
Concept Quotes

There are 2077 quotes

"It's funny, you know, the whole concept of time."
"Evolution will decide its value. I love that."
"It's such an interesting concept, and I love the execution of this shoe."
"You don't muscle creativity. It's more like relaxation."
"It's a really cool concept and it's backed up by a stark but stylish black and white art style."
"Race is not a biological concept. It's not that you can't group people into these distinct essences of groups of human beings that are based on their skin color and their behavior."
"The concept of strength not just based on physical abilities."
"The concept in the writing for Screamers is fantastic."
"It’s a great way to streamline the concept of growth, and it fits perfectly in so many video games."
"Six degrees of separation is the concept that all people are six or fewer social connections away from each other."
"God is a thought, God is an idea, but its reference is to that which is beyond thinking, beyond our ability to even conceive."
"Time travel, a staple of science fiction, offers a unique spin on the concept of faster-than-light travel."
"An episteme refers to the way in which a society thinks at any given moment."
"A car or a child does begin to exist because it is a new concept, a new thing that we apply a new name to."
"There's something really cool to me about the concept of people using ammo as currency."
"Wouldn't you love to be able to travel in time?"
"What is time? Time is the measure of change."
"This is the West... it's an idea, it's a concept."
"Embracing and realizing how cool it is that someday I will just be an idea."
"A magical place, a magical concept - that's what the loop is."
"Ultra Instinct is a transformation and a state of being."
"The scene never ends... shows just how great an idea it is."
"The sheer creativity behind this concept just adds to my enjoyment."
"Evie Oddly, because her look was fully conceptualized."
"Wow, what a novel concept dude, what a freaking novel concept."
"Pokémon Ultra Sword and Shield 2? Interesting concept!"
"It's almost a reverse of a mascot horror game."
"Energy is not positive on earth or negative... it's neutral."
"The Purge... they have an intention, they have an idea."
"Groundhog Day with more murders... an interesting idea."
"The beauty of a driving concept is that the customer is empowered."
"I don't know, it's a cool concept for a show, it's very fun."
"Rogue Squadron, it's like Top Gun in Star Wars, like that'd be cool."
"Going viral is -as the name implies- to catch and spread, like a disease."
"Still there is something truly awesome about the concept of an enormous single planet you could walk or swim all the way around, a million times larger than our own planet."
"This packaging is so cool, the whole concept behind everything was so cool."
"There's nothing worse than a sharp picture of a fuzzy concept."
"Make a movie where it just gets better, more life, it just starts out real bad."
"The speedrun record progression for Zelda games over the years is genuinely fascinating."
"It's just an interesting concept that's relatable to everyone... it's just a lightning in the bottle perfect film."
"I just really love the concept and the premise and like the themes it's eliciting which I all found really compelling."
"The promise is really interesting and unique, and a concept that I want to see succeed."
"It's an idea that you watch and you go, 'How did nobody think of this already?'"
"The Avengers were always meant to be more than a team. They were an idea."
"Paradise is a location, a park as it were set aside for this period of refreshment."
"Art is a conversation not taking place in real time."
"The concept and everything is just very, very fascinating."
"Having a fine dining fine dying restaurant does seem like something that could happen."
"The internet isn't a place. It's a process that functions like a place."
"It's like a new concept. And there's more of an experience."
"How would we turn that into an action item for either like business or society? It's very simple. What about an alarm clock that always tells you you slept for eight hours?"
"The whole concept of Bastoy is to provide a more pleasant experience than most jails."
"There's always a world largely resembling ours."
"There's a difference between concept and execution."
"Money is financial energy or socioeconomic energy."
"The universe sort of forgets how big it is. Not a crazy idea, of course, but that's the concept."
"The very biggest strength of this movie... is the concept."
"Rigidity keeps getting denounced over and over and over again."
"The way that this song carries the concept is just so unbelievably admirable."
"Parenting is not a role you assume, it's the relationship you create."
"It's such a badass concept to defeat an opponent and then take his weapon and master it."
"Time travel all the time happens constantly."
"I'm not choosing hell to be edgy or anything, it's just a compelling concept to me."
"A perfect world forever sounds like heaven right?"
"The basic idea of grace is just that it's an undeserved gift."
"I honestly think that a jungle city would be a really cool idea."
"It's the idea of sort of a bunch of underdogs is fairly relatable."
"Metaphor is the most important concept in the history of communication and human."
"It's the idea of just letting your brain run with what this series is trying to do."
"It's a simple concept that's done extraordinarily well."
"The shadow really is what contains the internal idea of the form."
