
Political Correctness Quotes

There are 245 quotes

"Political correctness is simply manipulating the target population to silence itself so those in authority don't have to."
"Be it resolved: what you call political correctness, I call progress."
"I am saying political correctness resist, fight if you have a point of view, fight it in the proper manner using democracy."
"Political correctness has gone from being a means to an end that is a means to make the world better, to an end in and of itself."
"People are afraid a political correctness is a very feeble phrase to cover the psychological landscape in which people of moral character are afraid to say what is extremely obvious."
"You take the racism stuff, like any political correctness stuff, off the table, the book sucked."
"We cherish a diversity of opinions and seek to promote an open debate stage where political correctness no longer holds sway."
"A lot of people won't because the thing is, and this maybe you could argue that this is an argument against political correctness."
"History is not politically correct in its very nature, and it doesn't care if it offends."
"Political correctness is expanding free speech. We're adding words to the dictionary every year in an effort to promote more inclusive and respectful speech."
"Political correctness basically means not saying bigoted things, woke means being aware of structural injustices, and multiculturalism means it's good that there's not just one kind of people here."
"Woke makes terrible art. Nobody wants to watch it."
"Keep voting with your dollar. If you see an ad for your favorite company and they've gone woke, look for alternatives."
"We cannot afford to be so politically correct anymore."
"Political correctness may have started out with good intentions to promote equality for minority groups, but it's now increasingly used as a weapon to silence those who tell the truth."
"The only way to ensure that political correctness continues to lose is if we tell the truth."
"What is being against political correctness mean anyway? Well, it means the same thing these people want to help Blacks and Jews and Asia's politically correct and that we can't even insult them."
"If you use words like cultural Marxism and you send cartoons like Ron Paul did with deeply offensive caricatures of other races and religions yes you are racist and bigoted and anti-semitic."
"We now live in an era in which the left insists... that we rewrite biology, language, religion, politics, art—all of these things must be rewritten so that we all stay woke."
"Political correctness is a disease that has infected too many institutions in America."
"There's no taboo subject for us... it's all that political correctness at the extreme."
"I think that it's capitulating to White fragility and white identity politics."
"Political correctness is less an actual concern than one used to disregard serious issues."
"Anti-political correctness is becoming seen...as avant-garde, as counterculture."
"I don't consider that political correctness. I consider that good manners, sound values, and hard-fought gains in the nature of American society and American community."
"Calling someone PC is a way to derail and dismiss conversations about inequality."
"Political correctness doesn't just mean good manners; it has consequences, and one of those consequences was the abandonment of thousands of girls to years of abuse for fear that tackling the problem would look racist."
"In times like these, you can't afford to have a President who wants to be politically correct. We have to do things properly."
"If we're becoming afraid to tell history because it's not politically correct, we're going to be in very big trouble in the future."
"So now he's just labeled as that and it's driving all these comedy fans away from the left because they go oh you just don't care about freedom of speech or comedy."
"In an era of political correctness, Trump brings raw authenticity."
"History is written by the victors, and now, through political correctness, today's media are as rotten as those of us with common sense know was true history."
"He's the kryptonite to political correctness."
"Stop calling it the China virus, call it the real-life affluenza."
"It's political correctness getting in the way of accurate and informative Public Health messaging."
"Political correctness is counterproductive to civilization."
"Old people just don't give a [ __ ] right like they're old they're cranky they've lived their life and so they're not going to be that susceptible to much politically correct be gender-neutral kind of propaganda."
"We see what it is it's all a game it's basically uh these you know these kinds of people the wokes."
"Political correctness... it's anti-dialogical."
"Do you see a lot of this sort of hypocrisy and double standard in some of the issues around the politically correct movement? Yeah, absolutely."
"You can't be politically correct. You can't gauge something that's creative and artistic and then it has to fit a certain criteria in order to be great. If something's great, it's great. If something's good, it's good."
"Remember, if you criticize Kamala Harris, you're a sexist."
"Some things are politically incorrect because they're true and some things are just [__] stupid."
"There is a line between political incorrectness and actually being morally responsible."
"I guess things are becoming more politically correct which is, you know, not a bad thing."
"It's about being fearless in the face of political correctness."
"Words matter, they do matter, and I think we can both criticize the PRC leadership and also support that we have an environment in the United States that is embracing diversity and treating individuals with respect." - Maggie
"Woke Rodney was always funny because the thought of Rodney being woke now and just being super left..."
