
Past Relationships Quotes

There are 252 quotes

"Take the love from your past relationships, don't take the pain."
"Do you ever wonder what happened to these people?"
"It's okay to continue loving people from your past, as our capacity to love is vast and multifaceted."
"Let go of any past connections that didn't serve you because that wasn't needed."
"Whenever we try to talk about past relationships, you're like, 'Nope, no one but you. You're my only human.'"
"Stop looking back at connections you thought was supposed to be the one."
"If you're still like reminiscing about high school and you're still hurt by something I said or did to you I'm sorry I probably don't remember it anyway and you should probably get outside."
"Somebody from your past has got their eyes on you."
"You've known each other before, maybe in a relationship or friendship."
"This person was put in your past for a reason, this is fate, this is destiny."
"Make peace with your past so it doesn't ruin your present."
"You're not letting the past hold you back any longer."
"Someone may try to return, but don't read into it too much."
"For some of you, it's making a decision to let go of the past and never look back."
"You're going to shock people, especially people from your past."
"You get to choose whether you want to be with that person from the past or whether you want someone new."
"This person that is coming towards you, they were really idealistic in their past and they had a romance they thought was gonna last forever."
"Having Mercury be retrograde in Libra means some exes might hit you up, people from your past might hit you up."
"You can't have your future held up by their acknowledgement of what they did to you. You got to move on without it."
"You don't have to let that be your last thing and you don't have to continue to throw it back in people's face."
"If you find it hard to trust in a new relationship, it means you haven't healed from your last one."
"Just go do it, remind yourself of what you got away from."
"Someone from your past is gonna try and get your attention."
"Reconnect with people from the past, but be cautious of potential misunderstandings."
"There's gonna be someone from the past trying to come in... someone from your past wants to reconcile with you."
"Surround yourself with protective energy because someone from the past is coming on in to talk."
"Do not use a new connection to distract you from past heartache."
"Be sure that whatever unfinished business you have from the past, that is completely separate from this."
"I feel very similarly. If something reminds me of my ex, not even because it's about them, it's more like the me that I was when I was with them."
"You were the world to this person, like how do they compare to the world? You were the world's person at least at one point."
"At least bask in the energy that you've got somebody that's feeling like you're the one that got away."
"Some of you just need to reach out to the past person and get the closure if you can't find that closure in your own heart."
"If someone keeps bringing up their ex, that is a red flag that means they still have a soul tie with that individual."
"You might hear from friendships from the past you've not heard from for a while and reconnect."
"You may reconcile with somebody from your past."
"The groom's brother didn't attend because he too had been involved with the bride before."
"A reconciliation of the past connection is taking place. This is healed now."
"There's someone from your past that is thinking about you."
"Make peace with the past before moving forward."
"Someone from the past wants to clear the air, resolve the situation. They know it's time."
"Don't let anyone from your past hold you back."
"You made my high school life so miserable, why the hell would you think I want to help you?"
"The only way the universe brings that person is when you're out of the way."
"You ain't hanging around waiting on nobody from the past."
"Never allow the past or something that was once toxic to keep you stuck. Grow from it, move forward from it."
"Encounter with someone from the past, sparking new beginnings."
"If you can't forgive somebody or something that happened 15 years ago, then maybe you should check your heart."
"At some point people that left you in the cold or a person particularly you'll have to make the choice whether to deal with them again."
"Please, I beg of you, please don't miss opportunities because somebody from the past you're stuck on."
"You're going to have people from your past regretting the way they treated you."
"Don't open back the chapter that you closed. Don't do it, don't do it."
"You're done with people who aren't serious, you're done with people who can't make up their minds, who are flaky. It's in the past."
"There's a chance to repair an estranged relationship with someone from the past."
"How would you guys feel if your current partner still had photos of their ex?"
"You're hoping to not only leave the past behind but not to regret not making a move on this person."
"Someone from your past wants to tell you that they messed up and that they're changing for the better."
"This person is really regretful for how they treated you in the past..."
"I wonder if you still think about me. How do you feel about me now that you've had time to reflect?"
"Let go of whatever keeps you anchored to the past because there's no reason to stay anchored."
"You're more about moving on, whereas they're still keeping tabs on you."
"This person from your past is a little bit regretful... they really, really do."
"You're moving on from the past relationship, it kept you stuck."
"Be aware of holding onto the past that doesn't belong in your life anymore."
"I feel like this whole situation... made me feel even closer to you than I did back in the day."
"These feelings you are real and worth experiencing guys the feelings that you're having surrounding this past person like nobody's trying to deny your feelings if you're holding on."
"I hate your past you don't owe your past [expletive] that ain't true no more stop looking backwards [expletive]."
"I don't have bad blood with anyone that I've ever dated."
"Just because you think you're done with your past doesn't mean your past thinks it's done with you."
