
Generational Change Quotes

There are 1070 quotes

"Science advances because the old guard dies and the new people grow up just believing it to be self-evident."
"I think we do have a new generation of folks coming into the workforce who don't want to work the way that we've worked."
"Your generation is moving from ownership to access, from markets to networks, from consumerism to sustainability."
"Breaking generational curses, having generational wealth, and really just making our last name mean something."
"It's not always about saving a life, it's about improving the standard of someone's life, which I think can have a generational impact."
"Cultural milestones come and go, but every now and then we are privileged enough to experience something so profound and important it not only defines a generation, it changes the world."
"I want to break a generational curse, and I can only do it if the glory of the Lord is backing me up."
"We always want more for our kids than we do for ourselves."
"This is a generation that will insist on learning how to think rather than what to think."
"I'm just a kid that grew up in the inner city without a father who grew up and became something of myself, said that I'm gonna be a generational curse breaker."
"Integration into America didn't really happen amongst immigrants; it happened several generations later."
"Am I turning into my dad? What is happening?"
"It changed my life. I fell in love with the hardware and it truly felt like the biggest generational leap in hardware ever."
"We're the first generation that has the luxury of healing."
"In general, comparisons don't work because chess just continues to evolve over generations."
"The generation born during and after the fall of the Soviet Union is abandoning core American values and embracing socialism."
"This generation's relationship to their own civilization is broadcasted in a way totally different from earlier generations who didn't have access to thousands, if not millions of people, at the tap of a finger."
"A whole generation of young people are coming up into a world and thinking about their professional trajectory in the context of meaning in a way that was not really part of the thought process of my generation."
"This is evolution, you guys. What one generation suffers, the next generation should not."
"The Millennials got killed by education costs. You know, I grew up in a world of free education."
"Only half of children born in the early '80s were making more than their parents by age 30."
"I mean, it's a once-in-a-lifetime phenomenon... with the influence of social media, if something like this happened 25 years ago, you wouldn't have the entire world via social media jumping on a story like this."
"I never felt older than when I think about this app. I was laying right there for SoundCloud rap, didn't feel out of place at all. And then BOOM, TikTok. Yeah, I'm good."
"Will we be the generation that finally wipes out the stain of racism from our national character? I believe we're up to it. I believe we're ready."
"A new generation does not fall out of the sky... They don't materialize out of thin air... Generations are raised by the generation before them."
"It's time for the next generation of leadership."
"We're growing up in a generation where it's finally accepted to talk about how we feel."
"You saved Generations. That's crazy. That is what that is, and I don't want to treat it as common."
"At the end of the day, fire is that determination for us to break a generational curse, it's the determination for us to finish school, for us to raise the children, for us to pursue that career path. But it takes fire to get it done."
"It stops today. Every generational curse is broken today."
"This generation will take us there, I have to believe that."
"I'm kind of confident that our generation is going to be the last in America that gives a [care] if you drink or not."
"You need to be the first generation to destigmatize mental health."
"Generational change... This is generational change."
"Success is not about saying, 'Hey, we donated, here's a check, here's a chance for us, pat on our back.' It's about creating generational change."
"Generational leadership could contribute to mastering the changes coming to our country."
"We're ready to move past the stale ideas and faded names of the past, and we are more than ready for a new generation to lead us into the future."
"Millennials are moving American in another direction. This is a generation which precisely because they don't trust individuals in the marketplace being able to replace community, they think you actually have to go out of the way and actually create community."
"Sacrifice now... Your life could be in an incredible position where no one in your family has ever been. This could be generational change."
"Demographics had a part to play not only in the disinflationary cycle but also in the fact that this generational change, this fourth turning that's coming, was probably going to change the system we operated in."
"Bitcoin is very native to the Millennials and Gen Z; they relate to it a lot easier than they do gold."
"Generations change, expectations change, times change."
"Kakashi is deeply impressed by the Rasen Shuriken, and tells Kakuzu that the previous generation being surpassed by the next was perfectly natural."
"Every generation is supposed to take it a step further than the last generation."
"I'm an old man who is still shaking off the dregs of my generation, and I'm excited to see so many of these younger folks that are spearheading what will be a much better, much more healthy cultural future for us worldwide."
