
Assurance Quotes

There are 13125 quotes

"If you have hard evidence, the public will support you 100%. I know, guaranteed."
"When you are really with the right person, that wouldn't phase you anymore. You'd be like, 'Uh, please get out of here. I'm good. I'm doing amazing. I'm with the person I know is the one for me.'"
"I got faith everything's going to be all right."
"Never doubt my love for you. I have always loved you, and I always will."
"Be content with such things as ye have: for He hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee."
"The most magnetic feature is a woman comfortable in her skin, who seems quietly assured that destiny is on her side and she deserves the best."
"In the eye of the storm, we never flop or break or worry because history tells us every little thing is going to be all right."
"Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."
"I'm going to love you no matter what, like whether you're good or not, I just love you."
"We have no reason to fear. God will make sure there's enough."
"Our God has always been a good God. He's always been for us."
"Happiness will come to you, no doubt about it."
"We can trust him that in whatever circumstance we're going through, we can count on him to be who he says he is."
"You're not alone... somebody is on my side, they've got my back, they are here with me right now."
"Continue to follow the path that is yours alone, and you are assured abundant success in your life."
"We will not abandon you. You can rely on us."
"I am with you, I will never forsake you, no matter what."
"Once you've received the witness after the trial of your faith, that then, in turn, becomes assurance for the next trial of your faith."
"God will continually protect you and he will never leave you or forsake you."
"When a man has offered in sacrifice all that he has for the truth's sake, not even withholding his life, and believing before God that he has been called to make this sacrifice because he seeks to do His will, he does know most assuredly that God does and will accept his sacrifice and offering."
"The Lord's hand is not so short that it cannot save."
"Peace I give you, my peace I leave with you, and I do not give as the world gives peace."
"You don't want to be wondering whether you're going to heaven or to hell; you want to know that you're going to heaven. And that's what we can know, according to the Bible, not because of anything we've done but because we're trusting in God's Amazing Grace."
"You are destined for a love that can never be shaken, taken, tarnished, or diminished."
"We want to make sure it's safe, safety number one."
"For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord."
"In whom, after that ye believed, ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise."
"I announce over your life that everything's gonna be alright."
"I'm not alone. I have great love in my life, and all I have to do is the next indicated thing, and everything's going to be all right."
"This person will offer you love, absolutely."
"I want you to know that you already have one friend, and it's me."
"You are supplied for today and all of your tomorrows."
"The bottom line is this: Americans can rest assured that our banking system is safe."
"Our view is that the banking system is sound and resilient."
"I said from the beginning that no American who needs a ventilator would be denied a ventilator."
"What is meant for you will never pass you by."
"You're right where you need to be, and everything is going to work out for the highest good of all."
"I give unto them eternal life, and they shall never perish."
"You're sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise."
"According to these scans, you are completely healthy and in top tip physical condition."
"God loves you, He just simply does, and you're never going to lose that."
"We can have assurance of our salvation; we can know that we are His."
"We've been there, we've done it, we've got years of experience."
"I promise that a situation like this will never ever ever happen again."
"There's nowhere that you can go that God won't be."
"The safest place in the whole wide world is in the will of the Lord."
"You're completely in the right here; you'd win any case."
"But one thing that won't change: our commitment to you."
"Let me be the clearest on this point: help is on the way."
"You're going to be fine financially; you can splurge on yourself because you're going to be fine."
"Don't you worry, I'll do something about all this. That's a promise."
"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid."
"You will have whatever you desire... You won't be disappointed."
"Everybody can know there's a place of safety they can go where the guard will be there and look after them."
"Trust me when I tell you, this taste is gonna be perfect."
"I am here to help you. You must understand that."
"Seek and you shall find, ask and it shall be answered unto you."
"It was worth waiting to be absolutely confident that our excellent hard-working and dedicated contact tracing team had their arms around those positive cases and had fundamental control of that outbreak."
"Now you get to live and you never get to die."
"This person is absolutely capable of the sort of relationship that you want."
"I'm telling you what, this means the case is over David, am I wrong on this?"
"Your guardian angel is not going to abandon you. No, never."
"If you're in Christ that is not a day to be feared because you are righteous in him through faith; it's a gift of God."
"Living in the power of the Holy Spirit does not mean we'll be free from struggle, means we have the assurance of victory in struggle."
"Success in love and meeting your soulmate is coming to you. It's coming to you; make no mistake about it."
