
Video Content Quotes

There are 5416 quotes

"I went undercover as Darman for 24 hours. This video didn't do super well, but I still look back on this video as the turning point for my channel."
"Thanks a lot for watching this Thanksgiving Kill Count."
"I still want to make every video better than the last."
"If you can master 15 to 30 seconds...your short form videos are going to be the appetizers of your brand."
"You know how cool it would be to have a woman making videos online about...being an airline pilot?"
"The only goal of these videos is to educate the public."
"Sit back, get some popcorn, don't even get no damn popcorn, you need a fucking meal. You need breakfast, lunch, and dinner for this video. Let's go enjoy."
"I purple you all so much and I'll see you in my next video."
"Death battle has recently released their video of Hulk vs Broly and you guys wanted to know what I thought about it. And to put it simply, straight off the bat, they messed up in quite a lot of ways."
"If you enjoyed this video, smash that like button for me, and share this video with any friends or family that you know might be having these sort of symptoms."
"I love these long form videos because that's personally how I enjoy watching the content."
"I love making. I love these long form videos because that's personally how I enjoy watching the content."
"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to what is arguably one of the most important videos that I make on the channel this year."
"Once you make a video and it does well, you can rank it, and it can get you millions of views over the course of years and make you money every day."
"I'm just so glad you're here watching this video with me today. Thank you so much for watching."
"Overcoming failure, the weight of responsibility, these are all things that is a video about."
"Familiarity: The video is not explicitly an apology, it's a get ready with me, James Charles doing his makeup to grooming allegations."
"Those Indie spotlights are the highest rated and most liked videos on the entire channel."
"This video deserves fireworks and explosions in the background."
"Always make sure that your viewer is getting something out of watching your video."
"The videos are much more powerful than the pictures."
"If you're drawn to it, don't bother watching any videos you don't feel called to watch because the ones that you really feel drawn to or readers you feel really connected to and tuned into, those are usually the videos that are meant for you."
"There's a million things I want to talk about, but I want this video to be helpful to somebody."
"Please know that each of your videos is making a huge difference to someone."
"You guys are always saying how much you love really long cleaning videos and that you like to put it up on your TV or on your phone and clean along with me."
"A big thank you to Paradox Interactive for sponsoring today's video."
"The video hook: This usually happens within the first 5 seconds of the video where the stage is set or something is shown without context that leads us to keep watching."
"Have a blessed day, I will see you in my next video."
"The point of all my videos is not to scare you. If I try and say something's hard, I'm trying to tell you the truth and tell you it's not that bad and it's a lot of fun if you go about it the right way."
"This is one of the most realistic... videos I've ever seen."
"This video is timeless, so it is good for any time you're finding it."
"I don't make these videos to fearmonger. I make these videos to teach you exactly what's out there and how to keep safe."
"So recently our great friend, Chord the artist, has made a video talking about Ben 10 and why Ben 10 would just slap everyone."
"I may not be the best person to make this video about relationships because I am single, but I'm going to make it anyway."
"Thank you all so much for watching this file; we really appreciate it a lot and we're just so humbled that you like this stuff as much as we do."
"Guys, watch to the end of the video to find out if they learn their lesson."
"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you for checking out this video. I really appreciate your time."
"I hope that even if you're a bit frustrated that I haven't given straight answers to these questions, you still found this video useful."
"I hope you enjoyed the video I certainly enjoy recording it as much as being a total bitch to some of the people"
"Did I go insane? No, the only thing that will go crazy is my next few videos."
"Hit the Like Button, Subscribe to the Channel, and Learn More About These Trading Systems."
"I hope you guys enjoyed, if you want to see more videos like this please leave a comment down below."
"And you know what we'll end the video here because I don't want it to suddenly break down and it to suddenly be demoted to a one out of 10."
"Thank you guys so much for watching and I will see you in my next video bye."
"I'll be back with another battle round in the next video."
"Thank you for watching this video, I can't describe how grateful proud happy thankful I am to you guys."
"This video is not sponsored, so you're the sponsor."
