
Open Discourse Quotes

There are 50 quotes

"The battle should be fought in the open space of ideas."
"Without open discourse, without free inquiry, what we're left with is some sort of priest class dictating to us what's true."
"We need complete freedom of speech in the scientific domain."
"People should be able to hear both sides of the story and make up their opinions."
"Everything should be analyzed and questioned. No topic should be so sacred that we can't shine some light on it."
"People who disagree with me watch my show. I don't want a circle jerk."
"I want to have people who disagree with me watch my show."
"No ideology is off limits and the sooner that people know this, the safer the world will be."
"A counter argument isn't ignorant; it's me disagreeing with you."
"We should be able to talk about everything without being cancelled, that's insane."
"I believe in an open, free marketplace of ideas."
"All questions should be allowed to be asked. There is no such thing as a question that can't be asked."
"We should be applauding different views, not canceling them."
"You allowed opposing opinions to be aired on the show. God bless."
"I don't want conservative Twitter. I don't want to be in an echo chamber. I actually want to compare my ideas with others and may the best idea win." - Donald Trump Jr.
"These are my opinion. Can you disagree with me? Absolutely. And I hope you do quite honestly."
"Free speech to be free must be completely free."
"The best disinfectant of Dangerous Ideas is to let people be exposed to them."
"For science to work, you have to have an open exchange of ideas." - Dr. Jay Bhattacharya
"There's a wide range of opinion about just about everything."
"If these ideas are bad and you don't like them then let them be beaten by better ones."
"So what I wanted to do by asking the question was to open up the discourse a little bit so that students may see me as an example and maybe model for them that it's okay to question ideas."
"We have to be able to have conversations about anything without allowing our identities to prevent us from being able to think."
"You can openly question stuff and it's okay."
"If you're just going to ban people who disagree with you, you're completely shutting out the possibility of learning something new."
"Differing opinions isn't a bad thing. It's a huge part of my channel."
"The very soul of our republic depends on an open exchange of ideas. We must take on and defeat a council culture that would hold a free people hostage in their own society." - Paris Dinard
"Any opinion, no matter how unpopular, must be at the front and center of the argument."
"Things that we traditionally value: an open Society, a free exchange of ideas."
"We need to have open discussions and debates about stuff... I would love to have that conversation."
"The marketplace of ideas is open to all comers."
"Especially in our society, I would disfavor any approach that tries to shut people down, right?"
"Science has moved so you bring down free speech, you eliminate open discourse."
"Every idea should be held equally valid unless it's explicitly calling for violence against someone."
"We need to listen to opinions we don't like."
"In the free marketplace of ideas, I will debate absolutely any argument or position, so long as it's debatable."
"Labels are pointless, but I would love to talk to someone who disagrees with this."
"I'm so grateful that you let me disagree with you in public."
"As long as there's actual balance, it makes sense to let it all out there, just whatever it is, let people try and make sense of it."
"Without freedom, without the ability to really debate, to have open discourse."
"When I say I'm in favor of free speech, I mean it in this way too. I mean don't just ban the ideas you don't like."
"...the secret to a free and open society is that all viewpoints must be presented."
"That which makes for pure science and pure religion is open and free discussion; it's transparency, it's dialogue, it's iron sharpening iron."
"All ideas, beliefs, ideologies are open to criticism, debate, mocking, ridicule, and other forms of scrutiny."
"We want a classroom in which there isn't one single view; we want a classroom in which there is real debate."
"If people disagree with something I've said, you're always welcome to disagree in the comments and tell me why."
"I welcome disagreement, criticism, even argument, as long as it's in good faith."