
Excuses Quotes

There are 836 quotes

"The most insidious thing about excuses is you have a valid reason to feel like a victim, but the question is, is that going to serve you moving forward?"
"It's easy to be the victim, it's easy to say, make excuses for yourself and say, well, I didn't want to do this, I wasn't feeling this, or this thing happened, or the circumstance happened, but you cannot negotiate your dreams and your goals."
"If you really want to do something, you'll find a way; if you don't, you'll find an excuse." - Jim Rohn
"One thing I realized about excuses is once you start making them, it's really easy to keep doing it. It's very contagious."
"Stop making excuses, stop justifying your laziness, stop choosing mediocrity."
"The gray are excuses, in my view, and we can rationalize and make stuff up all day long to make ourselves feel better."
"If you're interested, you'll do what's convenient. You'll come up with stories and excuses and reasons why you can't. But if you're committed, you will do whatever it takes."
"Finding like-minded people, there's not enough talent in this country, this town — these are just fucking excuses."
"Mr. Hall, I was surfing the crimson wave. I had to haul ass to the ladies."
"I've been under the weather, and it's not that I wasn't excited to see you."
"There are only two options: make progress or make excuses."
"Excuses are the tools of incompetence; they build monuments of nothing."
"Doing something anyway as a practice will help you beat just about any excuse."
"If you really want it bad enough, you'll find a way. If not, you'll find excuses."
"You can only have two things in life, reasons or results. Notice reasons don't count."
"Excuses are tools of incompetence, and people who use them rarely amount to anything."
"Vision eliminates excuses. When you get a vision, excuses become irrelevant."
"Making excuses for the other person is a red flag within you."
"The CEO had been tired of hearing the same excuses and wanted hard data."
"You can have success, you can have excuses, but you can't have both."
"I don't like excuses, I don't like injustice, but I don't like excuses."
"I'm fed up of excuses, and I think most people are at this point."
"Lame excuses are interesting because we think they exonerate us from our responsibility."
"The biggest barriers to my success are my own excuses."
"You're just making excuses. Don't be gun excuses. You can find opportunities. Don't accept excuses."
"There's no longer any room for excuses. Excuses are tools of the incompetent, used to build bridges to nowhere and monuments of nothingness."
"They built global warming into the excuse side of things."
"It's insane to think that that's an excuse for being handed a loaded weapon."
"You're right, even if you have a shitty upbringing, it's not an excuse."
"Anything you want to do in life is possible, no matter what it is. That's when people make excuses, it's like stop."
"I think it's up to everybody to be as big as they want to be but if you're not happy with your size don't make excuses."
"Wake up on time... persistently bigger than your excuses."
"You can make excuses but excuses get you nowhere."
"Took a break to try... I've taken one too many excuses."
"Liking them in advance on credit, yes, and then giving excuses for their uncouth behavior."
"You can't make anything an excuse in the world."
"For all my dreamers, for all my hustlers, for all my girls reading this who are building and planning, don't you dare compare your beginning with someone else's middle."
"She could have saved herself so easily if she just went, 'Yes, I panicked and said I had a brain disorder.'"
"People can get grumpy when they're hungry and tired, that is true. And that could be the reason that a person is grumpy to you but that's not an excuse to be grumpy or rude to another person."
"You're back at work you can't use this as some lazy excuse to not go to work just because you now have a permanent headache."
"Yandere Dev was just desperately trying to come up with excuses to buy himself more time not necessarily to finish the game but to extend his shelf life of YouTube fame."
"Mental health and trauma were kind of being used as a shield or a scapegoat for bad behavior."
"Your habitual all-night parties are the real reason for your supposed exhaustion."
"Now's the perfect time, you literally don't have any excuse not to do this."
"If good can win, you have no excuse. Or maybe you do."
"Conservatism is usually just a political excuse for thinly veiled bigotry."
