
Natural Living Quotes

There are 135 quotes

"Being in tune with our natural selves is the ultimate way to experience freedom."
"Living a normal, natural life... there is no single doubt that a huge number of people out there are completely out of balance."
"I'm going to keep promoting the benefits of staying natural because your potential is much higher than you realize."
"Animals don't know how to lie, don't know how to follow instability, and don't know how to live an unhealthy life."
"About reconnecting to the earth and your natural state of being for greater health, better sleep, reduced inflammation, and less stress."
"We should live our life according to nature."
"Life here isn't perfect, but Miss Yui lives among nature, she eats healthy food, she has a family, she has a community, and she has an occupation that gives her purpose."
"We're humans we need to return to what is human we're getting so far away from it."
"I think you feel really connected to the Earth if you don't use electric lights and you just kind of realize hey it's going to be dark now."
"Let's start living like our ancestors back in the day."
"If you go with nature and what's natural for us, people would be happier."
"They have a natural rhythm just like we all should have."
"I don't think you can eat sick plants, sick animals and get healthy."
"We need to get back to God created man harvested from the land"
"The human body functioned fine without it for the past X thousand years I'm not gonna run on the introduce it for no reason."
"Shoes prevent you from connecting to nature. According to the internet, many people consider walking around barefoot outside to be a form of meditation."
"Regular exercise helps your immune system, proper nutrition, this means if man makes it, you don't eat it."
"Going with the flow, listening to how your body feels... letting things come organically."
"Naturally, horses are out in the wild and they're free to roam wherever they go."
"If somebody decides to go natural, I think they should be given a second chance."
"Tooth decay is not only a necessary but an indication of our divergence from nature's fundamental laws of life and health."
"Whatever is ailing you or hurting you in this world, if you're suffering, I can almost guarantee the root cause of that suffering is humanity's departure from what is natural."
"If the past is destined to repeat itself, then all we need to do is look back."
"I'm an advocate for living naturally and of course cruelty-free, making sure that everything is vegan, but I also think it's fun to do stuff like this and just see what happens."
"I make new videos every week on food from scratch natural living and a handmade home."
"The value of living life naturally like our ancestors did."
"Prepping, in a lot of ways, is actually returning to, I think, how humans should live and being more self-sufficient."
"I'm very passionate about taking care of myself as naturally as I can, and I know I jabbered a lot about stuff but this stuff, I just from my own testimony, I tell you it really is amazing stuff."
"So everything in this home that we have is all natural materials."
"Are you a better person if you stay natural? That is the question."
"Stay natural, the biggest goal in life is to live our longest and live the healthiest life."
"The healthy adult savage and the healthy infant of civilization both breathe in this manner, but civilized man has adopted unnatural methods of living, clothing, etc., and has lost his birthright."
"The easiest thing in the world to live in accordance with his own nature."
"People are dying. The modern world is going away from communities so when they see what you guys have they want that because it's the most natural thing."
"Follow the Sunnah, the way of the Prophet, and do it naturally."
"People can get back to basics, grow together instead of stomping out everything in their path. That's what we work towards, doing things as naturally as possible."
"Do everything as natural as possible."
"Live true, live free, and naturally."
"The closer to nature, the better. If it wasn't food 100 years ago, it's not food today."
"Islam to me is a natural religion. If you behave naturally, you'll be following Allah's instruction."
"Remember, there we have one egg per person, which is relatively very low in cholesterol, rather than using egg substitute or whatever, which I'm not for. I would rather stay as close as I can to mother nature."
"The more natural the bike, the better for the rider."
"I always want to be able to give my birds the most amount of room and space to grow and be birds as I can."
"The most natural way of doing things is creating the most realistic symbiotic relationship in your home that mimics nature."
"Imagine that. Imagine we don't live for what time it is, what number. We just live for when the Sun is up and the Sun is down."
"Everything just goes better here. It's no wonder. I don't know how people ever got to fill them full of chemicals and hormones when they do so beautifully if you just leave them be."
"I just feel like a natural human, this is what a baby probably feels like before they start giving it yogurt and junk food."
"That's how we were designed to live, at least how we're designed to eat and be in the Sun and be outside."
"We're designed to live naturally with the world and we're not doing that, and I think we're suffering as a result."
"Places that are made not for cars but for men are places where we can be moving to in order to find that natural life again."
"If you're open to freeing your feet and actually feeling the ground you're walking on, look no further."
"I'm really focused on that mobility and doing some exercises that get us back to our more natural state."
"They are true freshwater snail which means that they live in freshwater, they breathe in fresh water, they grow up in freshwater."
"If you're providing the animals with what they're designed to experience in life, they're going to have vastly fewer problems."
"He's fighting the good fight, stay natural, you know you can do it."
