
Life Control Quotes

There are 378 quotes

"Take control of your life by stopping doing the things that make you unhappy and start doing the things that would make you feel joyful."
"Never let your circumstances dictate the outcome of your life. You can dictate the outcome of your life because you're the captain of your soul."
"You are in charge of your life at all moments."
"Take action, grab your life by the balls, and live the life that you have always dreamed of."
"Ownership of your life... That's the power of having financial freedom."
"Never let a situation or circumstance define your life, no matter what it may be."
"The power of choice in your life. Yes, you get to choose your life, you get to choose how you feel, not other people."
"Be the creator of your life and not be stuck in the program."
"You're really becoming the magician of your own life."
"If you are unhappy in any aspect of your life, make changes. You are in control of your own life."
"At the end of the day, self-respect is about who controls your happiness in life."
"Every coincidence, every opportunity informs them that they are the creator of their life, and now the game starts to change."
"In the pursuit of love and passion, remember that what consumes your mind controls your life."
"Focus on you and also, you know, don't let anybody else control your life."
"Determination, resilience, robustness... I figured out that I could actually control and create the life that I actually want to live in."
"When you jump off the merry-go-round, you can actually watch what goes around in circles; when you watch what goes around in circles, pretty much you have control of your life."
"While we can know that God is ultimately in control of our lives, we don't know the details and we can't see what He's up to."
"Grab that steering wheel of life and change it around."
"You do have control over your life, just in case you weren't aware. Some people don't know that they can make decisions and some people don't know that they can like change things about their life."
"Ultimately, this comes down to a question of rights. And who, if anyone, controls our lives."
"The spiritual world is the controlling arena of everything."
"Seize this moment and start to be a real creator of your own life."
"Taking control of your own decisions expands your ability to influence how your life unfolds."
"We encourage you to sit in the driver's seat of your own life put your hands on the steering wheel steer your own life."
"Your entire life has been nothing but an attempt to exert control, but you only have the illusion of control."
"Success is not money, success is feeling like you are the boss of your own life."
"You have the power to fully take control of your life."
"if i'm given the choice between a who wants to control my life and a who doesn't want to control my life i will always pick the who doesn't want to control my life"
"Your character is the sum total of your choices. While you don't control all the circumstances in your life, you do control your choices."
"Your life is in your hands; the government shouldn't be controlling your life."
"Do everything you can to create a scenario in your life where you have control of it."
"The song is about meeting the pale light of day and accepting your particular life but taking charge of it at the same time."
"I feel I am not under conscious control of my life, my body, or time and space."
"Discipline is freedom that's it. That's [__] it and once you do that you know you can do anything you want."
"Life is so much better, happier, freer when we stop fighting invisible monsters, when we stop resisting, and instead look to master that little piece of life that is ours to control."
"Epigenetics is our controllable variable. It empowers us to influence our own health and experience of life."
"The Holy Spirit's jealous he will not let you sit on the throne of your life."
"This was the first time I felt in charge of my life."
"Your life is your movie and you are now directing that movie consciously."
"Turn the page, get off the ride, you are the author of the book of your life."
"How much of our life really is in our control and how much is really passed down?"
"Shaping your own life becomes your ultimate freedom."
"Life goes by wasted when you let others control it."
"I feel like I'm in control of my business career. I feel like I'm in control of my love life. I'm madly in love, and I am not in control of my weight and how my weight is playing out in my life and the happiness around it."
"Setting and achieving goals is a great way to take control of your life."
"Embrace the present moment, for it is the only one we truly have control over."
"We can move along time's length, see the future, and alter it as we so desire."
"I think a lot of people are taking back control of their lives and their own stories."
"I am the architect of my own life. I can attract whatever I design into my life."
"Provoke ideas. Don't wait for them to happen."
"The unplugged alpha has full control of their life."
"It's you and only you who have the choice and the power in your life."
"If you don't get your [ __ ] together someone else is going to control your life for you."
"I realized that I am the director of my own movie."
"What controls your attention controls your life."
"One of the things that makes her feel most successful in life is her ability to have control over her schedule."
"Take control of your life, man, take control."
"People who just assume that your whole life, you get to be in control of your home, your intimate life, your children, how you're going to raise your children. Once you go through a divorce, that now brings in the courts to dictate that."
"No longer want you're no longer trying to control your life or predict it."
"You are very much the master of your own destiny."
"You have to take 100% responsibility for your life."
"You don't have to go through life with life just happening to you."
"Your life is like a movie. You're the director, you choose what happens."
"We are all puppets to fate, controlling our actions."
