
Spiritual Life Quotes

There are 1117 quotes

"To be able to do that, to be able to open up, to be able to see what a beautiful person you are inside, that's some of the purpose of our spiritual life."
"The spiritual life is all about bringing yourself to the point to make that decision and then, by God, live by it."
"The fear of God will eradicate all other fears."
"I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me."
"The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life."
"Organization, intentionality, and discipline are marks of a spirit-filled life."
"So run to win... We do this, we live uncomfortable, we become disciplined ones or disciples for an eternal prize."
"Abiding in Him, abiding in His word, and abiding in His love, it's a game changer."
"God has made us competent to be ministers of a new covenant, not of the letter but of the Spirit; for the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life."
"Walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh."
"Developing the habit, getting up every morning at the same time so that your day is very consistent, helps make the spiritual life easier."
"Life at its best is a life that discovers just how much God truly loves you."
"Christ's central purpose was not to come to make bad people good; He came to make dead people live."
"The purpose of my life is to become God's friend and that means I'm more conformed to love."
"To be conformed to God is to have a fully meaningful life."
"Awaken to the importance of really living out our relationship with God and recognizing the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives."
"The spiritual life is anything but boring. It is, at least, the ultimate adventure."
"Spiritual life means a life of betterment and growth, not just for our own ego needs but for the needs of others, our community, and planet at large."
"A prayerless Christian is a powerless Christian."
"You cannot live without the Holy Spirit; you cannot live without God's word. The men of God come to supplement; they don't come to substitute your relationship with the Lord."
"The Christian life is impossible, apart from the Holy Spirit."
"A theologically dedicated life is far more inspiring and fulfilling than any kind of vacuous mindless carnal pleasures."
"You cannot be an effective Christian and not have at least one enemy."
"Don't settle for easy life, settle for a good life, and that life is first and foremost spiritual."
"The service that my mom was in was much louder 'cause she screamed and went kinda crazy, but the title is 'Dangerous Prayers' and the subtitle is, 'Because following Jesus was never meant to be safe.'"
"I truly believe that as we worship the Lord, there is tremendous breakthrough that takes place in our lives."
"It's possible to live in this world and have friends that don't really live for God but you yourself still be able to be all in for God."
"You're in that zone where it's like yeah I'm gonna be hopeful I hope you're saved."
"If you cannot do anything apart from the life of Christ in you, then you can do anything according to the life of Christ in you."
"People who have truly been regenerated by the Spirit of God find it a pleasure to come to the house of God."
"Live your life looking for Jesus, but just know this as a Believer: this world is not our home, but we fight for our freedom and liberty more than anybody else, right?"
"I want to be on the side of glory, I don't want to be on the side of safe, I don't want to be on the side of comfortable."
"Express appreciation for the miracle you're experiencing."
"The first step of being a good evangelist is being a saint."
"His constant life... is constantly making you close to God."
"Pornography leads you away from being like Jesus."
"Jesus was put to death in the flesh but made alive in the spirit, in which he went and made a proclamation to the spirits in prison."
"I'm under the grace of the resurrected savior."
"To walk in the Spirit is to live moment by moment in dependence upon him, sensitive to his voice, and in obedience to him."
"If the Spirit prompts you and you ignore it, what would you call that? Disobedience."
"Fearing God is the source of every blessing imaginable."
"Praying in accordance with the Bible... is the will of God."
"A life spent in the presence of the Holy Spirit can transform the nations!"
"When your reality is not in alignment with the promises of god don't you neglect or nullify or reinterpret the promises of god you've got to stand on the promises of god."
"Come on, come on, come on. God's got a plan for your life."
"God forbids sins because He loves us and knows it will give us the most life."
"We want to live in Christ, that's our appeal for each of you."
"Praying in the Holy Ghost, finding souls, pulling them from the fire, one church, one person, one family, one nation at a time."
"There's one fear in scripture that's actually good and that's the fear of the Lord."
