
Consideration Quotes

There are 4690 quotes

"The quality of your life is affecting the quality of your life, which is something you've probably never considered before."
"These are serious issues, every one of the words I say on this issue is weighed, thought through, and measured."
"This person is a very good listener and will be extremely considerate of your emotions and your feelings and your needs."
"I think it's okay to ask for that; you're not like in the wrong for saying, 'Hey, can you be considerate with my feelings or make space for my feelings right now?'"
"Let's be careful that we don't step on one another's toes. Be kind to one another."
"I think that these are very serious kind of questions to be asking now because, as you mentioned, the pathway so far is really to focus on these medical applications."
"What does it hurt you in that moment to just be more compassionate and considerate of how she's feeling, even if it doesn't line up with your logic?"
"It's not about who wins my heart. All three of us have feelings, and the point here isn't hurting them."
"Please, if you're not really going to come to the event, leave that spot for somebody else."
"Be considerate to one another and be kind. That's all we ask."
"The way you take other people into consideration, take your future self into consideration, experience that love that you show toward yourself, and it's gonna make you feel so much more beautiful because you are."
"It's the new... zombies, like the last line of the Jurassic Park movie is just, 'Because we could do it, we didn't stop to think if we should.'"
"You should be concerned with whether or not the people around you are comfortable because that means you're a good community member."
"This is not done to take; this is done to give, to be of service, and to be considerate."
"It doesn't just matter what your payoffs are -- that's obviously important -- it's also important what other people's payoffs are, because you want to try and figure out what they're going to do and then respond appropriately."
"We punish them but we take into consideration their damage when we impose a sentence."
"Just do the freaking dishes and say, 'Hey, my wife is tired; she's watching the kid right now. I want her to sleep a little longer. It's no big deal.'"
"These are really good and they're just something that you might want to consider."
"I think that there is actually some virtue to it, so maybe we could think about trying to balance the scales somewhat."
"Seeing people talk about confusing colors, this must be to help people who are color blind, which I think is quite nice."
"We consume without purpose, and we consume without reason, and we consume without regard for one another."
"The way I view evil is reckless disregard for the well-being of others."
"A boyfriend or girlfriend is not just someone who's meant to serve you and cater to your every whim with no consideration of how they're feeling."
"The most important factor to consider is their feelings because... it is far more uncomfortable and scary and dangerous for trans people and other sexual and gender minorities."
"If you are sick enough that it's constantly on your mind, chances are you're probably contagious and besides, you're going to be less productive anyway."
"It is, if done correctly, a good thing when people go out of their way to be considerate and spend extra effort clarifying their intent."
"I really believe anyone who is thinking of having a child in this world is coldly considering an act of cruelty."
"Don't apologize for who you are; just make sure you know what it is, and also make sure that you think as equally hard not just about what you want but what they're gonna want."
"He is honest, he is trustworthy, he is considerate."
"All I'm trying to say is, why don't you just be considerate of the people around you?"
"If you're thinking whether you should or should not get them a gift get them a gift a gift if you're in that debate like should I do it cuz you already thinking about them in that manner."
"I feel like I'm much more considerate and emotionally aware than a lot of other people."
"Is it time for you and I to consider having universal basic income?"
"Don't dismiss it; someone's character, I think, yes."
"Basic kindness, consideration, and thoughtfulness matter."
"You should never schedule things in bad faith when you know someone is not going to be available."
"You can't rule out a hundred percent why can't we at least consider it?"
"You don't know what someone is going through behind the scenes."
"I want to look under every rock, consider every angle."
"It should take you a while for you to consider everything before you come to a conclusion."
"We must consider not only the situation but also the consequences."
"Every tiny consideration makes a huge difference."
"Try to be graceful and considerate of the people that are going to have to pick up the pieces after you leave."
"I won't give any spoilers because people are not into the series, so it's fine."
"You always consider how your actions might affect other people before doing something."
"Maybe just maybe I'm wearing the mask because I just don't want to be that dude who's making the employees come up to yell at me."
"A man who considers how you feel and your input is a man who cares."
"Just be sure you vote and think about it, okay?"
"Real men exhibit godly character, demonstrate consideration, and respect authority."
"Guys, we need to keep it down, my parents are trying to sleep upstairs."
"Think carefully about what you're doing. There's a lot to be said for someone who truly loves you."
"When it comes to the way you interact with individuals, you are so conscious of other people's needs."
"Right speech doesn't only mean using words that don't hurt anyone, it also means using words at the right time."
"You can have your anxieties over the Biden situation but then you have to go to all right what's the alternative"
"The stakes may be higher than you think regarding the aliens."
"I've made grand plans, why not consider with reverence the position you seek?"
"I was tired of people never thinking about their words before they say them."
"Men have emotions too. Be considerate of other people."
"Misaki is the type of person who thinks about others first than her own."