"Thank you so much for watching. If you enjoyed this video, please consider liking and subscribing for more of the Paranormal Scholar."
"Just have fun and that is the end of this very long and hopefully very helpful video."
"That's what counts, so in light of that, I think this leaves a lot of room for somebody to do some fun videos about."
"Once again my name is Casey Faris I'll catch you next time."
"If you have any questions, leave them in the comments and thank you for watching our video today."
"Beyond that, if you enjoyed this video, hit that like button."
"My daughter's name is Ava. Ava and I have watched every single Honey Badger update video since you started making them."
"Thank you guys so much for watching this video. I hope it gives you some inspiration."
"These are just things that have worked in my life... if it helps one person then we made a good video."
"Ladies and gentlemen, this video is not clickbait."
"Thank you again for watching it and until next time."
"I love deep diving back into the glitch in The Matrix videos... I really hope you guys enjoyed them as well."
"I think personality is more important than a camera, more important than editing, more important than content. Just having a good personality, I think that's the key to growing on YouTube."
"Thank you for the videos, you inspired me to start streaming."
"But for me personally, I'm not a consumer of, I guess what you'd call, flex culture type videos."
"I would just recommend going to that video and watching it."
"Every other video you will watch on the internet in the future will pale in comparison to this video right here."
"The ultimate goal of these videos is to assist people and to help people."
"I think this is a good place to end it. Cliffhangers. With that being said, guys, we're gonna bring this to an end. Thank you guys for watching and I will catch you guys next week. Peace."
"If you're here right now, synchronistically, maybe you saw the video as a suggested video, or maybe you just saw the video and you clicked on it."
"He really created his own genre of YouTube videos, doing it all while so young. He inspired me a lot and I will miss him."
"A thousand people in this video just had their lives improved for the better."
"Comparing them is always fun in videos and yes some people really wanted to see this sort of thing but at the end of the day these are two different games made by two different people doing two fairly different things."
"Whilst you're here you might as well click on another video, I mean it's literally right there."
"Videos should be as long as they need to be, but as short as possible."
"Video by far is the best converting advertising copy type."
"Watching that video just brings me to reality, it's cold."
"If Matt had just gone on making his cringy videos, no one would have cared."
"I started this video with the intent to Forever change the way that you look at these wrinkly ball sack chin zealots."
"This video is a rare glimpse of what's happening nationwide."
"We're going to be able to get millions of dollars for this video."
"Let's be grateful for that because we're bringing you a video filled with crazy footage. From the unlikely car thieves to this secret reason your baggage always shows up damaged. Here's 20 weird things caught on security cameras and CCTV."
"I hope you guys enjoyed it if you did please share this video some love."
"Seriously though, like a lot of people were mad at me over the 3DS video because they thought I had this immense burning hatred for pirates. I don't. I just really don't like Gateway."
"I feel like if you watched all my videos closely enough you should have a sense of what I'm going to gravitate to and what I'm not."
"If anyone wants to point to anything that I've got wrong there in any way, please do make a video about it so I can respond."
"Ashley makes commentary videos, and they're just so relaxing."
"I hope you guys had fun with this video, I certainly did."
"It's all in the cards, no, no, it's all in the description, no, that's wrong, it's in the content of the video itself."
"To finish off the video, let's talk a bit about her lair and treasure."
"I cannot believe it's already collection video time again, but you guys know how these videos work."
"I watch your videos all the time, keep your head up and keep doing you."
"Thank you all for watching, hopefully I can see you guys sticking around in future videos on the channel by subscribing."
"Thank you, Simple Health, for sponsoring today's video."
"Listen to this very carefully. This may be the most important video I have ever posted. I'm serious about that."
"But with that being said, if you made it this far in the video, you are the real MVP."
"At the end of the video, Ash Ketchum is like, 'You've just watched a video by Poké' and that makes you a Pokémon master."
"ASMR videos tend to generate more revenue due to longer watch durations."
"This video may be the most important you will ever watch."
"This video is probably going to make more millionaires than any video I've ever made."
"One of the easiest ways to increase your click-through rate is to add brackets or parentheses to your video title."
