
Emotional Burden Quotes

There are 292 quotes

"Let your past go; the burden you're carrying is heavy."
"She hasn't forgiven herself... it will never let her forget her sins."
"There is nothing natural about a parent losing a child, but for a parent to have to bypass that grief in order to have the stamina to fight for justice for that child, that is an unconscionable ask."
"Grief is like the weight on your heart when somebody that you care about goes away. You carry them in your heart, and you've got to get used to carrying that new weight."
"We have children who have become responsible for the emotional regulation of the adults in their world, and they cannot carry that weight."
"It feels like an elephant has been lifted off my shoulders."
"It's hard to stand here and cover this knowing that this is a place where kids come here to get better." - Chris Davis
"The reason every product should have its own batch code is because let's say the shade nude af was grainy af."
"That was my one year revenge... but for boss I nurtured hatred and vowed to one day get revenge."
"I actually care about women, because I know the pain they have to carry."
"They're carrying heavy emotional weight from past trauma."
"How many relationships have folded under the weight of unprocessed trauma."
"Every single person we talk to every single day is hurting from something."
"Feeling if I did pass, I didn't want her thinking it was her fault."
"Whether it was out of relief or simply submitting to the absurdity of the situation, it felt as though a huge burden had been lifted off of my shoulders."
"You carry that so much, you can't really fully be happy until you walk away from it."
"Faye said that that death had a big impact on the family and that it especially took a big toll on Britney's father Jamie Spears."
"She needed to lighten the load she is mentally exhausted and her mind is filled with guilt rage revenge and other harmful thoughts."
"How unfair it was that he chose to change Morgan's life and how unfair it was that Ryan chose to negatively affect so many other people's lives including mine."
"The most unhappiness you will ever have is the secret you're hiding."
"Being the boss is no fun either- as we’ve seen, no one in this film is sadder than the Queen."
"I will never forgive you for dragging me down into the depths of fear itself. I'll never forgive you for making me worry about you that much, which is why I'm then going to drag you back by force if necessary."
"This is something that has been weighing on you."
"The challenge for a dad to have to get in his truck and say 'I'm gonna go try to find my son today,' that's pretty heavy stuff."
"She's not relieved to get rid of the burdens that she carried because she's just as scared as she was before."
"Many of us crucify ourselves between two thieves: regret for the past and fear of the future."
"It's just heavy, you know? It really is, it feels like there's a lead weight out there."
"You have no idea what it's like to be a parent and never know."
"Repression and grief, the silent burdens of a fractured family."
"Somebody feels like they're chained to their thoughts about you."
"Part of the burden I carried wasn't mine to bear."
"We protect the people around us": The burden veterinarians carry in silence.
"You have no idea how hard it is to just be... criticized all the time."
"Black women are so unprotected and we hold so many things in to protect the feelings of others without considering our own."
"He's literally carrying all the burdens on his shoulders alone, not even confiding in Jessie."
"Forgiving her will release you because every time you think about it every time you let it get another moment of your energy it adds to the three years that that lie took from y'all."
"A lot of the hatred we hold on to ultimately makes our own lives miserable."
"A lot is weighing on me, and the pressure is on."
"Javonte Davis has a unique style that fans love that they really gravitate towards."
"I just want y'all to understand that we all go through things, life is heavy, we all go through pain and hurt and mistakes and failures."
"It's just the ugliest thing, ugliest feeling, like knowing that people are trying to hold on to her for their own lives."
"Unforgiveness is like drinking poison, hoping that the other person is going to die."
"Resentment is like a very large, very heavy suitcase with no handles."
"Most painfully taking on the emotional consequences of their actions."
"Every one of us lives in pain every day because of what Charles did."
"You can't put all of your grief and trauma on someone especially your romantic partner."
"You feel like you can be very victorious with this person here it's just what weighs so heavily at the back of your mind that's causing you so much doubt."
"You don't have to carry the burden of everything for everyone."
"Resentment is a brutal thing to hold and is one of the worst emotions."
