
Authority Quotes

There are 9894 quotes

"Political correctness is simply manipulating the target population to silence itself so those in authority don't have to."
"Having a leadership position gives you rank and authority, that's it. But being a leader means that you take responsibility for the people around you."
"To empower someone is to give them the strength and the confidence or the authority to do something."
"Leadership has nothing to do with rank. Rank is simply Authority. That's all it is."
"I don't believe in worshiping experts, since every class, if you give them power without check, will turn cancerous."
"I reject Sola Scriptura because I love the written word of God. I don't want to see its authority corrupted or compromised."
"This Court is not final because we're infallible; we are infallible because we're final."
"Women have authority to subdue creation just as men do and should not, therefore, be kept from exercising dominion in relation to creation."
"You can delegate authority, but you cannot delegate responsibility."
"Our comprehension of art is significantly influenced by what we're told."
"When somebody perceives you as an authority in something, they are more likely to be agreeable, they are more likely to cooperate with you, and say yes to you."
"The fear of a king is as the roaring of a lion; who provoketh him to anger sinneth against his own soul."
"The Emperor of Mankind sits as an extremely powerful figure within the Imperium, the center of humanity in the 41st millennium, so powerful, indeed, he was arguably barely human to begin with."
"Whether a command should be followed or not is simply based on whether or not we recognize God's authority."
"Authority isn't just about being in a position of authority...it's about being an authority, someone who's knowledgeable and experienced."
"To be a king or a person of authority is about making tough decisions and considering all factors involved."
"Being powerful does not come from an authority figure granting you that power; it really comes from within yourself."
"I know you want to control this room, but this isn't Burger King. When the sign changes to Burger King, you can have it your way. Right now, this is my courtroom, and you will answer my questions."
"When a person has a master key to a facility, that means that they can unlock any door."
"I think you've got to hold people in position of authority accountable because nobody's perfect."
"When I was a cadet, what's the first, what's the cadet motto at West Point? You will not lie, cheat, or steal, or tolerate those who do. I was the CIA director. We lied, we cheated, we stole."
"Murder, crucify him. Oh God, uh-huh. So you did it, you're the head of a family. I could pardon him, I will crucify him."
"People are rejecting centralized authority. People no longer trust the media, and with good reason."
"Don't argue with authorities. Agree and suggest an alternative, then demonstrate."
"At first, I thought, 'Ah, Smurf blood,' but then he bent a knee to me, submitting to my power."
"Apart from a handful of heroes, almost everyone in authority seems to have chosen to abandon the poor of London to their fate."
"If you can get people out of their minds with fear, then suddenly people are willing to accept authority."
"Once prestige rises in life, honor, authority rises in life."
"When someone tells you to 'don't do your own research,' that means let the person in authority do your thinking for you."
"If you find from your experience that something is a fact and contradicts what some authority has written, then you must renounce the authority and base your reasoning on your own discovery."
"Andrew Tate openly calls himself misogynist and a sexist and argues men should have authority over the women in their lives."
"Police have far too much authority over our lives."
"Spiritual intimacy expands spiritual capacity and spiritual capacity expands spiritual authority."
"It's not your knowledge that gives you authority; it's your intimacy."
"Intimacy determines capacity; capacity determines authority."
"The most absurd apology for authority and law is that they serve to diminish crime. Aside from the fact that the state itself is the greatest criminal, breaking every written and natural law, stealing in the form of taxes, killing in the form of war and capital punishment, it has come to an absolute standstill in coping with crime. It has failed utterly to destroy or even minimize the horrible scourge of its own creation."
"Shut up and do what I say, or else I'm going to have to revoke your chances of joining."
"This is a year of recognizing our spiritual authority, of recognizing the truth and wisdom within our own souls."
"May the word of God have the final authority in my home; a peace that is beyond all understanding will rule my house."
"Blind faith in authority is a feature of religion, it's a feature of authoritarian regimes, but it is not a feature of either science or democracy."
"We come to truth based on what we observe and what we see, rather than relying on traditional authorities."
"All the data points to the fact that if the conditions were set in a particular way, you and I and everybody else most certainly would [respond to an authoritarian figure]."
"I just figure somebody who can predict their own death and resurrection and pull it off, I just go with whatever that person says."
"Will we handle questions of science and medicine by turning to scientists and doctors?"