"Generational trauma ends when you heal yourself first."
"Millennials are going to become the wealthiest generation of all time."
"We raised a whole generation of kids in these last 20-30 years that didn't grow up to be haters, bigots, or homophobes."
"Now I take my kids to Cape Canaveral, the space shuttles are in museums."
"Be the change for your child that you wanted when you were a child."
"I think it's going to take a new generation of leaders that aren't connected to that old system."
"There's an entire generation that's waking up to that, and they're going to start writing off a lot of these politicians."
"By the time you get to the third generation that's the end. The third generation of tyrant gets thrown out if you've made it that far."
"It's been amazing in the past couple of years to see how...the younger generation...have totally reconsidered the view of the monarchy."
"The real true honest-to-god change is going to come when the next generation of people... value repair again."
"But in the last 20 to 30 years, since the '90s, the variant has become very popular again across all generations."
"Everything that the left is trying to do is a threat to who we are as a nation... our children and our grandchildren aren't going to know the same America that we have."
"I see myself breaking that generational curse with Tiffany."
"A lot of the social constructs that we have right now in our society are not helpful for the generation and the progress that we're making out of this society."
"It's time for a new generation of leadership." - Nikki Haley advocating for change.
"There's a generation that has only known this style of football, so their version of it has been electrifying to watch."
"It's not the loss of a woman, not simply the loss of a queen, but the loss of a generation."
"You've got to admit, it really is an amazing generational leap."
"In Shank's case, he's associated with the end of that time and the passing of the torch to the new generation."
"Evolution in music is inevitable. Let these little ones do what they do. If they want to mumble, let them mumble."
"Millennials and Gen Z's are expected to see their net worths skyrocket."
"The great wealth transfer is coming and it is going to have very significant impacts."
"Successful species not only don’t stay the same over generations, but typically diverge into many different species with time."
"Gen Z is not waiting... we are the new leaders."
"It's very much down to William and Kate and that generation to adapt the traditional role of the monarchy."
"Millennials, we have embraced the idea of evolution in all other arenas of life."
"The work of our generation is to say goodbye to old practices that don't serve us anymore and to put them all behind us."
"The success symbol for our generation isn't climbing the career ladder, it's doing work that matters."
"We Millennials questioned these things years ago and now some of that has paid off."
"I think this younger generation is going to become a very accepting generation."
"We shouldn't dwell on them forever or deny the Next Generation their inheritance."
"Our world is changing, the new generation of today is growing up in a way that is completely different from anything that we've experienced in the past."
"Our families don't have to repeat the cycle of the past."
"I really believe that these spaces, these communities, have become, for a new generation of learners, the kind of communities that I had when I was in high school."
"So I'm waiting to see if these new younger faces associated with Kohl's can put new life into Kohl's and stop catering to those loyal customers that aren't gonna last forever..."
"Reality has moved forward... it's the future, old man."
"We have only just begun to fight, and we will be the generation that moves from me to we."
"You ladies and gentlemen are that last generation stunning as that sounds."
"This is a potentially game-changing product, one whose importance is likely going to be lost on the enthusiast base but that is going to be embraced by a new listener and a new generation to come."
"Providing people's basic needs as a right eradicates generational poverty it eradicates all the structures that keep people down."
"Our generation is changing from being against something to being for something."
"Modern is a relative term. 06, Unleashed, and Colors were part of that era in Generations, and those games are all over 10 years old now."
"But it's interesting to note that the songs that have come after, like [song name], have kind of distanced themselves a little bit more from this teen crush concept that Twice had essentially established for themselves."
"Younger generations are more in favor of free speech."
"Can I grow up to be better off than my parents? If not, what are you going to do about it?"
"We must pay attention to this message: our generation and the next must consider this question: will the generation degenerate or regenerate?"
"We are not our ancestors. We will not sit idly by and allow these injustices to continue."
"There may be a big shift leftward when the boomers are no longer voting."
"New medium, new generation, like I said, it's like reborn like Vine."
"He brings a youthful energy to this next generation."
"Now we have a generation becoming increasingly unhuman."
"We're done being governed by 80 year olds, we need a generational shift."
"I guess the restaurant won't have any problems with the Next Generation then."
"It doesn't even feel like a full generational leap."