"Don't feel like you're inconveniencing someone for 30 seconds when it could be a life-altering thing."
"It's just so considerate, every little detail."
"I think you should really be keeping in mind if you're considering the 6500 XT."
"Plan for the people who are going to be using this."
"When you take the time to actually consider what I'm saying, it's a little harder to walk away from."
"If it's the price thing that's concerning you, don't get her something too expensive. Just get her a letter."
"You should remember I am not the only one involved there is another person here."
"I really truly deeply apologize. I should have thought about the names in the book."
"We have to be very always keep mindful of our family members that are listening and watching right now."
"I'm considering revision rhinoplasty and that's probably the only thing I'm considering right now."
"We deserve a lot more respect and consideration than what we're getting here."
"I've left a little strip for him... I've double layered that."
"Pro-life people have thought through the consequences."
"This person will be back... but is it good for you?"
"Your decisions are important. Take them into account."
"Attentiveness: a sign that this person pays attention to your needs."
"I will contend that the $750 option is worth considering."
"Somebody out there was thinking about me. Somebody out there was thinking about me."
"Always be prepared and always consider all sides."
"Some people had to cancel their holidays they already had booked, some people cancelled their festivals and their birthdays. It's not about jealousy, it's just about being considerate."
"I want you to really think about it before answering me. If you can consider me as something more than just a friend."
"I suggest not to wake them up. Let them sleep it off."
"Being attentive, considerate, and nurturing are very feminine qualities."
"I think there is a good case to be made to take it seriously."
"Maybe it's time to think first before being rude to someone for no reason."
"That's been settled law for a long time, folks need to kind of back up and think for a second."
"We should be looking for ways to mitigate the damage."
"I try not to be a dick to my party members because they're the ones soaked in bullets for me."
"If your grandparents offered this in full knowledge of your situation, perhaps you should consider it."
"Before we blame someone for getting bad plastic surgery, you need to consider what state of mind they were in prior to making those surgical decisions."
"You're going to be making a decision that's going to affect the entire rest of your life so it's worth it for you to put it on now."
"A refined, intelligent mind listens to all ideas."
"I may be the only one complaining about the noise, but everyone lives down the hall from you. I live right underneath you, so I'm your neighbor a floor below. Please, can you turn it down? If the neighbors say it's too loud, I'll think about it."
"Just be respectful of other people, you know, make sure to give them the time that they deserve."
"Some people need abortions because they were either raped... it means that they are being considerate to not only that child but to their bodies and their mental health."
"Nobody ever takes the time to consider the historical angle."
"You're potentially dealing with subjects that might be sensitive to people at your table."
"If a lot of people are saying something, you need to at least look into it heavily and listen to them."
"Focus on not being cut off, not cutting other people off."
"If you aren't thinking about us, if you are not talking about us, then we are not a consideration."
"Don't do it, don't be selfish, please don't be selfish, I beg you."
"Sneaker of the year, I would have to think about but it's definitely in the running."
"If they're gonna put in the time and work for your project, and you can't pay them, which is understandable, at least make sure that they're fed."
"Be careful how you go about it; you're disturbing their dream, robbing them of their illusions."
"Add it to your list of luxury full-size SUVs because this might be the one."
"Imagine how you would feel if I came along and dumped my luggage by your seats."
"No, you don't have to wear that, I'm just trying to be courteous of other people."
"Eventually, we'll have a new start but is it worth it?"
"Consider others, consider others, consider others, consider others."
"Have some compassion for their comfort level."
"It's nothing to belittle those types of claims."
"Do not take away from the experience that everybody around you is having."
"It's again something to consider with it—but overall, not a bad printer here."
"Performing curls inside a squat rack... take your barbell and curl outside the squat rack so others can do squats."
"Morality is a serious and necessary consideration."
"When you have a lot of power, responsibility is also a thing that you have to think about sometimes once in a while."
"Take everything into consideration and do what's right for you and your family."
"People really need to be able to weigh out the pros and cons and find out what's best for them."
"This Defender is something to consider if you like this type of design."
"That kind of makes me think that she can't have a baby when there's this many people in the house."
"Apologies are worth considering wisely, my friend."
"Plane rides are communal experiences and a time to maybe just try harder not to be [ __ ] to each other."
"The question is always this what is my most loving response to this person to this place to this thing."
"There is some merit to what he said and it is worth your time, go see it."
"But it seems like a lot of upkeep." - Panelist
"Son is definitely worth considering as well."
"I do think there's some weight to that theory."
"It's important for you to both like the name. He isn't even a little bit considering your feelings."
"A real man is going to evaluate all that stuff we take into account everything before we get down on one knee."
"If somebody's going to make you a really decent offer then we have to consider it."
"Thinking up her fans, come on Ryuji, if you want to accomplish anything, eat hard, it's help. She's still recovering, right? It's probably a good idea to talk about her first."
