
Disagreement Quotes

There are 3640 quotes

"I don't agree with them, I don't agree with them, I don't agree with them, I do agree with them, but I don't want to silence any of them."
"To say that a woman is then not deserving of love or attention from a man because of that... I need to disagree."
"You can respect somebody and not agree with everything that they say."
"I kind of like when we disagree so much that we end up agreeing, and it ends up good."
"I'm always happy to have civil dialogue with people, whether I agree with them or disagree with them."
"We have to come to a place in our country where it's okay to agree to disagree."
"I think above all, what I'm happy about is that we were able to have a civil dialogue and express those disagreements without yelling, without insults... I think that's the only way that this works."
"It's best when you don't agree because then you form an opinion and you get passionate about it."
"Disagreement is not harassment. When you have a company that the existence of the company is in direct service of pushing an agenda and people say 'I don't want your agenda,' you're not being harassed, you're being disagreed with."
"We don't hate you, we just think you're wrong."
"I understand your position perfectly, I got it, I can explain it better than you and I still think it doesn't make any sense."
"Men don't argue. If we don't agree, then we don't even need to be talking."
"I love cheese, Connor, and you've been disparaging cheese for the last 45 minutes."
"We're not going to always agree, but we don't want to tear each other down."
"You're entitled to your opinion, even when it's obviously wrong."
"Poll after poll shows that most Americans vehemently disagree with this."
"Not everyone can be infallible and omniscient and correct about everything; there's got to be room for respectful disagreement."
"You know I don't agree with anything you said, but you are pretty funny. That's like the best compliment I can hope for."
"I don't disrespect people that disagree, and I certainly understand people's rights and concerns."
"Before we set up a debate on Team USA versus the world, we got to develop a criteria because, like we said, we can't agree on nothing on this show."
"When someone tells me their opinion as fact, that gets my back up. I have an issue with that."
"Even if we disagree on things, I believe in civility."
"Conversations are what's likely to produce change, particularly conversations between people that don't automatically agree on the most significant issues."
"I think it's important to kind of communicate and talk to people you disagree with politically."
"My favorite conversations sometimes are with people I disagree with."
"No one is completely right. I think sometimes the only option is to agree to disagree on certain things and respect the other person's opinion."
"We disagree, we debate, but there's no reason we can't still be friends."
"It's always good to disagree and have opinions; that's what the channel's been built upon, but be respectful."
"Not everybody's gonna articulate the way you... It's not going to be some like two smart people just sitting there being like, 'Well, I humbly disagree, sir.'"
"Not everyone who disagrees with you is a pedo, and not everyone who agrees with you is necessarily a great person."
"You should hope that you can see the future and have a very strong opinion about it, but that everybody else disagrees with you."
"It's important to have reasonable disagreements."
"Listen with an open mind. Allow for disagreements. See the perspective that I am coming from."
"These conversations were some of the most stimulating that we've had on the Sunday Special, specifically because there was disagreement and good-natured disagreement about the biggest issues in life."
"Be willing to reach out in friendship and in love to the people across from you, be willing to embrace the people you disagree with."
"The issue isn't that we disagree with each other; the issue is we think the other side is evil."
"We can disagree on issues, sometimes forcefully so. That's how mature people do it."
"You're not my enemy because we disagree, and I shouldn't be yours if we disagree."
"We may disagree on X, Y, and Z, but because of the overarching umbrella, we are here for each other."
"May we rest in that more than we rest in our desire to avoid disagreement."
"For a formal situation, you might say, 'I'm sorry, but I have to disagree.'"
"The expression 'Yeah, no' means 'I heard your suggestion, thought about it, no.'"
"There's been no end of the conflict; both sides do not agree with the other side's conclusion."
"The idea that the husband owns the wife in such a way that she's almost like a piece of property... is something that I disagree with."
"Just because you don't agree with someone doesn't mean you can't work together."
"You will not be able to grow intellectually until you surround yourself with people you disagree with."
"Why do they always have to do this? Why? It's like god forbid people watch something that they disagree with."
"Disagreement is acceptable, disrespect is not."