"One word from God can change your entire life."
"If I wake up more worried about what people say about me than what God thinks about me, I'm dead in the water anyways."
"What is the sum of life without God? It is this: a man lived and a man died. However, a life with God is a life with all of the advantages required to live fulfilled."
"Let God fill you with his purpose and then you will not have to exist in the realm of vanity."
"Lord, we want to tell you how grateful we are for eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. I don't know how we would make it through times like these without knowing that you love the world so much that you gave your only begotten Son for us."
"You'll never understand or be able to enjoy life at its best until you surrender your life to Christ."
"Believing in Yahushua is not just so that we go to heaven, but also so that we can live out the purpose we were created for."
"Life is not about doing what you want, it's about doing what our Father wants."
"Friendship with the Holy Spirit will change your life."
"All ministry is an overflow of your walk with the Holy Spirit."
"I am convinced that the most heavenly minded Christian is the one who does the most earthly good."
"Live a little bit longer and serve God longer."
"What are you intensely asking or begging God to do through your life that will last forever?"
"If it is not bringing you to your knees at the feet of the Savior in conviction over your sin and his lordship, it won't matter in the end."
"Concrete examples of holiness of life concrete witness for Christ."
"You are a sinner in need of a savior, new life in Christ can start for you today."
"Christ comes during the last days so that all those who truly believe in him may be provided with life."
"When you walk with God long enough you recognize his voice."
"In State of Decay, survivors' permadeath is a real deal. Once gone, they're gone forever."
"The most important thing we can do is to begin to decree audibly God's word over our lives."
"It's about finding truth, diving into his word, and living a good life, and that's it."
"We need resurrection power in our lives; Christ came with resurrection power to set you and I free."
"The only way to keep your house in check is if you've got a firm foundation rooted in the fact that there is a God and you are not him."
"I came to give you life and not only that, abundantly."
"If anything doesn't give you Bligh's and abundant life then it's not from our Lord Jesus Christ and his father."
"Get your emotional and spiritual life in position, because I'm getting ready to do a new thing."
"Don't let your pursuing of a relationship disrupt your pursuit of God."
"The essential nature of being in prayer on a regular basis."
"Our role is to bring the music, the lore, the worship, and the culture of heaven into the earth."
"The church doesn't start and end in these walls, you are the church."
"Freedom comes in the earthly sense of course from Jesus Christ and obeying to the scriptures."
"Let the dunya be a means to the akhirah. You use the actions of the dunya to make sure that it solidifies or helps you in remembering the akhirah."
"When you wake up, you say, 'God, I belong to you. I'm not living to please people, I want to live to glorify Jesus.'"
"Success isn't something that I accomplish in the future, it's being faithful to Jesus today."
"God isn't a God that settles. Not good is not good enough."
"Every conflict in your life... has one purpose. It's to send you to your knees."
"This is a spiritual issue. This is a character issue."
"We can conquer society's lies through the way we live our lives in and through Jesus Christ."
"The Christian life is not hard; it is impossible without the Holy Spirit's power."
"We come to Islam to seek truth, which means it's always balanced. Allah has given us rights and responsibilities."
"He made the sky balanced so you lead a balanced life."
"When God makes a crazy way... once you find out that this is how God wants you to live... it's supposed to create a crazy wave."
"You can stay the course. You can be consistent. You can live the victorious Christian life for the rest of your life."
"You're not living until you're living on the kingdom economy."
"Your promise to me is that if I abide in you and if your words abide in my heart then I will ask whatever I desire and it shall be done for me."
"Praying the scriptures means praying the will of God for your life."
"Simple assent to the gospel divorced from a transforming commitment to the Living Christ is by biblical standards less than faith and less than saving." - J I Packer
"Our only true fulfillment is going to be living the life that God fulfilled for us."
"Witnessing is not what you do it's who you are."
"You ask God to forgive you for your sin and tell Him, 'Lord, I want you to govern my life, guide my life, show me the way.'"