"Behold, before you sits the rightful inheritor of the Dragon Throne, chosen by the dragon as its enemy."
"Forget about your rights or if you're innocent, just accept the fact that I am the law and you are subject to my whims."
"Bitcoin's identity is taking that authority away from the government into this decentralized system."
"With the power of the Internet, we get more perspectives than ever, and much of the elitism about who gets to be an authority on these subjects has gone right out the window."
"The Divine Right to rule has been passed down through millennia, a seed line that winds its way to the modern monarchs, royal families, prime ministers, popes, and presidents."
"The commandment 'Love your neighbor as yourself' is not just a nice idea; it's a mandate from a position of authority."
"For he taught as one having authority, and not as the scribes."
"Religion, he says, would be a revolution and Alan Watts comes along and says that there's nothing more dangerous to authority than a popular outbreak of mysticism."
"All authority comes from God, and how we exercise the authority delegated to us ultimately reveals the kind of God we believe in."
"Milgram's obedience experiment...led to some surprising results. These results offer a compelling and disturbing look at the power of authority and obedience."
"When you specialize, you can become the de facto authority."
"Power over authority: authority is established to protect what is good, to protect what ought to be protected."
"If you cannot follow my rules, then get the [expletive] out." - Abby, laying down the law at her restaurant.
"Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy."
"Spiritual sovereignty doesn't mean that you are an island unto yourself... it means that you are your own authority."
"If a man who has to say that he is the king is no true king."
"If we are not able to ask skeptical questions, to interrogate those who tell us that something is true, to be skeptical of those in authority, then we're up for grabs for the next charlatan, political or religious, who comes ambling along."
"There shall be more democracy, not less; less authority, not more."
"You cannot have responsibility for something you do not have authority over."
"King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, that's God."
"I'm not going to listen to Dr. Rochelle Walensky because she's the head of the CDC. I'm going to listen to her if she makes a convincing argument."
"The right conclusions are more likely to be gathered out of a multitude of tongues than through any kind of authoritative selection."
"You cannot have a scientific advisor who goes around saying, if you challenge me, you're not simply challenging a man; you're challenging science itself."
"I am God's son, I am man's servant, and I am the devil's master."
"It's my courtroom, and I'll rule if I want to."
"Having that council is so uber important because it is the basis for you to have legal authority."
"Empowerment, which is what these talks are about, is the authority or power given to someone to do something."
"The devil understands anointing, he understands authority, he's scared, he is terrified of the word of God."
"We need to disarm the enemy, we need to put the devil in his place."
"Utopia is very much in the Eye of the Beholder, and if that Beholder is Big Brother, Utopia is probably a society where everyone does what they are told."
"You can't learn authority from a book; it comes from experience."
"We therefore want our moral judgments to be authoritative, and many think only objectivity can achieve this authority."
"The person who has the most authority for me is the person who's making sense at that moment."
"The road to authority is through service. This idea that the greatest among us is the least, the greatest among us is the servant among us."
"Pantheon, bring me in immediately. Dr. Doom is not accustomed to being made to wait."
"The Emperor signifies a powerful influence, leadership, and authority."
"Our nation's authorities are now openly admitting to having completely missed the flashing red lights of inflation," on the failure to anticipate economic challenges.
"We're living in an era now where the new liberalism is don't question big business, don't question big Pharma, don't question big government."
"Our authority figures actually do lie all the time. It shouldn't be particularly controversial to point out that politicians and government officials aren't very trustworthy."
"Then again, I suppose my tenure does allow me to say whatever the [expletive] I want."
"The authority of the Gospel is the name of Jesus."
"Proper authority derives from the will of the person over whom it's exercised...that's the consent of the governed."
"You cannot establish authority that dictates what is good, what is true, what is not true. The ultimate authority is reality."
"Always be skeptical. You should absolutely question authorities... that doesn't mean that there's no genocide in Xinjiang."
"People love the unapologetic honesty in the face of authority."
"The Milgram experiment... showed how far people will go if they're told to increase electrical shocks against others, even to the point of killing that person."
"Prayer does something to a man that makes him able to speak God's Word with authority."
"Melon, you will now build a giant golden statue of me on top of our house, no questions asked."
"It's obvious at this point it's an abuse of power."
"You think I don't know the law? Wasn't it me who wrote it?"
"We don't have any authority to take others' life due to whatever reasons."