"Never ascribe to malice that which is adequately explained by incompetence, busyness or laziness." - Napoleon Bonaparte, Tim Ferriss, and I
"Girl, realistically, a lot of people give a million excuses. You're playing trivia down that. This is it, mama."
"Everything for the last three years has been totally voluntary, there's no getting around it, you can't use a job for an excuse."
"Remember when you were a kid and the lamest excuse in the world was 'my dog ate my homework'? Well, most of us are far removed from those days."
"Push through the excuses, habits, fears, and constraints."
"In some weird way, I can make excuses for the other men that I've taken a look at. Corey, for example, crosses the line between idiotic and selfish to lacking humanity."
"We need to stop being handed excuses and start being told you know how to do this figure out what you need to do."
"Oh no, poor schooling... This is excuse after excuse for why Black people can't get ahead."
"I think that we're taught wrongly that it's other people's responsibility to give you, to make you, to do you, to make you, but everybody it's really easy to find an excuse not to show up."
"Governments are allowed to lie as long as they have some sort of excuse why they need to lie."
"Anytime you have a desire to achieve a goal but you allow something in the back of your mind to prevent you from doing that unfortunately is an excuse across the board."
"Plausible deniability is being able to say, 'Well hey, you can get this, you can open up the wallet and there's nothing in there.'"
"I know that when I die I'll have lived my whole life shrouded by that same excuse."
"When you love somebody, you're going to make excuse after excuse after excuse for them. You still care about them; you still can't imagine your life without them."
"People are just looking for an excuse to buy something."
"You don't have any excuse... What you are discovering is not that 30 is washed."
"I see opportunities to get better, in my opinion, a limitation is largely an excuse."
"I'm doing a dry fast to deal with that, so anyway, my apologies for being late."
"One kind of people don't want to admit that you have made us mistake and those people try to make all kinds of excuses and the other group accept"
"I think it's just easy excuses, you know? Well, that guy, you know, he's having a Roid Rage or whatever, but no, I don't think it necessarily changed my personality."
"The number one excuse I hear from people for not cooking is being too busy."
"People just think, 'Well, I'd like to do that but I'm just too busy.'"
"Don't make excuses and don't accept excuses from yourself."
"When the dissertation is done, so are the excuses."
"If you want their results, then you got to lose your motherfucking excuses."
"If it's important enough, you'll make the time. If it's not, you'll make an excuse."
"Not enough time is not an excuse to not bullet journal."
"Incompetence and ignorance are not excuses for breaking the law."
"Deep down in your heart, you could say some messed up stuff or do some messed up stuff and know you're wrong as hell. And it may bring to your attention even clearer when you got people around you that try to make excuses for that mess."
"There will always be an excuse not to do something. The only way that you can is by holding yourself accountable."
"Don't let gear be your excuse for not creating good content."
"They could like, have literally no excuse or reason at all other than just being a terrible parent."
"What really gets me is the excuses that people will make for this show."
"But still, that's no excuse... this is what SWAT teams literally trained for..."
"This isn't a good apology, just a person trying to find excuses."
"This bike has inbuilt excuses, brilliant. I love this bike."
"You get in trouble trying to make excuses for Trump because he doesn't make sense."
"You don't take excuses and you don't make excuses."
"It's time to stop making excuses and actually start generating results."
"Stop looking for excuses and stop trying to pass the blame onto someone else."
"Complaining and excuses are the enemy to preparation for your future."
"It's not that you don't have time, you won't."
"This whole interview is an excuse for inaction and saying oh anyone who's talking bad about us or criticizing us must be acting in bad faith."
"Yeah, that's the truth, one a lot of people's excuses."
"People will come up with anything because this shit scares them."
"Imagine if you use the 'it's been worse' excuse about climate change or racism."
"No amount of excuses will make me feel at peace with this."
"There's no excuse honestly there really is no excuse."
"What makes a real man is just one that doesn't make excuses."
"So don't don't discourage yourself and don't screw yourself with some excuse."
"Robert will have a hundred excuses to why he can't do something."
"Excuses are the rationalization of a mistake; if you didn't make a mistake, you'd never mention the excuse."