"The struggle in the Christian life is to surrender habits to Christ."
"Even the ordinary can have extraordinary impact when offered to God."
"You better be walking very very close to god because I see some very very demonic things happening in the world today."
"Every moment of Our Lives as Believers is an ongoing continuous Perpetual conversation with god that is called prayer."
"What is it to be an Orthodox Christian? It means to die daily, to live a life of repentance."
"Allowing the Holy Spirit access to our hearts is essential for salvation."
"The strength or weakness of a society depends more on the level of its spiritual life than on its level of industrialization. Neither a market economy nor even general abundance constitutes the crowning achievement of human life."
"The lifestyle of a believer should stagger the imagination of the world."
"Thank you that we're dead to sin and alive to God in Christ Jesus."
"Singleness is awesome! Life with Jesus is one big great adventure. It's full of spontaneity, ups, and downs. Singleness has beautiful things about it."
"You bother the devil more than he can bother you when you are praising the Lord."
"What God says is I perfectly... want to complete your life."
"Why are you guys worshiping and praising and spending all your energy and time on things that are passing away?"
"If you take a good thing and make it your ultimate thing instead of God."
"Christianity is boring if you don't have the Holy Spirit."
"We can all walk in the spirit and that power gives you Authority."
"I'm here to remind them that it's because of you we live move and have our being it's because of you we didn't lose our mind and what we were in God today we don't ask you for anything we just simply thank you for everything."
"Faith is not a passive stance but an active engagement with the world."
"The Word of God is the imperishable seed that brings forth life to those who hear it and believe it."
"We are to love others because Jesus Christ first loved us. We are to forgive because we are forgiven people of God."
"The faith must be more important to you than your daily food."
"While everyone is subject to a fallen human nature, we also believe that by God's grace and through the encouragement of the community of faith, an individual may live in harmony with the principles of God's Word."
"If a believer's life isn't supernatural, it's irrelevant."
"Jesus doesn't say follow me in the sense that he wants you to just kind of mimic him he's saying literally be with me be like me."
"God wants to empower you to fulfill his purpose for your life."
"The only question you have to ask is with whatever ability you have with whatever money you have with whatever time you have: are you being faithful to Jesus in those things?"
"Your soul is saved in real space, loving your spouse, loving your parents, loving your neighbor, loving your children, loving your God by being in His presence and in their presence."
"When God tells you he has designed for you a life of victory and glory, he says that on the strength of the provisions that he has made available to you."
"When God breathes on you, His breath brings life to you."
"I declare that devil of darkness leaves your life forever, you are made whole now, you remain whole forever in Jesus' name."
"Your life will become an unending epistle of signs and wonders in Jesus' name."
"As God's children, we should be living doxologies of thankfulness and worship."
"You may cloud it up with sin, but one thing for certain: you sin against God after you're saved, the Holy Spirit living inside of you to convict us of sin, show us the truth, make us miserable in order to get us back, God."
"Good works are a reflection of the God in you."
"If you're going to go all the way, you must cling to Him. You must hold fast to the Lord in times of prayer and the Word. And please, don't compromise that for anything."
"When we talk about the kingdom, what we're saying is you're dwelling in the presence of God, He's with us, Emmanuel, God with us."
"I'm part of the fellowship of the unashamed. The die has been cast. I won't look back."
"Lay your hands on your belly and say, 'Lord, don't let revival fail in me.'"
"Don't just obey in my presence. Obey God even more in my absence."
"The Word has power. The Word of God is what sets our spiritual boundaries."
"We've got to pursue peace and holiness, for without holiness no individual will see the Lord."
"Submission to God, peacefully submitting to the will of God. My will comes from my ego, God's will comes from a training that transcends that."
"Jesus is the most important thing in my life."
"We are conduits of the life of God, the love of God, and the power of God."
