
Pace Of Life Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"It's impossible to be mindful and conscious in your life when you have a fast pace."
"The soul likes useless things, and useless things should be done slowly because you're meant to savor them."
"Black care can rarely catch up to a rider whose pace is fast enough."
"It's an extraordinary time to be alive and as things rush forwards at an ever increasing pace technology just keeps on expanding to fill up our time and fix our problems."
"It caused me to realize I need to slow down and think a little bit more."
"Moving a little too fast... widening inequality... that is something that is happening."
"The month of June it's going to be very powerful it's not gonna be slow it's going to be very fast-paced that's what's coming through I'm seeing that you guys are going to be moving forward."
"You're feeling like things are going kind of fast here."
"God, just help us to slow down, to walk with you slowly enough to love you fully, to love people deeply."
"Sometimes we need a slower pace. It helps us navigate the way and see things we wouldn't rushing."
"It's more about making friends. There's no reason to go a million miles an hour."
"Things are gonna pick up, the pace will pick up."
"Everything happens so very much more quickly now."
"Everybody kind of has the same pace of thought and culture and life."
"Do whatever you want to do and go at your own pace."
"Things have been moving at all time slow, but they're about to speed up."
"The pace is what kept me blinded from the bleeding in my soul."
"The pace of life is hectic; we are forced to react and adapt at great speed to a world of increasing complexity."
"I started to feel like I'd rather have more time to just live slower."
"Life takes on a whole new pace once we incorporate that slower mindset."
"I don't even think I could go back to living in a subdivision to be honest. It's just a palpably different pace of life, the quality of life is higher."
"Time moves a little bit slower in Tasmania, and that's the way they like it."
"Copenhagen is ranked one of the happiest cities in the world for its relaxed pace of life and liberal social attitudes."
"I'm just trying to gain footing where I can, but it all seems like it moves so fast."
"The pace of life is inextricably increasing because of this super linear behavior."
"People moved slowly then, they ambled across the square, shuffled in and out of the stores around it, took their time about everything. A day was twenty-four hours long, but seemed longer."
"I encourage everyone to step a bit slower, like slow down. That's the key."
"The faster we run, the bigger our need to slow down and just to sit down and go within."
"Life's just fast these days, you know, and sometimes you need to slow down."
"It's about people's tenderness and about their sense that the world will not slow down for them."
"Life just goes a little slower, everything's a little less stressful."
"The more things speed up, the more I need to slow down."
"I'm trying to make something that's a little slower paced and is built for longevity."
"That slow pace life actually allowed me to get to know people on a more personal level."
"Maybe this is God trying to tell you to slow down."
"The pace of life is a little slower here, it's a little more relaxed, way more relaxed than most parts of Thailand."
"The volatility of what's going on in our lives is at so much faster pace than anything that we're ever accustomed to."
"Slow down, everyone's in a hurry to get to a future where one day they don't have to be in a hurry."
"The world is going at such a crazy pace, and it's all of our responsibility to look after each other."
"I think by slowing my pace down and working on relationships with people who are mentally impaired... it saved my marriage."
"My life was so fast-paced... I wish I knew these tools now and how to slow down and just be able to be present."
"The pace of change has never been as fast as it is today, and yet it will never again be this slow."
"Time is moving so fast, especially in LA."
"You know Birmingham is a good place, and I don't mean just the weather either. The life is slower, the people are friendlier."
"The Bali Bali culture... literally means 'faster, faster' and it's become the modern metric for living at South Korea."
"We aren't fighting for survival anymore; we don't need to run at this pace."
"The most salient characteristic of life in this latter portion of the 19th century is speed."
"Everything moves faster and faster, and you can either go with that or not, but that's fun."
"Life moves pretty fast, and this world was no exception."
"It's knowing when to be fast and when to be slow."
"We've been moving so fast, taking it all in."
"It's relaxed when you want it to be, it can be more fast-paced if you want it to be, everything's fun, there's always something going on."
"People get addicted to violence, fast scenes, things going really, really rapidly."
"Life is coming at us fast these days."
"It's been a bit refreshing and slower pace."
"You have to slow down, we move so fast."
"I really found it interesting. You know, for some people, I guess they rather the fast-paced things."
"There's something to that New York minute, you know."
"We are wired for racing through things, all of us who are sort of moving at this speed need to experiment a little bit with what it feels like to just slow down to the speed that things take."
"It's a much different pace of life than Los Angeles."
"Ever since the New Year, life may be feeling like it's just moving so quickly, almost like you're keeping up but keeping up has kind of felt like running a marathon."
"The slower you go, the more flowers you see."
"We do not need to be rushing about the way that we are. We are our salvations."
"We do not need to be rushing about the way that we are. We do not need to be hurting people the way that we are."
"We keep going and going and we don't know when to just slow down and appreciate."
"Slow down, everyone slow down, just slow down."
"Sometimes you got to slow it down."
"Slow down, tutored by technology, we become reactive, we become transactional."
"I was moving too fast. I wasn't taking enough time for myself."
"It moves fast, you know what I mean? Like, you don't have time to hate anything."
"Life is so quick right now, or seems to be so quick."
"I really enjoyed that," he said. "It was a welcome offer to a more sedate pace, but I don't even have my license yet because I'm underage."
"Life's are moving a lot faster than usual lately."
"I feel like the world just moves way too fast."
"Everything goes super fast, but you got to get that good foundation laid."
"Slow down... appreciate the slowness and to just not live life so fast."
"When the pace of life becomes too hectic, know to slow down, be mindful, and go with the flow."
"The world has gotten smaller and smaller and faster and faster, and it's a mind-exploding period."