
Data Compression Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Our visualization tools, like space and time, necessarily ignore most of the data and compress it into something we can understand."
"It seems like there must be a limit on the amount of compression possible that still retains the original message."
"The cool shift in perspective that Huffman came up with was to look at building the tree from the bottom up."
"Compared to an uncompressed audio format, like a WAV or FLAC...compressed audio files, like MP3s, are often 10 times smaller."
"Overall, it's extremely useful to have compression techniques for all the types of data I discussed today."
"Bits: Packing multiple smaller numbers into one bigger number."
"There's no compression algorithm to experience."
"Image compression is a type of data compression applied to digital images reduce the cost for storage and transmission."
"It's truly amazing how your smartphone can take images composed of millions of pixels and then perform calculations on every eight by eight block of pixels, compressing all that data into just a couple dozen numbers."
"JPEG goes through and analyzes each section of an image and finds and removes elements that your eyes can't easily perceive."
"Text is relatively easy to compress, almost every computer has some type of terminal output."
"All it took was converting the video into a stream of ASCII characters, then figuring out a way to compress all that text."
"It's basically a way to take all that sensor information and squish it into the smaller container of the video file."
"We're just obsessed with figuring out how to fit more information into smaller and smaller spaces."
"Using a model to transform raw pixels into representations gives us better compressions, abstractions, or conceptualizations."
"Compression to the rescue: compression is prediction."
"You can use auto encoders to compress data down."
"Autoencoders are interesting because they're based on deep learning, they are producing nonlinear compressed versions of the original data."
"Almost all successful algorithms for data compression are rooted in information theory."
"This is an example, the way I think about actually of data compression, lossy data compression more broadly."
"Deep convolutional networks, the architecture themselves, are iterative optimization schemes for compressible data."
"Deep networks are nothing but a means to the end, to help you find the compression for your data."
"Data compression, the ability to squeeze images and send them, and then expand them again on the ground, is of enormous importance."
"If I can send the same amount of information using a fewer number of bytes, is that essentially free bandwidth?"
"With columnstore indexes, it's not unusual to get a 90% compression rate on your data warehouse tables."
"We're going to get great compression because now all the values within a single page are going to be within roughly the same domain."
"You can get better compression and query processing."
"Dictionary encoding replaces the values in our column with an identifier code rather than storing the original variable length data."
"Ideal intelligence is all about compression; it's about finding patterns in the data."
"A Huffman tree organizes words such that rare words are at deeper levels and frequent words are at shallower levels."
"Wire Tiger introduced compression, which didn't exist before, compressing the JSON document so that's really brilliant."
"Bitmap indexes effectively compress the size of the index quite nicely."
"Understanding is a kind of data compression ultimately."
"We'll get better compression because all the values within a column will be very similar to each other."
"Compression range coder is a pretty decent one; it works on smaller packets."
"It's amazing that we're able to reduce the file sizes to the extent that we are, using lossy codecs."
"Compression reduces file sizes to reduce download times and make the best use of bandwidth."
"Shannon says we should be able to achieve more than 10-fold compression of that bent coin file."
"The entropy may often be much smaller than 1 bit per character."
"Compression, tape drives automatically compress the data in their hardware."
"Gzipping is the biggest space saver. Everyone should definitely be doing gzip, because you can get 70% space savings."
"We're able to achieve a massive reduction of 90% in terms of bit rate compared to h.264."
"It almost always makes sense to do compression with ZFS."
"The premise of Huffman coding is that you end up with each character having fewer bits allocated."
"What these models buy you is compression... it gives you understanding, it allows you therefore to predict things."
"Compression is really important because the raw movie files can be very large if they're not compressed, and it turns out that it takes longer to read uncompressed data from disk than it does to read the compressed data and decompress it on the fly."
"Imagine trying to visualize a 500-dimensional dataset; with the mapper algorithm, we can compress it into a two-dimensional graph."
"PNGs are lossless but they're also compressed like JPEGs; they don't get as small as JPEGs but they are very good quality."
"The remarkable thing about Burrows-Wheeler Transform is not that it generates a more compressible output, but that this particular transform is reversible with minimal data overhead."
"What's amazing about Burrows-Wheeler Transform is that it stands alone as a compression algorithm."
"Huffman coding does not have that ambiguity. It is immediately decodable."
"Compression is pretty simple; you just give it as a mount option."
"Huffman encoding is a way of compressing your files, and it's a really, really good way."