"That's cool, that's a cool concept. So, Ubs like because we only knew, you know, Ubs from the present. But what would happen if a Ub got sent to the past and got stuck there? That's a fun concept."
"The concept of horror situations in normal everyday life things is just a scary concept to me."
"Super Mario Spikers: Canceled mix of volleyball and wrestling, featuring violent Mario gameplay."
"This is an interesting and terrifying concept."
"It's a very neat game and it's just a very cool concept for a game."
"A strong concept and overall I thought was really well done."
"I still think that what we just did could be its own show."
"I see The Vibes. I see the vision. I see the concept."
"However, that doesn't mean it wasn't a really interesting concept because it absolutely was."
"The ill-fated Final Fantasy vs 13: a darker concept, the antithesis of Final Fantasy 13."
"Money is a made-up concept. It's something we just created. It doesn't really exist so maybe we can make up something else."
"The flooded village was originally going to be a European fishing village."
"It's a compelling game, it's a really cool concept."
"In terms of concept I would give this next one 10 out of 10. It's an awesome idea, it's the storyline bible."
"The void star is the most distilled form of pure abstraction."
"Cave Punk: is that like Flintstones but goth?"
"Arkham City was unique in its concept in that it's a giant super prison."
"It's not just Scoob the character that works, it's Scoob the concept."
"I've always thought that the Five Nights at Freddy's series is an interesting concept and a great starting point to tell a good story."
"He brings everything into one central musical concept and just lets it build and build and build until it reaches one crescendo."
"For us, time is a different kind of thing than space."
"The key idea, which is a super old idea in the history of science, is to make a model."
"It's a pretty interesting concept, actually."
"I always had the idea that somebody out there should make a chicken sandwich store that's only available on Sundays."
"It's stylish, dark, gritty, and it just has a really good concept overall."
"There's only one just a concept, or are we only one?"
"The concept of inclusivity alone is objectively a good thing."
"Real Booting is where someone can physically manifest something that exists in their imagination."
"Multistreaming is an interesting concept."
"Disney's Hollywood Studios isn't based on Hollywood; it's based on the idea of Hollywood."
"There's a good idea in here about this deeply proud and arrogant society."
"I absolutely love the concept of a feared family that will help and protect you."
"That's the thing, the concept is good enough, it doesn't matter how well it's executed."
"Remember our goal here is to understand what the essence of a diagonal argument is."
"The specific way in which the world is divided up into concepts is fundamentally different for each language."
"It's like physics without gravity."
"The Scarlet King, Dipesh told him, is an idea, a concept."
"The concept never gets old and never goes out of style."
"time is this thing where we're applying the rules and we keep on applying them we keep on applying them that successive application of rules that is the progress of time"
"It's kind of like a circle; where's the beginning of the circle? It's like, well, if we are actually going to draw the circle on a piece of paper, then there's a beginning to it, but conceptually there's no beginning to it."
"It's a region of SpaceTime with the property that if you enter you can't leave."
"The idea of Authenticit is to be open source."
"Also, Shriek becoming Shriek, the villain mainly uses sound waves is definitely an interesting idea for a villain."
"So that's the whole concept here."
"That's the idea behind the spinning spaceship."
"I absolutely love the atmosphere and the concept of this movie."
"From the very first moments that an idea of something is formed, it is limited because limitation is the only way it can exist."
"sometimes you have like a really big Concept in mind but the songs are just okay or the execution isn't fully there"
"It's exactly what it needs to be, and I don't really think it could be made better because it's such a stupid concept."
"That's the idea of a corporation."
"I liked the idea of the female wrestlers competing in an 'I Quit' match."
"Healthy food in a hospital, what a concept."
"For example when the last predator movie was coming out it introduced us to a whole new concept of how predators were changing and evolving."
"We somehow live in an era where this unique concept of DC's biggest cash cow isn't being utilized and portrayed in the public eye as much as it should be because let's be for real, Batman Beyond deserves more respect."
"I feel like it's something so simple."
"I love the concept, I love the fact that you're using a fruiting plant to give you not only fruit but a function."
"A TV script lives and dies by its concept, the core idea behind the show that will make people want to watch the pilot and keep watching the series."
"I really like Tetris, it's one of the best. Like, conceptually incredible."
"The idea of killing God is actually a very deep concept in and of itself, right?"
"The premise of vampires coming out with 30 Days of Night to play around with is a great concept that they take full advantage of."
"...a equals RB makes perfect sense again, it has to do with this basic idea that information is not where you think it is."
"They're two sides of the same coin."
"What exactly is time? How does it work moving from past to present and into the future?"
"Try to give me a story about something, like try to have a concept. Wow, if you have a concept, the music is gonna hit everyone, wow."
