
Power Of Thought Quotes

There are 91 quotes

"You have the power to choose your thoughts and align them with love, peace, and harmony."
"If you want to predict any event in your future by thought alone, then you have to become thought alone."
"The privilege of being a human being is that we can make thought more real than anything else."
"Thoughts are so powerful that it can make or break a person."
"Your body literally responds to what you think. This is how powerful your thoughts are."
"Thoughts are powerful things and it's our thoughts that hold us back from becoming a higher, better version of ourselves."
"Scares you how strong your power is to manifest."
"You are manifesting your dreams by the power of thought."
"That just shows how important the power of thought truly is. It's how you think about something, how you look at something, that is really how it's gonna be."
"Every single thought we have is an effect, a kind of a prayer because every thought we have influences everything in the world. It's incredibly powerful."
"The mind is so powerful and your body reacts in the way that your mind thinks."
"When I think positive constantly, it's very powerful and it controls me. If I think negative all the time, it's going to control me too."
"Recognize that your thoughts drive your reality; your thoughts are magnetic and powerful."
"Manifesting is so so powerful... once you start practicing it, you will see it working instantly."
"You are the creator of your universe and your thoughts have the power to adhere to life as you know it."
"Negative thinking is just as powerful as positive thinking."
"Understand the power of speaking something into existence or thinking it into existence."
"Belief releases your creative power. Disbelief puts the brakes on. Belief is basic to creative thinking."
"The power of your thoughts is way more powerful than any drug in the world."
"Your mind is very powerful at this time; what you're thinking about, you're going to bring about."
"Imagination is the key: what happens in thoughts first, happens in reality."
"Thoughts are a powerful form of energy indeed. They do not merely reflect, they create."
"The power of the mind, that was it. There was something there, something I was connected to."
"You can have what you want so pay close attention to your thoughts because they become things."
"An affirmative thought is way more powerful than a limited thought."
"What's built in the mind is even more powerful than the brick and mortar that holds it together."
"What we fear, we create. What we believe, we create. What we say, we create."
"Your thoughts are very powerful. Don't underestimate them."
"Put your will and desire into action and remember that thoughts are powerful."
"Ideas matter more than we understand. Ideas ultimately perhaps are more influential even if than economic interests in some cases."
"You're able to manifest things with absolutely not doing anything."
"Your mental health is going to be very important. Your mind is a very powerful force. What you think becomes your reality."
"Thoughts are things, whatever you think, your body agrees."
"The power of thought can take you where you want to go and back to your dreams."
"You are so powerful that you can manifest anything humanly possible, just by changing your focus, just by changing your thoughts."
"...realize the power of just what you think about..."
"Every thought is actually an act of creation and if every thought's an act of creation then maybe just maybe every thought should be considered a prayer because of its power."
"Thoughts become things at the end of the day."
"What is the strange commanding power that lies within the thought of Karl Marx?"
"Your thoughts can become reality, that is a super scary thing in the wrong hands."
"A single thought sometimes suffices to overturn a dynasty."
"We all essentially have the power of creation, and it's our thoughts what we think, we will create."
"Now, there is no arrow that is mightier than the arrow of thought."
"Visualization super powerful and thinking about stuff before it happens."
"All power is now to think feelingly from the premise of having."
"This study is not about technology. It's about the power of thoughts to heal. All you need is the power of suggestion."
"One thought will manifest virtually instantaneously, and if that thought is not contradicted by any other thought, that's the power that everybody has."
"Thinking is only powerful so far as it is true."
"You know it's really true and pretty much the doctor said, you are in control, that your mind is such a powerful radius we don't realize that that literally you think you really can trigger other things to happen."
"Thoughts are things and thoughts execute themselves."
"Your mind is really powerful. It is."
"...even the words that we think about in our minds it affects us it affects us on a cellular level and I absolutely wholeheartedly believe that."
"If you realized how powerful your mind was, you wouldn't say or think something you didn't want to be true."
"Your thoughts are actually very powerful."
"Your thoughts are that powerful; they're TV transmitters that go out into the universe and you attract back whatever it is that you're thinking."
"One thought can change your whole entire life."
"Your thoughts can make you sick, so your thoughts can make you well."
"Your mindset is so powerful, and how you view yourself is incredibly powerful."
"The most powerful force under it is thought, and the source of thought is knowledge."
"It's all in your mind, your mind is so strong."
"When faith is blended with the vibration of thought, the subconscious mind instantly picks up the vibration."
"Don't talk about things you don't want because your mind is so powerful."
"Thoughts are powerful because thoughts become things."
"Your thoughts are really powerful."
"Your focus is very, very powerful."
"A thought is always stronger than the might."
"Thought is dynamic and that it may call into existence forms and pictures that may well exist for hundreds of years."
"Our thoughts are so powerful; it's the thoughts that create our reality."
"Your thoughts have power, if you believe in something, you can achieve that something."
"Thought is ever so powerful and it does go out into the universe."
"Our thoughts are so powerful; they create our reality."
"Truly our thoughts have a power we shouldn't underestimate."
"Thoughts are things, and we really give direction to a power that is greater than we are."
"You literally create your reality."
"God is so powerful... what about your mind? What if that's the last thing you can think about?"
"We do have the ability to heal ourselves, a lot of it is our thoughts, our perceptions."
"Thoughts create; prayer creates thoughts. Thoughts are so powerful."
"The power of positive thought is for real."
"Your thoughts are incredibly powerful; your thoughts shape your reality."
"Mindset is such a powerful thing."
"Harness the power of your thoughts to manifest the life of your dreams."
"A loving thought is all it takes."
"The mind is a powerful thing; you can literally speak things into existence."
"Our minds are incredibly powerful and they really do have an effect on the rest of our body."
"Our thoughts have immense power; they can either anchor us in fear or propel us towards faith."
"Your thoughts have power, remember your thoughts become your reality."
"Your thoughts are powerful. What you think about, you bring about."
"Mind is the great lever of all things; human thought is the process by which human ends are ultimately answered." - Webster