"Fear is really BS; if you sit and think about it, it's a BS excuse that paralyzes you."
"Excuses sound best to the person that's making them up."
"Alcohol is used as an excuse for that sort of behavior all the time."
"I borrowed your car since mine actually broke down. Totally explainable."
"Let's blame the game. I mean, isn't that kind of a cheap way out?"
"Reason number three: you're making too many excuses and having too much self-doubt."
"There is no excuse, it's just me being sensible."
"Excuses never matter. Excuses only matter after you've circumvented them and became who you needed to become."
"There's no barrier to entry. There's no excuses."
"Excuses only sound good to the people who are giving them."
"Excuses are the common denominator of failure."
"Excuses won't work for you anymore. Now you're self-accountable."
"What excuses are you making every single day that are stopping you from getting and creating the reality that you truly deserve?"
"Life happens, Mr. Rossende. I believe we have all been through a time where we've been forced by life to be late for something."
"If you got in trouble for forgetting Valentine's Day, just tell your significant other literally everybody forgot about it."
"If you really want to achieve something, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find excuses."
"Stop making excuses. Prioritize your priorities. [Forget] your sports, your politics, [forget] the drama and the gossip."
"Instead of people just acknowledging the fact that pretty much 100 of software is like either 100 or 1 000 times slower than it should be uh they just make all these excuses as to why that is."
"There's no excuses for this stuff being slow, it's so simple, very, very simple, small amount of code."
"Stop pushing things back, stop blaming the supply chain, start taking responsibility for what you should be doing."
"There are three kinds of people: the ones who commit to change, the excuse makers, and the ones who talk a lot but don't change."
"Don't use it as an excuse not to do anything."
"I'm sick of people making excuses for racism and colorism."
"Don't use it as an excuse not to help someone."
"I really do think that if we stop making excuses..."
"I believe they're just saying that because they want to have the easy way out on this."
"Destiny's actions and his way of responding to situations that do not favor him are the sole reasons as to why he is the number one disliked figure in the commentary community."
"There's a ready-made excuse there, and I think sometimes that benefits United."
"Their excuses are getting weaker and weaker."
"Nobody can use not knowing the time as an excuse for being late to class."
"Some women seem to sidestep these desires, making excuses and playing the field without a care for the emotional investments men put into these connections."
"They make excuses to see you... if they make some kind of excuse like that they want to see you."
"Saying it will be better tomorrow with no change is just an excuse to do nothing today."
"The possibilities are endless for what we can do, and I think we should start taking more action and stop making excuses."
"All excuse is a thin skin of fear stretched tightly over a bald-faced lie."
"There is no time to wait, there is no time to waste. It is time for excuses to end."
"I suggest you become obsessed about the things you want otherwise you're going to spend a lifetime being obsessed with making up excuses as to why you didn't get the life you wanted."
"It was my idea, and the only reason why you were winning is because I was lagging."
"If you're not living here you always have the excuse of like I could have made it if I'd I could have done that but if you don't live here you can just keep using that excuse."
"You can push through your excuses one by one with the actions that you take."
"Don't get caught up in excuses; take action now."
"Hey, sorry, it wasn't my fault. I had [__] to do."
"We all have worldly excuses that weigh us down."
"Keep your same darn typical excuses, keep calling it crap because it's a toy show. I mean, you know, that doesn't make it bad just because it sells toys."
"No one wants to hear the excuses no one no one cares."
"None of the excuses you can come up with are valid."
"Stop making excuses for things you know are not acceptable."
"And the true you, the true you if I hear people talk about I was drunk that's why I ended up sleeping with him or ended up sleeping with her or I was no you just watched something for blame it pun."
"You never played the game. Go ahead, blame your mommy, blame your papi, but don't try and tell us you could have been one of the greats."
"People are making excuses, and we shouldn't be making excuses."