"I think people are allowed to listen to people that they might not agree with."
"I understand why that person made the decision that they made, even though I think I disagree with it. That's such a much more evolved and important way of phrasing your feelings about someone and their actions."
"It is possible to engage people that you dramatically disagree with in opinions in productive conversations."
"We all have different qualities, but learn from everyone, and sometimes you learn most from those that disagree with you and even from your enemy because they'll teach you a perspective you'll never come to on your own."
"We don't have to agree on everything, but we do have to love one another."
"It's not because I disagree with something that somebody said that I have to dislike them."
"It's important to assess disagreements on a point by point basis rather than just putting people into camps."
"I can have a conversation with somebody I completely disagree with, and my feelings don't get hurt because I don't need them to believe what I believe in order for me to believe."
"Letting friends be wrong is crucial for maintaining valuable relationships."
"Being able to disagree with someone without it being some sort of like a personal attack just doesn't exist anymore."
"It's for two people to state their point of views; if they come into agreement, cool, but if not, just say what you mean and mean what you say."
"Just because you disagree with somebody doesn't mean you hate them."
"Let's agree to disagree on this issue and we can still be a family."
"Disagreement is good; logical, honest disagreement furthers a discussion."
"As scientists, we're trained to not agree with each other. Actually, and being a friend of Neil's, that's a big thing with him, is just not to agree."
"You've got to be able to co-exist with people with whom you disagree in the same society."
"How are we ever going to make progress as a country if we cannot sit with people we disagree with?"
"You can sit down with a person that maybe doesn't share the same opinions with you and you can talk things out and maybe disagree but be polite to each other."
"Don't feel the need to agree with people. You can still have a civilized debate."
"I don't want to fight with you; I just want to spar with you."
"Everybody will be partisan on this, let's face it."
"The number one sign of intelligence in 2023 is the ability to disagree on issues and stay civil."
"Disagreement doesn't necessarily mean intolerance or hate."
"I've got a bone to pick with you. Why can I not have shirts that have sleeves?"
"I speak with people who disagree with me on a regular basis, and frankly, I kind of find it more fun. It's more interesting."
"It's totally fine that language is complicated and it's even fine that we have disagreements on what words mean."
"I really appreciate talking to people that disagree, so I thank you for having me."
"The fact that we disagree on a few things, I think that's actually quite healthy and quite good."
"I'm not asking them to agree with me; I'm just saying they shouldn't be able to be on this campus if they don't agree with me."
"Civility is not about not fighting. Civility is not about agreeing. The issue is how we disagree."
"Righteous people sometimes have arguments. Good people can disagree."
"Respect everyone, we all live in a community, we all live in a world and not everyone's gonna agree with each other but you still have to respect them because we're all people and we all deserve that."
"There has to be a way for people to be able to disagree but also to get things wrong and to recover from that."
"I don't hate you, I just disagree with your opinions."
"I believe we are both from a tradition in which we believe that honorable disagreement is important and it is essential to society functioning well."
"A truthful disagreement is always better than a collective illusion."
"Even if we're going to have an interesting conversation, I'm going to have disagreements in this debate perhaps, but I'm not going to sit here and insult anybody."
"At the end of the day, bro, I have to disagree with you."
"We don't agree on sex, we don't agree on basic foundational questions of whether a girl is a boy."
"We can have our political disagreements, sometimes even yell and get very heated, but still walk offstage and not wish any ill upon each other."
"You can have disagreements in a respectful way that actually improves everyone's knowledge and understanding of something."
"A fact is something that can be independently verified through other means. You cannot 'agree to disagree' when a fact is stated."
"It's not you don't have to agree, that's part of the discussion."
"My entire contention with you was saying it was creepy."
"You can be a friend to someone, you can support someone, you don't necessarily have to agree with everything that they do."
"The power of two in agreement can do more than two million in discord."
"The whole nature of a relationship is that there are going to be things that you disagree on or that you value differently."
"Clarity before agreement. Where we disagree, it's important to see why we disagree and what those disagreements are."
"One of us is wrong. I think it's you, but I hope it's me. Good luck, our future is in your hands now."