"You literally have a higher power over your life. Just focus on what you need to do and never get distracted."
"What if your life is going out of control because what you put your trust in is bigger?"
"He's going about his life with the total hubris and self-assurance that he is the master of his own destiny."
"You are literally the conductor of your life."
"Personal accountability: realizing you're genuinely in control of everything happening to you in life."
"I realized something incredible... I had the power to change the course of my life."
"Be delusional and remember that you are responsible for your own life."
"What if you were the director of your own life?"
"Cosmic habit force binds every living thing... but man can rise above these fixed patterns... and establish his own pattern."
"If you're waiting on an inbox to tell you what to do in life, your life will always be at the whim of the world instead of the desire of your heart."
"It's our decisions, not our conditions, that control our lives and our destiny."
"You're the one that's creating it. If you're the one that's creating thing, you're the one that can change the creation to anything you really want."
"You're too much. You are more than enough. So act like it and take control of your life. Leave nothing up to chance."
"If you try to avoid change and you try to push it away, it's just going to have its way with you. It's just going to take over and it'll start to control you instead of you controlling it."
"Does my brain, my body, my life belong to me?"
"Own everything in your life that you have control over."
"This is your freaking life, take it and run with it."
"You are the conductor of your life and your reality."
"Nobody has a right to control anybody's life."
"We're moving from banker control of our lives to taking control of our own lives."
"Your life is in your hands. You can take full responsibility for where you are right now and you can decide to change it."
"The film effectively uses this as a metaphor for the invisible forces that can control our lives, from routines to obsessions."
"You're either being programmed or you're the programmer of your own life."
"Take charge of your life. You are the master of your fate, the captain of your soul."
"You are the master or mistress of your own destiny and you're taking charge of the path."
"You can't just let somebody ruin your life for you."
"Being the creator of your own life and your own story."
"You literally creating your own miracles and your guides want you to know that you have the power to be the alchemist of your life."
"We can have whatever we want and who we want when we want if we just focus on that and get rid of all the little existential crises."
"Manifest anything you want; you have the power."
"A tremendously talented man, a man with a soul."
"To be deserving is to take life in your hands."
"You are the creators of our own story. Once you realize that you are writing your story as you go, then the ending can be anything that you want."
"It's about gaining control and being intentional with your life."
"Take back control of your life again and feel reborn."
"You want to have an element of control over your life."
"You are in control of your own life. You are the only one that gets to make actions that affect you."
"Why give the key of your life to someone else?"
"Mediocrity comes with its own suite of costs; it's time to take control of your life."
"All I can say is that I'm in big peace with myself. I'm not fully in control of my future at the moment."
"You are in charge of your own life, your destiny, and all of the manifestations that you create."
"Don't worry about things that you can't control. If you can't control it, don't let it consume you."
"You're being risen up here there is a temptation to resist this but trust that you can make things happen you live by you live life on your own terms and your inspired action makes you achieve things."
"You're not in control of other things, but we're certainly in control of how we adapt to the flow of life."
"You can't follow in my footsteps; it's impossible. But whatever convoluted life path you're on, you have control over making the most of it."
"The opposite of a victim complex is somebody who takes accountability for their life."
"Ultimately you are fully in control at any time to choose to change your life."
"Every decision you make in life is by choice."
"You're in control of your life, the debt is no longer controlling your life."
"Ultimately, I feel that if you live in fear of these people, you're giving them power over you and power over your life."
"You are a creator, an architect of dreams, a maestro of your destiny."
"Control what you can control and the rest live to God."
"It's much more empowering to show people that they have a choice and control over their lives."
"You have control, you have a say in this, you are able to affect your own course of your life."
"I have some good news: it's totally up to you. I have some terrifying news: it's totally up to you."
"I think every baby has a blessing. I think we as human beings we have the power within us to take control over our lives."
"Nobody gonna do it for you. Nobody gonna get you. You have to take control of your life."
"Taking charge of your destiny, one decision at a time."
"High value men only value end results... They take full ownership over everything that happens in their life."
"Desire is such an awesome, powerful controlling element of life."
"I'm the captain of my own ship, and there's something changed, it's not like life is doing this to you."
"You have the power to really bring in anything you want."
"Whatever you're giving your energy to... controls your whole life."
"Money is just a piece of paper, but it controls lives."
"You have to impose your will on life or it will impose its will on you."
"Knowing that you always have choice is incredibly powerful."
"If you're not creating what you want, you'll be automatically put into a state of chance probabilities."
"Time flies, but your decisions are the pilot."
"What consumes your mind tends to control your life."