"Some of you might also hear from somebody from the past."
"It's kind of sad that you remind me of a love that I once knew."
"I'm over it, I'm over it, I'm over the girl I literally used to be in love with."
"I can't even explain it, it's like when you smell your ex's perfume or something."
"They're on rewind, they're having nostalgic moments in regards to you."
"Because you deserve love, past life relationship no doubt about it."
"You don't have to hold on to the past just because something was valuable to you in the past."
"You've got love coming in, whether it's past or new."
"This person was stringing you guys along even though I feel like at the time I don't know if they wasn't interested back then or they made you feel like they wasn't interested wow this person is getting bad karma for this."
"Release the past, do what you have to do to get this person out of your system."
"There's definitely an opportunity to resurrect something from the past."
"You and this person at one point thought you two were the one for one another."
"I'm unraveling how they fell in love and what happened like why have they not spoken 15 years"
"If you want the relationship in the past to be healed, there has to be a letting go."
"Somebody from the past is returning to have communication with you."
"Memories of love, y'all got somebody from your past."
"This finding yourself and it feels like you're enjoying your alone time, that freedom from toxic situations in the past feels like finding yourself again."
"Sooner or later you are going to come face-to-face with a water crossing, and that's kind of exciting I guess."
"Time to leave the past behind and move forward."
"This person wants to heal or let bygones be bygones."
"For those of you who are still energetically hooked to a past person, let that go."
"After a period of maybe being heartbroken, but you are seeing things clearly because the illusion of whatever hurt you in the past is ending."
"You're exhausted with the past anyway, it's very tiresome. Let it go, it's time to drop it."
"I thought I was over my ex until...I still have that white box."
"It's like you've already healed this energy. Why are you putting yourself back in it?"
"There's someone here that kind of left you in your emotions here in the past, left you feeling in the dark."
"You always were a condescending prick even back then." - Koken
"Someone from the past might be coming through."
"The past is in the past, so any of you who are still hung up on a past person, sorry, that ain't happening. Tough [__] past is done."
"Don't turn back and mess with anything from the past, okay? It's best to leave this where it is."
"You moved on from this person but they want you to turn back around."
"It's not over until you let go of the past indefinitely."
"The past is returning to your life, but there's a lot of fears about what happened the first time."
"I feel this person wants to come back around. I think they were trapped in the past."
"This is about you severing ties with your past, embracing who you truly are."
"Despite past betrayals, releasing baggage leads to newfound prosperity."
"Someone from your past will be the one to ask you out."
"There's definitely gonna be someone from the past that feels as though they missed an opportunity with you."
"Let the past be in the past and reach out to communicate."
"This person may have had a relationship before, I see."
"Sometimes what was there before just doesn't need to be there."
"The challenge: they see unrequited love in the past, heartbreak. Want to reconcile, but wondering if it's possible to forgive and forget."
"You're the best thing that ever came out of my past."
"You're reflecting and marrying back, so I know that you have a complicated history with this person."
"If you didn't choose me before, don't choose me now."
"There's someone here from your past who misses you."
"They're reminiscing about the past, they had it good with you in the past."
"Reflect on the past, the way this person treated you."
"Someone from the past thinks that you are very attractive or very beautiful or very handsome."
"The way people talk about people that used to be in their life... shows how they treat people who can no longer do anything for them."
"They might be feeling like they want to tell you also like, 'Hey, I haven't moved on from this relationship; I'm still healing from it.'"
"This ex was jealous, this ex was envious, this ex was hooked on me."
"Their ex is not what they want. They're done with them."
"Chris Denton, Kelly's old boyfriend, tragically died of cancer in 2004."
"Your future spouse also left their unhealthy past. You're on the same frequency, attracting each other."
"I mean truth be told, it was like five or six years ago so I don't really know him anymore."
"Constant contact with one of our exes."
"I think everybody has that one 'got away.'"
"They may still have feelings for someone else from their past that they haven't resolved."
"I think with sabs, it feels more serious than all this relationship I was in in the past."
"You know Exes come up come out to haunt you man you know Ex-girlfriends are weak links."
"It's human to have residual feelings for a partner that you fell in love with. It sounds like his love for her was really significant."
"I think everything in all my other relationships led me to this one. The last past one, Jake, I think that had to have happened to make this one happen."
"I finally got my shot, finally after all this time. I'm going to have the last laugh, because now these girls that wouldn't give me the time of day in high school and college, now they want me."
"Before she got together with Gabriel, Rosita had a romantic involvement with Cidic, and now she's pregnant with Cidic's child."
"I was saving a lot of my money when I was with Tommy."
"A new person has steered your romantic feelings, so for those of you who are hoping for an ex to return or for somebody from your past to return, I'm just not seeing this as the case."