"You can disagree with someone and still have the utmost respect for them."
"It's always a community of people who support and a community of people who disagree."
"It's an achievement for me to sit with someone who disagrees with me."
"We all disagree, and it's so long as we can have a conversation, we're in good company."
"Economic data is plentiful, but that doesn't mean that economists agree about where the economy is, where it's going, or what should be done to help."
"You are a mother with an opinion. I'm a pediatrician with education and an opinion as well."
"We need to preserve the possibility of good faith disagreement without dire professional consequences."
"We just had a really awesome conversation. We disagreed on a lot of things, and I'm sure a lot of you disagreed with both of us, and probably agreed on some things. But man, I gotta say, if that's the kind of conversations we could have, then we're good."
"Just because one of us is wrong doesn't mean the other one is right."
"I disagree with the way that interpretation has been interpreted."
"If you think I'm wrong, please be sure to give me specific examples of how I am wrong, girlfriend."
"At the end of the day, if he feels like I'm wrong, then he can get on his platform and say that I'm wrong."
"If we as Christians could just gather as a church and say we're going to love people we actively disagree with..."
"I disagreed wholeheartedly with your characterization it's not true Mr Brooks."
"I don't want Star Trek, you do. So I get it."
"If you don't agree with what they want, it means you're a bad person."
"We passionately disagree and we're best friends."
"It was a source of pride that we could disagree intensely and be friends."
"It's okay to debate, it's okay to disagree, and you don't have to demonize people's character because they think differently." - Megan Kelly
"The left basically uses its newfound power to call for crackdowns on everybody they disagree with."
"I actually enjoy sometimes talking with people with whom I disagree."
"Don't let hatred blind you, be just, even with those you disagree with."
"If the answer is more government control, we part ways."
"You can disagree with someone and not hate them."
"It promises to be an interactive experience like nothing we've ever seen before."
"Things get a little crazy when you disagree with them or you speak out against something that they hold very dear."
"You guys don't understand... What if it's something you don't agree with and you're trying to understand that point of view?"
"With respect to each and every one of these people and their freedoms, I believe you'll just have to end up leaving."
"Now i'm not a master of eclipse so this could be somewhat wrong i'm sure some people would disagree with some of the placements i have here this is just when i feel off of my personal opinion and watching other people play."
"If you can't respect each other's opinions, that isn't a relationship."
"No, I think Ryan Hillier was wrong for suggesting that or stating that in his tweets." - Viva Frei
"Hey, we can still be friends. We can still disagree. That's allowed."
"You're allowed to disagree with me or with each other. Doesn't mean because we don't see eye to eye that we can't also respect each other as well."
"Yeah, the developer side of things... most like heartbreaking."
"We have literally ended with 'we're going to agree to disagree' and that's okay too."
"Individuals do. Disagreement is not discrimination."
"It's okay to disagree with people's decisions."
"When did sitting down with someone that you might disagree with become so rare? It's actually kind of sad."
"Ability to have this sort of window of Tolerance to disagree with people to argue it out but still be able to have a discussion."
"He's what we call... I don't think he's a bad faith actor, I disagree with that."
"The knee jerk reaction to censor people you disagree with has been absolutely terrible."
"I’m not interested in like, uncritical dunking of takes I vaguely disagree with."
"Love is not always about agreeing just for the sake of it."
"Chomsky was completely dismissive indeed contemptuous of anyone who argued about the likely conspiracy behind the assassination of John Kennedy."
"Sometimes the highest form of love is disagreement."
"People don't understand... you don't have to hate that person because you don't agree with everything they say."
"I don't think what either of you do is wrong, it's just you guys have different opinions on what's right for YouTube."
"You have no right to prevent me from saying what I think even if you disagree and you definitely don't have a right to commit violence against me."
"I prefer clarity to agreement. Don't try to win an argument, just try to establish where we differ."
"At the end, there will always be some people who agree with you and some people who disagree with you."
"No matter how much I disagree with someone, I don't think I have the right to hurt or to damage the normal daily life of other people."
