
Personal Investment Quotes

There are 929 quotes

"If you want to have something, it's going to take a little delayed gratification and investment on your part."
"How much are you willing to invest in your life? What are you willing to settle for, or are you not going to settle for anything short of superhuman?"
"3 years is nothing in the grand scheme of things... 6% of your life to make the other 94% of your life incredible."
"The mantra for this reading that I was getting was: Pour into yourself because you will never regret it."
"Invest time and energy on making your home a sanctuary."
"Invest in myself... upping my skills, my equipment."
"The most important thing in anything that I do is that I pour as much of myself into these projects as I possibly humanly can."
"This fight is my everything, my soul, my spirit, my mind, my body."
"Over a third of my life has been spent thinking about Kratos and what he can do. I literally have dreams about it."
"Take care of yourself. Invest in your own goals and dreams."
"Don't ever work harder for somebody else than you're gonna work for yourself."
"You as a person, that is the biggest asset that you have. So always invest into that."
"If you're moving towards your desired future self and you're investing in your future self, you're being pulled towards your future self."
"I like betting on us, betting on us with everything I have in my life, my money, and my effort."
"I still enjoy the personal investment people have in my life, and the bad stuff doesn't outweigh the good stuff."
"Ultimately, the best investment is an investment in yourself."
"Invest everything you can in you. It's tax-deductible, you never lose it, your personal appreciation will always be bigger than any other asset class."
"These competitions bring me so much joy, and they're always worth the money I invest in them."
"You have every day to live. You have every day to invest in you."
"You don't value something you inherit; you value something you have a stake in creating, in building, or knowing something about."
"Invest in health and performance because it dramatically adds the number of potent years to your life."
"Investing in your own education, especially your financial education, is the single investment that will help you get better returns on every other investment class."
"Please be careful with who you are investing your time, energy, love, and affection into."
"I bought both of these drones with my own money."
"If you're going to spend a huge amount of money on something, at least with the Peloton, you're investing that money into yourself and your health."
"Trump's shares in DJT, it's really a share in Donald Trump himself as a person; the company doesn't matter."
"If you do what you're actually interested in, you'll put in the extra time because no matter what you do nowadays, it's really competitive."
"You're going to make an investment in yourself because you're going to find a style that you will like for many, many years."
"It's your business, it's your livelihood, it's your life."
"You're gonna get out of it what you put into it. It's not a get-rich-quick scheme."
"This is just indescribable, man. I'm excited. It's insane. The energy is like nothing we've ever seen before."
"You can't carry the relationship all on your own. It requires both people's effort."
"Revenge is about something that has already happened, and when you are trying to achieve vengeance, you are investing your everything into a venture that will lead you to no benefit at the end."
"The best investment that you can make is not in real estate, not in stocks, not in your business, it's in yourself."
"Investing into online courses...if you're looking for a specific result and you know you have something that you want to accomplish, then taking $500 and investing that into your education, into just getting past a lot of the hurdles that many people get stuck on, like if there's an online course that satisfies that, then why wouldn't you want to invest $500 into something that's going to save you time, frustration, failures."
"Making long-term investments in your life makes you happy."
"I am the asset you are building, and I am satisfied with the effort you put in, and that is enough."
"You Elon Musk are addicted to Twitter... you just bought yourself for 44 billion dollars."
"If you want to stand up for something, have some skin in the game."
"So we came up with the Barstool Fund. I put 500,000 of my own money in, solicited donations from people I know who may be wealthy."
"Bitcoin is a decision to believe in yourself. It is a decision to believe in the future that you can create. It is a decision to believe in this world that we are emerging into."
"Protecting my brand is definitely a priority."
"Sometimes I feel like actually investing in really good brands will change your life."
"This job is what you put into it, you'll definitely reap what you sow here."
"Buying a new guitar will trigger two months of creative activity."
"Pay for it...having that money taken out of my bank account."