"It might be that having a child gives you some assurance that you don't have to go through life being alone. You have a baby who you know will never leave you."
"In a world full of constant choices, isn’t it nice to know, for a fact, that you’re making the BEST choice?"
"Ladies and gentlemen, this video is not clickbait."
"You will make a decision and you will make the right one."
"You're going to make better gains, I can guarantee it."
"It's happening for you, it's already in route."
"You're gonna get exactly what you want and what's meant for you."
"Everything that's for you is going to flow to you."
"The Blackmon family is going to be all right."
"Whether you feel like that or not, you're on the right direction."
"As long as we're with Jesus, we don't need to worry."
"It doesn't matter what they say or do, if you're just like 'I know that you care about me, I know that you feel this way about me, you can kind of see it in my eyes.'"
"Help is on the way, and at the president's direction, we're gonna leave no stone unturned."
"Everything will work out for us, I just know it."
"Everything soon will come to light and then you will see things will be all right."
"As long as you have that, as long as you work, you will always get what you need."
"You can trust me, I will always be good to you."
"I will never desert you under any circumstances."
"I promise that this will absolutely be up there by the end of this video."
"Tesla's will become a commodity, I promise you that, I promise you."
"If Wallace you give me another chance I'll show them to you."
"You hold the correct answers... This is the bearable bull here."
"Trusting in him does not mean that bad things will not happen and it does not mean that you will not have issues, but if you are his, you are understanding that no matter what happens in the end you are a winner and you will be redeemed."
"Here at the empire, we'll never let you down. Never gonna turn around and hurt you."
"You're gonna get a fun ride, pretty much no matter what."
"Subscribe—it will be awesome and you won't regret even one part of it."
"Justice will be brought, even if not immediately visible."
"Be still and calm and know that everything is going to be okay."
"Faith is the realization of things hoped for, the assurance of things not seen." - Hebrews 11:1
"You will be loved, you absolutely will be loved."
"May you walk in His divine assurance that the miracle is on its way."
"The Bible assures Believers that God is greater than evil and that he has overcome the world."
"Your financial situation is going to improve."
"Your instincts are correct; I have very deep feelings for you."
"There isn't anything better than that when there isn't all sorts of horror hidden underneath the carpets."
"In this top three, you can't really go wrong."
"I can personally guarantee you we're gonna figure out whatever the heck is wrong with this."
"Stop worrying about it because now you know it's going to happen."
"Your partner will choose you at the end of the day."
"If it's meant to be, it will never pass you by."
"The talking's over, the best man will win and I know for sure it's gonna be TNT."
"The main thing that I'm seeing if we look at all of the cards in front of us is you don't need to wonder when it will happen, it's happening."
"Your spiritual team always has your back, and you are so blessed."
"What is right for you will never pass you by—justice has been served."
"I'm absolutely confident there's no way in which it can't... I'm absolutely confident that the prime minister, ministers, we are going to do everything we can to make sure that happens."
"When you work within the laws, you can be assured of eventual positive outcome."
"It was one of those rare smiles with a quality of eternal reassurance in it."
"Will they ever be able to doubt that their mum loved them? Never, no no no no."
"I already have insurance on it, do you want to see?"
"Thank you, Lord, for the promise that your peace will guard our hearts and minds."
"Do you know Him? Are you sure that you know Him?"
"Trust me, trust that something better will work out for you."
"Yes, my love for you is real, never doubt it."
"The kingdom wins, the kingdom is already won, and anybody that aligns with the kingdom is gonna win in every season of their life."
"Three thousand dollars, I think we'll be fine."
"What's destined for you will unmistakably be yours, no force, no person can snatch it away."
"Take a deep breath and realize it's all going to be worked together for the greater good."
"We're actually very much on the right track."
"If the price is right, you should be 100% sure about joining."
"Don't wait for your emotions to confirm what the Word already tells you."
"Every single thing you need, every single time, with no exception."
"I am here as your steadfast Ally, prepared to support you in whatever conflicts that may occur. Trust me as I can guarantee your success and lead you to Triumph."
"Nothing can harm you. I say with absolute conviction."
"The FED solved the problem the FDIC has guaranteed all the deposits."
"Trust says my God, I know you will grant this petition."
"Everything's going in our favor, but this is absolutely crucial to our assurance to the American people and to the American economy."
"This is proof positive that you can rely on God's word."
