
Poverty Eradication Quotes

There are 60 quotes

"I'm starting by solving world hunger and then I will end poverty."
"Within about 20 years of the disclosure of these sciences, we would have no poverty in the world and no pollution. The world would be restored to a pristine state."
"If we were wise, and faithful, and courageous, and responsible, we could continue to spread that to everyone. We could eradicate absolute poverty. We could bring about a time of abundance and opportunity for everyone."
"The use of that coal in China has also produced energy to fuel the domestic development of the Chinese economy, which has led to the eradication of poverty for hundreds of millions of people."
"Let's get rid of poverty, baby. That's not a racial thing, though."
"The global UN sustainable development goals agenda... it's about poverty, eradicating poverty. This is the focus."
"Poverty can be eradicated; we just need the commitment of governments but also civil society."
"China has eradicated extreme poverty in their country. They have lifted like 780 million people out of poverty."
"I see the Hope in it in terms of ending poverty, ending homelessness, ending hunger around the planet with this type of Technology."
"22 billion could literally eradicate all poverty in the United States."
"Our vision is to have opportunities, security, to eradicate poverty, and to be an example for other third-world countries."
"Our campaign is to end food banks, end poverty, just as much as it is on our own wage campaign."
"Ending abject poverty is literally on the ballot in 2020."
"Andrew is running as a parent and as a patriot on values that are so dear to us as a family and so urgently important for our country."
"The only way to eradicate poverty is through sharing."
"The Chinese dream justifies policies that eradicate poverty."
"China managed to eradicate extreme poverty through deep analysis, field research, and interviews."
"China wasn't a European country that eradicated extreme poverty, it was a developing country that's done this so it's actually become a real symbol for a lot of other developing countries of like we want to emulate that."
"We shall soon, with the help of God, be in sight of the day when poverty will be banished from this land."
"Eventually, there won't be poor people as we understand it today."
"We're going to erase poverty from planet Earth people worldwide are going to be able to live in comfort and safety."
"We set our goal to 2030 to bring poverty to zero. It's possible. Nobody in the world should be a poor person."
"When President Johnson said we're going to eradicate poverty, people rallied around it."
"If everybody that has money took 2.5 percent of their wealth and redistributed it to the poorest of the people in society there would be no world hunger there would be no Global poverty."
"There are experts all around the world, and everybody agrees that we can end extreme poverty in our own lifetime."
"The world actually has a plan to end extreme poverty and tackle climate change. It's called the global goals of sustainable development."
"Eradicating extreme poverty and reversing the devastating effects of climate change are really two sides of the same coin."
"Humanity will come together during UN climate to end extreme poverty, to tackle climate change."
"If I really was dreaming of a legacy, I would love to have is being associated with the generation that ended extreme poverty globally."
"We need to look at ending global extreme poverty not as some distant, unreachable dream, but as a feasible goal that we could accomplish with global coordination."
"We are on a trajectory to end extreme poverty in our lifetime."
"The World Bank projects that extreme poverty may be nearly eradicated by 2050."
"Where everyone can afford the necessities of life and poverty has become a thing of the past."
"Socialist communities... would show we can get rid of poverty, we can have equality between men and women, that everyone can get an education."
"Star Trek is a future where replicator technology is used to cure world hunger and to make sure no one lives in poverty."
"We can continue to grow, continue to eliminate poverty, and continue to reduce global income inequalities."
"Human beings, for once, can actually eradicate poverty to great capacities, they have afforded your common human being with immense luxuries."
"Our core mission is how do we help to eradicate extreme poverty."
"We are determined to end poverty and hunger in all their forms and dimensions."
"If humanity continues to embrace some type of free enterprise capitalism, we will wipe out poverty in the 21st century across the world."
"Absolutely, poverty will become the history in China."
"The eradication of poverty and hunger is today an urgent issue."
"Global eradicating poverty remains our priority and a daunting challenge."
"We have the means to end poverty; in fact, poverty is just an anachronism in this world."
"God is about to give you an idea that will silence poverty for life in your household."
"Our vision is a world without poverty."
"If it is government policy that is blocking all of that and therefore making it impossible for us to achieve this objective of the eradication of poverty, let us change government policy."
"The big picture you're teaching: how would it benefit the affected sectors? Yes, we aim to become a high-income country by 2040, eradicating extreme poverty in the Philippines."
"Broad-based economic growth is the most powerful force the world has ever known for eradicating poverty and creating opportunity."
"By pursuing trade and commerce, we are unleashing the most powerful force the world has ever known for eradicating poverty and creating opportunity."
"Eradicating poverty all over the world."
"We can create a world without any poor person; nobody will be a poor person."
"I truly believe that teaching these communities about day-to-day and practical skills... is the key to end poverty."
"We'll have a world where not a single person will be poor."
"We can create a world where there will be no poverty... it's possible, it can be done very soon."