"This place is really the stereotype of what they talk about when they talk about liberal PC colleges."
"Why are they not being shown on TV? Is it because they're violent or they're kind of sketchy like they don't know some of the things aren't politically correct?"
"Every time someone tells him, 'Hey, do not refer to this virus as the Chinese virus,' what was the other thing around Iran?"
"Political correctness is probably one of the worst things that's happened to political discussions."
"Family entertainment is not the outlet in which to be politically correct by forcing tolerance and acceptance of homosexuality." - 1 Million Moms
"Occupy Wall Street used language that PBS will not air; the Tea Party used language that you could use in church."
"The death of art comes when political correctness suggests that we have to set basic metrics as to what characters ought to and ought not to do."
"Americans are exhausted trying to keep up with the latest lists of approved words and phrases."
"Honestly, that scares me less than these people that are just so politically correct and are just gonna say whatever they're supposed to say."
"Most people are actually hoping that a comedian will be funny rather than politically correct."
"Political correctness is avoiding words that offend groups of people who are socially disadvantaged."
"Wokeness is re-segregating. Identity politics is re-segregation."
"When you say that I love that Chinese people are not PC, and all you're basically saying is I love that I can be racist and shitty. That's what it is."
"Canceled culture and political correctness is dividing people and ultimately conquering them."
"Political correctness has become too stifling."
"The overwhelming weight of political correctness, cancel culture, phenomenon is coming from the left."
"You can't even tell a joke without somebody getting PC."
"We're not politically correct to each other but if you do that in our culture, oh somebody's gonna start throwing rocks at you."
"Politically correct police have silenced the debate—we have to create the debate again."
"Political correctness is dangerous because it muffles people and puts a muzzle on them."
"This just really sounds like more out of touch white liberal bullshit."
"Maybe Hollywood shouldn't have prioritized identity politics over profit."
"If you don't believe that political correctness... was not a huge part of the appeal of Donald Trump I think you're asleep."
"One of his main mistakes was to be shoulder shrugging about the woke mob."
"We will lead with courage and do what's right not what's politically correct or convenient love it."
"If I feel like this is a guy who got started doing edgy comedy on Reddit and YouTube, yes, things like that, and then as times went on he thought, 'I just better say what they're saying.' The problem is, once again, this is not mainstream America."
"Political correctness will never solve a complex problem."
"We have to stop separation of the families. But politically correct or not, we have a country that needs security, that needs safety, that has to be protected."
"It's about taking political correctness to its logical absurdity. You stand condemned for being oppressive, for being sexist, for being racist."
"He's not worried about being politically correct. He owns whatever he does."
"Political correctness is almost legislating inauthentic behavior."
"The truth will set us free and free speech heals racial tension more than political correctness."
"I'm not political at all. Everything is so-called politically correct now, and I hate that term because politically correct 99% of the time doesn't make it correct."
"The only things I'm truly seeking out to collect are the most possibly politically incorrect covers you can find from the Golden Age."
"Rudeness is not the antidote to extreme political correctness."
"Hell, you can't even say 'all lives matter' as a politician without having to apologize to a group of sensitive pricks."
"I don't think people on the left should be lambasted for saying the true stuff."
"I'd rather you all be happy than politically correct."
"People always say, 'Well, woke miss political correctness.' It's a storm in a teacup on campus. Actually, it has very far-reaching effects when it percolates down into outside the campus."
"If political correctness means don't call a black person the n-word, we're all for political correctness. It's when you define racism in an expansive way."
"Political correctness is like a monkey wrench in the machinery, preventing rational conversation."
"Do you ever feel like you just can't really say what you think or feel anymore? Political correctness is too stifling."
"I think we've gotten to the point where we're afraid to offend anybody about anything ever."
"I said the housewives in the suburbs and they said, 'Oh, what a horrible thing to say.' But women, let's be politically correct, women and men in the suburbs, they're changing the zoning."
"This generation is too politically correct and easily offended... we just want to be treated equally."
"Yesterday's medical term is today's hate speech."
"If you belong to certain categories, you don't get to hear 'no.' But the answer should be no to sacrificing truth for feelings."
"Political correctness is a trend in my business and it needs to happen from various social reasons yet there are times it does get uncomfortable when it affects the art because I feel art should be free of restrictions." - Scarlett Johansson
"Political correctness is fascism... it's a way to stop people from questioning them."
