
Childhood Memory Quotes

There are 143 quotes

"February 7th, 2014, the Lego movie came out. As a 7-year-old, this movie blew my mind."
"I think I must have been seven, seven, eight years old... I saw this Maserati passing, and I just remember seeing it looked like a spaceship."
"This moment comes to us as a flashback to Reed's childhood."
"So my first full memory is from being four years old and sitting in a Times Square movie theater watching Star Wars..."
"Most of us, many of us went to school on the yellow school bus, right? And it's part of our experience growing up. It's part of, you know, nostalgia."
"You ain't him, Cell, you ain't been him since that 12-year-old beat you up at that playground. We different."
"You were about 6 years old when MJ's family moved in next door. When you saw her for the first time, you grabbed me and said, ‘Is that an angel?’"
"I can remember when I was a little boy, my grandmother and I could hold conversations entirely without ever opening our mouths. She called it 'shiny'."
"So my first recollection of when I'm able to say okay I remember this specific incident when I was about three and a half years old and my father had passed away due to a car accident"
"Pokemon Pokemon I was in second or third grade whatever was Pokemon came out and I was like Pokemon that's me I'm ash I'm gonna catch em all Pokemon is my world"
"It is the greatest fun, I'm Peter Sloane, and this has been my passion ever since my dad bought me my first toy train when I was just four years old."
"All right, scarecrow only scared me that one time."
"I cried. I have been a Tina Turner stan since I first saw 'What's Love Got to Do with It' when I was like four or five. Yeah, that's too young to be watching, but it made an imprint and solidified my obsession with Tina Turner."
"That blew my mind, eleven years old, that is what I think, that is why I just absolutely love these GTA games because of just how game-changing they were."
"From the time I was about five, I've always looked at the world around me through numbers."
"My mom got into a fist fight over Double Dutch in elementary out of a girl over a double dutch like I'm not gonna tell the story but I love that story."
"Every day when I came back from school, my mom would always say hello."
"Cruising is so fun. I remember going to Prick and I would have been in kindergarten."
"Remember the classic moment where we see gohan getting lost in the woods?"
"Oh my God, this was the scariest movie when I was a kid."
"I started playing Sims 1 when I was probably fourth or fifth grade, so it was like 2003."
"I remember when I was a little girl I told my grandmother that I wanted to be a vegetarian because I just love animals so much."
"It was a little girl with dark curly hair and she had been wearing an old style dress think 40 to 50 zero clothing."
"Having a curfew is like, well, I think even when I was in daycare."
"My first memory is holding on to a caretaker's hand as I entered the orphanage."
"Do you like Pokemon? Absolutely, it was kind of like my thing as a kid."
"When I was a kid I always found this to be a really fun TV show and kind of naughty."
"I'm feeling like that childlike wonder when I was first playing it."
"I kind of reconnected with that kid in me that had the like new notice with the dope grip."
"It's like when you exit the doctor's office and get a lollipop."
"I love it to this day. Yes, I watched it maybe five million times as a kid."
"Remember fourth grade PE when you ran a five-minute mile in street clothes and then went directly to math?"
"My favorite superhero actually is Spider-Man like ever since I was like five."
"Number four is Majora's Mask...the game was so dark, it creeped me out when I was a kid."
"I remember I was in the car I was eight years old and my sister told me that my first video hit a thousand views and I was like sick that meant it was mistletoe by Justin Bieber."
"Experience the happiest moment of your childhood, live it as if it's happening in the moment."
"Oh, if I could sip out of a Capri Sun fountain. 90s fountain."
"I remember as a kid, he was on the news every day."
"I fell down the stairs in a New York old house and ended up in the basement cellar when I was like three and I hallucinated that monsters were coming out of the walls."
"Even when you and I were ten, eleven years old, didn't speak to you in a way where you freeze or you walk in a room or he commanded your respect."
"The Outsiders holds a special... place for me because that was the I read that book when I was 12."
"This one is one of the saddest and most upsetting of scenes...they believe that the balloons were being moved by the spirit of the deceased child."
"I remember as a young lad, my dad showing me how to use a hammer."
"I ain't never made it without biting. Ask Mr. Owl."
"Peter Pan has always been one of those characters actually one of my very first memories uh was when I was at Disneyland for my fourth birthday and Peter Pan came Waltzing by and he said happy birthday Ashley or some something like that"
"I heard that Ohio call, and when I did, it chilled me to the bone because I was like, 'That's a noise I heard when I was a kid.'"
"I still don't really know what happened. I tried to think it was my dad comforting me, but as I grew older, that didn't seem logical."
"I remember when Jesus laid his hand on me when I was eight years old."