"Financially, to you, cryptocurrency is more valuable than anything else you'll ever do in your entire life."
"Being a small business owner is [ __ ] hard, it feels really close to your heart."
"It's the people's currency... the more money of it more of my money I'm putting into like this account."
"You're gonna see the benefits of hard work that you put in this October."
"If you invest in yourself, nobody can take it away from you."
"You need to take yourself seriously, realize your worth, and realize that everything to do with you is all an investment into your future."
"Prioritize what you're giving your time to and who you grind for."
"The most valuable thing you will ever buy with money is you will buy back the rest of your life."
"Invest in yourself, invest daily, invest weekly, invest monthly, whatever you can do."
"Traveling is just the best investment you'll ever make spending money on."
"I truly care about this thing, the community, and all that."
"Getting people invested in your personality is a great place to start."
"Was it worth it spending all this money on all these college apps? 100,000% yes."
"Honestly, it's an honor for me to be able to react to this after she's obviously invested so much time into me and my channel."
"It's more important to invest in yourself in developing the skills and the knowledge than it is in the hardware."
"It's okay to sweat about the things that you love."
"I may get it lasered off and re-engraved, and it's gonna cost me [ __ ] you know 100 or whatever, but yeah."
"Give your best to the one you got and if you can't give him your best and he's going elsewhere then you can't blame him."
"And of all the things you can plant, the most important is a little bit of yourself."
"These memberships are designed to be an investment in yourself."
"Investing in traveling is worth every penny."
"I genuinely believe I made a good investment here."
"One of the first luxury brands he bought was Christian Dior."
"Do I invest my time and energy in this person or not?"
"Investing in understanding yourself is worth it."
"It's so exciting to see people that are so excited about preserving history, you know they're about a bar from 150 years ago so I just want to say thank you all so so much for following on this journey."
"When we invest in ourselves, our glow, our vision, our vibe, we all shine together."
"Be discerning, be picky, be mindful of what you invest your time and energy in this month."
"Some of you guys are gonna be starting a new job new hobby I see for you guys that you guys are going through like a glow up um right now you may be called to just invest in yourself a little bit more."
"It's clear at this point she was becoming far too invested in the persona and it was becoming dangerous."
"I remember running home from school with the money I saved up just to get a copy of Mario Galaxy."
"Don't be afraid to put the work into something."
"Sometimes art's hard, especially when it's something you care about."
"I realized that it's a huge sort of passion project."
"You can drastically improve yourself and have a much better life if you invest those f's into yourself."
"I don't want to lose my crown, I worked hard for this crown."
"I started off giving him my everything and not being appreciated."
"Don't be afraid to get very invested in people's lives, not at the expense of your own prayer and your own relationship with Jesus."
"Investing in yourself and your business is incredibly important to growth."
"Manifesting dreams: buying a home, stocks, entrepreneurship."
"I think not to get too much on SpaceX, but like, that was my... I six months ago invested in SpaceX, like my biggest investment ever."
"Every single watch collector should own or at least strive to own at some point if they do take the hobby seriously."
"Invest in yourself and get some quality headphones... Those cheap $20, $30 ones, those are trash when you compare them to these."
"Canceling your Netflix and reallocating that Netflix time towards something more productive will give you one of the best ROIs on any investment that you can make."
"Thanks for five dollars for telling me I missed the boat on MP. Like, I never feel bad about that. I'm happy you got in lower and made money."
"Charles and Joey put their life into that house they built their house Brick by Brick and someone just burnt it down."
"Money is you transferring your time, your energy, but also your efficiency, your intelligence into a thing."
"It's really hard to not see this as a compelling value... It's not a $500 bare bones kit. My most expensive board to date is my KBD75 V2, I paid a grand total of $235 for the kit."
"They are very much willing to put the effort in with you."
"Having your own bank account, investing your money, preparing for your future is one of the best gifts you can give yourself."
"Trust your heart, invest in what excites and opens up your mind."