"You're gonna have to have you're gonna have to hold that dysfunction on your own."
"This is way too big for you to carry this on your own."
"You're a light in the dark, the blessing coming to you and you can't come along."
"Imagine being a minor and an adult you looked up to comes to you and dumps all their emotional baggage out on you."
"Mikey needs someone to lean on, someone to help shoulder his pain and burdens."
"It's part of the experience, heavy hearts full of dreams."
"The hardest part is always feeling guilty for things."
"Everyone's got him in their head already. You have to go through everything you've gone through with that person as this person now."
"Maybe she felt like she couldn't show it to anyone else."
"In the chilling silence of the courtroom, David Cal admitted his guilt, the weight of his actions hung heavily in the air."
"Your cup is getting filled with trauma, the moment of pleasure usually does not last."
"If you're not grateful for the things I've given you and you have no gratitude for it and that seems to be really mundane to you, it's burdensome."
"Unforgiveness is like drinking a rat poison hoping for a rat to die from it."
"It's ugly, it's dirty, it weighs on you, it will rob you of your joy, it will eat your soul if you let it."
"I really want to give this back to you, though. I can't take this. I can't take it."
"I had this thing where I'm like why I always invite people to my house but not just anybody it's people that I feel like God would never send nobody my way if they weren't meant to be a part of my journey."
"The things we create to insulate ourselves from criticism from anxiety doubt fear can end up owning us right we can be crushed underneath the weight of our own creation free us from a prison of our own design."
"Pressures are made for shoulders not hips, you will break down in this world."
"I just wanted it to be over... this really just felt like a job."
"It was a weight lifted off my shoulders because like I'm doing this for me."
"I cannot even begin to share with you how much of a weight has been lifted off of me."
"Our worst mistakes are our deepest chains, forgotten."
"Stuff cannot duct tape over a whole life of family trauma."
"I haven't really let you go. I've been overextending myself for years with you. And it doesn't feel good because I'm not able to fill up my own cup."
"Everyone else can be angry, do you know what I mean, and everyone else can give their opinion and say how they feel but I have to think twice about my tone or because, like, because just because I'm black basically, do you know what I mean?"
"It's been hard to breathe with the weight of the world on my chest at times. This is the biggest loss that we've ever had."
"She's turning him into this rapist, violent, creepy psycho, like serial abuser. That's what she's turning him into here with the burden she's creating."
"I don't want to live with this shame anymore."
"Unforgiveness is the poison we drink, hoping the other person will get sick and it doesn't work."
"The mental impact an emotional impact... that stuff stays with you."
"The tower and the ten of Wands in the same line, both very heavy energy, both telling us it's time to let go."
"If you're never going to forgive him then you're the one taking the poison pill hoping he's gonna die or he's gonna be affected."
"Grief is like carrying a brick in your chest."
"The pain of hate is never something to hold on to."
"Honesty in any relationship is definitely a must. I don't trust you to that's putting a lot on [expletive]. So, I don't do trust."
"Rhaegar lived with the weight of what happened on the day he was born."
"You escaped Mo, but that memory will haunt you forever."
"She has suffered more losses than anyone else."
"You feel guilty, like the audience has a sense of ownership."
"You were a burden, you were a horrible, horrible burden."
"They want to heal that pain because they're still carrying it with them, and they want to heal that pain because they want to come in and talk to the Queen." - Highlighting the desire for healing and reconciliation.
"Most willpower in the world can't handle the weight of unforgiveness."
"Shame, insults, guilt, need to be right—they're going to keep going."
"Joel asking for Tommy to take his burden away is much like Christ in Gethsemane praying to God."
"You're not a burden to anybody who genuinely loves you."
"They feel like not being able to release you is a burden to them."
"Not another day wrestling another night, taking the fault of everything and everybody and blaming yourself for stuff you're not."
"This is the type of loss that you're gonna wear with you for the rest of your life. It's gonna be a part of your DNA, it's a part of you now."
"The Ten of Wands: coming into the year just kind of fed up."