"Everybody should have got banned for talking [ __ ] about Barron Trump when he was a little boy."
"Political correctness is clearly not the problem."
"The enforcement mechanism for progressivism is political correctness."
"The greatest threat of all is superheroes being too woke."
"Political correctness is the conscious designed manipulation of language intended to change the way people speak, think, feel, and act all in furtherance of an agenda."
"Fight it wherever and whenever and however you can spread awareness of how we're being manipulated because that's really a first step."
"If you now go all politically correct on us on YouTube and begin advocating against bad language and for the television license fee, I will be sure to let you know about it."
"Political correctness is killing our ability to communicate with one another, therefore a lot of knowledge isn't passed around."
"Stop sacrificing Generations to being politically correct."
"It's a law to punish those who aren't woke... you must subscribe to the approved narrative and if you don't, we'll clamp down on you." - Calvin Robinson
"saying that gay people shouldn't be allowed to get married is not bigotry but talking about the role of AIPAC and the rest of the Israel lobby in US politics is definitely anti-semitic"
"Let's stop saying Chinese virus... they needlessly plays into the Chinese Communist Party's attempts to divide us and deflect our attention from their bad actions."
"A lot of the times my opinions are deemed politically incorrect."
"Political correctness could quite literally be killing people."
"You can never solve a critical problem and be politically correct at the same time."
"You can't say manhole or Blackboard in the early '90s and now you're a white supremacist if you reject that Canada is a systemically racist country."
"Political correctness doesn't save lives. Calling everything racist and anti-Semitic doesn't help anybody."
"Political correctness does not heal racial tension, it does the opposite."
"Disney has become consumed by checking all the right boxes politically and socially..."
"Raw facts are rare in a politically correct society."
"Politically correct does not mean historically correct."
"Political correctness resist fight if you have a point of view fight it in the proper manner using democracy as it should be not channels of education not language you know it's so silly."
"It seems to be getting accepted...in this politically correct culture."
"I'm not gonna sacrifice the honesty in order to be politically correct."
"Why do you keep calling this the Chinese virus? It's not racist at all."
"How many of you think we need to ditch the political correctness and get back to these values in the United States?"
"He can do a profanity-laced rant about white people, black people, by the way, Asians. I'm talking about Muslims if he wants to."
"80% of Americans see political correctness as a problem and I think it's our problem."
"There's no legitimate comparison to the Holocaust." - Debbie Wasserman Schultz
"People in North Korea learn what's politically correct and what's not, and they do what they have to in order to keep themselves and their family safe."
"Disney remains committed to woke principles, but this rumor is true: they are no longer going to prioritize agenda over profit."
"Recognize that when you're being politically correct, you're putting a gun to your head."
"Generation Z is so not politically correct, it's insane."
"Political correctness describes a sort of organized system of lying designed to save the feelings of delicate wallflowers at the expense of Reason, fact, and truth."
"Political correctness is manipulating the population to silence itself."
"Sorry, you're not gonna catch me being politically correct."
"Political correctness and cancel culture is not a conspiracy theory."
"I want to get my message across as clearly and as authentically as possible without letting political correctness get in the way."
"Cancel culture is mercy's antithesis... political correctness has grown to become the unhappiest religion in the world."
"If you can't say it the way it is, if you have to be politically correct about it, nothing is ever going to change."
"The language of political correctness... has in many ways civilized public discourse."
"I'm saying [ __ ] political correctness, resist, fight if you have a point of view, fight it in the proper manner using democracy as it should be."
"It is a country that doesn't believe in mankind because that would be a hate crime; they prefer 'peoplekind' so it includes all of us."
"Political correctness never had anything to do with not offending minorities... It was invented in the Soviet Union so that they could say, 'Comrade, what you're saying is factually correct but it's Politically Incorrect.'"
"I think there's still a line of comedy that PC culture shouldn't touch because it's not coming from a place of malicious intent."
"But this is a politically incorrect statement. Because you're not supposed to deny anybody anything, that's the Post-Modern claim on I can have my own truth and you're not...and you can't sit in judgment on me."
"Thank God our schools aren't PC or so happy or else we wouldn't be able to have this totally realistic scene."
"Political correctness is a doctrine fostered by a delusional and a logical minority and rapidly supported by an unscrupulous gratuitous and hysterical mainstream media."