"It'll be the younger royals who perhaps have a bigger role in moving the monarchy forward."
"It's a new world that we live in... you've got to change your attitude about what work is... experiment in their 20s... they're going to be the ones in their 30s and 40s running this world."
"We're on the cusp, I believe, of the revolutionary generation."
"We must look at the younger generations creating this from the bottom up as something exciting."
"Our age is past. This belongs to the younger races now."
"The first generation that didn't have to retire to a factory or the field."
"I gave it up for the sake of a new era, Luffy, carrying forward that torch of a new era that he entrusted to me."
"Reviewing Cyberpunk 2077 allows me to review every modern video game of the past three console generations."
"I think even for your generation I think you're seeing now more engagement... maybe it took Trump to engage both the working class and in this young generation..."
"There's a generational divide that's happening and the world that their parents came into is very different for them."
"The first generation died away. The children, in large measure, weren't circumcised."
"You know if we go if we get into this metaverse thing if we get into this crypto thing we're going to attract the new generation."
"We cannot be the except-for-Palestine generation; we actually have to be the [end of caption, continuation cut off]."
"In this day and age still has an alarm clock of one of those big old school alarm clocks next to your bed I don't know if y'all still using those not me."
"Big tech wants to change an entire worldview of a generation."
"The fact that so many more women are moving towards these politics, not because they're dredging up second wave irrelevancies from the 1970s, which was pre-internet and almost prehistoric."
"This is our greatest generational leap ever."
"His generation's going to be so woke well I hope so I hope that he I hope that he is I hope that he stands up against it and all of that."
"The kids born after 1996... are the first generation in history that got on social media in middle school."
"Bitcoin represents something new, generational-changing."
"They are taking the ideals of the original rave generation and forge their own fight back with the scene totally of its time."
"This is about passing rights on to the next generation."
"Ironically the ideas that most profoundly shape the ways that a future generation thinks will end up looking, to that future generation, well, simpler than they really are."
"Generational opportunities were found in that. These opportunities don't come around very often."
"Working-class men can't get the jobs their dad got with the same level of education."
"We are going to continue to do this for generation after generation of human beings that are not yet damaged. We do not have to damage them in the same way, even if we are not fully rescueable."
"I was selected to break generational curses that need to be healed."
"The power of the next generation, one of the first things we learned about this game is that it arose from a simple question: What if Sonic the Hedgehog lived in the real world?"
"It's not just me it's our generation's time to be the leadership that this university needs because one person can't can't make a difference it is collectively the team that that makes the difference."
"I just love that decision as well, like just having that chain of violence and it's like, and the end of at the end of the movie, the letter that she gives to her children says it's your turn like you have to break the chain."
"It's just kind of like a bit of a sideways step of a Generation."
"Our generation... kind of became cool, became a status symbol."
"FNAF VR, in making Scott part of the Fazbear cover-up, is the franchise's way of rebooting the story for the next generation."
"It was an era of ambitious dreams; a new generation was experiencing lives very different from those of their parents and grandparents."
"If you want a better world composed of better nations inhabited by better states, that are made up of better counties, compose better cities illuminated by better churches, made of better families, we need a generation of better men."
"Encanto is obviously the point where this trend passes over from 'explicitly part of the experience' to 'literally what the movie is about.'"
"What matters, though, is that Robinhood zero commissions model has finally caught the fancy of a whole new generation investors."
"No, you're an old man. Yes, here, pass them on and robux."
"It's the only technology I can really see that in our future will be just something that generations won't understand didn't happen didn't exist."
"Online dating has completely changed my generation's approach to love and relationships."
"A scientific truth does not triumph by converting its opponents and making them see the light, but rather because its opponents eventually die and a new generation grows up that is familiar with it."
"Young people are feeling over both political parties, over the entire system of politics."
"This has been a generational torch passing of advocates and activists speaking up on behalf of unborn children."
"What I had done was taken mom and apple pie and the clean cut ‘let’s have a ball’ Pepsi generation of these clean cut kids who were out having fun unfettered from adult restrictions and stood it on its head."
"In sports, the passing of the torch or changing of the guard from one generation to the next is often seen as a beautiful moment."
"The first party to retire its 80-year-old candidate is going to be the party that wins this election."