"You make him really happy but for some reason it's like it's so hard for him, like the Ten of Wands, to do this connection."
"This entire year I was trying to care for other people and prevent situations and in doing that I've only hurt myself."
"This person just felt it got too heavy for them, and they've run. And you're left kind of feeling really confused."
"Life's too heavy moving forward to carry old crap with us."
"You could just feel what Russell Bishop had done to their families and to their lives for 32 years."
"She's trying to get large back, right? And ISA does what a lot of us do, taking the blame."
"Unhealthy soul ties is when bonds become bondage mentally and emotionally."
"The guilt could be overwhelming, and I don't want these girls to suffer because of that. It's not their fault at all."
"Why are you losing sleep over this man's bullshit?"
"You're gonna feel like this huge weight is lifted off your shoulders."
"You can't put the whole weight of the world on your shoulders."
"There are millions of people who won't do the work. They'll hold bitterness and anger and rage and sadness and they will drown in it."
"If you feel like you always have to apologize, you're always apologizing, always feel like you have to feel remorseful every time, that is not a good friend."
"Everybody got problems. Even if something comparably is a molehill for someone else, it might be a mountain for you."
"What are you holding on to that you could let go that's being a burden in your life?"
"Stop thinking about the negative ends of things because you're continuing to carry a burden that you don't have to carry."
"He wore that the chip on his shoulder, it weighed heavily on his entire life."
"Your guilt will haunt you for the rest of your life."
"Fear can become heavy if we refuse to release what we don't need."
"You're very connected to the cycles of the world, feeling the weight of collective energies."
"The burden of carrying your past around has made you weary, dear one. It is time to set this burden down."
"I apologize for putting you through so much."
"Avoid allowing someone... in this non-committal position without driving weight on you."
"This is not a time for me to let myself kind of just wallow in the because it does it feels heavy though the air feels heavy and I'm just trying to not allow myself to be like crushed underneath that."
"If what you do is no longer fun anymore, things start to feel heavy."
"Dealing with Arden is incredibly frustrating. It's one of the biggest stresses that I carry in my life."
"You've been doing a lot of heavy lifting, emotionally and literally."
"Guilt is a parasite that'll eat at your soul until there's nothing left by emptiness."
"A weight you might not even have known was there for weeks, months, maybe years."
"The weight of this realization burdens Jon's Soul evoking a profound sorrow."
"If everything causes pain and there's no chance of recovery, then are you really living? No, you're just sticking around so other people don't feel bad."
"It feels like a curse sometimes. I hope you don't feel that anymore."
"Accept that this person hurt you, accept that this person backstabbed you or vice versa of course, but you can't accept the pain that they have caused and inflicted on you because you still carry that burden."
"They feel very burdened you guys okay this person is very very dirty you're whoever your person is your Divine lover is they're very stressed."
"We hold so much shame you would not believe how much and I promise you any insult or criticism you could possibly throw at us we've already thrown ourselves a million times over."
"Even in Redemption, all that awaits me is guilt."
"That heavy weight that had been consuming me for three months just suddenly was gone."
"They wanted to tell you so bad but it's like how so much was on this person's plate how could they have told you?"
"Once you've lost someone, the solitude you found comfort in before becomes much too heavy a burden to bear."
"The worst part about having cancer is having to tell your mom that."
"Do you know how much anxiety-producing energy it takes for you to hold on to that unforgiveness he said it's killing you."
"Overall, it just feels like things are being shoved into their own heart at the moment, there's a lot of heartache here in regards to you."
"I've been carrying so much and finally someone was carrying me."
"It was just like this feeling of relief. I don't have to be the strong person anymore."
"Vash isn't the kind of person to witness a death and just move on. Each death makes the weight of his gun just that much heavier."
"Don't carry around the burden of bitterness."
"Forgiveness for me was casting these burdens of anger, shame, doubt, disappointment, and fury. If I hold on to these feelings, I'm going to sink myself."
"That weight of unforgiveness and resentment is heavy, like a trailer hitched onto you."