"Can you say Gypsy anymore? Is that canceled? I don't know, what do we call them?"
"You start to understand that a lot of the people who are enforcing the political correctness suspect that they are covering up dangerous truths."
"Inside a team room is the most politically incorrect place that you could spend time."
"We are swimming in a cesspool of politically correct crap."
"I am not politically correct and I have no intention of ever being. I think political correctness is one of the worst gorgeous to ever visit our shores."
"Political correctness is an ideology like any other, and all ideologies are violent."
"The city of Berkeley, California, banned the use of the word 'manhole' as sexist and patriarchal and now refers to it as a maintenance hole."
"It's just lazy to harp on woke stuff all the time."
"Nothing has to be politically correct as long as it's true."
"We're more interested in being politically correct than spiritually correct."
"False prophets spoke what the people wanted to hear, but true prophets are politically incorrect."
"He criticized what he saw political correctness within society."
"We live in a time where intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people won't be offended."
"We're stuck in between that, yeah, cuz now it's like the new generation, jeez, whatever, it's all about like being PC and making sure, you know, you're aware of the words that you're using because it does have power."
"Political correctness is the arch enemy of comedy."
Italy: "Best of all they have absolutely no idea what is meant by the phrase 'political correctness.'"
"People will get mad at you because you're not being politically correct or doing things according to society, but we know society is not fair."
"Who wants to have these perfect people, these woke scolds trying to correct the way they speak?"
"Comedy should be politically incorrect."
"People want to laugh and like they want to turn off the Doom and Gloom they want to be silly they don't necessarily want to be so politically correct you just want to be silly."
"Being human and being in the public eye sometimes the natural tendency is to [__] people this is what most people online do and say the thing that's the most politically correct or say the thing that's like the most like the nice thing to say."
"The woke world is anti-humor. Humor is keeping it real and is not afraid of Truth."
"Terms like politically correct or correctness are xenophobic coded terms created by people outside of our own cultural groups who try to detour our groups from the understanding of our cultural struggles and our stories."
"We're living in an era where being politically correct is an important value for a lot of Corporations and entities as Society modernizes Hollywood has been forced to reckon with its long-standing negative portrayals of different communities on screen."
"At least I speak up about bleep that's uncomfortable to talk about, rather than trying to be politically correct 24/7."
"The controversy was the product of a politically correct moral panic."
"Political correctness has really gone overboard."
"In this PC culture, it's kind of refreshing, isn't it?"
"The funniest comics out there right now have nothing to do with that political correct horseshit."
"We sort of linked to reaction this political correctness that is suffocating us."
"I want to make sure that I express the truth and express what I think actually works rather than trying to be politically correct."
"In people's pursuit of physical pleasures, they are not going to be open to any rebuke. You're not allowed to tell anybody what you're doing is wrong. That's politically incorrect."
"It also is increasingly Politically Incorrect to be a Biblical believer. Even in many congregations, they're embarrassed by people who take the Bible really seriously."
"You don't need a majority of people... Most polls show the majority of people think political correctness has gone too far."
"You can't expect no comedian to be politically correct because the damn point is to stop being funny."
"I think you have to be careful that you don't become a suppressor of any opinion that you don't like hearing and then describing it as non-PC or PC then becomes unhelpful."
"There's been a very aggressive development in a culture which once prized freedom of speech is going out the window because of this political correctness."
"This world needs to relax a lot more and not worry about stuff. This political correctness has gotten out of hand."
"I think it's important to be yourself. We live in a culture now that's so dwarfed by political correctness."
"They were encouraged to no longer say 'America is the land of opportunity' or 'the job should go to the most qualified person' because they are considered to be oppressive."
"Political correctness is what is killing Europe and America."
"What you call political correctness, I call progress."
"Never in the history of engineering has a petrol engine been so perfect and yet so politically incorrect."
"If PC just means politeness, then I agree with political correctness."
"We're too politically correct and I think we're getting worse."
"We need to make sure that we respect people for their differences as long as it's politically correct to do so and safe to do so."
"We're in an age of political correctness, which I don't mind. I just consider it to be a form of good manners."
"It's perfectly reasonable to talk about political correctness from a technical perspective."
"Everyone complains about kids being super PC, and they're just, for almost without exception, they've just been fun and wanting to see comedy."