"I have a very vivid memory from my childhood that involves eating Halloween candy after going trick-or-treating for the first time."
"I remember telling my teachers I went to the cave in the mountains."
"I pooped myself last week I swear to you okay I was walking out okay you all need to remain on that couch the last time we had three teeth in my head I was probably six years old"
"I am so anti-candle." "Oh really? Yeah, because when I was a kid, my mom put one on the toilet like the back lid of it and for whatever reason it caught the wall on fire."
"The book trick is old as time, so I remember going to school the next day."
"I was probably like six or five maybe younger I have no no idea how young I was but we were at my dad's mom's house for Thanksgiving and my grandma just made whip cream in a bowl with a hand mixer and I was blown away."
"It was as if the air had become heavy and oppressive. Even though I was a kid, I knew that something strange was happening and it terrified me."
"I remember one morning or one night rather coming back I've been outside with my parents and I pretty sure I saw the headless man from the wood."
"I remember watching her when I was a kid with my mom. My mom was a huge fan of hers."
"The rain was so heavy that night the local streets flooded over and the walk home from school the water was practically up to my ankles."
"Temple of Doom grabbed me as a kid and why I still consider it to be my personal favorite in the series."
"That moment when I was six and a half years old sitting in Mrs. Barbados' class right before Christmas making a gingerbread house, that is the one moment I would like to go back to and visit from my childhood and just how that felt."
"I love organizing things like I've got this core memory from when I was a kid."
"We get up there and my cousin and her husband are in the living room, and my cousin's son who was about two years younger than me, was sitting in a rocking chair, his back was to us, but my cousin and husband were freaking out."
"I just remember my dad thought it was really funny."
That night I was playing Super Mario 64. He turned his head at a 40-degree angle and said, "[__]." My mother threw me into the bathroom, fed me boy, and did the ground pound on my face!
"Watching playoff games at the original Yankee Stadium is a childhood memory I cherish."
"I saw Jaws 3D in theaters when I was a kid."
"Probably my clearest memory from childhood is my dad sitting in his overalls having a cup of tea with a newspaper under his ass to protect the chair."
"I caught my first fish off the top off a piece of rejected sandwich literally it's exactly 50 years ago and that sort of set me on a path of sort of like obsession with surface fishing."
"I remember being a kid and, you know, you earn the mall and my mom taking me to the middle of the mall and buying the $15 watches so I've always loved watches."
"I remember him teaching me how to wind a watch. I remember it like I was there. I must have been four or five years old when we sat out in his back porch and he took his watch off and he showed me how not to overwind it and I just remember that as clear as I was there."
"I remember looking down at my Winnie-the-Pooh backpack... tears... next thing I heard was arguing... my best friend's mother shouting... to let me go."
"My grandma snapped the chicken's neck in front of me and I was like, 'I'm not eating that.' But that was the best chicken I've ever had."
"I actually did have a Krispy Kreme cake as a kid so my mom just literally bought a box of Krispy Kreme donuts and stacked them up in a pyramid and put candles in it so I I I've been around the block in the donut game a little bit as you can probably tell."
"Aretha Franklin's Respect, the background vocals, have the 'green green reapartment' so I would stand up in my crib and yell 're-re' whenever I wanted to hear music."
"My mama told me I was different, even when I was a baby."
"Halloween Town was a staple for me growing up."
"When I was a young girl, after school I would leave school and I'd walk up and down Pettigrew Street and I'd sell fish plates for 25 cents."
"I remember very well when I was 10 years old... I knew exactly what I wanted to play. I just pointed at it. It was actually a cornet."
"Here's a pic of me at 10 years old. The family is on a trip across the country. Don't you love my dress made from a long pillowcase?"
"I remember one of the earliest books that I've read in my life I must have been in elementary school it was some sort of code book it was like a little mystery novel but it taught how to write a cipher how did like swap a letter for a number and stuff."
"Remember the first day that we met? It was the first day of kindergarten, I had no friends, I saw you on the swings and you were alone too."
"One of the most euphoric feelings that I've ever remembered when I was young was watching The Land Before Time when they finally make it to the Great Valley yes, all that green that was one of the most euphoric feelings of my life I can remember that."
"I used to eat these a lot when I was little, and this is definitely vegan."
"I've always been into like weird scientific stuff, not like weird but... when I was like 12 years old... what I wanted for Christmas was a liquid nitrogen Dewar flask."
"5-year-old me falling asleep in the car and waking up in my home's bed."
"One particular encounter that I had as a child stands out in my memory, never fading."
"I know I never forgot the first pet that I lost as a child; that is really awful."
"It's a rare person who remembers what it was to be a child."
"I've always been into fashion designing; I remember when I was a little girl, my mom used to buy me these books where you could draw and create your own outfits on the model."