"To break generational patterns you have to be aware of your unhealthy unproductive dysfunctional destructive patterns and ways of being."
"How can generational curses be broken in the family?"
"Steph Curry's game adapts to the other time and ways of play."
"The passing of generational spirits is a spiritual reality which occurs for a variety of factors."
"We need a new generation of leaders that can stand up and really fight for those issues."
"What we ultimately need is a synthesis of the two. And that will come in the next generation when Esau and Jacob will confront each other."
"Every generation gets a brand new set of opportunities."
"It's just so crazy and they get involved in you know even my generation you know you never locked your door you came in when the street lights were on just so such a dip."
"Maybe generation Lit it's gonna become generation grit."
"I really wish that my grandpa could see where we're at today as compared to how he raised pigs."
"Seeing how capable this new generation is made Master Roshi realize that finally maybe his job was done."
"Generational shifts in thinking require action."
"Climate change will force far harsher changes on our kids."
"Even far leftists, they're taking charge man. A lot of the younger far leftists are challenging establishment older democrats."
"And now many generations of people who have been brought up under the regime not really knowing what traditional Chinese culture is about."
"I love my daughter's expression when I tell her we couldn't skip ads when I was her age."
"Among those of gen z who are more progressive, they tend to be increasingly authoritarian."
"I was born in the '90s and this [__] started to become a thing."
"I want to be part of the generation that says enough is enough."
"It's not about revolting against the past, it's simply about staying true to who we are."
"There's a generation where it's less and less likely that your kids will be better off than you."
"Every generation faces its problems, but we've made progress."
"So you can take your [__] irrelevant TV asses back home and let the new media get in okay that this is it this is the new media go home boomer that's all that's all it really can be said."
"Millennials are the largest group in America they're now larger than baby boomers."
"It's not just that a father hugs his son and apologizes. It's who that father is, it's who that son is and the long long road it took to get to this point. It's nothing short of generational."
"It's just that something has happened over the past generation."
"We don't have generations to look to... my generation is the first generation of African Americans with full access to opportunity."
"God is raising up Sarah's in this generation."
"Men reported they wouldn't be bothered if they never had kids doubled among High School seniors... the number of men reporting that it is very important to them that their job has a good parental leave decreased."
"I hope that those non-LeBrons kind of get what they've been searching for as the next generation comes up."
"If you're under 25 years old in Afghanistan, this means you have never really experienced Taliban rule."
"Guys give me your thoughts. What do you feel about it? How do you feel about the old era versus the new era? Which side are you on?"
"Once it spread up the generations, there was a feeling of, well, maybe it's time. Maybe it's all over."
"NFTs are the Zoomers Avon... It's the exact same [__]!"
"We may be living in the generation that gets to see the transformation."
"You are awakening something in your bloodline, you are the cycle breaker."
"I feel like that generation is gonna be a lot better, you know."
"Speak about it because those words are going to change a generation."
"You're breaking a generational curse and you're speaking up for your lineage."
"The absolute biggest change... would have to be the entirely new generation of fans that are now tuning in."
"It barely factors into the third gen, so I'm not going to mention it."
"Some of you are about to inherit abundance that you've never seen in your bloodline."
"The three protagonists of GTA 5 represent the three generations of Gamers and play styles of the previous games."
"It could definitely happen within my lifetime."
"The newer generation is going to want to use bitcoin."
"I do worry that my kids will be raised in a more racially divided America than I was."
"If you're not able to convince a vassal or neighbor to join you in your beliefs, maybe you can focus your efforts on their next generation instead."
"I am part of that new generation, the new right if you will that's rising up or you know we tend to trend a little bit younger than previous politicians."
"I literally see you as like this generation of Cinderella."
"This is the generation... that my daughter is going to be entering into very soon."
"I'm glad that nowadays adult children are standing up to their parents and demanding better treatment and acknowledgment of their parents' flaws."
"The phrase 'wrath babies' was coined too. These kids playing the game these days, getting their easy epics, having fun. How dare they?"
"The hope is that the new generation doesn't have to go through what we went through."
"It's the start of a new generation and, frankly, I couldn’t be more excited."
"I got to adulthood without the internet so all the stupid [expletive] my kids are gonna do it's gonna be on the internet."