
Proof Quotes

There are 2425 quotes

"As long as the truth is on your side, there is no such thing as the truth; it's only what you can prove."
"Confidence doesn't come from shouting affirmations in the mirror but by having a stack of undeniable proof that you are who you say you are."
"There's another set of people who also love science but prefer to emphasize the fact that you can't prove things in science... Anything could be overthrown."
"It's not what you know, it's what you can prove."
"What better proof can you have that what Jesus said was true than his resurrection?"
"He presented Himself alive to them after His suffering by many proofs, appearing to them during 40 days and speaking about the kingdom of God."
"Do not take my word for it; the evidence is there."
"Trust me, I'm living proof that it is possible."
"For all of you who still doubt, I plan to have a full psychiatric evaluation done to prove that I am completely sane."
"The reason Jesus Christ was physically resurrected is because it proves beyond a doubt that He overcame sin and the consequences of sin, which is death."
"Mathematics is a field where, no matter how big someone talks, there is a burden of proof that is universal."
"If you can't show that you're right, then you can't claim to know what you think you know."
"Completeness means that a proof was required that all true mathematical statements which existed in the system could be proven within the system."
"In science, you really don't prove anything. You disprove things or you falsify things."
"You don't get to prove the supernatural realm by asserting the impossibility of the contrary."
"We can prove to all of humanity that what Allah has revealed to Muhammad is most certainly the truth."
"You don't become self-confident by shouting affirmations in the mirror, but rather by having a stack of undeniable proof that you are who you say you are."
"I am arguing that these explanations do not meet the burden of proof based on the material evidence."
"The best thing you can do is instead of calling somebody a name, it's just go and prove them wrong."
"We were seeking to actually get viable proof that we live on after we die."
"Like just because Jesus claimed to be the son of God, it doesn't mean there hasn't been plenty of other agnostic proof that he did in fact exist."
"Miracles... what more do I have to do to prove I got them?"
"The Bible has never been wrong. It's provable through science, through biblical archaeology, through manuscript evidence."
"Somebody called me out on Twitter... and they said prove it."
"What matters is not what you believe, what matters is what you can prove." - Matt
"Proof of an intelligent and extremely advanced civilization."
"I single-handedly proved that spiritual power is a real thing by breaking the veil that obstructs differing consciousnesses from each other."
"Could potentially be proof of alien existence."
"Focus on the most provable claims, not on things that are going to be tough to substantiate."
"Prove it so well that you can no longer disprove yourself."
"You're talking about contact physical physical contact and proof from another another system another planet and other intelligence that's got to be the biggest event in history period and it's real and it's there."
"At a certain point you're actually going to have to show the tsunami of evidence that you have hidden behind door number three."
"At this stage, we have no reason to believe this isn't the case, however, due to Open Hands' past dishonesty, I think we do need concrete proof of this donation when it happened."
"The proof is in the film and the proof is in who he is."
"My position as an atheist is not there are no such things as gods. Absolutely, that's not... none of that. My position is this: I'm not a theist because the claim that a God exists hasn't met its burden of proof."
"If we can get DNA from it, it's not impossible that we can prove that it's Lucian Freud's."
"It's irrefutable proof that he was murdered."
"And like I said before, this doesn't just work for me, it actually has worked for my clients that I work with."
"Prove it. That's where we stand after yet another remarkable and unprecedented weekend in American politics."
"Calling somebody 64 times, is there proof though?"
"Jesus is coming soon. I can prove it intellectually speaking, I can prove it physiologically speaking, I can prove it from any aspect that you can think of."
"My job ain't to believe anybody. It's your job to prove to me whatever."
"The first tangible proof of the multiverse theory."
"What would it take for me to consider converting to Christianity simple incontrovertible proof of God."
"The ability to see the Silver Lining... that's what you've been able to prove."
"It's not what you know, it's about what you can prove in court."
"Stan can't provide proof that Bob Lazar is lying. He's propagated a meme mythology against Lazar, perpetuating things like if he was at Los Alamos, he must have been a janitor."
"You have to set aside your own reasoning faculties and believe something he can't prove."
"Billy wants them to steal a sample of Compound V so they have proof that superheroes aren’t as gifted as people think."
"The burden of proof is on the person making the positive claim, which is you, Gary."
"If I can prove the answer to you beyond all doubt, will you accept it because then you would have to make the determination that it is his will to heal you."
"This is absolute proof of what we knew all along... we were attacked by a hostile foreign power." - Gerald Nadler
"The original developers have all the receipts, all of the proof, and are being very open about what went on behind the scenes."
"If you're so hard dug into a position that nothing can convince you otherwise, accusing someone of rape without proof is rough."
"You're presumed to be innocent and the government has to demonstrate proof beyond a reasonable doubt."
"Enough with the shenanigans of racism and all of that stuff. Look at the proof."
"Brought receipts, I don't just be saying shit without no damn receipts."