"Excuses have short legs... You cannot excuse all the time." - Cristiano Ronaldo
"I'm sorry I couldn't do better, but I got my own problems." - Lando Calrissian
"No more terror birds! Can very legitimately blame that on the baby, which is incredible."
"The only thing that's gonna hold you back is an excuse."
"There are two types of people in the world. You have people on one side who have reasons, they'll tell you all the [ __ ] reasons why they can't become successful."
"So many times it's the, 'Oh, I'm so sorry I can't come, I have a volunteer gig on Wednesdays,' but I'd love to come next time you do it or whatever."
"This governor has more angles than a geometry book, more excuses for these things that he's done."
"What if we actually just didn't have that excuse... yeah yeah yeah I guess we can do it."
"What excuse have you been using to not do what you know you need to do?"
"There are only two things one is success and second is excuse choice is yours."
"The injury problem is an excuse but it's also not an excuse."
"I always felt like I would make up excuses for myself or try to justify what was going on... postpartum depression is not a cookie cutter thing."
"Sasuke, I hate to break it to you, but we need an excuse for you to go to the hospital for a couple of weeks."
"The path to failure and regret is excuses and procrastination, nothing less."
"Dude, it's not fair using your cat hood as an excuse, only at times like this."
"Everybody can say, 'I don't have money, I can't afford it.' He says that's why he's poor."
"When you want it that bad... why the fuck are you two coming up with excuses for not doing it?" - Gary
"No more excuses that's the change that happened."
"Are you a person who demands answers or are you a person who accepts excuses? Are you a person who demands results or are you a person that accepts excuses?"
"Your perceptions are adjusting correctly when you start killing excuses in your life."
"At some stage, you've got to stop using it as an excuse."
"The reason that people do not pursue their dreams with blacksmithing is always the same."
"Financial freedom starts with cutting excuses."
"Blame the rain, claim responsibility for Ira. Don't be silly, there's always a reason, there's never just a 'I'm sorry we messed up'."
"Enough with the excuses, we need accountability."
"Stop telling yourself you don't have time. It's a habit. It's an excuse."
"Excuses, I was always taught, are the tools that build monuments of nothingness."
"Don't use your 'why' as an excuse as of why you're not doing the things that you said you would in order to change your reality to help your 'why.'"
"Why can't Genin, what's the excuse they simply just can't find one anymore except copium."
"The only excuses in life is the ones you make."
"It's never the right time to do anything, so you're always gonna have an excuse. There's always going to be, 'Man, I don't have the money, I shouldn't switch it right now, maybe it's next year.'"
"Violence is absolutely a red flag, but unfortunately, people still make excuses."
"Excuses are like [ __ ], everybody's got one."
"If a reason doesn't stop everyone from doing something, it's not a reason; it's an excuse."
"Anyone can have any excuse, okay? Think about everything that could get in your way."
"That's an excuse right? That's an excuse me why they're going to use it."
"I'm too afraid to fail, I'm too afraid of all these stupid reasons that all of us give ourselves."
"I feel like when people be like using their past as the reason why they do drugs or they do this or do that, I feel like it's an excuse."
"Excuses are nothing but nails used to build houses of failure."
"You had to be greater than your greatest excuse."
"If you really want something, you're gonna find a way. If not, you're gonna find an excuse."
"Your dream isn't scary at all; your excuses and your fear of it and your joking is what's scary."
"If it's important, people find a way. If it's not, they find an excuse."
"Blame is a guarantee that the excuse will prevail."
"Excuses are for people that don't look for solutions and that like to suffer and wallow in their problems."
"People want to use excuses to stay stuck."
"Poverty mindset is literally when people are okay with staying broke or poor when people are making excuses about why they can't do better."
"99% of all failures come from people who have a habit of making excuses."
"Excuses are just well planned lies."
"She claimed it wasn't over the lizard and it was a gathering, not even centered around the lizard."
"I can't become successful I can't become a business owner because of XYZ excuse or XYZ reason it's not that your excuse or your feeling isn't valid"
"There are a thousand excuses for failure, but never a good reason."