"We're not asking you to give a hundred million dollars. We're asking you to just look at the damages in this case and just be fair and reasonable."
"Before y'all get in people's comments, watch more than just one video. Think about what you're saying before you say it."
"You're doing what's best for you. You tend to be someone who thinks about a lot of other people in your world, and you're building something right now."
"Think longer and harder about the risks you're willing to undertake."
"It's an important thing to offer. No one's family should have to see anything that may remind them of the loss of their loved one."
"You're being selfish because you're not considering what the other person needs."
"Consider all those things before you fall in love with a piece of land."
"Thanks for bringing up the idea to make sure we highlight animal care at this time."
"Be very mindful of your words... whatever you say might come off really, really harsh and hurt another person's feelings. So just be very careful of the kind of state of being that you're in."
"Think about his children, think about his children."
"Enjoy the show... don't ruin someone's night for no reason."
"You get the point, right? Make sure you all take that into consideration."
"Again, I just wanna circle back to the idea that I think as consumers, we should be very considerate of what we buy."
"Before commenting down below, consider that some of these may help someone with a disability."
"He's actually being very mature and thoughtful about this... he could just go the route of, 'If you're paying for your own vacation, you may as well choose what you're doing.' But he's not doing that."
"It's done so intentionally with care and consideration."
"Nuance is not always an A B decision; sometimes you have to take the entire alphabet into account."
"Nobody ever asked the hosts how they are, I appreciate that."
"Please, if you are considering... consider adopting."
"These will be breakfast for tomorrow and I'm gonna stick a little note on them so folks know not to eat them today."
"He said my goodness, we are living in a world where we become sore losers and we're looking for any reason why our kid lost... I just wish we could be a little more thoughtful in life."
"I certainly am much more open-minded about it than I was."
"It's not tone policing, it's about being overly considerate of your partner."
"Of course, you don't have to, but I would just appreciate you considering it if you can financially."
"It is important to be considerate of other people."
"That was nice of her to think of, to be considerate of the co-pilot idea."
"I'm a big fan of not filming strangers unless they're doing something super sick, you know what I mean?"
"Real love means consideration. If you don't see any consideration from that person, then that's a major sign."
"If those pain points are bigger than the ones I brought up then really just kind of listen to them."
"Decision time - be decisive, thoughtful, premeditated."
"Our strong friendship got me thinking, maybe we should live together."
"Imagine if it was said to you and it would make you feel bad don't say it to someone else."
"Hold the door open for the person behind you."
"Glad you're thinking about it, yay for that."
"Even when you go berserk, you're still considerate of everyone else."
"Listen to your intuition, have patience, consider carefully."
"He's our friend, so I want to take his feelings into consideration."
"Everyone just be a bit nicer and more considerate of each other."
"I'm not asking for the end of Jews. I'm asking for you to consider their life and their existence like you will consider your own."
"Wearing a mask is being thoughtful of others."
"I'll give people enough time to watch the videos."
"We should be thoughtful and considerate of other people."
"I would seriously consider it because it's just so interesting."
"You turn me down, you better think about this."
"If it's not good for the person who's going to hear it then don't say it."
"The navitimer is going to be the watch that so many people are going to consider when looking at brightling it is their icon."
"Just because you can go out doesn't mean that they can. That's it, man. Do the right things. Just be sensible. Just be considerate for others. This is way bigger than football."
"Don't smoke on your balcony, take the time to go to the designated smoking zones."
"He just seems like a person you could talk to easily... he's very considerate, aware of his surroundings, and very unselfish."
"Honestly, check it out, straight up, think about this."
"Let's never be more angry than the people that are directly affected."
"The cold, hard, slippery truth is that ice deserves more consideration than that."
"I genuinely thought you would enjoy this, Dev."
"I'm a nice guy and this is the most considerate way to end a marriage."
"You have to think about other people before you think about yourself."
"I always try to think maybe a step or two ahead, how is this going to affect me, how is this going to affect the outcome or the people around me."
"Please offer me some consideration and don't be mean, with peace and love."
"It's really important when you're designing or installing the hub motor that you take into consideration that you've locked the axle against that kind of rotation."
"Before you type something and press post, think about how that thing is going to suit."
"Venting, on the other hand, is done with considering the impact it will have on the other person."
"Be thoughtful, respectful, compassionate human while preparing for social distancing."
"It is not okay. He's thinking about others outside of just himself."
"If you love someone and you know how to hit their sweet spot, do it. If you love someone and you know what bothers them, don't do it if you can help it."
"It's getting really late for everybody."
"If I care for him, I have to care about what I'm saying and how I'm saying it."
"Consideration is the highest form of love."
"I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings."
"...he didn't want to upset his beloved more than anything."
"Intent versus impact. No, intent does not equal impact, obviously. But it does matter."
"If you're thinking about making a move, take all these things into account and stack them up versus where you live."