"The ministry, this church, is about the salvation of people, not just getting them saved to get to heaven, but getting them saved so that heaven can get into them so that they can destroy hell."
"My life is moving at the speed of relationships, my relationship with my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ."
"Nothing can compare to a life lived for God's glory and purpose."
"If you walk in the spirit, you will never fulfill the desires of the flesh."
"When you visualize your success, you'll start to accelerate."
"Christ risen from the dead lives in us, he will now make sacramentally new his sacrifice on Calvary to nourish his life within us."
"A person who pleases God is a person who seeks the fruit of the Spirit in his life."
"If you think that moms don't matter, go up to somebody who's a guy who's bigger than you and insult his mother and see what happens."
"Live in the light, do what you need to do. Spirit is protecting and watching."
"Everything is spiritual, nothing is secular."
"He died for all so that they who live might no longer live for themselves but for him who died and rose again on their behalf."
"Love for God, love for self, and love for others."
"A life watered by God's presence is a life of fruitfulness."
"The culmination of the Christian spiritual life is joy."
"Living a life of faith brings such peace and joy and happiness and love. It is a truly better way of living life."
"Every victory I win, I give God all the glory."
"I want to be a peacemaker because I have the peace of God in my heart and my life."
"A flourishing secret life is necessary for the believer."
"Blessed is the man who walks in the law of the Lord, like a tree planted by rivers of water."
"Life lived out of principle it only has a measure of success life lived out of the presence always brings breakthrough because it always demonstrates him it always demonstrates the person of breakthrough."
"We take Your word seriously... and we want to live the kind of lives that You want us to live."
"God's call on every human being is that we glorify Him by knowing Him accurately, enjoying Him intensely, and reflecting Him consistently."
"The life that's been purchased for you is the thriving life."
"We cannot thrive independent of intervention from God."
"In Islam, it should be between you and Allah."
"Thank you, Holy Spirit, Lord, thank you for what you're doing in every person's heart, every person's life, in Jesus' name."
"Blessed are they that do His commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life."
"We're designed for joy, designed to pray and make a difference."
"Every Christian should want to be a prophet."
"God is calling you to witness, not just to be successful, but to be fishers of men."
"The way you treat the call of God is the way God will treat your prayers."
"When we carry God's presence within us, we experience supernatural favor, guidance, and protection."
"If you're not seeing the supernatural, then you are living superficial."
"Give God your waking thoughts, waiting thoughts, whispering talks, and waning thoughts."
"Glory to God, may the light of God come to be on your life in all areas."
"God doesn't want you to sacrifice, he wants you to live and try to be a good person."
"Walking by the Spirit means making a daily choice."
"We should carry that Revival into our own lives."
"We only receive abundant life every day when we choose to walk in the Spirit."
"We need to be the sort of people who can bear witness to the grace of Jesus Christ."
"True almsgiving is giving up something that we want or that we need."
"If you live by the flesh you will die, if you live by the spirit you will live."
"On these two Commandments hang all the law and the prophets."
"Jesus did not come to make church members, but disciples."
"If you have the baptism of the Holy Ghost, if Jesus is alive inside of you, you are literally wonderful."
"God is more concerned about who you are versus what you do."
"Doesn't mean you'll live a perfect life, but it means by His grace and goodness and love and mercy and help, you can live a godly life."
"In Christ, we are dead to the desires of our flesh and made alive in the spirit."
"Living a spiritual life does not mean living in lack."
"Love for the Lord is obedient to His every word."
"To be a disciple, you have to be disciplined."
"It's not ignoring questions or struggles, it's focusing on Christ."
"Choosing to step into the will of God means living a godly life by His grace, goodness, love, and mercy."
"The aim of the Communist Utopia: total material abundance and freedom from responsibility."
"Speak to your finances, speak to your government, speak out just stand up in your living room and start talking the word of God."
"You become the best version of yourself... and you watch what God does in and through your life."
"Stop living in your human ways... come out of your ways into my way... that's what living by faith is."