"The world is broken, so yes, 10 I would bet my bottom dollar over the next five years will be the real inflation rate."
"Collect or invest in what you enjoy, invest in the cards that you think look great, not the cards that the rest of the hobby slash industry think are great."
"Invest in what brings you joy, not just what others hype."
"Tom Brady touts cryptocurrency investment and says he's a big believer."
"I'm really excited about this and I so badly want it to do well."
"I care about it, so for me, it's more like passion projects."
"Your health is worth at least a billion dollars, and we should act like it."
"Deepen friendships and invest in healthy female relationships."
"Narcissistic relationships take up everything, they become a full-time job."
"No one else bought you so give yourself the care and the attention that you need and firm yourself."
"I've personally invested so much in the outcome of this match, I've changed my entire life around. So for me, this victory is so valuable."
"Winners it's like you want me to just like dedicate my life to monkey suit."
"The only really great founders are like, I am going to literally pour everything into doing this."
"It's an investment in yourself. If music is your hobby and you have no delusions of grandeur, you're right."
"That whole sequence had a serious passion project feel to it."
"YouTube makes a lot of these creators ask themselves, 'What is it worth it for me to pour time into this passion project I have?'"
"Just like we think of investing our money into assets that compound, we can also think of investing our energy into projects that compound."
"For me, therapy is so much more valuable than an Hermes bag any day of the week."
"You have to care. You have to be interested in it even obsessed in it."
"We're fighting tooth and nail, investing in ourselves and our future, because we believe in our story and in helping others succeed."
"Sometimes you have to put sacrifice forward to get what you want out of life."
"Self-care is so important, and is just crucial to invest in yourself."
"Skin in the game, that's what nationalism needs."
"I'm very excited about it, I've been working on it for over two years now."
"Invest in your currency. When you do what you love, you invest in your currency."
"People are always intrigued by greatness. Invest in your currency."
"If you're somebody that is buying at the track, you turn your own wrenches, you have a shop, you have the money, you have the time, this could be a very exciting car to own."
"Bet on yourself guys, invest in yourself, believe in yourself, you got this."
"He's putting a substantial chunk of his vast fortune on the line to save free speech in America. This is a narrative conservatives love."
"Invest in you because if you don't, who the hell else is gonna?"
"The more time and effort you put into it, the better your results are going to be."
"I almost feel like her car is a little bit sharper right now. She feels really invested."
"I'm willing to give my share, I'm willing to invest more because you're worth it."
"Thank you guys so much for believing in me. Thank you so much for anyone who does pick up a training program. I put my heart and soul into them. It's full of love, and I hope you guys can feel that too."
"Now my reason for owning Google stock aside from the fact that they pay me a lot of money as a YouTube creator, is the fact that I am very bullish on the digital advertising space."
"You know how valuable something is by what you're willing to pay for it."
"This game is a reflection of the incredible and passionate team that made it, all of them putting something special of themselves into it."
"If I'm going to put in this many hours of time and dedication into something, I want to get something out of it."
"Invest in yourself, it has the highest return."
"Invest in yourself, you will thank me for it."
"The greatest investment you will ever make is one in yourself."
"The best non-financial investment that you've ever made? Probably just being healthy."
"The best investment I ever did was I invested in myself."
"The amount of effort that you put into it is what you're going to get out of it."
"Anyone can become a millionaire. All you need is time and the right financial education."
"Be discerning about how you invest your time and energy."
"I know I'm not always going to be right, but I'm still going to continue to invest based on my own research and my own level of conviction."
"Stuff that we put work into, we value more highly."
"If you're not even willing to take the most basic things and go, you know what, I'm gonna do something else with my money, I'm gonna put my money where my mouth is."
"Prioritize yourself and invest in your happiness."
"I think Sid Wilson probably puts more thought and care into his masks than any other member in Slipknot."
"At the end of the day, when I want to retire, everything I do today is gonna benefit me later. Do something today that your future self will thank you for."