"Facts are prove or disprove. Two plus two is four. What is the right or wrong in that equation? It's not three, you see. You said three. No, it's four. That's the right. It's four. Yeah."
"Stop saying it's not stop saying we're being sloppy we're just trying to do it this is not just accusations we have proof"
"This might be our only chance to prove it's real."
"A slam dunk if that were in fact shown to be the case."
"Show me your agenda, prove me wrong, fight for something you'll never do it, and I'll be 100% right."
"A good proof should show why the result holds. The logic should enlighten us."
"A paper trail is going to be ideal...make it a matter of facts."
"In your professional life it is good to, you know, have that urge to prove people wrong."
"I'm actually gonna prove that Justin's a baby."
"Maybe the proof, supposed proof didn't help."
"I can back up what I say, I can prove what I'm talking about."
"You've got to be able to provide your evidence."
"The reason I'm an atheist is because no god claim has ever met its burden of proof."
"Islam is the only thing that offers proof for everything it says."
"His reason made sense. It's valid. It's proven."
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Do we have that extraordinary proof? At last, I believe that we do."
"If you aren't the culprit, then you gotta prove that you aren't."
"Sometimes, it's just instinct, luck, and a basic trust that some things can't be proven purely."
"I am convinced that if somebody could prove there was a god, we would hear about it in the news."
"She's lying and we have the proof, the receipts matter, the internet's forever."
"We gathered even more records to prove them all wrong."
"His resurrection would be excellent evidence that he is who he claimed to be."
"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. But now we have the proof."
"If I'm such a predator, why are the kids traveling around with me? You guys have seen in the videos."
"The evidence that he's put forward to show like he actually knows what he's talking about cannot be faked."
"Everything I saw tells me what I've been trying to prove is rooted in something real."
"I want proof. I want to show people that what we're experiencing is real."
"The burden of proof rests very heavily on the shoulders of the discoverer."
"If you claim that God exists, you have a burden of proof."
"These proofs are well adapted to the understanding of all eras and all men."
"They've been able to do it... there's literally proof that the government can hide things."
"If someone is making a factual claim -- and not just voicing a subjective opinion -- then they need to provide proof in order for us to believe it."
"Not only are we necessary, we are definitively, with proof, the backbone of society and all the social programs such as welfare and healthcare."
"Proof implies the highest level of evidentiary foundation."
"I'm not interested in what you believe, I want proof."
"Prove your faith, and you'll receive evidence that faith is the key."
"People have every reason in the world to boost their ego... when they can't prove it, they often tell you that one day you'll see."
"There can be no evidence like you said unless someone was there someone was there with a Nikon going 'oh oh they're backdating it.'"
"It's unfortunate because you can't prove it per se but if it feels like racism it is."
"I knew he was cheating but I hadn't really got any proof."
"The state's burden to prove the case, and if you have to guess that is doubt, right?"
"When you know something's there, you know something's tangible, I just want to do my best to try and prove it."
"It just was not there, proving that this was a demonic possession."
"The power and utility of the computer had been proved."
"The detectives know who did it and that the identity of the shooter is not a secret they just did not have enough proof."
"Science sort of represented the empirical, the hard facts, the things that could be proven experimentally."
"Can you prove it, huh? Just think, what do you have?"
"The only thing that's going to tell them that they're aliens is to have a body on the table."
"She even shows her neck where there is no evidence of a bite."
"You have no proof that this little experiment even works. You want people to be good just because?" - Angel Dust
"This is just the proof in the pudding of exactly what I was saying."
"We've been searching for proof of extraterrestrial life, but we've learned the government may have already found it."
"In a very real sense, we are asking for proof of the existence of universal intelligence at all times."
"What the president has to show is not that those people would have voted for him had they been real ballots, he only has to show that there were illegally counted ballots."
"When you look at the sum total of the best declassified military documents on UFOs... you have proof absolute proof that the phenomenon was considered real by the military."
"We're not crazy and that's the proof. We can prove that we're not crazy."
"Respect is earned, and the proof is in the pudding."
"Nobody can disprove it; that's the scandal of philosophy."
"The proof of the cake or of the pudding is in the eating."
"The default position is rejection and disbelief until proof."
"The burden of proof is on the person challenging the mainstream."
"How did Jesus prove that he was sent by God? It's by performing the miracle which God gave him of bringing the dead back to life, curing the blind."
"Falsifiability means that a claim can be proven wrong."
"Oh wait, did I say 'accused?' I meant 'proven to be. Many times.'"
"It's not that complicated, even a hillbilly can prove these people wrong."
"Actions speak louder than words at this point."
"Just because you can't prove it's not true doesn't mean that you can't find evidence that it is true."
"This is about Reasonable Doubt. The state has to prove Beyond A Reasonable Doubt that Lori is guilty."
"Appreciate you, Chris, and thank you for sending proof, not that you needed to though."
"Definitely something to laugh about guys, but definitely also proof because how could you coordinate 10 different accounts to say the exact same thing?"
"America really is a progressive country. Here's the proof."