"The word of God is the final authority of God's guiding principles for any believer."
"You don't understand how power works. None of you understand how power works."
"Culture has always worked with gatekeepers and authority figures preaching messages to us. It becomes a question of who's in power and whether their message is good or bad."
"Sometimes people see the forest through the trees and just because there's a top-down decree doesn't mean that you have to fall in line."
"Conspiracy theories...come about to show us that there is no longer trust within an authority structure."
"Locating authority inside was a big part of my return to health and return to myself."
"I always viewed censorship as a tool of the establishment, as a tool of authority that was used to silence and suppress marginalized voices, dissidents, and the like."
"The idea of school, in which you have an authority who hands down information, is really not just a modern but specifically a weird, Western educated industrialized rich democratic, society weird thing."
"Maybe the reason why people don't trust any of these authority figures is because these authority figures have not earned the trust of the American people."
"Words have authority... they respond to the authority that you have been given by the Lord."
"When you have authority over something, your words can shape it."
"Steve Haines, Dave Norton, I own shopping malls. I would not employ those two clowns, and I made one phone call, their careers, they are over."
"Keys represent authority, access, control, authorization, power, freedom, and permission."
"Get the power, here's the authority to release your power."
"Authority... has been the largest purveyor of atrocity throughout all of history."
"It isn't this stormtrooper you should fear; it's the power which commands him."
"Detaching the idea of ethical power from the holder of power is an extraordinarily useful thing to do because otherwise, the king becomes the embodiment of the god and then the king can do no wrong."
"In a democracy, authority comes from voting lines, not bloodlines."
"We must obey God rather than men." - Acts 5:29 (Paraphrased contextually from the text)
"For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God." - Romans 13:1
"All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me." - Matthew 28:18
"The Bible remains the final authority of God's word. We cannot go out of this holy compass and expect to reach a safe haven."
"Taking power away from those centralized authorities and giving it back to everyday people."
"When you encourage people to think for themselves, especially the youth, that's pretty scary to authority."
"As a Fatebinder, you’re fantasy Judge Dredd."
"Authority and domination are not self-justifying; they have to justify themselves, and if they can't, which is usually the case, they should be dismantled."
"If there's any occupation that is invested with exceptional authority, they must be invested with extraordinary standard of accountability."
"You should never just blindly accept anyone's authority."
"Your awareness of His authority will determine how much you receive from Him."
"Crisis totalitarianism means to make all things submit to the management of the crisis, no matter how important they are."
"At what point does crisis management become crisis totalitarianism? At what point must we say, 'Nope, that's too far?'"
"The triumphator appeared before the public as an almost-king and an almost-god."
"It's very difficult to go against an authority that is very popular at the time, especially a military authority."
"The greatest difference between the voice of God and the voice of man is this: God's voice is what comes from His own mouth. It is all the truth, and it is full of authority and power."
"The petty authoritarians like to be petty authoritarianism because if you want people to trust the experts, you have to have the feeling they don't have an ulterior motive."
"We can reclaim our authority as a legislature by actually legislating."
"The Reformation was first and foremost a recovery of the authority of Scripture...it is Scripture alone."
"Authority should always be questioned, Donald Trump or otherwise, Joe Biden or otherwise."
"Elden Ring's story seems to be about questioning and overcoming authority to try to create a future of your own."
"He came out on this huge throne they carried him on and he just looked like a king being carried out through this entire exhibit."
"For the first time in his thirty years of life, Basil II was now in full control of the throne he sat upon."
"I'm the judge in the matter. Shut your mouth and I'll tell you when you can talk. You got it?"
"What makes an emperor an Emperor? Sure, you can call yourself a king or an emperor, but if no one else acknowledges it, you're just a crazy person proclaiming something no one will listen to."
"It is the essence of patriotism to speak truth to power."
"You can't just invent powers for yourself... the government has to be limited by what's actually in the law."
"It's the wish to be told what to do, is the adoration for strong and brutal and cruel leaders."
"The angrier those in authority are, the more ordinary people must understand that we are on the right."
"These executive orders are not a suggestion. They're not optional, they're not helpful hints."
"You are a mother with an opinion. I'm a pediatrician with education and an opinion as well."
"The Church is not a democracy; it's not anarchy where lay people can just randomly depose clerics."
"An armed mutiny in Russia is a sign of the fact that the president's authority is in question."