"Not even going to be able to remember the boy who broke up with me over the phone in 25 seconds when I was 18."
"You could be better looking, richer, more successful, but if he's not over his ex, she has power over him that you cannot have."
"Someone you blocked will try to reach back out to you. Maybe you stopped talking to this person last year."
"I'm thankful for my wonderful ex-boyfriend."
"Our first date was 20 years ago, Nolan. Mostly I remember you dumping me right after."
"We never really stop seeing each other even after we broke up."
"Don't let some guy from your past screw up your life. Be strong, move on."
"Who can't stop thinking about you? This person is someone from your past."
"I think it would be best if I say you're an old beau of mine from Hollywood high school."
"You never went out with me when I was skinny, you never asked me."
"You're the one that's kept me from Gabby, me. If you hadn't married Johan, Gabby would have been mine years ago."
"I've had a lot of lovers in my life, I haven't had all the lovers in hate poems ex-lovers."
"...I should not let a high school love... keep me bogged down for the rest of my life."
"That was beautiful... that was an amazing chunk of my life... I still put all positive love towards that human."
"But think about them throwing anybody ever been with us."
"There's a curiosity that is, for example, if the universe is watching you... you have this one part of you that wants to move forward, but then there's also this other part of you that is still watching, spying, at this ex person or this past person."
"I love you still to this day. We don't talk, but we used to play The Sims together."
"Things will be okay, but things were okay with somebody."
"So much has happened between us in the past, can we work it through again?"
"When your past calls, don't answer."
"Those are some good years, you know? But you know, I don't kiss and tell. Yeah, because you know why? Because there's somebody on the other end of that that you gotta respect, you know what I'm saying? Because they might not want to be on blast like that."
"I've closed that chapter now with him, with the woman I was with him."
"I regret it, I was so focused in my own life and my own self that I forget about the people in my past that have made me who I am."
"I respect what we did, you respect what we did. I needed you to be in my life at that time. I appreciate it, thank you."
"Splitting apart in the past was sweet, and I'm glad that they finally reunited after all this time."
"Isn't it crazy to think about how there's people that you've had such immediate fiery passion with, and then now you just don't talk to them?"
"It's been a really long time since I felt like someone cared about me that much."
"I still have feelings for the man that I first fell in love with."
"I never in a million years would have thought that I would be dealing with this with someone that I once loved."
"Someone from your past is returning, so reconciliation is definitely on your person's mind."
"You're done with your past, there could be people from your past that's coming up that you know are not for you."
"She was cheerleader, and I was a cowboy; it wasn't a great mix back then."
"We can carry baggage from other relationships and not having done the work on ourselves."
"I hope that you're happy, but not like how you were with me."
"Just because I married Vicky doesn't mean I still didn't love Fiona."
"Once upon a time where all we had, maybe that's what drew us to each other, it was true love."
"I wish I knew you before it felt like a sin."
"I have put love behind me. I am free of that mistake."
"You're nothing more than a distant memory."
"I never thought I was going to hear from my ex again until one day I got a call from an unsaved number."
"I've also been in situations where I have gone back and met some people from my past, and we just sit down and chat like we were the best of friends."
"I hold no, I harbor no resentment. They're wonderful people, there was always warmth and love."
"Reconciliation: so someone from your past is returning to your life."
"Do not look over the ashes of a burned bridge; she's your ex for a reason."
"They're scared to think that your enemy was once your best friend."
"It's all about processing and healing and reflecting on past relationships."
"I think there's so much more to marrying someone than just how many people they've been with previously."
"Shout out to all my exes, because if it wasn't for them, I wouldn't even be this person."
"Every person I ever dated seriously before Alicia, I'm not in love with them anymore, but I care about them."
"Let the past be the past, don't bring it into your new connections."
"Knowing that what we had was wonderful, but... what's out there waiting for me, someday... will be even better."
"He hadn't talked to Shelby Yingling much since they graduated from high school. She'd been a nice girl, smart, but the opposite of everything he was."
"You guys didn't reconcile with someone from your past and you guys are happy."
"Be aware of [people] from the past that you've already closed cycles with coming back."
"I still dream of my girlfriend sometimes, even though it has been five years now since I've last talked to her."
"When you start operating in self-worth, people from your past is going to show up. Do not be dumb and give them a second chance."
"X is an X for a reason, and I've been there, done that, let it go."
"It's like you're seeing how maybe a person from the past was not for you."
"Exes are exes for a reason. They are in my past for a reason."
"I'm so [expletive] grateful for my ex."
"Somebody from your past wants forgiveness."
"You're not even energetically where you were when you dealt with them."
"They're happy to be out of their old relationship and are happy for one another."
"Whatever happened, I still care for you, Layla."
"I am Countess Coloratura, and while we may have been friends when we were young, we have clearly gone in different directions."