"Victory is assured for those who will trust in the Lord."
"Victory is assured for those who trust in the Lord."
"There is nothing anyone can do to stop [the Most High] from communicating with us."
"We are going to have normality by the summer. Period. End of story."
"Whatever I was doing... that I was on the right path, which is always like a good assurance."
"I guarantee that you'll get value out of it for sure."
"They've already decided that you're the one for them."
"We'll face this together, you know, everything will be fine no matter what it happens to be."
"There is somebody for you there, absolutely."
"We are a perfect match... never believe anything else."
"Surely this is a slam dunk if I talk to an attorney."
"What happened to you, what you survived, is not your fault, period end of story."
"The Ultimate Security, not even the blue demon can beat it."
"It's not our perfection that saves us but it's our progression in the faith that brings us the assurance... it builds confidence and assurance."
"Trust me, this is something that's going to make you very happy for some time to come."
"Long as your team, your circle know who you is fam, that's all that matter."
"We're safe, I have my oil can, the scarecrow can't feel anything, and you have the mark of the good witch."
"We are sealed with the Holy Spirit, who is the guarantee of our inheritance."
"His reign is righteous, his promises are sure, his goodness is limitless."
"We've been very confident in everything we've been doing."
"Everyone will receive them, there's nothing that you have to do, you don't have to worry about missing it."
"Whatever's meant for you, nobody could take it from you."
"You are protected; the rebirth is coming, it's as simple as that."
"I would never hurt you, I would never hurt anybody."
"It's never going to drop in value, this thing is A1 and it's only going to go up."
"I can confirm that 100% of the reserves that back USDC are held in cash."
"You cannot assume anything about your standing before God. You must know for sure that you have been born again and that you know that you are saved."
"In the world you have tribulation, you're going to have problems, but my peace I leave with you."
"There's nothing that's going to disempower you."
"Let him ask in faith... nothing wavering... he shall have whatsoever he says."
"Faith is the assurance of things hoped for. In other words, I know that's where my goal is, I know that's where I'm heading, I know that I'ma see God face to face one day."
"I don't want to look stupid do you know what I'm saying stupid so you don't need always just 100 reassurances I just need like just to see if like that you're in it."
"Tactics will always work, always remember that."
"You are on the right path, you are being guided."
"Especially if this has to do with something like that, if there are other applicants that you're up against, then this is a good indication that you're going to be getting the home."
"Rest assured, there's something here for everyone."
"This is 100% legit guys, I would not be putting it on my channel if it was fake, I don't advertise anything fake guys."
"There is nothing to be afraid of because love is here."
"You're getting exactly what you're expecting."
"Salvation in Christ is perfect, present tense, no maybe, no partiality."
"It's important to live life on your own terms. What is meant for you will not pass you by."
"Brighter days are ahead. Yes, they are. It's a guarantee."
"Most of what I did check out seems good as in I didn't spot anything out of the ordinary when it came to any sort of potential emulation issues."
"No one who lets God lead their life ever ends up in shame or defeat."
"Medicare for all will not take coverage away from anyone."
"Nothing can separate you from the love of God."
"That's how match made in heaven works, promise you that."
"I'm confident we'll get it done. We'll have water up and running very soon."
"May you know that the God of heaven loves you deeply, that there is nothing that you can do to escape his eternal love."
"You will not lose, regardless of the circumstances."
"Trust the process and trust me on what I'm doing."
"The good news is that it's still really [__] good."
"I must ensure you that the story I am about to tell is not in the slightest way fabricated."
"Victory is assured no matter the intensity of the battle."
"We're gonna pull it off... And you guys won't miss anything."
"Every driver, passenger, and pedestrian should be certain that they're going to arrive at their destination safely every time." - Pete Budage
"A lot of you are kind of past that and now you're like, look, I know they like me."
"Would I recommend it? Absolutely, absolutely without hesitation."
"The only security that I need is a guarantee that you're gonna love my pie."
"When the big homie tell you it's cool, it's cool."
"Let me assure you that the suppressing field will be shut off."
"Better is coming better is coming better is coming."
"You'll just know it and they'll be able to give you that validation without you even having to wonder and think about it."
"It can be done, I promise you, it can be done."
"Your promise, your word…it shall come to pass."
"If you possess these skills, if you are good at this particular skill set, I assure you, you will be making huge amounts of money."
"Trust is safe for you to trust in this situation."