"If you're new here, my name is Amanda. I share on this platform all about motherhood, wellness, natural living, all that good stuff."
"The village uses everything from nature; no Wi-Fi, no phones, no gas, and no service personnel."
"And if you want to be the most natural human form that has sprung forth from this earth to do whatever, but if you want to get in touch with that natural human essence of that being that you're supposed to be, I feel like running and plants is where it's at."
"Feast famine cycling is how humans were meant to live."
"If we just did what our bodies were meant to do, all the benefits... it's so worth it."
"When we do things right, when we do things the way nature would have it in terms of feeding ourselves, people wouldn't have chronic diseases the way that we do now."
"Our family does our best to eat whole foods, we try to live a pretty all-natural lifestyle, avoiding toxins in our homes and things like that."
"I'm making everything for my life here with as much natural materials as possible."
"Guys, stay natural, the biggest goal in my life is to live the longest and live the healthiest life."
"You use your body in a way that nature intended and you balance your exercise with periods of rest."
"Learning to live with nature, to make the most of what God has given us."
"Just live a natural life, get sunlight, get sun on your skin, breathe fresh air, drink well water, eat organic clean farm fresh food."
"This is as natural as it gets and they're thriving."
"The basic premise behind people that live a long time is that it's the void of processed food."
"Living nomadic hunter-gatherer lives is home; it's right, it feels good."
"What a life, real natural human beings, I love it."
"By enjoying things closer to their natural state, we create a healthier relationship between us and the natural world."
"I don't smoke and I don't drink... I walk on a natural high."
"I think this is closer to how we're supposed to be living."
"I want to do something that is sustainable and natural as possible."
"What is normal in this culture is neither healthy nor natural."
"For me, it's about being close to the land, growing my food, and seeing where stuff comes from. It was all about freedom to live naturally."
"We're a little hippie, we try to do things as naturally as possible, and we don't take ourselves too seriously, but above all, we support one another and work to find what works."
"I feel very happy and secure in my natural self now."
"I've just been loving being more natural than I used to be."
"We can't live in nature, but it doesn't mean we can't live naturally."
"Now this can't get any more natural than this."
"Staying lean and eating healthy and natural... these are all things that maximize the ability for a creature, whether human or non-human, to live a longer, healthier life."
"It's what's natural, it makes you escape a lot of things, you're not under pressure to impress, you don't dress to kill."
"I've been on a journey this year to slowly switch out my products to more natural products."
"Paleo is more about being grain-free, living super close to the earth, what our ancestors would have consumed."
"Just eat fatty meat when you're hungry, drink water to thirst when available, and let your body take care of the rest."
"This is country living, this is like mountain living, this is beautiful."
"The zoo does not believe in penning their animals in small and inhumane cages; instead, they allow them as much freedom as they possibly can so that they can live their lives out as naturally as possible."
"It's the way we were always meant to live."
"It's kind of like my favorite way to get in some natural electrolytes."
"It's good for your circadian rhythm once it gets to the nighttime, once it starts getting darker, to use less artificial light."
"One of life's greatest joys is being able to grow and enjoy your own food."
"Live your body the way that it was naturally made."
"I believe in organic, I believe in life, I believe in natural things."
"Cameron Diaz's decisions highlight a broader trend in society, a shift toward natural, sustainable living."
"It's kind of a primal desire in everyone to provide for themselves and eat real food."
"You don't have to switch on the lights for you to enjoy either the natural light or the natural air."
"We got four very natural women living out their very natural lives right before us on television."
"My goal is health and longevity and vibrancy, so I would never put a chemical in my body."
"Go out in the sun, enjoy some without sunscreen for a little while; people have been doing it for lots of years."
"Freeing yourself, being as natural as you can to your roots as well."
"A lock journey is one of the most liberating things and one of the most natural things that you can do for your physical self."
"Homemade laundry detergent will never smell as strong as all those chemical-filled store-bought detergents."
"Let's be the solution for that because sign me up, I want Fijian life that happened naturally."
"It's warmer, so now there's people on the island, they're basically sort of hanging out in between the mountains eating nuts off trees and using the latest technology like stones."
"Being open to truth and being flexible and pursuing truth is a really important part of leading a more natural minded lifestyle."
"We are fruit eaters, and we do best eating a fruit-based diet."
"I'm going to try to eat food in the most natural form as often as I can."
"It's so beautiful to be me and live organically."
"I believe that we as human beings need to get as back to Natural as possible."
"I'm all about living a more natural life in whatever way I can in this crazy modern world we live in."
"They're living as wild Dukes, so it's a complete story."
"There's nothing better than fresh air and sunshine to dry your clothes."
"Horses are horses; they're gonna live outside, they're gonna foal outside."