"You know what, you might not forget about it but you don't get to carry it every day."
"I always ask people right if you store everything that ever bothered you inside of you what's it going to be like inside?"
"It hurts. I don't want to rehash everything."
"For as long as you hold on to that hatred for that sociopath narcissist, when you think of them, you are holding on and making the moment longer."
"For as long as you hold on to that hatred, you have, or that burden of pain, you feel for that person when you think of them, you are holding on and making the moment longer."
"I carry the heavy burden of not being with you."
"It's hard because emotionally you're accepting the responsibility for this person and their family."
"You don't want all of those emotions on you."
"It's sort of emotionally taxing to go back over, and not that I can put it out of my mind, it's always in my mind."
"You're still graceful, but you're carrying around this heartbreak."
"When you keep something like this inside for too long it starts to eat away at you."
"I just wish that it could have been different or something, you know? Because it is a lot on your soul."
"It's painful. You take on everybody's stuff, you feel everybody's pain. It's really hard."
"I realized that I have literally never had a chance to check in with myself after all these things happened I've actually been holding a lot of frustration and resent about it all."
"It's like you're always swallowing your own pain to keep the peace amongst your friends and family."
"Guilt and shame constantly carried around."
"You're emotionally drained, carrying all her emotional baggage."
"It's unforgiveness that's keeping you broken it's unforgiveness that's confiscating your joy it's unforgiveness that's delaying your destiny."
"Unforgiveness it's it's drinking poison thinking that you're gonna hurt the person who hurt you."
"I wasn't prepared for feeling so guilty. I feel so bad."
"There's a reason they call it baggage. It gets incredibly tiring carrying it around."
"She took the burden of pain from the Prophet and she put it deep inside of us."
"This has been weighing on my chest for a very long time. It makes me feel much better now that I have I got off my chest."
"I couldn't hold it to myself anymore, it's like a lot to not be talking about."
"Don't you feel like a massive weight's been lifted?"
"It's sort of the way that people will hold on to something and want to...you know, it's very difficult to let things go."
"you got to release that burden and go through the rehabilitation process"
"It was a lot. Definitely wanted to cry."
"Guilt is difficult to cope with, guilt is very difficult to get free from."
"...it makes it feel like we're coming here to solve something that everyone else has moved on from but which we haven't."
"Honestly, it feels like a big weight has been lifted off me because I was able to tell what I couldn't before."
"Forgiveness is you deciding I will no longer carry the weights you have put in my backpack."
"What are these people bringing to your life? It just sounds like they're bringing pain and drama into your life."
"The psychological impact that this job has on guys... those things stick with you."
"A lot is weighing heavily on my heart and in my head, and the pressure is kind of getting to me."
"You always carry some of it in you. And it wrecks you, year after year."
"Sometimes you go there, and you've got the weight of the world... things that are going on inside your life."
"For a 12-year-old, that's a lot to handle."
"This huge weight has just been lifted off of my chest."
"The burden I had in my chest for so long feels like it's gone."
"I write this account with a heavy heart, a tale born from the shadows of a mission that blurred the lines between beauty and the haunting specters of war."
"Don't put that kind of burden on your heart."
"The human and emotional toll is already more than evident."
"It's like a weight that we've been going through for the past three months has finally been lifted."
"Do not let your hearts become weighed down."
"While it's often associated with kindness and compassion, empathy can also lead to overwhelming distress, especially when one feels another's pain too deeply."
"Their sacrifices weigh on my heart like an ocean."
"Stop putting that on your kids... they cannot carry the emotional regulatory weight of their parents."
"When you carry a secret for 30 years, it's a heavy weight."
"There's a lot of things that we haven't really come to terms with; we kind of bury it inside."
"That which you don't forgive, you carry."
"If I try to bury all those feelings, they become heavier and pull me down into a cycle of negativity."
"I am carrying their pain and I am on a pursuit for justice."
"I failed my first two years of college, I could not succeed because I was so weighed down by how much hurt I had been through."