"You're gonna have causes that you're really passionate about and that's where most of your money and time goes."
"You do a lot to show people love and give people their flowers, you extend yourself on your dime."
"Buy things that are going to benefit you in the long run."
"You need to put effort into it, it rewards your time. But why would I put my time into a learning process I either don't enjoy, don't learn from, or don't understand?"
"It's worth every dollar and every hour I worked on it."
"At the end of the day, if somebody buys into it and feels comfortable with it, it's your money to do with it what you will."
"Put more energy into yourself than other people."
"What matters is that it's something that you are giving your energy to, that you are giving a real shot at working, and that you truly care about."
"ADA is one of my best investments. Love the fundamentals."
"I sold my Rolex chain and bought studio equipment."
"It's nice meeting someone who puts in an effort."
"I think as long as you are in a relationship there are a certain amount of effort you should be putting in because otherwise it's just doomed to fail and kind of like sabotaging it off the get-go."
"I felt that if I was going to pour a huge part of my time and my energy into something I knew I was gonna need to jump in."
"Your time is non-fungible, you have to be selective in whom you invest that time."
"You get back what you put in into whatever it is you desire to do."
"Sleep better. And it's much harder than you think. Work at it. It's worth the investment."
"Be willing to take risks and invest in yourself."
"I've been trying to buy my own bank for the longest."
"But in exchange for our blood and our sweat and our tears and our effort, we need your support."
"But it's about really what you're putting into it."
"Pick something, dedicate your time to it, and then grow your account with it."
"I found myself more invested in this story than I've ever been in a Diablo game."
"I'm sorry, it's your opinion on abortion is not as valid as somebody who is willing to have some skin in the game."
"Invest in your strength and muscle now with the same sort of vigor that people invest in their retirement accounts."
"It was a feeling of, 'Where did my four years of my life go?'"
"Work and invest in yourself and you'll be glad you did."
"I've been the best one hundred and fifty nine dollars that I have spent on anything van life."
"I think romance is the effort you put in with someone. It's not a thing that you just do on the spot."
"It's not just the songs you're talking about because we put so much of ourselves in the [__]."
"It requires involvement, investment, time, research."
"That's why I put so much into this and like nothing else, I have all these other things in these big offices, it's cool but nothing means more than that belt wrapped around my waist, nothing."
"My first three months, I'm gonna grind my hours to pay for my next album and mortgage."
"Your body didn't improve, but your bank account depleted."
"Invest in your truth, Cancer. Invest in your truth. You can't go wrong."
"The strategies that we have developed, the time invested, discipline involved, and the sacrifices we made cannot be bought with money."
"What have you spent a hundred, three hundred, five hundred, a thousand dollars or more on in the last several years?"
"I'm putting all my eggs in the Dune basket this year."
"Henderson took it personally about the team because he is one of those characters."
"There's an element of ownership that people like to have over content."
"I really want to start a family here with the ten of Pentacles energy. I've invested a lot of time in this connection, I'm ready for this."
"Pour into yourself before you pour into other people."
"Because I cannot let this person fall through the cracks because of the lackluster mediocre were of the other people involved I just cannot let that happen on my time I can't let that happen I'm too invested I care too much."
"When you run a business, you are actually building equity in your business. All that effort and creativity you pour in, you get to reap those rewards."
"You just have to believe in yourself enough to bank on yourself."
"It's like everything, you get out what you put in."
"You've put a lot of blood sweat and tears into that and I respected it."
"I actually was pretty invested in the story."
"My money's so long like... the work I'm putting in now is for the future generations."
"Someone could finally be making an investment in you... someone can't hold back."
"If I wasn't interested in the topics that I spoke about, if I wasn't invested in it, if I didn't think I had something to say, then I probably wouldn't have the tolerance to talk about it for half an hour in multiple videos."
"The right man chooses me, invests in me, makes effort in me."