"Include the current year in your video title."
"You want to nail the intro within less than 30 seconds."
"Thank you all so much for watching this video."
"Good Vibes over here always, but look man, without further Ado, let's get into this thing!"
"Subscriber count is not really a fair indication of a channel's quality; it's more of an indication of how often the creator's videos get pushed to recommended feeds, which there's no rhyme or reason for to begin with."
"If you enjoyed this video, please remember to hit that like button."
"Thanks very much for watching - this was a bit of a different style of video for me but I hope you enjoyed a slightly different look at Hunter Hunter."
"Smash that thumbs up button, hit the like, subscribe, we'll catch y'all on the next one."
"If you go back to my first video ever, I am a little more stiff. I mean, I'm still me, like I'm still goofy as [ __ ], can you stop please, you're being disruptive rude."
"Your new video is wonderful, wonderfully horrifying."
"Congratulations you've qualified to watch this video to the very end."
"Thank you so much for watching today. I really really hope you enjoyed this video."
"And if not I hope you're looking forward to the next book video."
"So do some storytelling in your videos, create some sort of an arc."
"Enjoy, thanks for watching my vids! Another happy customer."
"If you don't like people talking about things other than the main topic of the video, find someone else to watch."
"If there's people out there listening and watching my videos and they're 'oh never achieve this this is impossible', no it's totally achievable."
"Thanks for watching this long vid. I hope you had fun with me. I hope you enjoy this new series on the channel."
"Thank you so much for watching this in depth and our crazy conjectures about what Maxwell technology might bring to Tesla if you like the show please remember to hit the like button and don't forget to subscribe to it."
"This video is like evidence-based and empirical data."
"Thank you so much for watching. Thank you so much for being a part of what dev tips is."
"If it's going to offer the value of cooking quickly, then focus the video on cooking quickly."
"My main hope for this video is that it can preserve another aspect of 2.1's legacy and nostalgia."
"Thank you guys so much for watching. Hope you enjoyed."
"You are one ranked video away from everything changing for you."
"Some of my most watched videos have been the ones I put the least effort in, and that's just how it happened."
"Don't forget to give this video a big thumbs up if you enjoyed it."
"Welcome to the end of the video. I really do mean it. Thank you so much for the support."
"Whiteboard and animated explainer videos are seeing great momentum and traction right now."
"He ends this video with the fantastic advice we should all consider following: 'So do your due diligence guys.'"
"I hope you enjoyed this video, please drop a comment below and let me know your thoughts."
"Don't forget to hit the like button if you enjoyed this video."
"I appreciate you making that video, I appreciate you not throwing the animals completely under the bus with that video."
"Thanks everyone for watching, and I'll see you next time."
"Thank you guys so much for watching this video... be blessed."
"If you know more about support and resistance than you did before watching this video, it would mean a lot to me if you go ahead smash that like button."
"Before we start this video I want to pop a question to you guys: will you marry me?"
"I had a fan send me a message telling me that they basically put my videos on to help their baby fall asleep because my voice is so relaxing."
"Thank you all so much for watching; I think it's about time to wrap up the video. I will see you all in the next one. Goodbye!"
"I truly do not know how long today's video is going to be, but I have come prepared."
"Just make sure the switch is on. I know this is a 'turn off' video. This switch, turn it on."
"Incredible. But above all else, I feel tremendously grateful. This is a video I'll probably look back."
"I've never seen a video where I saw a cloud of blood mist."
"Every cent from this video will go to a good cause."
"This needs to be stopped, and I'm only making this video to raise awareness."
"I just want to say a big thank you for watching this video and a double thank you if you're a subscriber and a triple thank you if you're a channel member."
"Link monsters could actually be a big shake-up for things."
"Hold up, you're about to spend your next 30 minutes to an hour watching a video about a topic which you have no idea about and you're calling me a loser."
"I should start saying this in the beginning of my videos but if you're new here or if you're not new here you should subscribe to my channel."
"I hate begging you to subscribe, but if you enjoy my videos, subscribe and turn on the post notifications."