"You're the director of your life, decide what works for you."
"Free yourself. Take back control of your life."
"You become the driver of your life rather than a passive passenger."
"You need to take the reins on your own life."
"Are you going to take control over your life, Scorpios?"
"What fire will do for me is it will allow me to be in the driver's seat where I get to control life and not let life control me."
"You really discover what is controlling your life... what's that invisible force that is determining the direction of your life..."
"Be willing to destroy anything in your life that isn't excellent."
"This is a self-empowerment channel. Don't fall into the pitfalls, don't fall into the traps, take control of your everyday life experience."
"This life is one hundred percent yours to manage. You can't change the metaverse, but you can change yourself. That's something you're in charge of."
"Force your life to be how you want it, it doesn't just happen."
"I felt like everything had been taken from me but in the new age I felt like I got it back."
"It's time for you to take back control of your life, Cancer. Free yourself from whatever's holding you back."
"Solar eclipses remind us we are both sovereign over our life and subject to forces beyond our control."
"Go for it... have more control over your life."
"You get to choose it, you get to mold it, you get to shape it."
"You have this great empowerment over your own life to manifest the body you want, the mood you want, the relationship you want, the productivity in your work that you want."
"The biggest thing is if you can get nobody to dictate your life."
"Your situations in your life may affect you, but you're in the driver's seat the whole time."
"None of us should sit here and allow anyone to feel comfortable enough to press the 'hold' button on our lives."
"Now it's time for you to sit in the driver seat of your life."
"Mind is the biggest force. Mind drives everything. Without mind, there's nothing. The diet doesn't. Mind drives diet."
"Everybody has an end to their story, you know you gotta decide when your end is without it being decided for you. It's very empowering."
"Real power is about the degree and direction that you have over your own life."
"You're never the only one in charge of your circumstance."
"This world is yours for the taking. You're manifesting all these things into your world."
"Take back your life and take back your power."
"I'm the captain of my fate, the master of my destiny."
"Spend the time and energy focusing on yourself and making a difference in things you can control."
"It's up to you to decide what to do with it."
"Life is your canvas; you are the author of your own life."
"Nobody can destroy your life except you, you hold all the power."
"The only person who has the power to destroy my life is me."
"We have agency... we have the capacity to discover what's going on in our lives and to change it."
"You choose your hard. One hard's actually going to be able to give you money when you start working a plan and get out of debt and be able to have some level of control over your life versus not at all."
"You control your destiny, you control your life, whatever you want to do with it, you have the control of that."
"You have control over who comes into your life."
"You are the creator of your life experience, okay? Find or and or create the meaning."
"You control your life. Don't let external factors control you."
"You are not the victim of the world, but rather the master of your own destiny."
"You have more power over your life than they have ever led you to believe."
"I want to see more people get financially independent, you know, have more access, and sort of take control of their lives."
"It's time for you to take back control of your life, Gemini."
"You have complete control of your life and where it's going."
"If you want to take control of your life, you must create and distribute a valuable product where the attention is."
"You're making these changes rather than these changes happening to you."
"Manifesting works in both ways, negative polarity and positive polarity."
"The new life is here for you to take charge and take control."
"Go be what you want right because this is your life."
"Anti-fragility is key. They can't run your life then now."
"We're the Emperor of our own soul, in charge of our trajectory."
"You are the only person that can dictate how your life is going to be."
"Who made this decision that you could take my life away from me?"
"It is time for me to take charge of my own life."
"You're not waiting around; you're taking charge of your life."
"Why worry about the monkeys if it's not even your circus? Focus on the things that are yours to change."
"It's not what happens that determines your life future; it's what you do about what happens."
"Free yourself, it is time to take back control of your own life."
"Remember, your control of your life. Your choices and your actions determine your success."
"Life has given you enough, and it's time to take a stand and take full control of your life."
"You have to take the first step in designing your time in an intentional manner to take control of it and ultimately take complete control of your life."
"This silence not only helps us access ourselves more deeply, but also opens the door for us to truly take control of our lives, leading to a happier and more meaningful life."
"As much as you probably don't want to hear it, I needed to hear it too, man. Man the [__] up and take your life in command, bruh. Take control of your life."
"Life's a big old [ __ ] Ponzi scheme, so why not accept that and control what you can, choose the way you do get scammed?"
"The power to say no to something, you have an enormous power. Just to be able to say no stops it, you see. It's only what you accept or through passivity, non-objecting, that the thing is programmed into you."
"Your subconscious mind runs 95% of your life."
"It's safe for you to be powerful again and take charge of your life in positive ways."