"They managed to do it but yeah they do say they weren't an axis I'm sorry it just doesn't make any sense there's no way you could say that not an axis but I'm sure some people would disagree."
"We've got to get back in this country that we can look at each other and agree to disagree and work through our differences."
"You're not allowed to disagree with the left."
"Question the logic of others isn't disrespectful."
"We agree, disagree, and we're civil about it."
"Humans don't always agree on everything, and we could be respectful about one another."
"Let's remember that disagreements are the oxygen of democracy."
"You can fight with people, disagree with them, and still keep trying."
"The world has stopped understanding the beauty of hanging out with your friends who you disagree with."
"When I disagree with you, I'm not saying you're a horrible person. I'm disagreeing with your ideas because I love you."
"I'm gonna tell you and I think you're not gonna like my answer."
"It's amazing how quickly they become incredibly intolerant once they find out that you don't agree with them on every single tiny little thing."
"Acceptance is about loving everybody, not agreement."
"Just because somebody disagrees with the method that you're willing to do doesn't mean they're an enemy of yours."
"For those of you who do believe we don't hate you we just think you're wrong."
"If I'm saying something that you disagree with, cut me off right away."
"You can dislike something and still respect it."
"Every time there's somebody I disagree with, you guys assume that every single thing they're saying is wrong or bad."
"What if they're not afraid? What if they just disagree? And they think, you know, because gender has no basis in biology, about sex?"
"We can agree to disagree on certain issues, but fundamentally when it comes to democracy and normalcy, we need to band together."
"You don't have to either get behind or hate. There is a middle ground where you can disagree but not hate."
"I think he's right, sorry pops, but at the end of the day, please don't listen to the Tom argument."
"That's the point here. We have convictions. He has convictions."
"Agree to disagree without becoming disagreeable."
"When you see an idea you disagree with, you can get angry or you can learn."
"It's good to get that message; they may not all agree, but at least I've tried, right?"
"Everyone has an opinion, everyone's entitled to one. You may or may not agree with my opinion or another person in the comments, and feel free to express your own opinions."
"We have to be able to have reasonable good faith dialogue about things we disagree about."
"The vast majority of Americans disagree with the fundamental idea here."
"I like not agreeing with people but still getting along."
"Sheamus and I can disagree on the issue, you know, every day, and we laugh together and we hang out together."
"We can all disagree sometimes but we still love each other, right?"
"We prefer to live in reality with Tim Ryan. I don't think Tim Ryan lives in reality, but he says he does. And if you're going to disregard that reality we have no reason to go along with you."
"I want you to admit that you were wrong about this, James."
"Just because I don't like what you said doesn't mean you're not my friend."
"I don't agree with the verdict, okay? And so, I've got to disagree with the sentence."
"There's a huge difference between 'I disagree with this thing therefore I will oppose it' and 'I disagree with this thing because it doesn't seem like the right road to go down, but as long as we're here anyway, I'll respect it.'"
"Just because you disagree with someone doesn't make them sub-human."
"Thanks for the conversation as per usual. We don't have to agree, that's absolutely fine. That's what the community is all about."
"Just because we don't agree on something, it doesn't mean we have to fall out."
"If you tell people they're wrong, that doesn't make them wrong. That makes you wrong for telling them they're wrong. Don't you understand that? He doesn't get it."
"We can disagree with someone's ideas and thoughts and we can work to correct them and help them learn without having to turn into an all-out war against a person"
"There's no such thing as free ice cream. I have to disagree with you."
"Do you agree with it? No, I disagree with the concept of VAR."
"I thoroughly and heartily disagree with that premise, I really do."
"I absolutely hope you fail in implementing every measure that is on the record."
"If anyone disagrees with Don, they're crazy according to him."
"I really don't like that I can't disagree... without being called something and canceled."
"I vote I'm, no I don't. I don't agree with it. She talking about my affair? I hate her, I just don't like it."
"To assume good faith of people, even with people like I disagree."
"If Republicans actually advocated for what they claim they advocate for, I would still disagree with them."
"Everybody who disagrees, well it's not for you don't watch it then."