"If you can tie story into the vlogs that you're creating, it's gonna become more engaging for your audience."
"This has been a very successful glow-up video."
"I think it's best if everybody should just watch my 'Rep City Kids' video which came out first, and then watch his, and see which is the better one."
"If I cannot buy it three times over I cannot afford it."
"If you guys want a generation 7 Pokemon Sun and Moon tutorial this is not your video"
"Hi family welcome to my master bedroom transformation video."
"That's going to do it, thank you so much for watching the video! If you enjoyed it, make sure to smash the like button on your way out."
"Thank you all so much for watching this rather troubling video."
"In this day and age of attention span for social media, we've become accustomed to just watching a one-minute video."
"I'm happy, I'm fine, me laughing in this video at all is not because I think the whole thing's not serious but you just have to laugh sometimes."
"I think I'm gonna wait, and opening up this box will be the first video of the new year."
"So now that you have made it to the end of this very long video, your code word is going to be 'mystery' because even after all of that the answers to six of these ciphers is still a mystery."
"The best comments I get are from people who have never seen any of the videos before."
"This is definitely going to be a very long video if you guys made it all the way through you guys are awesome."
"My next few videos would probably be focused on the Fallen aliens, another subject I'm really into, you know?"
"Enjoy the couple of days of 2017, or if you're watching this in the future, hey."
"I'm a double O what you thought of my video and what you thought of Shane's video."
"Like, I'm pretty sure he's been in probably like I think three of the videos so far and like that's the aisle he's always in."
"You ain't got to go but you got to get the hell out of my video."
"Please and also hit that post notification barrel button so it will notify you when I and I will see that is in my next video bye guys"
"I hope you guys enjoyed this video, the up-close reading, the tingles."
"If this video was helpful, please let me know by giving it a thumbs up, tweet it, share it."
"Having a long intro is a massive mistake on YouTube... people want to get to the meat of it as quickly as possible."
"I hope you guys have a genuinely dope-ass day and I will see you in my next video later."
"Thank you so much for watching. We'll see you in the next video and as always remember it wasn't a live stream but it was a video, a video for you. See ya."
"If you enjoyed the video, leave a like! Until next time, I'll see you later. Bye!"
"Apparently there's a video on me, the downfall of McJuggerNuggets."
"If you guys have any questions about anything that maybe I did not talk about in this video please be sure to leave me a comment."
"Thank you guys for watching and I will see you next time."
"Hopefully you enjoyed it, it's your boy Quan."
"Watch the video together and we will see you on the next one."
"Welcome you guys, thank you so much for joining me in this video."
"Give this video a big thumbs up if you love yearly beauty wrap up videos!"
"Thank you all for watching, I really hope this video was both entertaining and thought-provoking."
"He genuinely cares, and clearly puts in the time and effort to make high quality videos about the situation."
"His videos are appealing to a really huge audience."
"I hope that y'all enjoyed the video...I hope that you guys have had a great week."
"If you enjoyed this video, make sure to like. If you hated this video, your complaints only matter if you can beat me in PEGO versus mode."
"Just finish the persona 5 style over substance video. Love or hate Swit, he was spitting straight facts."
"This has been a blast I've enjoyed this so much yeah I again for the 3 billion of time thank you very much."
"Thank you very much for watching... let me know what you thought of the video."
"I'ma need y'all to like the video if I'm entertaining y'all."
"Thanks for watching Everybody I'll see you in the next one."
"This video is going to be a long video. I will say that. I know this is not going to get a bunch of views and the people are not going to watch the whole thing. I don't know if we care." - Gus
"We need to do another video with them, our videos do well with them and they're funny."
"You want your viewers to come to your video to experience a story."
"Thanks for watching, and we'll see you all in the next video!"
"It's crazy how much do you make from those videos."
"Until next time, my friends, you have fun smashing the kingdom."
"Love and care for one another, and I'll see y'all guys in the next video. Peace."
"I want to dive a little bit more into the slew of comments I got... So far there are two parts and I hope you guys have watched them."
"Thanks to One Dream for sponsoring this video."