"Proof and faith are not dichotomous, they're not exclusively mutually exclusive entities. They come hand in hand."
"Not proven doesn't mean it doesn't work just means it hasn't been proven."
"Sam was unfortunate to watch the proof of this eventually happen last year."
"And the evidence is there right, the proof is in the pudding, that is not conducive to winning a championship."
"When you start accusing people of things, you need to back that kind of stuff up."
"A lot of people will use these arguments to show the Qur'an is divinely inspired."
"It's not what you think or what you know, it's what you can prove."
"In order to truly believe something you need proof, without proof the mind doesn't want to believe anything, it's very stubborn."
"You are a living, breathing example that that's wrong."
"If you want to destroy Christianity tonight and go home, then discredit the resurrection of Christ from the dead."
"Could this peculiar creature offer proof that we're not alone in the universe?"
"I'm gonna prove to you that I actually work for Epic. That's research and say yeah."
"The fact that we're talking about this at all is amazing. The burden of proof has shifted."
"No joke, I can show you the confirmation it was delivered today."
"The cover-up is so easy to prove. There's Michael Cohen, there's recordings, there's Hope Hicks, there's David, there's documents, endless documents."
"It's all in your mind so you're never really gonna prove anything."
"Look, let me prove it. Let me prove that I'm on your side. Give me a chance."
"I have receipts from day one. I always be wanting people to just go ahead and prove it."
"The physicality, the attributes, that's how you prove yourself to be elite."
"He certainly wasn't alone there, but let's just say the 49ers proved all the naysayers wrong."
"This will prove to her that I love her more than anyone else in the world."
"There is no God until someone gives me proof of a God."
"It's important that the system have integrity and that you prove your case."
"They're saying they can provide you with what you want, but they have no proof."
"Some people are going to say I faked this level’s waves or whatever, so I provided a download link to all the save states for the winning attempt in the description as proof if you are interested."
"Seeing is believing, right? I mean it's undeniable."
"Evolution not only is is not only is philosophically possible it's absolutely certain it happens it's directly observed it's measurable verifiable and repeatable testable yes."
"If this is a legitimate miracle, it would seem to show that the supernatural exists."
"I like to have the faith and good proof. Then I have more faith, right?"
"We've all been looking for the final ultimate proof of alien existence."
"After several attempts, nobody has been able to successfully demonstrate evidence of a hoax, fraud, or manipulation."
"He'll prove to you to be the best friend ever."
"This is someone that's trying to prove to you how serious they are."
"If you call somebody a rapist, goddamn it, you better be able to prove it."
"Time solves all problems... time often proves people right or wrong."
"The proof is written first in Lean but then it was automatically converted into a human-readable proof."
"The only thing that's going to prove to voters that Bernie can win is by winning."
"It is the ultimate hot hatch and I've just proved it mathematically."
"Jesus showed himself alive by many infallible proofs."
"It's not based on your belief, it's based upon what you know and what you can actually prove."
"If we're going to go into proving, I would say that's the whole point of what I believe in God. If he proved himself, then there'd be no point to faith."
"If you ain't never believe me when I said I do this, now you know."
"The proof of the pudding is always in the tasting."
"Seeing his comrade like that gave him the proof Hiro needed."
"Prove your point right now, because that's exactly everyone tell you to prove your point."
"Proof by definition is something that we understand."
"I doubt even if you provide the proof now considering the damage you have done it will lead to any positive outcome."
"Faith is what exists in between our ability to prove something."
"History is not what happened but what we can prove has happened."
"Daily Mail is reporting that they have the receipts, that they have the documents, that they have the emails proving that Joe Biden was the conduit."
"There is tangible proof that has been seen felt or inspected by quite a few folks."
"This is essentially the proof that we have a multi-generational problem in this country."
"The proof is in the pudding, and the boy got a lot of banana pudding."
"The proof is in the pudding, and that's the honest truth."
"There is one hundred percent. No chance that this didn't happen because I'm showing evidence."
"I think there are two things we can take from this and from the reaction to it: first, if you needed proof that canceled culture is real, here it is."
"The proof is in the pudding. I told you I can cook."
"Document everything... if you didn't document it didn't happen."
"The proof is in your story; when you can see a person have victory in a place where people killed him, that's the proof."
"Petitioner Carrie Lake can prove her claim and establish the following right this is what this is the order the reman from Supreme from The Supremes."
"You're about to prove people that you did the right thing."
"The worst thing to do... is accusing people of doing something that you have no proof for."
"Jasnah would stop being atheist if she got definitive proof of an omniscient and caring and omnipotent god."
"I didn't sleep, good things happen to those who wait, and this is proof, proof right here."
"I think my performance at the extravaganza proved it."
"If nothing else, seeing the shadow proves that the creature really is there. Something is there."
"You don't prove anything in science; we've gone through that."
"One times five will always be five, that's a mathematical proof."
"It is demonstrated beyond a shadow of a doubt."
"Proof is there when they're provided the proper budget."