"I remember sitting and watching just ESPN when they had the gymnastics going, and I would just sit in front of the TV and not move."
"I was taken clothes shopping, something which rarely happens, as we never had much money growing up, and told I had a three hundred dollar limit. I was ecstatic."
"I remember filling my backpack up with a bunch of random stuff from the fridge."
"I was injured as a kid but didn't realize it. My sister stepped in the blood and thought she was hurt. I tried to help her till we realized it was me."
"I also wanted to include this little illustration of the child in bed waiting for Christmas."
"This was my all-time record of seeing a movie in theaters; my parents took me to see it 12 times."
"I watched David Blaine like since I was a child. My parents would watch him with me."
"I was but a boy when the Hearn found us, sailing that massive ship down into the plains around our farm on angelic wings of blue energy."
"I remember when I was about nine, and I got my first five-pound note from my Nana, and I literally thought I was the richest girl in the entire world."
"This happened when I was around 9 or 10. I was staying the night at my friend Catherine's for the first time."
"One of Dave's fondest memories is when Skylar was a very young girl... she asks him if he will participate in one of her trademark tea parties."
"God said, 'I remember you. You were that little kid crying at camp because you loved God.'"
"I remember Nigerian carnival, yeah, I remember, Fred's mum brought us in to make some cash, funnily enough that's probably the first cash I ever made when I think about it."
"I remember my mama would take us to the strawberry field and we would pick strawberries."
"My name is Harry Snook. If this war ever ends, and when you grow up, I'm coming back to marry you. You are the nicest little girl I've ever seen."
"I knew I was special when one night a little girl in a light gray dress appeared at the end of the hallway."
"I don't remember too much about my childhood, but I do remember my first bag of chips and how it made me feel."
"For the first time since childhood, tears sprang in my eyes; I turned away, swallowing hard, and with rage in my heart."
"I remember smashing a car window by accident and legging it in the lounge and sort of pretending to go asleep on the settee."
"It's a fantastic memory of mine, and I wish more kids would have the opportunity to just pick one of these things and try it; it's so unbelievably sweet and delicious."
"This is one of the very first variations that I ever saw as a child, and it's kind of the one that sparked my enthusiasm and appreciation for ballet variations and kind of ballet in general."
"I hope that the neighborhood can find in their heart what I witness as a child, which is a welcoming spirit."
"I have this haunting memory of my mother singing the song 'Old McDonald'."
"Growing up on Long Island, I never thought I would meet Dice."
"Watching Julia Child videos as a child is one of my first memories ever."
"I do love cars. When I was 10 years old, I walked out into the garage when my father was ripping apart a motor in a Corvette, and he asked me to hand him a wrench, and ever since then, I was just into cars."
"I was a kid once; I didn't have any money to buy scooter parts, so budget-friendly parts were huge for me."
"When I was 10 years old, I was out camping in the desert with my family and friends."
"As a child, I had a terrifying experience going to the dentist... I remember him being tied in the chair, and the noise of the drill and the sound and the smells."
"When I was six years old, I watched a children's program with my dad, and in that show was a species of Australian marsupial called a numbat."
"Snickerdoodles was the first thing I ever made back in Detroit; it was in my home economics class when I was twelve."
"I'm grinning like a little kid at Christmas."
"I had just gotten a dress made, my mom had made me this dress with little red hearts all over it."
"This is the first race I remember watching flag-to-flag as a kid."
"I visited a friendly school friend one day, and I just walked into the backyard, and there was this pigeon loft, and I found myself drawn to it."
"When I was 10, I wanted a Tamagotchi."
"I made a man twice my size cry. I haven't done that since I was four and I washed my dad's Porsche with rocks."
"That night he played here in Austin, my dad took me down to see the show; it was packed, I was about eight or nine years old."
"I grew up in North Philly project, 11th Lawrence man. It was just going up man. I can remember some nights going to sleep without eating."
"When I was a little handsome kid, growing up in China, my mother did all the cooking."
"Every kid will pick out Diary of a Wimpy Kid; it was literally just that good."
"I love candy corn, it reminds me of when I was little."
"One time in third grade, the kitchen broke so they just went out and got a whole bunch of KFC and it was the best day ever."
"I just think the packaging is really endearing. It reminds me of my old working out Barbie cassette tape from my childhood."
"I absolutely sat there with my face glued to the screen as a six or seven-year-old kid just living it up."
"I actually learned how to make this Christmas tree when I was little."
"You're revisiting a childhood gift or childhood talent or childhood something you did as a child."
"I can understand your speculation. When I was a little kid, I loved cars."
"I love waffle fries, grew up on Chick-fil-A my whole life."