"Haunted house concept came with it, now set to be at the end of the park's Main Street."
"This is based on the idea that any subject no matter how complex can be simplified into basic shapes like circles, ovals, triangles, and rectangles."
"It's hard to fight a war when you're fighting a concept. Terrorism is like saying we're going to fight ugly."
"Space itself is just a crazy concept, too big for me to get my head around."
"So, to understand nothing, you have to understand what something is."
"This is such a weird restaurant concept like welcome to Hassan sloppy steaks where your steaks are sloppy and the sink is in the middle of the restroom."
"Time is just a construct of human perception."
"Transculturation as a concept is at the very center of the formation of many cultural realities that we can experience today in Caribbean islands."
"We put the wormhole there as in humanity, the future of humanity."
"Think of money as a database for resource allocation."
"The concept of a summer camp makes it so easy to maintain."
"There is a bonus month called 'Soul' lying between June and July."
"The whole idea here is simplicity."
"Tau is the ticking meter of how much life you have left to live."
"One of the most powerful concepts constructs in computer science is just the idea of a pointer."
"This concept of the de Broglie wavelength is ubiquitous throughout."
"This is what we're talking about with the asymmetric."
"This is the definition of freedom, ladies and gentlemen."
"I love this idea that you bring up of emergence places."
"Zero is false, that's really nice. I like that, that's cool."
"...it was very much an abstract thing..."
"Well she revived this pop sound this is her first concept album by definition where she takes the concept concept of Eternal Sunshine."
"I've got a new restaurant it's an Italian restaurant for people with brittle bones called the stereo / OSIS."
"The idea of success that I have now is freedom."
"The concept for this movie is really interesting."
"the concept of this movie was really interesting but like the way it was executed it was just perfect"
"The force that's able to control is the most powerful concept Araki has explored so far with his writing."
"I think the idea for the song is actually really funny. I like the idea, I like the concept of the song 'bodysuit'. I think it's really funny."
"It's just such a unique concept that I love so much."
"War, it's an interesting concept."
"I think that's a fairly succinct idea about the mental health crisis."
"Present discounted value is one of the most fundamental concepts in finance."
"I've spent the last like 20 minutes talking about why the show didn't work. It didn't fit the concept HBO chose."
"That's the idea of a [__] heat angle."
"Like many concept reveals, Citroën were at pains to tell the press this was just a concept and that they didn’t plan on producing it, whilst secretly harbouring hopes the press would love it."
"Reality escapes all concepts. If you say there is a God, that's a concept. If you say there is no God, that's a concept."
"Every YouTube channel needs to have a controlling idea."
"40% of the people in the United States read one book or less last year. The whole concept is totally flawed."
"Consider now in the case of the animals, how we employ the concept of freedom."
"Daredevil is a blind superhero. That's actually it. I love that concept."
"Now, I come to the concept, I'm in this issue, and I won't impose on anybody. I won't even argue with somebody. 'You're right, I'm wrong.' I wouldn't."
"The concept in the movie was tough. I couldn't imagine reading it like in a comic."
"That's a fire concept to think about."
"An intelligent Titan is conceived when a pure Titan lacking intelligence consumes another."
"Personally, I love the concept, hate the execution."
"It's a bold idea built on a concept that makes a ton of sense."
"The concept is creative. The concept is very fun."
"It's such a beautiful core understanding that a lot of people don't even have a concept of."
"This concept is rooted in the idea that, within the Universe and other closed systems, entropy will continue to rise until it attains its peak value."
"Love the concept, hate the execution on this one."
"Personalization becomes a very critical concept in all my thinking."
"The concept is very simple and it's actually directly related to laboratory science."
"Done properly, there would be a little D-shaped window."
"It follows us through a week. Right, and it's called X-Men 3."
"I think it's a fabulous concept... I think it's really been an incredible restaurant."
"Evil is the concept that births evil."
"It's a cool concept for a horror film."
"This is absolutely amazing and very, very, very important concept in Cypress."
"I truly just loved this story conceptually. To portray that hormonal, emotional, pubescent time in a kid's life as this actual massive monster that emerges. The fluffiest puberty Hulk."
"Evil is simply a man-made concept in the first place."
"This is the coolest concept in the freaking world."
"...time horror when it's like time travel and stuff."
"So, what they all somehow also called themselves Amazo? Oh, well, I'm amazed. Oh man, I think Reggie knows where it came from, so he decided to use it all so no one else really baked off of this concept."
"It's such an evocative kind of idea for a tome, such a great thing."
"I really do love the concept of a Spider-Man suit being created from the Uru metal used to make Thor's hammer, Mjolnir."