"A true alpha commands authority through their calm oversight of those who depend upon them."
"There's something so incredible about the human spirit that was overcoming that, being like, 'Screw you, Authority. We're doing this.'"
"The only person in a position to determine who should have a particular piece of information is the person that possesses it."
"Power in that case is not something that is given; it's not something that's surrendered. Power is something that is taken."
"The secular power is subject to the spiritual power."
"Any man that must say 'I am the king' is no true king."
"What I see is people have forgotten who their authority is... I mean Christians, I'm talking about the way that God set this Bible up for us."
"God has appointed authorities in the earth... those that exist have been instituted by God."
"Our rights and as parents and our Authority as parents were being constantly undermine the entire time she was in the hospital."
"You're an enigma and that brings with it a sense of fear. The last thing you or your masters want is a fearful populace."
"If you want to know who rules you, see who you can't criticize."
"Parental rights are being stripped away and we are not allowed to parent our own children."
"The CDC does not have the power to impose medical sharia law on the entire country."
"Lower yourself before the mighty hand of God, including every person God has put in spiritual authority in your life."
"This is the level we've literally reached. The US president is a man who has the authority to take down a balloon but not to take down your drug prices."
"People have a greater desire to be given rules to abide by, rather than seeking freedom."
"Jillian Michaels is not only giving drill sergeant on these poor souls but she's doing it from a place that pretends to be more authoritative than it really is."
"This is the problem with allowing social media platforms to be arbiters of truth."
"In both cases, the person tasked with imposing law, order or societal norms is recast as the villain."
"Do you feel that the laws of your country are discovered for you or decided for you?"
"The question is not what's the right answer, the question is who has the right to make a bet."
"But yeah, we have people looking at it very, very strongly, scientific people, intelligence people, and others."
"The cheat sheet raises the question of just who is calling the shots, who is exercising Presidential Power. Somebody is telling and what to say, and we're expected to just lap it up for another 18 months. That's not right."
"Valid authority rests in the people. Truly valid structures of authority are local, not centralized, for reasons of efficiency and emergency."
"When the righteous are in Authority, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people mourn." - Proverbs 29:2
"Don't worry, I can fix everything. I'm the duke, remember? Here, watch, see? Good as new."
"As uncomfortable as it is, you have to be able to speak the truth to power."
"The word of God is the final authority, not my opinion, not the context, not the circumstance."
"I think it's true in the devolved authorities... they do want to find Solutions."
"A setting where they take the word of God and hold it up as the highest Authority and man's traditions and opinions are not important."
"Jesus never promised a book, but he promised an authority."
"You can't use the military as a political weapon. Do you remember who said that? I said that."
"We're living in glory days. We're living in days where we are taking authority, we're taking territory."
"The biggest terrorists are not in the street; they're in government."
"The notion that a president could say, 'I'm declassifying it all'... is absurd."
"Who appointed Mark Zuckerberg to decide when and how we're allowed to think about things?"
"You feel like you can make your own decisions, huh? You feel like you can do what you want? Are you an adult? Are you 18? So why are you outside of school? Look at me, why are you out of school? Why do you have people following you, huh?"
"That was how blunt it was you know we know what we're doing you don't."
"The Milgram Experiment: How far will people go when it comes to obeying instruction?"
"The Emperor is not false, he is the real Emperor!"
"Sabbath was made for [ARAMAIC], not [ARAMAIC] for the Sabbath. Therefore, [ARAMAIC] is the Lord of the Sabbath."
"That was an excellent shot of her at the bottom of the throne with her father on top and him swearing feet like with him announcing her as."
"The president's ability...flows from the Constitution."
"People really need to just start questioning authority... there's not enough people doing this."
"Christ is King, let nobody tell you different."
"Be kind to our moderators because I'll nuke all of you from orbit."
"You need a living voice of authority on the field to say nope fair ball, nope foul ball, he's out, no he's safe."
"Governments can give money to whoever they want to give money to at any given moment."
"Being loved and adored doesn't make you an authority on skincare."
"What I did is I was going to fire Comey, my decision."
"I want a President who people are terrified of who's going to push people out of the way when he's walking up because he's the United States of freaking American."
"Are they going to talk back to him? No, you know what I mean."
"When we come to this level of power there are no rules. The Only Rule is how much might you know might overwrite."
"The 1st AD is generally not everybody’s friend, the job requires authoritative personality."