto investor or any investor in the market."
"Cryptocurrency, one, I'm telling you for a fact, it's not going anywhere."
"The easiest move to make right now is to just hold, don't panic."
"Olympus Dow is a stable coin... It's actually backed by the treasury of assets that is accumulated by the DAO, which is owned by the community."
"We finally landed in the most loyal and most profitable crypto community in the world."
"Through bull markets, through bear markets, through corrections, we're guiding you through this journey."
"We gave away two million dollars to the Banter community in Starlaunch."
"Crypto as it starts building out as an ecosystem, you start to realize that this is now the fastest adoption of any technology in all recorded human history."